Granth Sahib 56

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rqy iesk Kudwie rMig dIdwr ky ] (488-8, Awsw, PrId jIa)

Those who are imbued wi h !o"e #or he $ord, are de!igh ed by %is &isio'( i"sirAw ij') 'wmu qy *uie *w+ ,Iey ]-] rhwa ] (488-., Awsw, PrId jIa) Those who #orge he /aam, he /ame o# he $ord, are a burde' o' he ear h( 00-00Pause00 Awi1 !Iey !i& !wie dir dr"ys sy ] (488-., Awsw, PrId jIa) Those whom he $ord a a2hes o he hem o# %is robe, are he rue der"ishes a %is 3oor( iq' 34'u j5ydI mwa Awey sP!u sy ]6] (488--7, Awsw, PrId jIa) *!essed are he mo hers who ga"e bir h o hem, a'd #rui #u! is heir 2omi'g i' o he wor!d( 00600 1r"dgwr A1wr Agm byAMq q8 ] (488--7, Awsw, PrId jIa) 9 $ord, :us ai'er a'd ;herisher, <ou are i'#i'i e, u'#a homab!e a'd e'd!ess( ij'w 1;wqw s2u 2uMmw 1<r m8M ]=] (488--7, Awsw, PrId jIa) Those who re2og'i>e he True $ord - I kiss heir #ee ( 00=00 qyrI 1'h Kudwie q8 bKsMdgI ] (488---, Awsw, PrId jIa) I seek <our Pro e2 io' - <ou are he ?orgi"i'g $ord( syK PrId< K<+ dIj< bMdgI ]4]-] (488---, Awsw, PrId jIa) P!ease, b!ess :haykh ?areed wi h he bou' y o# <our medi a i"e worshi1( 00400 -00 Awsw ] (488--6) Aasaa@ bo!< syK PrIdu i1Awry A!h !gy ] (488--6, Awsw, PrId jIa) :ays :haykh ?areed, 9 my dear #rie'd, a a2h yourse!# o he $ord( iehu q'u hosI Kwk i'mw5I gor Ary ]-] (488--6, Awsw, PrId jIa) This body sha!! ur' o dus , a'd i s home sha!! be a 'eg!e2 ed gra"eyard( 00 -00

Awju im!w"w syK PrId wikm k8Mj&IAw m'hu mi2Md&IAw ]-] rhwa ] (488--6, Awsw, PrId jIa)
<ou 2a' mee he $ord oday, 9 :haykh ?areed, i# you res rai' your bird-!ike desires whi2h kee1 your mi'd i' urmoi!( 00-00Pause00 jy jw5w mir jweBA< Auim ' AweBA< ] (488--=, Awsw, PrId jIa) I# I had k'ow' ha I was o die, a'd 'o re ur' agai', C8TI du'IAw !ig ' Aw1u "DweBA< ]6] (488--4, Awsw, PrId jIa) I wou!d 'o ha"e rui'ed myse!# by 2!i'gi'g o he wor!d o# #a!sehood( 00600 bo!IA< s2u 3rmu C8Tu ' bo!IA< ] (488--4, Awsw, PrId jIa) :o s1eak he Tru h, i' righ eous'ess, a'd do 'o s1eak #a!sehood( jo gu+ ds< "w murIdw jo!IA< ]=] (488--4, Awsw, PrId jIa) The dis2i1!e ough o ra"e! he rou e, 1oi' ed ou by he Auru( 00=00 ;<! !EAMdy 1wir gorI m'u 3IirAw ] (488--F, Awsw, PrId jIa)

:eei'g he you hs bei'g 2arried a2ross, he hear s o# he beau i#u! you'g sou!-brides are e'2ouraged( kM2' "4'y 1wsy k!"iq 2IirAw ]4] (488--F, Awsw, PrId jIa) Those who side wi h he g!i er o# go!d, are 2u dow' wi h a saw( 00400 syK h<GwqI jig ' koeB i,+ rihAw ] (488--H, Awsw, PrId jIa) 9 :haykh, 'o o'eIs !i#e is 1erma'e' i' his wor!d( ijsu Awsi5 hm b<Ty kyqy b<is gieAw ]F] (488--H, Awsw, PrId jIa) Tha sea , u1o' whi2h we 'ow si - ma'y o hers sa o' i a'd ha"e si'2e de1ar ed( 00F00 kiqk k8MjJ 2yiq #a sw"i5 ibju!IAJ ] (488--K, Awsw, PrId jIa) As he swa!!ows a11ear i' he mo' h o# Ka ik, #ores #ires i' he mo' h o# ;hay , a'd !igh 'i'g i' :aawa', sIAw!y sohLdIAJ i1r gi! bwh&IAJ ]H] (488--K, Awsw, PrId jIa) a'd as he brideIs arms ador' her husba'dIs 'e2k i' wi' erM00H00 2!y 2!5hwr i"2wrw !yie m'o ] (488--K, Awsw, PrId jIa) Cus so, he ra'si ory huma' bodies 1ass away( Ne#!e2 u1o' his i' your mi'd( gM?yidAJ i;A mwh qu&MidAw ihku iK'o ]K] (488--8, Awsw, PrId jIa) I akes si5 mo' hs o #orm he body, bu i breaks i' a' i's a' ( 00K00 ijmI 1u;< Asmw' PrIdw Ky" ikMi' gey ] (488--8, Awsw, PrId jIa) 9 ?areed, he ear h asks he sky, OJhere ha"e he boa me' go'ePO jw!5 gorJ 'wi! a!wmy jIA shy ]8]6] (488--., Awsw, PrId jIa) :ome ha"e bee' 2rema ed, a'd some !ie i' heir gra"esM heir sou!s are su##eri'g rebukes(

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