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CCNA Semester1

Module 1 Introduction to Networking


Network physical connection Basic computer components Network math and IP address concept

Connecting to the Internet

Requirements for Internet Connection

Connection to the Internet can be broken down into the following:
Physical connection: used to transfer signals between PCs within the local network and to remote devices on the Internet Logical connection: uses standards called protocols. A protocol is a formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern how devices on a network communicate. The application: interprets the data and displays the information in an understandable form

Information flow

Case Study: Boot process








User Interface

Network Interface Cards

A network interface card (NIC) is a printed circuit board that provides network communication capabilities to and from a personal computer

When you select a network card, consider the following three factors:
Type of network Type of media Type of system bus

A modem, or modulatordemodulator, is a device that provides the computer with connectivity to a telephone line. The modem converts (modulates) the data from a digital signal to an analog signal that is compatible with a standard phone line.

NIC and Modem Installation

Connectivity to the Internet requires an adapter card, which may be a modem or NIC. Notebook computers may have a built-in interface or use a PCMCIA card. Desktop systems may use an internal or external NIC.

High-Speed and Dialup Connectivity

By the 1990s modems were running at 9600 bps and reached the current standard of 56 kbps (56,000 bps) by 1998. High-speed services used in the corporate environment, such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and cable modem access, moved to the consumer market. These services no longer required expensive equipment or a second phone line. These are "always on" services that provide instant access and do not require a connection to be established for each session.

TCP/IP Description and Configuration

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is a set of protocols or rules developed to allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network. To enable TCP/IP on the workstation, it must be configured using the operating system tools.

Testing Connectivity with Ping

Ping is a program that is useful for verifying a successful TCP/IP installation. It works by sending multiple packets to a specified destination requesting for replies.

Ping Command
ping - This ping is unique and is called an internal loopback test. It verifies the operation of the TCP/IP stack and NIC transmit/receive function. ping IP address - A ping to a host PC verifies the TCP/IP address configuration for the local host and connectivity to the host.

Web Browser and Plug-Ins

Web browsers acts on behalf of a user by Contacting a web server Requesting information Receiving information Displaying the results on a screen Plug-ins is to view special, or proprietary, file types that standard web browsers are not able to display
Flash/Shockwave, QuickTime, Real Audio

Network math and IP address

Binary presentation of data

Computers operate with electronic switches that are either "on" or "off", corresponding to 1 or 0. Computers have to translate in order to use decimal numbering.

Number Systems
Knowing what base someone refers to
Decimal uses 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Binary uses 2 digits: 0 and 1.

Base conventions
101 in base 2 is spoken as one zero one.

Working with exponents

103 = 10 X 10 X 10 = 1000 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16

Binary numbers
Use principle of place value just as decimal numbers do

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the most commonly used code for representing alpha-numeric data in a computer.

1000011 1001001 1010000 1010100 ?

Bits and Bytes

Bits are binary digits. They are either 0s or 1s. In a computer, they are represented by On/Off switches or the presence or absence of electrical charges, light pulses, or radio waves.

Base 10 Numbers


Base 2 (Binary) Numbers

Converting Decimal to Binary

27 128 1

26 64 1

25 32 0

24 16 0

23 8 1

22 4 1

21 2 0

20 1 1

The base 16, or hexadecimal (hex), number system is used frequently when working with computers, because it can be used to represent binary numbers in a more readable form.

Converting Binary to Hexadecimal

Remember that hexadecimal is sometimes abbreviated 0x so hex 5D might be written as "0x5D".

Four-Octet Dotted-decimal Representation of 32Bit Binary Numbers

Currently, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses assigned to computers on the Internet are 32-bit binary numbers The 32-bit binary addresses used on the Internet are referred to as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

IP Addresses and Network Masks

The IP address of a computer usually consists of a network, and a host part that represents a particular computer on a particular network. Subnetwork mask a second 32-bit number to identify how many of the IP address bits are used to identify the network of the computer.

A subnet mask will always be all 1s until the network address is identified and then be all 0s from there to the right most bit of the mask.

SubnetMask Example
Converting the IP address to binary would result in:

Performing a Boolean AND of the IP address and the subnet mask produces the network address of this host:
00001010.00100010.00010111.10000110 (IP address) 11111111.11110000.00000000.00000000 (subnetmask) 00001010.00100000.00000000.00000000 (subnetwork address)

Address Example
IP address Subnetmask IP address:

00001010.00100010.00010111.10000110 =

Network address:
00001010.00000000.00000000.00000000 =

Broadcast address:
00001010.11111111. 11111111. 11111111=

View computer address

ipconfig : brief IP configuration ipconfig /all : detail IP configuration ipconfig /renew : renew IP address with DHCP

Practise IP and subnetmask

The physical connection that has to take place for a computer to connect to the Internet Network interface cards and/or modems Web browser selection and configuration The Base 2 number system Binary number conversion to decimal Representasion of IP addresses and network masks

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