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JULIET & WENDY & THE STRANGE GIRL: a lesbian screenplay by JaneyRuth Ramirez 2009 FADE IN EXT.

SCHOOL BUILDING - DAY Morning. An expansive lawn criss-crossed with sidewalks, dotted with classical statuary, nymphs, sprites, goddesses and the like. A large, grey, stone building in the center of the vast lawn, stern and forbidding. Teenaged GIRLS in school uniforms walk up steps and enter through the massive front door. INSERT - Sign above door "MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS" BACK TO SCENE JULIET, 24, brunette, thin, attractive, Asian, a serious face, walks up steps, dressed in long-sleeve, high-neck white blouse and a skirt that goes below her knees. She wears her hair in a tight bun. She carries a briefcase. She wears sensible shoes. APPLE-CHEEKED GIRL (walking by) Good morning, Miss Juliet. JULIET Good morning, Heather. INT. HALLWAY IN SCHOOL - DAY Juliet walks toward classroom door through a mob of laughing GIRLS in school uniforms. PERKY GIRL (walking by) Good morning, Miss Juliet. JULIET Good morning, Sandra.

INT. EMPTY CLASSROOM - DAY An open door. Nameplate on desk: "Miss Juliet Tung." The clock reads 4:00. Juliet sits at her desk, hard at work grading papers. An apple rests on corner of desk. She looks tired. FLOSSY, 19, well-endowed, curvy, a scatter-brained look about her, enters waving a note. FLOSSY Miss Juliet? JULIET Yes? FLOSSY (Hands her a note) Miss Helga would like to see you. In her office. JULIET Now? FLOSSY Fraid so. JULIET Do you know what she wants? FLOSSY I just work for her. Juliet scoops up the papers, stuffs them in her briefcase. JULIET Darn! I was hoping to get my paperwork done. I have a 3-day weekend starting tomorrow. Oh well, do it at home tonight, drop it off tomorrow on my way up to the lake. Please don't tell Miss Helga that I said darn. FLOSSY I won't, Miss Juliet. INT. OUTSIDE THE DOOR TO MISS HELGA'S PRIVATE OFFICE - DAY A sign on wall: "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS" Juliet stands at door. She straightens her skirt and blouse with her hands, takes a breath. Brass plate on door: MISS HELGA VALKYRIE, HEADMISTRESS.

Flossy, at her secretary's desk, sneaks a peek, as Juliet raps lightly on door. HELGA (O.S.) Enter! INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY HELGA, 45, an attractive BBW in a navy business suit, sits behind desk, writing. A big, red apple rests on the corner of her desk. Juliet cracks door, peeks in. HELGA (Not looking up) You're late, Miss Tung. JULIET Yes, Ma'am. Juliet enters, tiptoes silently to middle of room. The door, seemingly of its own will, clicks shut behind her. HELGA: Five minutes early is on time. JULIET Yes, Ma'am. Helga looks down at the memo on her desk. HELGA I'm finishing up your performance evaluation. It's a district requirement. Juliet tenses up. HELGA (CONT'D) Miss DePuy tells me your job knowledge and product quality are satisfactory. I'll take her word for it. No one has complained about you, so I'll assume your working relationships are not unsatisfactory. Juliet swallows nervously. HELGA (CONT'D) Now, as to your oral skills, I try to sit in on a class now and then to get a feel for a new teacher's abilities. I haven't been able to do so for you. It's been hectic with the fundraising and whatnot.

JULIET It. It's all right, Ma'am. Helga pounds the desk top. The stapler and paper weight bounce. HELGA It's not all right, damn it! Juliet jumps. HELGA (CONT'D) We don't say a thing is "all right." Life isn't a series of "all rights" laid end to end. The people who do the real work of the world are people who reject "all right," embrace "can do" and understand the difference between doing it now and putting it off till tomorrow. I'm not calling you in here tomorrow. I'm calling you in here now. She points to a sign on the wall, "DO IT NOW!!!!" presses button on intercom. HELGA (CONT'D) Flossy, no calls. No visitors. INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY Flossy seated at her desk. We see her skirt is pulled up, her thighs are open, her panties at her knees. She quietly and surreptitiously vibes herself. FLOSSY Yes, Ma'am. INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY HELGA pushes back from the desk, propels herself in her big wheeled executive chair around the side of the desk until she's three feet from Juliet. HELGA Now then, your oral skills. JULIET Yes, Ma'am. HELGA We're going to test them. JULIET Yes, Ma'am. She

HELGA Test how you present yourself. JULIET Yes, Ma'am. HELGA Test how you perform under stress. You are feeling stressed, I hope. JULIET Ye...yes, Ma'am. HELGA (A wicked smile) Good. The oral evaluation starts. Now. Helga raises herself slightly in the chair, pulls up her skirt until her panties are visible. She slides her panties to her ankles. She opens her thighs, displaying a thick, lustrous, black muff. Juliet gasps. HELGA (CONT'D) I want you to kneel and pleasure me with your mouth. That will be one of my tests of your oral skills. Juliet stands transfixed, too shocked to speak. Helga opens her thighs wider. HELGA (CONT'D) Miss Tung. This is a timed test. Tick. Tick. Tick. JULIET I. I. I've never. HELGA Never done any quote muff diving? Tick. Tick. Tick. JULIET Yes. Uh no. I mean, that is. HELGA Miss Tung. (Points to her crotch) You better get going, or (Points to the door) You better get going. Juliet stands, frozen in place, her mouth open, her eyes on Helga's thick, sweaty cunt. On a shelf on the wall, wedged between two books, a videocam, its eye trained on the spot where Helga sits. It humms and whirrs softly, silently.

INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY Flossy at her desk, vibing herself. She leans forward, watching the image on her monitor. We see over her shoulder the image that engrosses her. WHAT FLOSSY SEES Juliet stands transfixed. Helga sits, her crotch open, her cunt displayed. Helga snaps her finger, points to her sex. BACK TO SCENE FLOSSY (Whispers) Do it, Miss Juliet. Lick her. Suck her. Bite her. INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY Juliet kneeling, her lips pressed to Helga's crotch. Helga grips Juliet's hair, guiding her tongue. HELGA Yes. Right there, Miss Tung. Deeper. Yes. There. Now suck. Not too hard. Work your lips. Oh yes, that's it. Yessss. INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY Flossy, intent on the image, vibing herself harder. FLOSSY Oh God! Yes yes yes yes yes yes! INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY Juliet kneeling, her face pressed tight to Helga's crotch, her fingernails digging into Helga's thighs. Helga's DD breasts heave. She's close to climax. HELGA Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodyes yes yes yes yes yes oh yesssss!!!!! INT. JULIET'S CLASSROOM - DAY JANITOR cleans, wipes Juliet's desktop. She stops, looks around to make sure no one's watching. She grabs the apple, takes a big bite out of it, tosses it in the trash can.

INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY Juliet bent over, her feet wide apart, her head just above rim of the trash can. She holds her skirt up, exposing her bare ass. Her panties are down to her ankles. We see she carefully grips Miss Helga's apple between her teeth, careful not to bite down. HELGA You will not let go of the apple until I permit it. Helga gives Juliet's ass cheeks five hard whacks with an oaken paddle. We see tears streaming down Juliet's cheeks. HELGA (CONT'D) Now you may drop it, Miss Tung. She does so. Helga smacks her ass five more times. Juliet screams and howls. HELGA (CONT'D) Good tone. Good pitch. Good quality of sound. INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY Flossy, intent on the image in the monitor, vibes herself deep, hard and fast. FLOSSY: Ohnoohnoohnohnoohnoohnoohnoohnohnoo hnoohnoohohohohohohgodohgodohgodohg odohgod! INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY Juliet spread wide on the desk. Helga on top of her, fucking her hard and deep with a strapon. Juliet moans. She is near climax. HELGA: Go ahead, Miss Tung. Have your orgasm. You earned it. Juliet explodes with pleasure and relief, writhing and flailing, as Helga rams the dildo into her again and again. INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY Flossy, kleenex in hand, is busy wiping girl-goo off her secretary's chair.

FLOSSY: Oh for Pete's sake! INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY Juliet, kneeling before Helga, the black dick deep in her throat. She sucks, her eyes on the carpet. HELGA: Clean it, Miss Tung. Make it nice and shiny for next time. One teacher should always help another. INT. THE OUTER OFFICE - DAY The door to Helga's inner-sanctum opens. Juliet, her hair and clothes disheveled, stumbles out in a daze. FLOSSY (A sing-song voice) Have a great vacation, Miss Juliet. You sure earned it. Her cheeks flushed, Juliet rushes out of office, nearly tripping over herself. INT. A SCHOOL BATHROOM - DAY A line of toilet stalls. Inside the farthest stall, Juliet kneels, spitting, dry-heaving into the bowl. We see the fresh red welts on her ass cheeks. Sound of two SCHOOLGIRLS entering bathroom. Juliet slams and locks stall door. She huddles against wall. She hugs herself, she shivers. INT. KITCHEN IN JULIET & WENDY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Juliet, in a bikini, enters with a stack of test papers. She sets papers on kitchen counter. She drags a bar stool over to the counter. She sits, springs back up. JULIET Owwwww! Oh, my poor ass! She pushes stool away, corrects papers standing up. WENDY, 24, blonde, pretty in an outdoorsy athletic way, enters. She's dressed in workout togs. She wears a sweatband.

WENDY You gonna get those done, I hope. JULIET Not taking them with me. WENDY I'd throw 'em in the lake if you did. Thought you said you were gonna do it after class. JULIET (Rubbing her tush) Something came up. WENDY It's that job of yours. Something's always coming up. You need to get out of there. Lateral over to admin with me. Same pay, less headaches. JULIET But I like teaching. WENDY Teaching is such a pain in the ass. (Touches a welt on Juliet's tush. Juliet flinches) Admin is basic. You go to work, you do stuff, you're out by five. No home room, no hall monitor, no after-school BS. Know what I did today? Performance evaluations. All over the District, they're doing performance evaluations. Gave my staff holy hell. Fear and trembling. I'll let 'em quake in their boots for a few days. Next week, I'll smooth things over, take them all to lunch. Except for one. JULIET One? WENDY This girl, Kay. Just not cut out for it. By the way, she's dropping by. Hope you don't mind. JULIET Why is she dropping by? Sound of doorbell. WENDY Oh! That's her.

Juliet watches as Wendy exits room. She frowns. LIVING ROOM - A HALF HOUR LATER Juliet sits on sofa, trying to read a book. Through wall, sound of Wendy and Kay having loud, strenuous sex. Juliet stands up, slams book down, looks daggers at the wall, goes to her bedroom, shuts door. WENDY'S BEDROOM - THE SAME MOMENT Lights dim. The room in shadows. Silhouette of Wendy straddling a naked KAY, grinding her cunt on Kay's face. Wendy climaxes. WENDY OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod... JULIET'S BEDROOM - LATER Sound of Wendy and and Kay having louder, more strenuous sex. Juliet lies stiffly on bed, arms folded, doing a slow burn. BATHROOM - LATER Silence, except for water running in sink. Wendy, her face close to the mirror, picking her teeth with a toothpick. Juliet appears in doorway. Wendy sees her in the mirror. WENDY Pussy hair in my teeth. happens. Always

JULIET I think that's so base and low. WENDY What? JULIET You know what I mean. Using her, then firing her. That is so - WENDY I'm not firing her. JULIET But you said - -

WENDY I said I'm not buying her lunch. She's incompetent. Can't even type a simple bullet-point memo. Her husband's a school superintendent. That's how she got the job. I could give her low marks, make her life miserable, but what's the point? JULIET But you're making her screw you. That's. That's - WENDY You know what I think? I think you're jealous. Friday night and you're not getting any. JULIET That is so ridiculous. WENDY Little Miss Juliet, Sittin' in a tree, Sees two girls a'kissing, says What about me? JULIET I'm not jealous. WENDY I'm gonna do you a favor. I'm gonna send Kay to your bedroom to pleasure you. JULIET Don't bother. I'm managing just fine. WENDY (Sing-song voice) Expect a visitor. JULIET (Sing-song voice) I'm locking the door. Juliet turns and leaves. Wendy grins, checks her teeth in the mirror. JULIET'S BEDROOM - LATER The room in shadows. Juliet under covers in bed, tossing and turning, her eyes open. Door opens, then clicks shut. Silhouette of Kay silently moving across room, sliding into bed with Juliet. Silence.

