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Teacher Contact Information Lisa Stone, publications Room Number: 123 Route 66 Phone: 961-9510 215! "-mail: lisa#stone$in%ianola#&12#ia#us
Plannin': 1st perio%

Student Objectives:
(%enti)* %i))erent t*pes o) ne+s stories an% st*les (%enti)* an% use appropriate )orms o) ,P st*le in +ritin' -omplete +ritin' assi'nments on time an% +ithin the speci)ie% len'th Rea%, respon% to, an% criticall* anal*.e a /ariet* o) ne+s stories Learn la*out techni0ues usin' (n1esi'n an% Photoshop

Course Outline:
2his is a +ritin' class# Stu%ents are e pecte% to %o the re0uire% rea%in' an% assi'nments# ,lon' +ith the +ritin' there +ill be a +ee&l* current e/ents 0ui. ta&en )rom local me%ia reports inclu%in', but not limite% to, 2he 1es 3oines Re'ister an% 2he Recor%-4eral% an% (n%ianola 2ribune# Stu%ents +ill also learn the ,ssociate% Press st*le o) +ritin' )or publications# 5ritin' assi'nments inclu%e: 3eetin' stor* Ne+s stor* Personalit* pro)ile Sports stor* Re/ie+ "%itorial

Required Materials:
1# Noteboo& 2# Pen or pencil 3# 5or&in' email a%%ress

Classroom Policies:
1# 2# 3# 9# 5# 6e prepare% 7 ha/e all materials *ou nee% +ith *ou +hen *ou come to class Respect each other, the teacher, the school, an% *oursel) 8ollo+ %irections the )irst time :se appropriate beha/ior an% lan'ua'e 2urn assi'nments in on time

Points are earne% throu'h completion o) assi'nments, class participation, tests, an% ;ra%es are base% on the total number o) points earne% in proportion to the number o) points possible )or the 0uarter# <ou are e pecte% to &eep trac& o) *our 'ra%es in (n)inite -ampus#

Grading Scale (%):

100 - 93 = , >6 7 >3 = 92 - 90 = ,>2 7 >0 = -!9 - !> = 6? 69 7 6> = 1? !6 - !3 = 6 66 7 63 = 1 !2 - !0 = 662 7 60 = 1>9 - >> = -? 59 an% belo+ = 8


4ome+or& is late i) it is not turne% in b* the en% o) the %a* it is %ue# Late home+or& +ill onl* recei/e hal) cre%it# 4ome+or& turne% in t+o or more %a*s late WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT. 8or e ample: <ou ha/e an assi'nment %ue on 3on%a* that *ou )or'et about, so *ou turn it in on 2ues%a*# 2he assi'nment +ill onl* recei/e hal) cre%it# () *ou )or'et to turn it in on 2ues%a*, on 5e%nes%a*, the assi'nment is +orth .ero# () *ou are absent, YOU are responsible )or 'ettin' the misse% assi'nments# <ou ha/e one %a* plus the number o) %a*s absent to turn in *our assi'nments# ,)ter that, missin' assi'nments +ill be late# Stu%ents 'one )or a school-sponsore% acti/it* must 'et an% turn in assi'nments be)ore the %ate o) the acti/it*# Li&e+ise, i) the stu%ent &no+s ahea% o) time that he or she +ill miss class on the %a* an assi'nment is %ue the assi'nment must be turne% in ahea% o) time unless other arran'ements ha/e been ma%e# @ther+ise it ma* be counte% as late# () a test or assi'nment is announce% ahea% o) time an% the stu%ent returns on the %a* the assi'nment or test is %ue, he or she +ill be re0uire% to han% in the assi'nment or ta&e the test on that %a*#


Classroom policies and procedures


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