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The Concept of Pressure Drop Hierarchy Minimization of Channeling Tendencies

Minimization of Channeling Tendencies


of the pipe. API 67% is not a recommendation! Consider 90% or more when possible Channeling is still possible in annuli with well centralized pipe, even with 100% standoff!!

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C.

Previous Concepts to Minimize Channeling


increasing toward the bottom of the

hole Consistency (rheology) increasing toward the bottom of the hole Plug flow

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C.

Better Concept to Minimize Channeling

Pressure Drop Hierarchy

Pressure drop depends on: rate density rheology well geometry: diameter, length


drop = f (Rate, Density, Rheology, Flow area, Length) Pressure drop includes all the import variables! It is a more general approach!!!
Beirute Consulting, L.L.C. 4

Pressure Drop Hierarchy


are talking here about friction pressure (resistance to flow). NO hydrostatic pressure!!!! Concept:
Low mobility (high pressure drop) fluids have low tendency to channel through high mobility (low pressure drop) fluids High mobility (low pressure drop) fluids have high tendency to channel through low mobility (high pressure drop) fluids

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C.

Race of the Fat and the Skinny Guy

Who is more likely to win?????????????

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C. 6

Hierarchy of Pressure Drop to Reduce Channeling Tendencies

To help with fluid displacement and to minimize potential for channeling, use a pressure drop hierarchy of the mud, spacer, and cement slurry. This means that each fluid (with the possible exception of the flush) should have a higher frictional pressure drop in the annulus at the given pump rate than the fluid above it. The rheology/density of the fluids needs to be designed to accomplish this for the given openhole annular configuration and the pump rates to be used in the job. In addition, whenever possible, each fluid density should be about 0.50 - 1.0 lb/gal greater than the density of the fluid it is displacing (density hierarchy)
Beirute Consulting, L.L.C. 7

Hierarchy of Pressure Drop

Reduces tendencies to channeling

Frictional Pressure drop increasing


Cement Hole Bottom

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C. 8

Using a Simulator - Cem-Job Example

Beirute Consulting, L.L.C.

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