LIVING ROOM - A HALF HOUR LATER Darkened room. A single nightlight. Through wall, sound of Juliet and Kay having loud, passionate sex. WENDY'S BEDROOM - THE SAME MOMENT Through wall, sound of Juliet and Kay having loud, passionate sex. Wendy curled up in bed, listening. She grins. KITCHEN - MORNING Juliet, in panties and bras, seated at table, eating a quiet breakfast. Wendy, in panties and bra, enters, leading a naked smiling Kay on a leash and collar. She points to a spot on the floor in the middle of the room. Kay kneels. Wendy squats next to her, strokes her hair. WENDY How's my good little kitty? Kay purrs, rubs against Wendy. Wendy points at Juliet's legs, snaps fingers. Kay crawls under the table. As Juliet watches, Kay slides her panties to her ankles, spreads her thighs, begins breathing on her cunt, kissing & licking it. Juliet suddenly stiffens, her thighs open wider. She grips the table and holds on tight, as Wendy sits, winks, grins. WENDY (CONT'D) Nothing quite like being eaten out at breakfast. Gives you a whole different perspective on the day. JULIET OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! INT. WENDY'S CAR - DAY JULIET (Jabbering away) You are the bestest best friend ever in the whole wide world. I had such a really really wonderful time with her. It was almost like we were in a movie. How everything slowed down and it was like we were running across a meadow toward each other, graceful as gazelles. It was like a dream and I never wanted to wake up and - -

WENDY Hey! You got laid. That's all you got. JULIET You make it sound so ordinary. WENDY Because it is. Girls are supposed to get laid on Friday night. The car turns in at Miss Helga's School For Girls and comes to a stop at the curb. JULIET Be right back. Juliet gets out, a stack of papers under her arm. INT. SCHOOL OFFICE - DAY Juliet enters. She goes to a table where there's an inbox labelled "MS DEPUY." She carefully sets the stack in the inbox. Suddenly, she senses someone behind her. HELGA I gave you a "satisfactory" on your orals, Miss Tung. I would have given you "superior" but your orgasm lacked that elusive deep passion, that je ne sais quoi of true primal abandon. Something you might want to work on. Juliet whirls around. Helga, in a black tee, jeans & boots, winks at her, turns and walks away. On the back of her tee, a picture of a cowgirl on a bucking bronco and the message "Cowgirl Up!" Juliet, mouth open, watches her go. EXT. ON A HIGHWAY LEADING UP INTO THE HILLS - DAY WENDY WOOOO-HOOOOO! Wendy drives way over the speed limit. blasts, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." The car stereo

EXT. ON THE SAME HIGHWAY TWO MILES AHEAD - DAY Four urban GANGSTA WANNABES in white teeshirts and backward baseball caps cruising along in a dirty lowrider Chevy. Bad, slow, stupid rap plays on the cheap car stereo.

Through the rear window, we see Wendy coming up fast. INT. WENDY'S CAR - DAY Through the windshield, we see the lowrider Chevy up ahead. The car stereo blasts Mazzy Star's "Ghost Highway." Wendy drives with one hand. With the other, she writes on Juliet's bare ass with a red magic marker. Juliet howls with laughter. WENDY Hold still, dammit! INT. THE LOWRIDER CHEVY - DAY A honking horn as Wendy's car pulls alongside. Four backwards baseball caps turn as one to see Juliet's bare ass staring them in the face with the words, "EAT MY RAW ANUS." Wendy floors it. gravel. The tires squeal, spraying the Chevy with

GANGSTA WANNABE 1 What's an anus? INT. WENDY'S CAR - DAY The car stereo plays Lesbians In Ecstacy, "Party Time." Through the back window, we see the lowrider Chevy disappearing in the dust, as Juliet pulls her shorts back up. WENDY Okay, no more fun and games. gotta get serious. We? We

JULIET It was your idea to do that.

WENDY Whatever. We got an hour till we get to Girl Time. Gotta start putting our dyke faces on. Got to look jaded and severe and all. Don't want them thinking we're dabblers or newbies or losers. JULIET So I should be the femme and you the butch?

WENDY No, stupid! We're not going with each other. We're there to find women. Other women. Trust me. Girl Time is the number one girlon-girl mountain resort this side of Vermont. JULIET So excited. I can't wait! WENDY Girls up there aren't pork chops. These're USDA prime. EXT. GIRL TIME - DAY We leave Juliet and Wendy and fly on ahead to their destination. Suddenly, there it is below. Wow! So fast. We slowly descend. Cabins and cabanas dot the beach. On a huge blanket on the sand at the water's edge, we see four nude women playing a friendly game of cards. Nearby, a vigorous game of nude beach volleyball is underway. We see girl bikers and joggers and power walkers along the trails. All in all, a quiet peaceful scene, yes? We drift out to a wooded island 1,000 yards off the shore. We see a lone beached rowboat on the sand. In the flat bottom of the boat, below the thwarts, a slim bikini'd young WOMAN lies facedown, hogtied. She struggles. We see she's Asian. We see she's blindfolded. We follow footprints in the sand to a grove of trees. We see a muscular BBW, 38, standing over a thin frightened kneeling tied and blindfolded young Asian WOMAN. She pees on her. BBW Keep the mouth open, bitch. Swallow. I want to hear some serious gulping. She finishes her piss. BBW (CONT'D) Time for me to drag your little slant-eyed friend over here. I wanna grind on her face so bad. The BBW grins, strides toward the beach where the boat is. EXT. IN THE PARKING LOT OUTSIDE A CABIN AT GIRL TIME - DAY The trunk is open. Wendy and Juliet starting to unload suitcases and bags. Two hot-looking thick-thighed, highheeled fireplugs, each barely five foot tall, approach them,

smiling big smiles. They wear what appear to be uniforms. Tight, sexy uniforms. This is BAMBI and THUMPER. BAMBI Welcome to Girl Time, ladies. WENDY Thank you. THUMPER I'm Thumper. And this is. BAMBI Bambi. We're here to see that you get settled in. WENDY This is Juliet and I'm Wendy. THUMPER Can we help you unload, Miss Wendy? Bambi bends down to pick up a bag, showing off her deliciously oiled and perfumed crack. INT. THE CABIN - DAY The suitcases and bags are stacked on the floor of the spartan studio apartment. A bicycle hangs from hooks on a wall. Wendy and Juliet look around, disappointment writ large on their faces. WENDY Smaller than I expected. JULIET I was hoping for a lush, decadent decorating scheme. At the very least, a thick, purple rug for carpet-munching. BAMBI Obviously, you haven't been to the basement. WENDY There's a basement? BAMBI Oh yes, Miss Wendy. THUMPER Every cabin comes with a. BAMBI Basement.

They wink, giggle knowingly. Thumper opens a door, which reveals a down stairway. BAMBI (CONT'D) Shall we go down? INT. THE BASEMENT - DAY A large space with a high ceiling. Padded walls with chains and ropes hanging from rafters. In the middle of the space, we see a St. Andrew's cross and a medieval rack. In one corner, a cage-like structure. Bambi and Thumper's high heels click erotically on the hardwood floor. Oh my God! WENDY I love it already.

