CCNA Introduction

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CCNA Semester1

CCNA 3.1 Introduction

Le The Quyen
Academy Instructor - CCNA/CCAI/CCNP/CCSP/CQS-RSS

Contact 0912102432


CCNA curriculum
Basic inter-networking with hands-on experience on Cisco equipment Consists of 4 semesters:
Semester 1: Networking Basics Semester 2: Routers and Routing Basics Semester 3: Switching Basic and Intermediate Routing Semester 4: WAN Technologies

Local Academy resources

Lab server
Online curriculum Lecuture notes, in PDF format Resourses in HomeDir Login domain: URL Resourses: \\ciscoser\student Login using
User name =student3 Password =energy

Internet connection:

Using CNAP
CNAP = Cisco Network Academy Program Your student account Log in & out of CNAP web site Understand the structure Using resources

Login CNAP

Login CNAP

Academy Connection ID
For the first login, use your academy connection ID Then you have to change username and password. Username derives from your fullname. Eg: hungtv for Tran Van Hung Fill all the required field (*) : firstname, lastname From now on, login with the new username and password

Academy Connection

Student Class

Make friends!

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Study resources
Online curriculum Lecture note Lab Manual Engineering Journal

Marking scheme
Assessments summary:
Online chapter exams Skills-based Online final exam Attendance

Marking scheme
Online Chapter & Online Final(70) : max 100 for each Skills(30) (must >=70) Average Pass score = = = Hands-on + Oral (65 80) (20 35) Weight (i) * Score(i) / 100 70/100 ( >=90 : A ; >=80 : B;>=70 : C)

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