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Statement Contact Communications, Inc is a provider of common carrier paging services.

Contact does not currently use customer proprietary network information (CPNI for internal marketing purposes or s!are CPNI wit! affiliates or wit! t!ird parties, ot!er t!an pursuant to re"uests #y duly$aut!ori%ed law enforcement officials. Conse"uently, Contact Communications, Inc is not re"uired to and does not maintain eit!er an opt$ in or opt$out system wit! respect to CPNI. In t!e event Contact Communications, Inc were to c!ange t!e ways in w!ic! it uses CPNI, any suc! c!ange would #e reviewed and approved #y t!e directors, w!o are familiar wit! t!e &CC's rules governing t!e use of CPNI and w!o are t!e certifying directors for CPNI purposes. Contact Communications, Inc !as esta#lis!ed procedures to maintain t!e security of CPNI of its customers. (ll servers are secure and located at its premises and CPNI is accessi#le only to trained employees !aving access to, or occasion to use CPNI to identify uses of CPNI not re"uiring customer aut!ori%ation under Section )*.+,,-. Contact Communications, Inc !as a disciplinary process in place if t!e rules are violated. Contact Communications, Inc issues #ills t!at include only t!e num#er of minutes used #y a customer, t!e per$minute rate, and t!e total fees. .epresentatives of Contact Communications, Inc release customer account information only after a caller !as esta#lis!ed t!at t!e re"uesting party is, in fact, t!e su#scri#er w!ose records are re"uested eit!er #y a pre$esta#lis!ed password, or, at t!e customer's re"uest, #y sending t!e call detail information to t!e customer's address of record or, #y calling #ack t!e customer at !is or !er telep!one num#er of record. Contact Communications, Inc will release C/I to law enforcement officials w!o present a su#poena signed #y a &ederal or State 0udge.

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