THUMPER This is where you'll spend most of your. BAMBI Time. JULIET (Points to the cage thing) What is that for? THUMPER That's where you lock up your girl when she's been. BAMBI Very bad. THUMPER Or very good. BAMBI Or very both. They giggle. Wendy. Thumper produces a business card, hands it to

THUMPER We're available 24/7. BAMBI Call us, Miss Wendy. They smile and mince out of the room, heels clicking. Wendy and Juliet watch them exit, then walk over to the cage. It's like a small jail cell with thick steel bars and a lockable door. We see a rubber mat on the floor and a single water bowl. Wendy licks her lips, thinking of the

possibilies. inside.

Juliet shivers, imagining herself locked

WENDY (Reading card) "Bambi and Thumper. Your obsession, our discretion. Anal, BDSM, birching, bondage, brinking, buttplugs, collars & leashes, crotch play, domination, enema games, fetishes, nipple play, nurse/patient, paddling, pony play, ropes, scat, strapons, submission, teacher/student, tickle play, watersports, whips and chains." JULIET Some of those I've never heard of. EXT. THE PARKING LOT AT A CLUB NEAR THE RESORT - NIGHT Just past dusk. An old, dented car enters the near-empty lot just as the neon sign switches on: "SUEDE - Where Girls Meet Girls." The car smokes, backfires. An attractive thirty-something WOMAN steps out of the car and heads to the door marked "Employees Only." This is TAWNY. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT The room is empty. We hear Wendy and Juliet somewhere moving something very heavy. The stairway door opens and we see the two girls maneuver a big suitcase into the room. With one final grunt, they turn it on its side. Wendy pops open the locks, takes out a set of heavy leg irons, a pair of handcuffs, a paddle, a whip, a rattan switch, several strapons, a latex catsuit, eight pairs of Domme footwear, a coil of new rope and a length of chain with shackles. JULIET So that's why it was so heavy. WENDY Always be prepared. Never know when Miss Right will turn up. Wendy lays the implements on the rack, one by one. She smacks her lips, gazes down on the whip and paddle lovingly, picks up the rattan switch, smacks it against the palm of her hand. WENDY (CONT'D) Well, time to find me a girl.

Juliet draws back. WENDY (CONT'D) Oh, not you. Wendy laughs, heads to the door. WENDY (CONT'D) I'm not picky, as long as she's smart and pretty. Sweet, and gentle, and tender. She disappears through the door. up the stairs. We hear her voice echoing

WENDY (O.S.) (CONT'D) and lovely, and carefree... INT. SUEDE - NIGHT Seated at a table alone, a WOMAN, late 20's, hair tied back in a severe bun. She's dressed in a black leather mini, a long-sleeve, high-neck lace blouse and three-inch black slingback pumps. Her eyes burn like red-hot coals. This is the STRANGE GIRL. She snaps her fingers. Tawny rushes over, dressed in stilettoes and a leather body harness. A large, gleaming, polished steel ring at her crotch accents her sex. TAWNY Yes, Ma'am? The Strange Girl teases Tawny's sex with the tip of her fingernail. THE STRANGE GIRL I'll have a martini, extra dry, dear one. TAWNY Yes, Ma'am. Tawny turns and leaves. The Strange Girl watches her, then raises her finger to her lips and licks. INT. THE CABIN - NIGHT Juliet is alone. She lies on the bed, naked, her clothes in a heap on the floor. She vibes herself. She thrashes and flails about, as she works the dick deep inside her. She presses a button on the base of the tool. We hear the tiny motor switch to a high whine. Juliet keens like a bird as she reaches climax.

JULIET OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! EXT. SUEDE PARKING LOT - NIGHT After midnight. Wendy guides a giggling Tawny, an overcoat covering her nakedness, to the car. At the door to the club, we see the Strange Girl watching them go. She frowns. EXT. OUTSIDE ON ONE OF THE RESORT BIKE PATHS - NIGHT Lights illuminate the path. Juliet, in a bikini, pedals slowly, uncertainly, inexpertly. On a road parallel to the path, a POLICE CAR slows down next to her. Juliet turns to look, as a spotlight is trained on her. BLANCHE (O.S.) (Over the loudspeaker) Stop the bike! Get off and stand at the side of the path now! Flashing police lights. INT. WENDY'S CAR - NIGHT The car speeds up the hill away from the bright lights. Wendy and Tawny laugh, Tawny working herself into a hardcore mood. Wendy passes Tawny a bottle. Tawny takes a long drink and makes to hand it back. Wendy pushes it back at her. WENDY Finish it! EXT. AT THE BIKE PATH - NIGHT Flashing police lights. Juliet stands next to her bike, shivering. A POLICEWOMAN approaches, her hand on her thick black utility belt. This is OFFICER BLANCHE PELITIER, 28, good-looking and very fit. BLANCHE Your ID, Miss? Juliet's face tells us her ID's back at the cabin. INT. WENDY'S CAR - NIGHT The car speeds along the edge of the cliff, a spectacular view of the lights of the resort on the edge of the lake

below. Tawny is giggly drunk. She tosses the empty bottle out the window. INT. THE POLICE CRUISER - NIGHT Blanche behind the wheel, the cruiser heading away from the bike path. Juliet in the back behind the wire mesh, her wrists cuffed behind her, her bikini top pulled down to her waist. JULIET Please don't take me in. BLANCHE You're supposed to carry ID at all times. JULIET It's back in my room. Just forgot. I know my rights. I want a lawyer. BLANCHE You're quite the little bitch, aren't you? The police cruiser heads up the hill away from the lights. JULIET Where are we going? EXT. A VIEWPOINT OVERLOOKING THE RESORT - NIGHT Wendy's car parked facing a huge oak. The engine idles, the headlights are on high beam, the trunk is popped open. We see that Tawny is tied, hands over her head, to an overhanging branch. Wendy pulls on the ropes, lifting poor Tawny up onto her tiptoes. Wendy collects a whip, a thick belt, a paddle and a rattan switch from the trunk. She walks up to Tawny, shows her the impliments. WENDY Your choice, girl. TAWNY Please, Ma'am. What did I do to you? WENDY Nothing. I just felt the urge to whip a girl and hey, there you were. Now choose.

