Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources "16 U.S. Code 604 - Cutting Timber on Certain Mineral Lands; Permits to Corporations; Railroad Corporations." LII / Legal Information Institute. Cornell University Law School, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. In order to gain a sense of the legal right to timber, we looked to this document. Its provisions allowed for timber to be cut for building, agricultural, mining, and other domestic purposes and was implemented under Federal law of the United States. It can be viewed in its entirety on the Free Timber Act page. Cantwell, Robert. "The Shy Tycoon Who Owns 1/640th of the U.S." SI Vault 18 Aug. 1969: n. pag. Web. This article is from an interview with George Weyerhaeuser, Sr. from 1969 and covers his view of High Yield Forestry and the importance of the Clemons Tree Farm to establishing the American Tree Farm System. A quotation from the article can be found on the American Tree Farm page. Civilian Conservation Corps Enrollee Engaged in Tree Planting- Part of the Reforestation Program Carried on by the Corps. 1933. Photograph. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Public Domain Photographs, 1882 - 1962. National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. Another aspect that was integrated with the tree farm movement was recovery from the Great Depression that struck in 1929. This photo shows a man hand-planting a tree as a Civilian Conservation Corps member. This organization helped provide jobs for people to improve the economy of the United States; furthermore, the people became more aware

of the importance of replanting trees. Clemons Logging Company. 1930. Photograph. University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, Washington. This photo of loggers at the Clemons Logging Company before it became the Clemons Tree Farm shows how railroads played a role in not only transporting wood, but how much wood went into building them. Clemons Tree Farm Map. 1940. Photograph. Peeling Back the Bark. Forest History Society, 12 June 2012. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. This illustrated map of the Clemons Tree Farm shows both its initial inquisition of land and its growth by 1990. Because it was a road map that dated one year before the farm was founded, it also shows the thorough planning that went into the Clemons Tree Farm, which included lookouts and newly improved roads. "Dockton: A Busy Center for Shipbuilding and Repair." Vashon Island History: Dockton. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Photograph of ship from around 1905 to show the amount of wood needed to build ships at the turn of the century. Photo can be seen on the Right to Timber page. Felling Forest Giants. Pathe, 1920. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <InternetArchive>. Film showing what it took to remove felled trees for processing. The footage can be seen on the Clemons Tree Farm page next to current footage taken at Clemons Tree Farm showing how it's done by machine today. Forest Wander Contributors. "Rabbit | Wildlife| Free Nature Pictures by ForestWander Nature Photography." Free Nature Pictures by ForestWander Nature Photography RSS. Forest Wander, n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2014.

This photo of a rabbit was used on our Growing Pains and Pests subpage in order to add visuals to the critters that brought Weyerhaeuser and similar companies early difficulties they had to overcome. "George Weyerhaeuser." Paper Industry International Hall of Fame. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Press Release on George Weyerhaeuser. Used photo for High Yield Forestry page and for George Weyerhaeuser interview page. Quotation from article on importance of George Weyerhaeuser's High Yield Forestry plan can also be found on High Yield Forestry page. "George Weyerhaeuser, Sr." Personal interview. 7 Feb. 2014. We conducted interview with former Weyerhaeuser CEO and President, George Weyerhaeuser, Sr. at his home in Lakewood, Washington. He spoke about his initial vision for High Yield Forestry and the beginnings with the Clemons Tree Farm. Great interview that linked everything together and from someone who was involved in the process of transitioning the focus from deforestation to logging and reforestation. A clip from this interview can be found on the High Yield Forestry page and a quotation can be found on the Natural Disasters page. Gifford Pinchot Portrait. N.d. Photograph. Grey Towers National Historic Site. US Forest Service, 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. In order to obtain a visual of Gifford Pinchot, we used this image to be side-by-side his description. Irvin, Dawn. "Reforestation." Demopolis Alabama Real Estate Butler and Company. Buter & Co. Inc, n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2014.

