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PDMS tutorial from Said:

How to define weight and COG of whole structure

How to define weight and COG of whole structure

First of all lets assign material to whole structure at once.

Select required structure in Design explorer and select from menu select ModifyMaterial.

Select Grade GR 275 and click Apply.

Selected structure will colored to red and program will send confirmation window to apply material. Click Yes. This tutorial created by Said Babanli (Azerbaijan). (Created on 17.10.08) Please send comments or additional info to mail:

PDMS tutorial from Said:

How to define weight and COG of whole structure

And now we can calculate COG. Select required beam and select from menu QueryMass properties.

Click Apply.

This tutorial created by Said Babanli (Azerbaijan). (Created on 17.10.08) Please send comments or additional info to mail:

PDMS tutorial from Said:

How to define weight and COG of whole structure

You will get whole info about weight and COG location of structure and graphically will see location.

This tutorial created by Said Babanli (Azerbaijan). (Created on 17.10.08) Please send comments or additional info to mail:

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