INT. THE POLICE CRUISER - NIGHT Juliet sobbing softly in the back. The cruiser reaches the top of the hill. Blanche kills the lights, turns off the engine. The cruiser coasts forward silently until Blanche brakes it and stops. She gets out. BLANCHE Lovers Lane just ahead. Kind of a misnomer. There's a big oak tree there. Dommes bring their subs to whip them while taking in the view. Kind of an ambiance thing. It's a cool thing to watch. She opens the back door, pulls Juliet out, carefully lowering her head, as cops always do, so she doesn't bump on the door. BLANCHE (CONT'D) Let's go. Move it. We don't wanna miss the show. EXT. THE WHIPPING TREE - NIGHT The headlights flood the tree and poor Tawny, as Wendy lays into her ass and thighs with the belt. Tawny howls. She bucks and struggles on the end of the rope. EXT. A HILLSIDE WITHIN VIEW OF THE WHIPPING TREE - NIGHT Blanche sits on a park bench, with a spectacular view of the flogging. We see that her trousers are down to her knees. Juliet, kneeling, tongues her, her eyes watching Blanche's every reaction. Blanche tightly grips Juliet's hair, guiding her tongue. BLANCHE Oh yes, that's it. Right there. Deeper. Yes. There. Now suck. Not too hard. Oh yes, that's it. Yessss. Keep working it. (With her other hand she holds a comm device to her lips) Central, come in. A crackly voice from the comm device. COMM DEVICE VOICE This is Central. BLANCHE Got a Juliet Tung here. T. U. N. G. Asian female. She was on the bike path with no ID.

COMM DEVICE VOICE Stand by. Juliet stops and looks up at Blanche. BLANCHE What are you looking at? Get your head back down there and work it! I haven't cumm yet. EXT. AT ANOTHER SPOT WITHIN VIEW OF THE WHIPPING TREE NIGHT A parked Jeep. Behind the wheel, the Strange Girl. She rubs herself and moans softly as Wendy birches Tawny with the rattan switch. EXT. BACK AT THE BIKE PATH - NIGHT Juliet stands next to the bike. window. Blanche leans out the

BLANCHE Next time, I'll expect to see an ID. Enjoy the rest of your stay at Girl Time. She drives off. Juliet mounts the bike, slowly pedals away.

INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Past midnight. Tawny chained spreadeagle face down to the rack. Wendy rubs baby cream on her rosy ass. Tawny purrs. WENDY (Kisses her tush) I was so turned on. So hot for you. TAWNY I'm glad I please you, Ma'am. EXT. THE CABIN - NIGHT Past midnight. Wendy's car parked at a weird angle, the doors open, interior light on, a beeping sound indicating keys left in the ignition. In the distance, vehicle lights approaching. The vehicle stops on the road outside the cabin. A long moment. Then it turns in and parks by Wendy's car. We see it's the Jeep. The engine switches off, the door opens. The Strange Girl gets out. We see she has a pistol. She walks up to the front door.

EXT. A DIMLY-LIT PUBLIC BATHROOM ON THE BIKE PATH - DAY We see the bike parked outside, kick stand up. coughing, spitting, dry-heaving. INT. THE PUBLIC BATHROOM - DAY A single nightlight illuminates a line of toilet stalls without privacy doors. Inside the farthest stall, Juliet kneels, coughing, spitting, dry-heaving into the bowl. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Past midnight. Tawny naked and oiled, kneeling on the rack, her hands over her head, wrists chained to the rafters. She shrieks with delight as Wendy tickles her with a huge feather. Suddenly she stops laughing. She sees something frightening behind Wendy, something Wendy doesn't see. EXT. THE CABIN - NIGHT Past midnight. We see the bicycle parked by the door. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT The feather floats downward. Tawny jerks on her chain. Wendy, naked, her hands behind her head. The Strange Girl points the pistol at Tawny's crotch, then at Wendy's nipple. THE STRANGE GIRL I brought a new toy for you two little girls to play with. She takes out a nasty-looking double butt-plug with ribs and knobs along the shaft. Tawney's eyes bug out. Wendy gasps. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) Let's try it out, shall we? INT. THE CABIN UPSTAIRS BATHROOM - NIGHT Juliet, naked, on the toilet, taking a pee. She finishes, wipes her pee hole, stands and for the first time, sees the note taped to the mirror. JULIET (Reads) "Got a kinky waitress for us. Come to the basement. Wendy. PS: I called those two fat little bitches with the clicky heels to come over and make it a fivesome. Ha ha." We hear

Juliet looks at herself in the mirror. crosses her face. Yes! First bitch going off! other

A wicked smile

JULIET (CONT'D) Tired of being pushed around! Miss Helga and then that cop. Time to push back. I'm down there and Domme my ass Or, I mean to say, Domme some girl's ass off.

INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Wendy, naked, cuffed to the rack, her ass sticking up, her head down. Tawny, naked, kneels behind her, holding a jar of K-Y Jelly. The double butt-plug rests on the rack by Tawny's knees. THE STRANGE GIRL Grease her poo hole, girl. Do it. She's going to need a lot when we push that thing inside her. Tawny whimpers, sticks her finger in the jar. INT. UPSTAIRS IN THE CABIN - NIGHT Juliet stands in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, in a black leather lace-up underbust corset, 4-inch thigh-high boots and latex shoulder gloves. On her head, a military cap. In her hand, a riding crop. She smiles. Oh God! JULIET I look so hot.

She touches the crop to her nipple, shakes her hair loose and heads toward the stairs. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Wendy and Tawny, joined ass to ass by the double butt-plug. They're duct-taped together at the calves. The Strange Girl sits in a high stool, the pistol trained on them. THE STRANGE GIRL You see that I was kind to you. I greased you both. When I'm not feeling kind, I don't grease. Now work it, ladies. Wendy and Tawny start fucking. painful. TAWNY It hurts, Ma'am. Their faces tell us it's

THE STRANGE GIRL Of course it hurts, dear one. Love always hurts. Work it harder. INT. THE STAIRS - NIGHT Juliet descends the stairs, looking like a heaven-sent kink goddess. She practices brandishing the riding crop. She works on her Domme voice. JULIET Lick my boots, slut! Head down, ass up, bitch. Assume the position, you cunt! Worship me, you whore! She laughs. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Wendy and Tawny, now past the pain, ass-fucking deep and hard, their butts slapping together, sweat covering their naked bodies. The Strange Girl stands over them with a catof-nine-tails, bringing it down on their backs, SMAKKKKKKK, SMAKKKKKKK, SMAKKKKKKK, when they show signs of slacking off. Suddenly, she hears something. She turns, looks at the door. INT. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR - NIGHT Juliet stands at the door, giving herself a pep talk. JULIET You are a queen, you are a goddess! Your cunt is an altar, your tits are - She stops, takes a deep breath, opens the door. INT. THE BASEMENT - NIGHT Juliet bursts in. She points the crop straight ahead. Your queen

JULIET On your knees, slut! has arrived!