This photo of a seedling can be seen the homepage in our animation, and it is a douglas fir seedling. In the animation we also wanted to show devastation as well as full grown forests, and we needed an intermediate stage. "ISSUE: WHY IS TREE FARMING IMPORTANT FOR AMERICA AND AMERICA'S FORESTS?" Down To Earth Tree Farming. International Paper Company, 2009. Web.07 Feb. 2014. This photo can be seen on the Timber Today page to show the environmental benefit of what the tree farms and reforestation are doing, pioneered by the Clemons Tree Farm. John Ise, Ph. D. The United States Forest Policy. New Haven: Yale UP, 1920. Print. This source was extremely useful for all aspects of American forestry predating 1920. Not only did it include historical people, laws, and acts, but also the motivations behind the main figures, occasionally accompanied by a diagram. Dr. Ise concludes with the exploitation caused by the civilians need for wood and the need for reform in the future. He includes quotes to prove his point, which further guided our research with more expert opinion. Keep Korea Green. 1950s. Photograph. Durham, NC. Forest History Society. The Forest History Society. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. One of the shorter-termed legacies of the Clemons Tree Farm was the Keep Green Campaign. This campaign both aided the World War II effort and also used the war to encourage its efforts. This photograph shows that not only was it used to benefit the United States but also in the international community. This example depicts a soldier with the sign reading, Keep Korea Green. Kinsey, Clark. "Logging Crew and Steam Donkey Engine, Clemons Logging Company Camp

No. 2." University of Washington Digital Collections. University of Washington Libraries, 1926. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. This photo can be seen on the Timeline to Clemons page, and serves to show what the farm was like in its infancy. This photo is incredibly interesting, particularly with the men seemingly casually hanging from and leaning against the tree, surrounded by brush. Loading Device Moving Railroad Cars Full of Timber at Camp near Effie, Minnesota. N.d. Photograph. Effie, Minnesota. Library of Congress. Web. 28 Nov. 2013. It was essential to find evidence of tree exploitation before the efforts of Weyerhaeuser, and this photograph shows just that. A clear-cutting site shows cars full with timber, while the land around it is barren with many tree stumps visible. While inventions were made in order to obtain timber, no company had yet before put that effort into the responsability of replanting. Logging in the Pinewoods. date unknown. Photograph. Center for American History, University of Texas. This photograph of loggers at the turn of the 20th century was used on the Right to Timber page to show the mindset that civilization had a right to wood. Marisha5. "Stock Photo - Green Trees Background in Forest." 123RF Stock Photos. 123rf, n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2014. This photo is of a beautiful green forest. Similar to the felled log in the homepage animation, this photos vibrance was intended to grab the viewers attention and be aesthetically pleasing. "Mount St. Helens." - Archives. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. Photograph and information on the eruption of Mount St. Helens were used to illustrate

the destruction to forests in the St. Helens Tree Farm. The information and photo can both be found on the Natural Disasters page. O'Sullivan, Timothy. Pahranagat Mining District, Nevada. 1871. Photograph. The J. Paul Getty Museum. The J. Paul Getty Trust. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. OSullivans collection was recently discovered for showing the real landscape of the West during the late 19th century. This particular photograph shows a barren mine in Nevada, which was stripped of trees. This scene conveys the attitude of the Americans nationwide of the phrase, cut and run, as there is no evidence of efforts to replant. Price, W. H., and William W. Grogan. "The Clemons Tree Farm." West Coast Lumberman. July 1941: 13-16. Print. This article explains to the public the plan for the private reforestation operation, the Clemons Tree Farm. It covers Weyerhaeusers various focuses of improvement, equipment, and fire prevention, which helped us form the various categories of their experimentation. It also provides many details of the costs of timber, areas in which they would reforest, and costs of each particular fire lookout. Renwald, David. "Oregon State Tree - Douglas Fir." Oregon State Tree - Douglas Fir. State Symbols USA, n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2014. This photo, originally taken by David Renwald, was showcased on the State Symbols USA site. It is a beautiful photo of a felled log, with intense color saturation, making it the perfect addition to our home page animation. Reynolds, R. R. "TimberA Modern Crop." Trees: Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington: Dept. of Agriculture, United States, 1949. N. pag. Print. This article describes the advantages of using timber as a crop rather than a resource from

