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Korea 39.

Describe the goal of North Korea started the Korean War.

The Cold War Expands

when they

Berlin 39.2

Term Definitions #ron C!rtain

Describe the #ron C!rtain$s effect on %erlin.

What was the So"iet$s goal for the %erlin bloc ade?

&'(lain the US reaction to the bloc ade.

What can yo! ass!me abo!t the scale of the airlift?


&'(lain the image that the #ron C!rtain has as its de(icted in the cartoons.

Czechoslovakia & Hungary 39.2

What was the role of the UN in Term Definitions the

Describe what the co!( d$)tat in C*echoslo"a ia said abo!t So"iet intentions in &astern &!ro(e.

Satellite Nations

What was the goal of the +!ngarian !(rising in ,-./?

&'(lain the So"iet reaction to the !(rising.

Ni ita Khr!shche"
What does the (hoto s!ggest abo!t the mood of the +!ngarian

(eo(le toward the So"iet Union? Korean War?

&'(lain what the images tell !s abo!t the So"iet goals in &!ro(e 0 how they treat the (eo(le within their hegemony.

Term Definitions Containment Term Definitions 3rms 4ace

China 39.3

Describe how China 1fell2 to comm!nism.

What was the US (olitical reaction bac home to the 1fall2?

&'(lain the relationshi( the US had with comm!nist China.

Mao Zedong M3D Theory

What does the (hoto im(ly abo!t Mao Zedong$s following?

&'(lain the effect of Chinese inter"ention into the Korean War.

What does the (hoto tell !s abo!t Korea$s terrain?

+ow does the cartoon com(are the 5eag!e of Nations to the United Nations.

CIA and the Third

orld 39.!

Describe the co"ert actions the C#3 !sed to contain comm!nism in the Third World. Why were the Third World nations im(ortant to the two s!(er(owers? 5ist the "ario!s locations were C#3 actions hel(ed to contain comm!nism.

What does the (hoto show abo!t what the C#3 was doing in Third World nations?

What does the cartoon im(ly abo!t why the C#3 !sed s!ch co"ert tactics to achie"e its goals.

Ar"s #ace 39.$

Describe the arms race between the US and the USS4.

What was the technological achie"ement of the #C%M? &'(lain the 6 and 7 im(act of the M3D theory.

What does the (hoto tell !s abo!t the technological ad"ances of the Cold War? What warning does the cartoon s!ggest?

The Cold War Expands

Term Definitions

United Nations C#3

DMZ World Third

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