She sees Wendy and Tawny, tied together, butt to butt, assfucking to beat the band. Wha? JULIET (CONT'D) What's going on here?

Behind her, a voice. THE STRANGE GIRL What's going on is, I've taken control of your friends, dear one. I own them. Their asses are mine. Juliet spins around, face-to-face with the Strange Girl. A knife in the Strange Girl's hand suddenly pointed at Juliet's tit. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) Drop it, girl. The crop clatters to the hardwood floor. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) So. Queen, is it? You're not much of a queen. I think I'm going to dethrone you. You're going to abdicate. Get out of those clothes. You have no right to wear them. She presses the point of the knife lightly against Juliet's nipple. Juliet flinches, gasps, starts to strip. INT. A HALLWAY AT THE POLICE STATION - NIGHT End of the night shift. Blanche walks wearily down the hallway. A sign on the wall: "LOCKER ROOM." INT. THE LOCKER - NIGHT Blanche, naked, taking a shower. At the next shower over, a heavyset Woman soaps herself. On closer look, we see that it's the BBW from the island. BLANCHE Heard the bikepath rapist struck again. BBW Didn't hear that. BLANCHE On the news. Except this time it wasn't on the bike path. It was two Asian girls out boating. They're still missing. BBW We'll get her. She'll slip up sooner or later. BLANCHE They always do.

BBW Hope those Asian girls are okay. EXT. THE ISLAND - NIGHT We're back at the tree where the BBW pissed on the blindfolded Asian Woman. Now we see her two victims buried in the sand up to their necks. They struggle to scream for help through their gags. EXT. UP A WINDING ROAD HEADING INTO DENSE FOREST - NIGHT The Jeep bounces over a gravel road going steep uphill in the forest. The Strange Girl behind the wheel. Behind her seat, naked and hogtied wrist to ankle on the filthy floor, Juliet struggles to steady herself. A dirty tarp partially covers her. INT. THE BASEMENT CAGE - NIGHT Darkened room. Tawny and Wendy, naked, tied on the rubber mat tummy to tummy in a sixty-nine position, spreader bars at their knees. TAWNY (A whiney voice) We could starve to death before anyone finds us. WENDY Shut up! Sounds of doors opening and closing upstairs. Sounds of far away girl chatter. TAWNY Oh my God, it's that woman with the knife. I know it is. She's killed your friend and now she's come back to finish us off. And listen! She's brought someone with her! WENDY Shut! Up! EXT. A CLEARING IN THE FOREST - NIGHT The Jeep parked at the edge of the clearing. Juliet, naked, stretched onto her tiptoes, her wrists tied over her head to the branch of a huge tree. She watches with foreboding as the Strange Girl builds a fire.

INT. THE BASEMENT CAGE - DAY Sound of the stairway door opening and closing. The click of familiar high heels on the hardwood floor. THUMPER (O.S.) This is the place. BAMBI (O.S.) We must be early. No one's here yet. WENDY & TAWNY Help! Help! Over here! Lights switch on. Sound of Bambi and Thumper rushing to the cage. They appear at the cage door. We see them looking through the bars at poor Wendy and Tawny. BAMBI Is that you, Miss Wendy? Yes! WENDY Get me out of this!

THUMPER Who's in there with you? WENDY Just some slut, dammit! of here! Get me out

TAWNY I'm not a slut. I'm a waitress. WENDY Whatever! Get in here and untie me! BAMBI Miss Wendy certainly has a bad temper. THUMPER Giving orders like she's the Queen of Spain. Calling that sweet girl a slut. How rude. BAMBI It's abusive. Disempowering. THUMPER Disempowering. I was just about to use that very word. WENDY Will you two bitches get in here and untie me?

THUMPER I don't think we will, Miss Wendy. BAMBI We don't like being ordered around. We think you should. THUMPER Apologize. EXT. THE CLEARING - NIGHT A roaring fire. Shadows dance in the darkness. Juliet stands tied under the tree limb, stretched onto her tiptoes. The Strange Girl spreads Juliet's thighs, presses a finger inside her sex. THE STRANGE GIRL Now let's clamp those pretty lips. She kisses Juliet, begins attaching clamps and a thin chain to her clitty lips. Juliet gasps as the clamps are secured in place. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) I love your pain. Juliet moans. INT. THE BASEMENT CAGE - NIGHT The gate to the cage is open. Bambi and Thumper stand over Wendy and Tawny, still tied on the rubber mat cunt-to-cunt in a sixty-nine. They click their heels menacingly. Bambi holds a leather flogger. Thumper holds a hickory switch. Wendy's ass cheek is bright red. She sobs. BAMBI We don't think that apology was very sincere. THUMPER It was like she just wanted to get it over with. BAMBI Exactly. THUMPER Miss Wendy, why don't you try again and this time. BAMBI Make it real.

WENDY (A "don't hit me again" voice) Tawny, please forgive me for the terrible thing I said. BAMBI Do you forgive her, Tawny? TAWNY Yes. THUMPER Now Miss Wendy. Kiss Tawny's cunt. BAMBI Make it a big wet sloppy kiss, Miss Wendy. Do it. We see Wendy's lips pressed to Tawny's crotch. We see Tawny's body stiffen and tremble in forced pleasure. BAMBI & THUMPER Awwwwwww! Isn't that sweet? THUMPER Doncha just love make-up sex? EXT. THE CLEARING - NIGHT The fire is starting to burn down. Juliet stands, stretched under the tree limb, her feet apart, her thighs open, a silver chain hanging from clitty clamps. The Strange Girl squats, about to clip a lead weight to the chain. Juliet closes her eyes tight. She doesn't want to see. THE STRANGE GIRL Now let's add some weights to the chain. Let's stretch those pretty lips. Each of these weighs an ounce. An ounce of lead. She clips weights to the chain. She lets the chain swing free. Juliet cries out in pain. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) It's okay to cry out, dear one. I'm the only one to hear you. And I love your pain. She begins to clip more weights to the chain.

INT. THE BASEMENT CAGE - NIGHT Wendy and Tawny, tied naked on the floor, side by side, face up. Bambi rides Wendy's face, her cunt grinding on Wendy's mouth, Thumper, doing the same with Tawny. Gripping their hair tightly, they pull them flush against their crotches. Bambi and Thumper are close to orgasm. BAMBI I have to go. THUMPER You should have taken care of that before. BAMBI I know, but Miss Wendy said to hurry and. THUMPER You shouldn't let people push you around. BAMBI I shouldn't have eaten that bean burrito. THUMPER We're so close. BAMBI I really have to, like. Go.