a from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's point of view. It recognizes the successes of the lumber companies nationwide and provides specific evidence showing the results of active renovation of the timber crop. Reynolds is quoted on the High Yield Forestry page. Sensel, Joni. Weyerhaeusers History. October 2013. Video of in-person interview. A previous Weyerhaeuser employee and author of Traditions through the Trees: Weyerhaeusers First 100 Years, Joni was able to provide us with a great deal of information regarding Weyerhaeusers history, as well as its current practices. A clip can be seen on the Timber is a Crop page, and the transcript is in the interviews section. "Skagit River Journal." Equality Colony, by Ray Jordan. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Photograph of log house pulled from article to illustrate the need for wood as westward expansion continued. Can be seen on the Right to Timber page. Smokey Bear Poster: Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires. 1953. Photograph. Smokey's Journey. Smokey Bear. US Forest Service. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. This was one of the first Smokey Bear posters with its original slogan, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires. The photograph provides a visual comparison next to the Keep Green poster. Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, on the Steamer Mississippi, 1907. N.d. Photograph. The Grey Towers Heritage. Grey Towers Heritage Association. Web. 20 Dec. 2013. President Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot did not only have a political relationship, but also a friendship. This bondage further empowered their Timber Famine manifesto that so greatly impacted the public perception and opened their eyes to the incoming collapse of the timber supply nationwide. This photograph can be seen on the Timber Famine

page. "TIMBER FAMINE NEAR, SAYS MR. ROOSEVELT - Accident and Waste Rapidly Denuding the Country. NATIONAL FOREST SERVICE The President Repeats That One Is Needed -- Civilization's Growing Need of Wood." NY Times. The New York Times, 06 Jan. 1905. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. This newspaper article depicts the first federal effort to summon nationwide awareness of the shortage of lumber. President Roosevelt acts as the spokesperson to proclaim Pinchots message, with powerful statements proclaiming the citizens responsibility to protect the timber supply. President Roosevelt warned that a Timber Famine was approaching due to the overuse of the resource and the end of the frontier. We included this iconic article on the Timber Famine page to capitalize the issue that the Clemons Tree Farm and subsequent American Tree Farm System helped solve. A portion of this article is also on the Right to Timber page. Todd, John. Clemons Tree Farm. November 2013. Video of in-person interview. John Todd gave Taylor a tour of Clemons Tree Farm in order to show her the historic site and give her a better understanding of the foresting and reforesting industries. This interview was one of our most valuable resources, as it connects history with practices today, as well as providing hands on experience. Clips can be seen on The Clemons Tree Farm and High Yield Forestry Today pages, and the entire transcript can be seen in the interview sections. Tree Farm Display. 1956. Photograph. Keep Tennessee Green Association, Pikeville. Forest History Society. Forest History Society. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This photograph captures the essence of the American Tree Farm System and its Keep

Green campaign. It depicts a tree farmer educating a child (one of many) about seedlings. Walsh, Taylor. Clemons Tree Farm, Montesano, WA. Personal photograph by author. 2013. Two photos from the animation were of Clemons Tree Farm and were taken by Taylor. These include the photo of Mt. Rainier as seen from the farm, as well as the final forest photo to come in in the upper right hand corner. The background of the entire site is also a personal photo from this collection. "Weyerhaeuser Company Establishes Preference for American Tree Farm System-Certified Wood." Weyerhaeuser Company Establishes Preference for American Tree Farm System-Certified Wood. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Article on Weyerhaeuser's new rule to use only wood procured from American Tree Farm System. Can be seen on Regulating Trees page. Weyerhaeuser Logo (1938). 1938. Photograph. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. The Timber is a Crop campaign began circulating print-media circa 1937, and this logo was developed in 1938 to provide a visual to the public. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Annual Report 1938. Weyerhaeuser Archives, 1938. Print. Weyerhaeuser discusses its efforts from 1903-1938. The early datings reflect on Weyerhaeuser as the pioneer of sustainable forest management. Photographs also depict further potential areas for reforestation, with accompanying charts to provide statistics of Weyerhaeusers calculations thus far. The report briefly talks about fire prevention, and a chart shows that the public was the main cause for forest fires. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Annual Report 1939. Weyerhaeuser Archives, 1939. Print. 1939 was the year the concentrated on increasing profit and productivity, which is one


aspect of experimentation that we focused on. This annual report provided statistical charts, annotations, and photographs that we used on the Experimentation page. 1939 was also the year the Timber is a Crop campaign launched, thus the importance of public relations was also discussed. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Annual Report 1940. Weyerhaeuser Archives, 1940. Print. In the year 1940, Weyerhaeuser focused on fire prevention. Lookout towers, fire tool kits, and fire cars/tanks are examples. They achieved a 99% detection rate. A letter, which can be seen on the Experimentation page, from Phil Weyerhaeuser concludes this annual report. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Annual Report 1941. Weyerhaeuser Archives, 1941. Print. The Clemons Tree Farm was founded in 1941. Thus, this report describes its purpose and goals. Clippings and photographs from this report were used throughout the website. Secondary Sources "ABOUT PLANTATIONS OF TREES FOR PULPWOOD." Consumpedia Med. Food and Agriculture Organization, 2010. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. This article points out that the disadvantages of tree farming are like that of any intensive cash crop. Timber is always on high demand for uses such as toilet paper, paper, and wood product, and in result, many lands now look like green deserts because of the amount of planted trees. The more power-hungry countries of today are currently exploring how to obtain more land and keep the process green. "American Tree Farm System History." The Forest History Society. Forest History Society, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. This is one of the first sources we turned to. It focuses on one area of the Clemons


