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CCNA Semester1

Module 11 TCP/IP Application and Transport


Functions of the TCP/IP transport layer TCP concepts and processes

TCP/IP application layer

TCP/IP Transport Layer

Why we need a transport layer?

Layer 1 allows bit streams to be created and to travel. Layer 2 packages those data packets into frames to be converted to bit streams and makes data-link delivery possible. Layer 3 packages data from upper layers in packets and makes routing and network delivery possible.
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Introduction to transport layer

The transport layer data stream is a logical connection between the endpoints of a network. Its primary duties are to transport and regulate the flow of information from source to destination reliably and accurately. Transport services include the following basic services:
Segmentation of upper-layer application data Establishment of end-to-end operations Transport of segments from one end host to another end host Flow control provided by sliding windows Reliability provided by sequence numbers and acknowledgments

Flow Control
Avoids the problem of a host at one side of the connection overflowing the buffers in the host at the other side. The two hosts then establish a data-transfer rate that is agreeable to both. Ensures the integrity of the data

Session Establishment

Multiple applications can share the same transport connection in the OSI reference model. Different applications can send data segments on a firstcome, first-served basis. This is referred to as the multiplexing of upper-layer conversations.


The emphasis of this curriculum is on TCP/IP Ethernet networks. The TCP/IP protocol of the OSI model Layer 4 (transport layer) has two protocols - TCP and UDP.

TCP/IP Protocol Stack


0 0 17 C RF

Both TCP and UDP use port (or socket) numbers to pass information to the upper layers.

Range of ports
2 bytes: 0 65535.
Numbers below 255 : for public applications. Numbers from 255 - 1023 : assigned to companies for marketable applications. Numbers above 1023 : are unregulated.

End systems use port numbers to select proper applications. Originating source port numbers are dynamically assigned by the source host; usually, it is a number larger than 1023.

TCP supplies a virtual circuit between end-user applications. These are its characteristics:
connection-oriented. reliable. divides outgoing messages into segments. reassembles messages at the destination station. re-sends anything not received.

Protocols that use TCP include FTP, SMTP, HTTP, Telnet

TCP Header format

1 6 -7 C RF

Protocol that provides reliable full-duplex data transmission.

TCP Header format: Port number

Source Source Port Port 16 16 bits. bits. Destination Destination Port Port 16 16 bits. bits.

TCP Header format: Sequence

Sequence Sequence Number: Number: 32 32 bits bits

The The sequence sequence number number of of the the first first data data octet octet in in this this segment segment (except (except when when SYN SYN is is present). present).

TCP Header format: Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment Acknowledgment Number: Number: 32 32 bits bits

This This field field contains contains the the value value of of the the next next sequence sequence number number the the sender sender of of the the segment segment is is expecting expecting to to receive. receive.

TCP Header format: Code bits

Control Control Bits: Bits: 8 8 bits bits

ACK: ACK: Acknowledgment Acknowledgment field field significant significant RST: RST: Reset Reset the the connection connection SYN: SYN: Synchronize Synchronize sequence sequence numbers numbers FIN: FIN: No No more more data data from from sender sender

TCP Header format: Window

Window: Window: 16 16 bits bits

The The number number of of data data octets octets beginning beginning with with the the one one indicated indicated in in the the acknowledgment acknowledgment field field which which the the sender sender of of this this segment segment is is willing willing to to accept. accept.

Three-way handshake

TCP: Simple acknowledgment

TCP: Sliding window acknowledgment

TCP: Sequence and acknowledgment

UDP transports data unreliably between hosts. Following are the characteristics:
Connectionless. Unreliable. Transmit messages (called user datagrams). Provides no software checking for message delivery (unreliable). Does not reassemble incoming messages. Uses no acknowledgements.

Protocols that use include TFTP, SNMP, DHCP, DNS

UDP Header format

8 6 7 C RF

UDP is a simple protocol that exchanges datagrams, without acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery.