THUMPER Then do it on her. Why waste a good orgasm? I'll do one, too. Wendy's eyes get really big. THUMPER (CONT'D) Okay. Smallest turd buys lunch? BAMBI You're on. They grind harder, their tits bouncing. BAMBI & THUMPER: Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodyesyesyesy esyesyesyesyesyesahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhh! We hear two long wet farts. EXT. THE CLEARING - NIGHT The fire burns lower, almost out.

Juliet stands, stretched under the tree limb, her feet tied wide apart to stakes hammered into the ground. The weighted silver chain swings slowly, the clamps stretching her lips. She moans. The Strange Girl looks up from her sleeping bag at Juliet's feet. THE STRANGE GIRL Good night, dear one. JULIET Good night, Ma'am. INT. THE BASEMENT CAGE - NIGHT Wendy and Tawny, naked, tied faceup spreadeagle side-by-side to the bars. We see a soft turd on each of their chests. Each has a shit mustache. Thumper smirks. Bambi giggles. BAMBI (A hint of a threat) I want a shit-eating grin, Miss Wendy. Wendy forces a smile. Bambi points her camera-phone and snaps a picture. They turn exit the cage, laughing. THUMPER (O.S.) The cleaning girl will find you in the morning. Sound of door opening and slamming. Silence, then... TAWNY What if this gets in the paper? What will people say? What will my boss say? WENDY Shut up! EXT. THE CLEARING - NIGHT The fire has burned down to ashes. All is still, except for Juliet's moans. INT. THE GIRL TIME ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE - DAY The next morning. A visibly angry Wendy and a sobbing, traumatized Tawny sit shivering, barefoot in bathrobes. They still have their shit mustaches.

Behind the desk, SUSAN, 50, a severe bureaucratic type, fills out a report form. Standing next to her, CARMEN, 30, the cleaning lady. TAWNY What will people say? this getting out. I don't want

CARMEN I come in basement to clean. Find them tied in cage. Someone shit on their tits. SUSAN Thank you, Carmen. CARMEN Basement smells bad, Miss Susan. Very bad. SUSAN I'm sure you will make it smell good, Carmen. CARMEN Yes, Miss Susan. Carmen turns and exits. SUSAN All right, Ladies. Let me understand this. You were already tied up. (She holds up Bambi & Thumper's business card which was paper-clipped to the form) When these women entered the basement and defecated on you. WENDY (Points to card) Correction. When your employees came in and shit on us! SUSAN Excuse me, Miss Brinker, but these are not our employees. WENDY They met us when we arrived. They helped carry our bags in. SUSAN We do not have bellhops. We do not have staff to unload cars.

WENDY Then who were they? SUSAN One thing at a time, Miss. Let's sort out the story. Who tied you up? WENDY It was the woman with the knife. TAWNY She was horrible! Horrible! SUSAN The woman with the knife tied you. WENDY And kidnapped Juliet! TAWNY It was horrible! SUSAN This sounds like a matter for the police. Uh. The? Police? SUSAN Defecating on a person against their will constitutes a kind of assault. Threatening with a knife certainly is. (She picks up the receiver and makes ready to dial) I'll have Officer Blanche Pelitier to come down here and take your statements. WENDY Uh. Yes? WENDY Uh. Can't we think this over? SUSAN You were assaulted. Your friend was kidnapped. Don't you want to - Wait. SUSAN WENDY The police? TAWNY

WENDY You have to understand. I'm a supervisor for a school district. If word got back that I - TAWNY My mother would not believe this. She'd go beserk. Susan takes the report form, tosses it in waste basket. Wendy & Tawny stand up, turn to leave. SUSAN One last thing, ladies? They stop, turn back. SUSAN (CONT'D) (Indicates her upper lip) Your mustaches? EXT. AT A OVERLOOK ON THE PATHWAY IN THE WOODS - DAY A breathtakingly spectacular view of the lake and the resort below. Two tourists: REGINA, 35, a professor of anthropology, and her protg, ALYSSA, 19, in trendy hiking togs, backpacks and walking sticks. Regina looks lean and intense. Alyssa looks fresh and innocent. They've stopped their morning hike to take in the view. Regina takes out her camera, steps back a few yards, points it. REGINA Smile. Alyssa smiles. perfect. It's a beautiful smile. ALYSSA Cheese. REGINA Wait! Undo the top two buttons of your blouse. My blouse? ALYSSA Why? Her teeth are

REGINA It'll give you a certain je ne sais quoi. A hint of unpredictability, a wanton undertone. A bit of depth, if you will. She hesitates. REGINA (CONT'D) Oh come on. No one's watching.

ALYSSA Well, okay. She moves her fingers to her top button. REGINA That's my good girl. EXT. THE GRAVEL ROAD SOMEWHERE NEAR THE CLEARING - DAY Morning. Birds singing in the trees. The sound of a babbling brook somewhere close by. The Jeep approaches and stops. The Strange Girl sits behind the wheel. The Jeep stops. The Strange Girl hops out. She leaves the engine running. THE STRANGE GIRL Come on! Get out! Juliet, with difficulty, gets up off the floor behind the seat. She gets out. She stands naked in the road, her wrists tied behind her. The Strange Girl unties her, pushes her forward roughly. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) Girl Time is five miles that way. Get going. She hops back in the Jeep, makes a U and floors the throttle, leaving Juliet standing in the dust. JULIET Wait! Don't leave. Please don't leave me out here naked. She turns, starts walking. She steps on a sharp rock. JULIET (CONT'D) Owww! EXT. AT THE OVERLOOK - DAY Alyssa's backpack rests on the ground. Her bra and top are draped neatly on top. Alyssa poses nervously. Her nipples and areoles are spectacular. Regina clicks away. ALYSSA Professor Klebb. Please. I really must put my top back on. REGINA Just a few more, Alyssa. Regina smiles.

ALYSSA Well. Okay. A few more, but that's all. INT. SUEDE - DAY Lunch bunch time at Suede. Tawny, in stilettoes and a slave collar, approaches a table. She is nude, in a leather body harness. She carries 2 menus. Seated at the table, their backs to Tawny, are two Women in latex catsuits. TAWNY Welcome, ladies. Would you like to hear about our lunchtime specials? The Women turn. Hi. THUMPER Long time, no see. EXT. IN SOME BUSHES NEAR THE OVERLOOK - DAY Alyssa, naked, on the ground, her top and her windbreaker under her. Regina kneels over her, kissing her breasts, her hand exploring Alyssa's crotch. ALYSSA Professor Klebb. Please. a lesbian. Please stop. REGINA I love you, Alyssa. ALYSSA No no! Please don't say that. Please. INT. SUEDE - DAY Tawny stares hungrily at the pile of 20 dollar bills on the table. THUMPER A thousand dollars there. Enough to fix that old car of yours and. BAMBI And then some. All you have to do is. I'm not It's Bambi and Thumper. BAMBI Tawny gasps.