legacy: the American Tree Farm. It describes the process of the organization and provides many images, one of which was used on the Founding of the Farm webpage. "ATFS Certification." American Tree Farm System. American Forest Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This article was extremely helpful in understanding the process of tree farm certification today. It is quoted on the American Tree Farm System page, which states free farming as an act of good citizenship. This was fundamentally started by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company with the Clemons Tree Farm. Thus it is just one part of their legacy that continues on today. Avery, Dennis. "Forests Are Expanding Worldwide, Aided by High-Yield Farming Practices." Heartlander Magazine. The Heartland Institute, 1 Sept. 2007. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This article incorporates studies done by the National Academy of the Sciences and describes the shown benefits of high-yield forestry today. This practice is used internationally by using the success story of the U.S. It is a prime example of the legacy of the Clemons Tree Farm and is quoted on the High Yield Forestry > Today page. Baden, John A. "Making A Timber Famine: EPA's War On Simpson." The Seattle Times. The Seattle Times Company, 15 Mar. 1995. Web. 27 Dec. 2013. Baden analyzes the timber famine prediction from a more modern perspective and why it never occurred. He largely credits the reversal of the timber famine to entrepreneurs who arose during that time. He is quoted on the Timber Famine page. BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Photograph of field mouse used to illustrate one of the pests that devoured douglas fir


seeds. The image can be found on the Pests page and as a link on the Growing Pains page. "The Beginnings of Federal Forest Work." Forest History. The Forest History Society, 24 Nov. 2008. Web. 27 Dec. 2013. This article provided the basis for the beginnings of federal forest conservation. It particularly explains the unified roles of Gifford Pinchot and President Roosevelt as the first efforts to increase public awareness about conserving forests around the nation. Black, Elizabeth, and Christopher Brown. "Combat Global Warming | How to Plant a Tree | Tree Farm, Live Trees, Christmas Trees, Free Seedlings | Boulder Colorado, CO." Combat Global Warming | How to Plant a Tree | Tree Farm, Live Trees, Christmas Trees, Free Seedlings | Boulder Colorado, CO. Your Neighborhood Christmas Tree Farm, 2010. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. The Neighborhood Christmas Tree Farm has an interesting approach to slowing the effects of global warming. It gives free trees to the community members with instructions of how to cultivate a healthy and viable tree that will soak up carbon. A photo from this article can be found on the Timber Today page. Blout, Jeb. "Brazil Tree Farm Uses Rain Forest And Also Saves It." The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 27 Apr. 1993. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. This article describes the Brazilian tree farms as it was in the 1990s, showing how historic its controversy is. It describes the sustainable efforts of the Jari Project amongst skepticism. The Jari Project was initially convened for aerial pulp production, but because the natural farms would not produce the right type of trees, US entrepreneur Ludwig replaced the forests with tree farms. Further experimentation (following the


mentality of the Weyerhaeuser Company) achieved fast growing trees that met consumer demands. Cubbage, Frederick, Dr. Telephone interview. 6 Jan. 2014. Dr. Cubbage is a professor at the University of North Carolina. He works for the Southern Forest Resource Assessment Consortium and was thus able to give the statistics for forest yield worldwide. With these facts, he opened our eyes to the Brazilian forest controversy, and we decided to focus on that issue further (Controversy page). "crop." The Free Dictionary. Farlex Inc. Web. 10 January 2014. This definition is cited on the Timber is a Crop page so that the reader can better understand the transition of timber as an environmental source to Weyerhaeusers proclamation of timber as a crop. The Forest History Society: American Tree Farm System History. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. This timeline was the basis for the interactive map we created, which can be seen on the Branching Out page. This shows that Clemons Tree Farm was the first of many tree farms in the system, by providing the state and years. "GROWING A TRULY GREAT COMPANY." Weyerhaeuser. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Photograph of Rochester, Washington seedling nursery used for image on 'seedling genetics', which can be seen on the High Yield Forestry page. "Inventory of the American Tree Farm System Records, 1924 - 2007." Forest History Society. Forest History Society, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This document is actually a finding aid which describes an archival collection. The reason it was beneficial was because it was very consise and to the point. It describes the overall history of the American Tree Farm System.


