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Name: _____________________ About Men 1.

Gretel Ehrlich opens with a reference to the Marlboro man, a lone and rugged looking cowboy who represented Marlboro in its cigarette ads for many years. With this reference and her description of the Wyoming landscape, what effect does she achieve in the first three sentences of her essay? 2. In par. 5 and 6, Ehrlich analyzes the cowboys relationship with women. How has the cowboys history defined the way he interacts with women? 3. How does the syntax of the final sentence represent Ehrlichs purpose in this essay- that is, how does the form of this sentence emphasize the content? 4. Ehrlich describes a number of stereotypes of the cowboy. How do some of the classic cowboy movies (John Wayne, Clint Eastwood) embody these stereotypes? Do any of them challenge these stereotypes? Consider more contemporary depictions of cowboys in TV and film. Which elements of the stereotype remain? Which are challenged? Being a Man 1. What is the effect of the opening paragraph? Does it encourage you to read on? Does it provoke you? Does it intrigue you? 2. How does Theroux prepare his readers for the turn the essay takes in par. 12 when he says, There would be no point in saying any of this if it were not generally accepted that to be a man is somehow-even now in feministinfluenced America- a privilege. What does this reveal about Therouxs overall purpose in this piece? 3. How would you describe the tone of his essay? Answer using a phrase instead of one word. Cite specific passages to support your description. 4. Therouxs essay was written in 1983. Which of his points are outdated? Which remain true today?

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