TCP/IP Application Layer

Application Layer: TCP/IP vs. OSI

The session and presentation layers from the OSI model were bundled into the application layer of the TCP model. This means that issues of representation, encoding, and dialog control are handled in the application layer rather than in separate lower layers as in the OSI model.

Session: Functions

Presentation: Functions

TCP/IP Application Layer

Handles high-level protocols, issues of representation, encoding, and dialog control. The TCP/IP combines all application-related issues into one layer, and assures this data is properly packaged for the next layer.
FTP, HTTP, SMTP, DNS, SNMP ... Format of data, data structure, encode Dialog control, session management

Direct network application:
The application layer provides a direct interface for the rest of the OSI model by using network applications. Client server: WEB, FTP, Mail

Indirect network application:

The application layer provides an indirect interface for the rest of the OSI model by using standalone applications. The redirector directs requests from local computer to the proper network resources. Applications on client never have to recognize the network. Redirector: network driver, network printer

Client-Server application

The The client client side side is is located located on on the the local local computer computer and and is is the the requestor requestor of of the the services. services. The The server server side side is is located located on on a a remote remote computer computer and and provides provides services services in in response response to to the the clients clients requests. requests.

Network driver

The The applications applications on on the the client client never never have have to to recognize recognize the the network. network. Redirectors Redirectors expand expand the the capabilities capabilities of of non-network non-network software. software.

Make and Break a connection

The connection to the server was maintained only long enough to process the transaction.
Example : WWW, E-mail

The connection to the server was maintained until the user determines that he/she has finished.
Example : FTP, Telnet

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a system used on the Internet for translating names of domains and their publicly advertised network nodes into IP addresses. A domain is a group of computers that are associated by their geographical location or their business type. The DNS system is set up in a hierarchy that creates different levels of DNS servers. Eg:

DNS: System


com com

edu edu

gov gov

vn vn

fr fr

uk uk

vnn vnn

com com

edu edu

gov gov

DNS: Resolve

Request Request Reply Reply


vn vn vnn vnn
Address Addressof of

Address Address of ofcom com server server Address Addressof of server server

com com

yahoo yahoo

Address Addressof of

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a reliable, connection-oriented service that uses TCP to transfer files between systems that support FTP. When files are copied from a server, FTP first establishes a control connection between the client and the server. Then a second connection is established, which is a link between the computers through which the data is transferred.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a connectionless service that uses UDP. TFTP is designed to be small and easy to implement. TFTP is used on the router to transfer configuration files and Cisco IOS images and to transfer files between systems that support TFTP. TFTP can read, write, or mail files to or from a remote server but it cannot list directories and currently has no provisions for user authentication.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) works with the World Wide Web, which is the fastest growing and most used part of the Internet. A Web browser is a client-server application, which means that it requires both a client and a server component in order to function. A Web browser presents data in multimedia formats. A hyperlink is an object, word, phrase, or picture, on a Web page. When that hyperlink is clicked, it directs the browser to a new Web page. The Web page contains, often hidden within its HTML description, an address location known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Telnet client software provides the ability to login to a remote Internet host that is running a Telnet server application and then to execute commands from the command line. Telnet works at the application layer of the TCP/IP model. Therefore, Telnet works at the top three layers of the OSI model. The application layer deals with commands. The presentation layer handles formatting, usually ASCII. The session layer transmits.

Email servers communicate with each other using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send and receive mail. The SMTP protocol transports email messages in ASCII format using TCP. The most popular mail client protocols are POP3 and IMAP4, which both use TCP to transport data. A good way to test if a mail server is reachable is to Telnet to the SMTP port (25) or to the POP3 port (110).

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application layer protocol that facilitates the exchange of management information between network devices. An SNMP managed network consists of the following: Network management system (NMS) Managed device Agents

Lab Companion

11.2.4 Protocol Inspector, TCP and HTTP

TCP/IP transport layer functions TCP concepts and processes TCP and UDP header format TCP and UDP port TCP/IP application layer functions TCP/IP application layer protocols

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