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The Window Cleaner

Written By Adam Stone

EXT. OFFICE There are steel wires holding a safety cradle that's lowering down to Bill. Bill is looking up ready. with his window washing equipment

A Balloon man approaches Bill; Hey dude! Want a balloon?! but he just continues about his business, ignoring the balloon man completely. Once the cradle gets to the bottom, Bill steps onto the cradle and carries his equipment on there with him. INT. SAFTEY CRADLE Bill rises up in the cradle, he gets a text from his ex-wife, unlocks his phone (the wallpaper image is of his little daughter Lilly). The text read; HEY! It's your daughters 7th Birthday today and you didn't even get her a card?! Wow i'm GLAD I left you! Bill hears screeches and screams from below, he lowers his phone and sees a few helium balloons floating up to him. He stops the cradle from going up and reaches for the nearest balloon he could. He manages to grab A lovely Pink Balloon, His Daughters favourite! He looks at the balloon and realises that he should see his daughter on her Birthday and try his best to get back with Jenny In a flash of hope we see; INT. JENNY'S HOUSE Bill, Jenny and Lilly all together as a family again. We flash back to reality; INT. SAFTEY CRADLE Bill begins to lower the cradle back down to the ground, he begins to get more worried as the screaming and sirens get louder and louder. EXT. OFFICE Finally he gets to the bottom and sees a small body on the road. He is shocked and panics uncontrollably, he sees that it's Lilly. Jenny is crying over the body of Lilly,

screaming in grief. Bill releases the balloon and collapses to the ground in shock. The balloon floats up into the sky. INT. MORGUE Jenny and Bill are stood either side of Lilly's corpse in the morgue in the order of the photograph that he envisioned earlier. Jenny is sobbing quietly as the screen cuts to black and the credits roll. END

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