Jones, Carey. "Coffee Tree to Cup in Brazil: Part I, The Farm." Serious Eats. Serious Eats, 14 June 2010. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. Although the Clemons Tree Farm was the beginning of a movement, global issues and controversy continue, as can be seen in our Controversy page. Brazil is one of the primary examples of this modern issue. Kean, Karla. "Support Local Christmas Tree Farms This Season." Clarksville TN Online RSS. Clarksville, 2 Dec. 2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. Christmas trees are a big part of the tree farming system, and this picture depicts this and can be found on the Timber Today page. "Keep Idaho Green History." Idaho Firewise. University of Idaho, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. The Keep Green campaign was prominent in Idaho and remains so today. This article explained the process of the campaign spreading and why it has remained in Idaho today. It also explains the motives of the KIG and the successes in educating the public. LeMonds, James. Deadfall: Generations of Logging in the Pacific Northwest. Missoula, MT: Mountain Pub., 2001. Print. Used quotation from chapter called "Farm Boys in Green Timber" on page. Milstein, Mark B. Weyerhaeuser Company: The Next 100 Years. Ed. Stuart L. Hart. World Resources Institute, 1997. Web. 9 Feb. 2014. This article really framed the path of the Weyerhaeuser Companys efforts towards sustainability. It describes its entire process of high yield forestry, soil improvement, and its involvement with the paper industry in great detail. As a report predicting the company in the next 100 years (from 1997), its research showed higher yields of timber per year due to improved seedling genetics. It is quoted a few times in our website.


Moholt, Megan. E-mail interview. 4 Dec. 2014. Ms. Moholt, who is the lead archivist for Weyerhaeuser, provided us with numerous documents from the Weyerhaeuser Archives that we wouldnt have gotten access to otherwise. She also answered a few questions on the Clemons Tree Farm as a continuous reforestation effort. NCSU Fred Cubbage. North Carolina State University Department of Forestry, n.d. This photo of Cubbage can be seen on his interview page to provide a visual. Nelson, Ted. "Weyerhaeuser Company and Sustained-Yield Forestry." Forest History Today (2009): 22-30. Forest History Society. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This journal/newsletter is incredibly informative in regards to Weyerhaeusers practices and the histories of them. It is especially explains the Target Forest Concept in great detail, which started the idea of high-yield forestry. There are also photos interspersed, that we have incorporated on the High Yield Forestry and Pests pages. New Collection: American Tree Farm System Records | Peeling Back the Bark. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. This creatively entitled article provided us with information about the history of the American Tree Farm System, as well as Gifford Pinchot, one of the pioneers of the movement. This source also provided great maps and videos in addition to a photograph of the original Clemons Tree Farm sign. Nix, Steve. "The History of Forestry in North America." Forestry., 2014. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. Gifford Pinchot was introduced to us via this article, which explains the beginning of tree farming, with Pinchot becoming the very first Forest Service Chief.


"History - Gifford Pinchot, First Chief, 1905-1910." US Forest Service., 23 Mar. 2013. Web. 27 Dec. 2013. A background of Pinchot was necessary for the context of the timber famine, and this article sufficed. He is quoted on the Timber Famine page through this source. "How Trees Fight Climate Change at Home." Arbor Day Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. Trees around a home provide insulation and reduce energy expended, and therefore bills as well. A photo of a neighborhood surrounded by trees found in this source can be seen on the Timber Today page. Lewis, James, Dr. Telephone interview. 2 Jan. 2014. Dr. Lewis is the main historian for the Forest History Society. His wide knowledge of forest history provided us with many aspects of the Clemons Tree Farms impact on forestry then and now. He is quoted throughout our website. Lewis, James "Mad B-Logger." "Peeling Back the Bark." Peeling Back the Bark. Forest History Society, 12 June 2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. This source provided images that can be seen on The Founding of the Farm page and The Clemons Tree Farm page, as well as the Regulating Trees page. These images included a map of the initial farm, the founders, and the original sign, which can now be found on John Todds office. Lewis, Richard. "Tree Farming: A Voluntary Conservation Program." Forest History in the Making (1981): 166-69. Journal of Forest History. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. We were first drawn to this newspaper article simply because of its title, describing the Clemons Tree Farm as the first voluntary conservation program worldwide. This source


