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Yaumil Ichsan 13111096

1. What kind of organizational structure is in place originally? In place originally, the kind of organizational structure is functional structure. 2. What kind of problems does this structure create? Are these typical of this type of structure? Decision-making involved too many people, Power struggles occurred between department heads due to lack of definition of their roles and responsibilities. 3. What, in theory, are the advantages of the original structure? The main advantage of this type of structure is that the knowledge and expertise of each function is concentrated in one part of the organization. 4. What surprising omission is there in the original structure? I think in the original structure why there is no manager below the director so that it makes any mistakes especially coordination between departments. 5. How is the new structure going to solve the problems identified in the audit? This would reduce the MD's involvement with so many department heads. This would identify clear roles and responsibilities for all managers and provide clear channels for communication. 6. What are the main disadvantages of the new structure? the main disadvantage is the duplication of functions across divisions as illustrated in Fig. 1.6 (product structure). Finally, product structures tend to employ a decentralized management style. 7. Can you suggest any other alternatives or improvements for the company structure? I think the division of office decoration and office furniture can be merged because decoration is relating to furniture

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