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ATTACHMENT TO OFFICERS CPNI COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE Statement Regarding CPNI Operating Procedures Morris written CPNI Operating Procedures

ensure that Morris will be in compliance with 47 U.S.C. !!! and the rules contained in the "itle 47# Chapter $# Subchapter %# Part &4# Subpart U o' the Code o' (ederal )egulations. Included among the pro*isions o' Morris CPNI Operating Procedures are+ , re-uirement that Morris ha*e at all times a CPNI Compliance Super*isor to super*ise the implementation o' Morris CPNI Operating Procedures. Procedures are in place 'or sa'eguarding CPNI# including procedures 'or customer authentication and password protection o' CPNI. Newl. hired emplo.ees are gi*en training o' CPNI rules and a signed cop. is /ept on 'ile. 0ach .ear a mandator. re1training is gi*en to all emplo.ees with access to CPNI customer in'ormation to ensure compliance. 2etailed procedures 'or determining what o' customer appro*al is necessar. 'or use# disclosure and access to CPNI is included in the training. , re-uirement that the billing s.stem records 'or customers accounts allow the status o' the customers CPNI appro*al to be easil. ascertained. , re-uirement that personnel be trained as to when the. are and are not authori3ed to use CPNI. , written disciplinar. process 'or misuse o' CPNI. 2etailed 'iling# notice and record/eeping re-uirements. 2etailed procedures to be 'ollowed in the e*ent o' a breach o' CPNI. Morris does not use# disclose or allow access to CPNI 'or an. purpose that would re-uire customer appro*al under 47 U.S.C. !!! or the rules contained in the "itle 47# Chapter $# Subchapter %# Part &4# Subpart U o' the Code o' (ederal )egulations.

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