also provides a particularly interesting insight, which is quoted on the Branching Out page: "The Tree Farm movement reflects a historical shift in American attitudes toward forest resources-from 'timber mine' to 'tree farm.'" "Position Statement: High-Yield Production Forestry." Forest Guild. Forest Guild, Summer 2000. Web. 27 Dec. 2013. This paper describes High Yield Forestry as it remains today. It is especially helpful that a group of forest experts wrote this, so many opinions and different sources of knowledge influenced their writing. Its goals are quoted on the High Yield Forestry page. Rehill, Annie. "O Tannenbaum: The Good, the Bad, and the Alternatives." Chesapeake: Maryland Chapter Newsletter Online. The Sierra Club, Dec. 2005. Web. 01 Jan. 2014. To obtain a different, professional opinion on the impact of trees today, we looked to the Sierra Club and found this article. It explicitly states the advantages of regulating tree farming on the grounds of Christmas trees, as tree farms provide trees to families nationwide during the holidays. Sedjo, Roger A. "Forest Concerns in the United States: Then and Now." Resources for the Future. RFF Press: An Imprint of Routledge, 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. This article includes the policies regarding forest concerns today and comparisons to those of the 20th century. It points out the increased efforts during the 20th century that has given our current society leeway with the increased timber production. Sedjo, Roger A. "The Potential of High Yield Plantation Forestry for Meeting Timber Needs." Roth Forestry. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. Although this article is from 1999, it explains the potential that lies in the techniques that the Clemons Tree Farm started. We used a photo that shows the industrial foresting


plantations worldwide on the High Yield Forestry Today page to show how much the system has grown and had a global impact. Seedling Health. N.d. Photograph. Wisconsin Field Crops Pathology. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. This photograph provides the image of a plant seedling so that the readers can better differentiate the difference between a seed and seedling. Sensel, Joni. Traditions through the Trees: Weyerhaeuser's First 100 Years. Seattle, WA: Documentary Book, 1999. Print. Jonis book was one of the first resources we turned to in our research on Weyerhaeuser and Clemons Tree Farm. She fully describes the process of Weyerhaeusers sustainable forestry campaign and its different aspects. Her work was sort of our jumping off point, which inspired us to interview her, as well as pursue other aspects of the topic, particularly Clemons Tree Farm. "Smokey's Journey." Smokey Bear. US Forest Service, n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. We obtained Smokey Bear posters from this site that can be seen under the Keep Green Campaign. It also lists its founding year as 1944, confirming that the Keep Green Campaign preceded it in 1941 with the Clemons Tree Farm. "Tree Lux Clip Art." Tree Lux Clip Art., 5 June 2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. This graphic is what we used for the favicon, the small photo that appears on the tab in the web browser. Twining, Charles E. Phil Weyerhaeuser, Lumberman. Seattle: University of Washington, 1985. Print. Twining describes Phil Weyerhaeuser as the pioneer of reforestation efforts in action. He


includes quotes from P. Weyerhaeuser which helped us gain a better understanding of his mentality while pursuing experimentation. We used photographs from this book, which can be seen on the Experimentation page. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. "1960." 1960. Weyerhaeuser NR Company, 2007. Web. 07 Feb. 2014. This resource from Weyerhaeusers website gives a brief history of its timeline during the 1960s, including High Yield Forestry. Williams, Michael. Americans and Their Forests: A Historical Geography. New York: Cambridge UP, 1992. Print. Williamss book explores the history of forest regulation throughout America in-depth. This resource denotes the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company as the first to fully pursue sustainable forestry and succeed. We focused on the rights to access timber that resulted in absolute havoc and the effects of Pinchots declaration of the Timber Famine. This book is quoted on those two pages. Wikipedia contributors. "Forest History Society." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. This photo is the logo for the Forest History Society, which we placed on the page of Dr. James Lewiss interview, as he is one of their historians. Wilma, David. "Weyerhaeuser Dedicates the Nation's First Tree Farm near Montesano on June 21, 1941." The Free Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History, 21 Feb. 2003. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. The short article provides the basic statistics of the Clemons Tree Farm, therefore putting into perspective. Its cited sources referenced Joni Sensels book and later led us to an


interview with Ms. Sensel herself.

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