Progressive Stages of Meditation On Emptiness Poem

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The Progressive Stages of Meditation on Emptiness

by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche

Authors Prostration The unequalled supreme teacher, the Lord Muni, The lords of the tenth bhumi, Maitreya, manjushri, and so on To those who make up the lineage of definitive meaning I prostrate with deep respect And will here explain the progressive stages of meditation on the absolute, that is emptiness. The Absence of Self In order to purify the clinging to the five skandhas as the self We have to develop a firm conviction that they are not the self. This is because the skandhas each individually are not the self And also the whole collection of skandhas is not the self. With this conviction we have to meditate. Chittamatra For the six kinds of beings with the six kinds of bodies as a ripened result Six kinds of appearances appear through the power of their dispositions. To humans as well, who have six kinds of sense-powers, Six kinds of appearances appear, also empowered by their dispositions. One single person is seen in different ways, And friends, enemies and so on change in different ways. Besides, these changes happen very quickly; Therefore we come to understand that everything is mistaken appearance due to dispositions. All changes are the changing of mistaken appearances. All changes are the changing of thoughts. The root of all changes is the changing of dispositions. Purify these by meditating on how everything is emptiness of duality, dharmata. What is perceived is mistaken appearance due to dispositions. Thus outside nothing exists as an object. Therefore the perceiver as well does not exist And thus dharmata, empty of both, is established. Prayer of Aspiration for Meditation on Chittamatra What constitutes the cause of all karma, afflictions and suffering Are dispositions toward mistaken dualistic appearances.

In order to purify these, May you in this life and throughout all lifetimes Meditate perfectly on dharmata, empty of duality.

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