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The role of ICAO in aviation safety

ICAO Regulations of ATS Safety Management

Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) ATS Safety Management States responsibilities
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The Role of ICAO in Aviation Safety

The responsibilities of ICAO and its objectives are in the Chicago Convention

Promulgation of requirements
ICAO promulgate requirements for international civil aviation, such as Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), published in the International Civil Aviation Annexes. The Annexes are the basis of the ICAO regulations, including those related with Safety Management.

Article 44 requires ICAO to: Ensure the safe and orderly growth of civil aviation throughout the world Meet the needs of the people of the world for safe, regular, efficient and economical air transport Promote safety of flight in international aviation

Origin of ICAO Safety Requirements

The Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) was initialy proposed by the Air Navigation Commission in April 1997. GASP was supported by the ICAO 32nd Assembly in 1998.

Objetives of GASP
Reduce the number of accidents and deaths irrespective of air traffic volume. Achieve a significant decrease in worldwide accident rates, placing emphasis on regions where these remain high.

How USOAP works

Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP

State Safety Oversight


National Regulator Service Provider

Internal Verification
(Safety supervisions/Audits/Revisions)

USOAP Expansion
ICAO 33rd Assembly (2001) and the ICAO Council (2002) approved USOAP expansion to include Annexes 11, 14 and 13. Expanded audits should start in 2004. Safety Management Programmes will be a part of the audits.
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Requirements for ATS Safety Management

ATS Safety Management ATS (cont.)

ATS Safety Management

States shall implement systematic and appropriate ATS safety management programmes to ensure that safety is maintained in the provision of ATS within airspaces and at aerodromes

Material extracted from Amendment 40 to Annex 11 and Amendment 4 to PANSATM, Doc. 4444


ATS Safety Management (cont.)

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ATS Safety Management (cont.)

Objectives: Ensure that ATS safety level establishished within an airspace or aerodrome is satisfied. Implementation of safety-related improvements.


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Supervision of Safety Levels

Periodically compile and review data safety-related dats to evaluate the level of safety in the ATS and detect any adverse tendency


Safety Tests at ATS Units vs. ATS Quality Assurance Programmes

Including: Regulatory matters Operational and technical matters License granting and personnel training matters 19

Regulatory Matters
Operational manuals ATS route structure planning Separation minima provisions Runway incursion avoidance provisions Traffic volume and ATCOs workload Contingency plans ATS incident reporting and investigating


Technical and operational matters

Satisfactory environmental working conditions Appropriate and ergonomic automated systems C, N and S systems and equipment satisfying required levels of reliability and availability Periodical review of system service condition

License Granting and Personnel Training Matters

Qualified ATCOs, with license and ratings Personnel competence is kept Team work training Implementation of new procedures preceded by appropriate training English qualification Standardized phraseology use

Identify need Describe current system

Airspace Safety Evaluations

Determine proposed system Identify evaluation method Evaluate risk Are safety criteria satisfied? NO YES

Description of acceptable separation minima determination process

Implement and supervise system


Determine modification


Airspace Safety Evaluations

Methods: Comparison with a reference system Evaluation of system risks with regard to a threshold

Comparison with a reference system

Relevant characteristics of proposed system are compared with those corresponding to a reference system whose safety has already been established. If it is demonstrated that the safety of the proposed system is similar or better than the reference system, it can be assumed that it is a safety system.

Evaluation of system risks with regard to a threshold

The quantitative risk estimate of a proposed system is not superior to a previously determined acceptable risk level RAN CAR/SAM/3 determined for the Region the target level of safety (TLS) of: 5 X 10-9 fatal accidents per flight hour per dimension arising from collisions

Evaluation for RVSM implementation

TLS 5 X 10-9 is the global safety risk and is divided into: 2.5 X 10-9 -TECHNICAL risk related with aircraft altitude maintenance performance; and 2.5 X 10-9 - Risk due to ALL OTHER POSSIBLE CAUSES: *operacional errors *in-flight contingencies *emergency/turbulence, altitude deviations

SELECTION OF METHOD TO EVALUATE SAFETY Is a suitable reference system available? YES Is it similar to system proposed? NO


Evaluate risk against it with threshold NO Is a trade-off between system performance parameters possible?

The ATS Safety Management Manual

The new ATS Safety Management Manual will provide a more detailed guideline on the implementation of Annex 11 and Doc 4444 PANS-ATM regulations
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YES Proposed system is safe

YES Evaluate system safety on the basis of the trade-off

Topics to be covered in the Manual

Safety management Factors affecting the systems safety Determination of the acceptable level of safety Safety assesment and risk management techniques Ensuring the on-going safety of operational systems

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The State will always be responsible for:

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Where a State provides ATS services, it will be, in addition, responsible for the implementation of safety management programmes at its ATS units and aerodromes

The establishment of a regulatory framework to serve as a basis for safety management requirements The surveillance of procedures and the monitoring of achieved safety levels of ATS providers and AD operators

Independent ATS Providers and AD Operators

State regulations and oversight programmes must ensure that independent ATS providers and AD operators implement appropriate safety management programmes

Independent ATS Providers and AD Operators (cont.)

Safety requirements applied to those services and responsabilities of each party should be specified in contractual requirements, or formal documents, such as letters of agreement


ATS safety management requires that all involved equally understand all related concepts. A culture in safety is obtained from an organizations high management commitment and by reinforcing the application of safety policies at all levels.



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