THUMPER Is come home with us and let us. BAMBI Play with you. THUMPER And you play with us. Small price for fun. Tawny reaches for the money. Bambi who pockets it. Ah ah. BAMBI Play first. Thumper pushes the stack to

Then pay.

They get up to leave. crotch ring.

Thumper stuffs a $20 in Tawny's

EXT. IN THE BUSHES - DAY Alyssa, naked, on the ground. Regina tongue-fucks her hard and deep. Alyssa shivers and shakes. ALYSSA Oh God, Professor Klebb. I'm going to cumm. I'm going to cumm. I'm going to cumm. Oh God, Professor Klebb. Oh Goddddd!!!!!!!!!!!! Alyssa grips Regina's hair, pulling her mouth tight to her cunt. Regina grips Alyssa's ass cheeks, digging her fingernails into the soft flesh. Alyssa begins a low erotic primal moan, then suddenly her eyes open wide and she screams, just as a spear is stuck into the ground inches from her head. Regina turns and sees what Alyssa sees. A six foot tall blonde AMAZON, 28, stands over them. The Amazon throws a net over the two women. They struggle to get free, only to entrap themselves more. The Amazon laughs. EXT. A QUIET TREE-LINED NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY We see Tawny's beat-up old car parked at the curb. Sound of boots on cement. We see the boots. Black leather polished to a mirror-bright sheen. Sharp toes and one-inch heels. INT. BAMBI AND THUMPER'S HOUSE - DAY A knock at the front door. Thumper, in heels, a wifebeater and a bikini bottom, opens, peeks out. Standing there, a

tight smile on her face, Blanche. Thumper gasps, tries to close the door. Blanche blocks her. BLANCHE Don't even try, Thumper. INT. BAMBI AND THUMPER'S HOUSE - DAY Bambi and Thumper, their wrists cuffed behind them, their nasal septums clamped with thin chains looped through eyeholes on the clamps. Blanche grips the chains, leading the two girls on a search of the house. BAMBI (Nasal) There's nothing here, Officer Blanche. I swear. BLANCHE We'll see. We'll see. BATHROOM - DAY They enter the back bathroom. They find poor Tanya tied naked to the loo. The tape over her mouth reads "toilet slut." The look on her face on seeing a police uniform, "Oh thank God!" THUMPER (Nasal) It's a setup. Someone sneaked in and. BAMBI (Nasal) And planted her there. EXT. IN THE BUSHES NEAR THE ROAD - DAY The Amazon squats, grinning at her captives. Regina and Alyssa, naked, facedown in the dirt, tied wrist to ankle, with sticks tied in their mouths as gags. Their hiking togs and backpacks in a heap nearby. Regina lies quietly, whimpering at her fate. Alyssa struggles mightily to free herself. The Amazon smacks Alyssa on the ass with a flogger. Alyssa yelps through her gag, looks daggers at Regina, rolls onto her side, her back to her mentor. Through the leaves we see Juliet on the road. She walks with a slight limp. The Amazon watches Juliet. She licks her lips.

INT. BAMBI AND THUMPER'S BATHROOM - DAY Tawny, untied, still naked, stands at the sink, sobbing from her ordeal. Blanche kneels at the toilet bowl, with Bambi and Thumper, wrists cuffed behind them, kneeling, one on either side of her. She grips them by the hair. She has Bambi's face dunked in the pee water. Bambi kicks and struggles. Blanche laughs. She pulls Bambi's head out. Bambi coughs and chokes and spits water. Blanche dunks Thumper, who kicks and struggles. BLANCHE I know these two. They're hard cases. They need softening up. She pulls Thumper's head out. Thumper coughs and chokes and spits water. She grins at Bambi. BLANCHE (CONT'D) Your turn again, sweetie. BAMBI No! No, please. BLANCHE Oh yes yes yes. She dunks Bambi. INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY We see on the wall, a framed PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR certificate. MADISON MANN, 38, an attractive, very fit butch, sits at her desk. A light flashes on the intercom. MADISON Yes? BRIANNA (O.S.) A Miss Wendy Brinker to see you, Ma'am. MADISON Send her in. EXT. IN THE BUSHES - DAY Regina, Alyssa and Juliet lay in the dirt, naked, hogtied in a row. The gags have been removed. The Amazon peers out at the road, seemingly waiting to see if more girls will pass by. Regina and Juliet whisper.

REGINA She's taking us to an auction somewhere. JULIET Somewhere? REGINA Somewhere deep in the woods. We're to be sold. JULIET Sold? Sold to whom? REGINA Lesbians. Rich lesbians. ALYSSA (A loud whiny voice) Will somebody please tell her I'm not a lesbian? AMAZON You shut up! INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY Wendy, in a white lacy high-neck, long-sleeve blouse, black leather mini and black, patent-leather fuck-me pumps sits, legs crossed. She holds a thick, brown envelope. MADISON So her name is Juliet? WENDY Juliet Tung. T. U. N. G. photos of her here. I have

Wendy passes the envelope to her. Madison studies the pics. MADISON Pretty. Is she your girl friend? WENDY Roommate. MADISON And the woman with the knife. Did you ever see her before? WENDY The night before, I went to a kink club and left with a waitress. I think I saw her. (Drops her eyes) I'd better tell you up front. I don't have much money.

MADISON Perhaps we can work something out. I take it you're a butch? WENDY I can be femme or butch. Depends on the situation. Depends on the woman. Madison smiles, presses a button on the intercom. MADISON No calls, Brianna. INT. BAMBI & THUMPER'S BATHROOM - DAY We see Tawny sitting naked on the edge of the bathtub. Bambi and Thumper, naked, their wrists cuffed behind them, lie flat on the tile. Their hair soaked in the pee water. They gasp, choke, gag, dry heave. THUMPER Please. Don't dunk us again. BAMBI Please. THUMPER We'll sign. We'll sign anything. BAMBI Just don't dunk us. BLANCHE (To Tawny) You see? I got their attention. (To Bambi & Thumper) Now slither like snakes up to her and suck her toes. They hesitate. BLANCHE (CONT'D) Do it or it's heads back in the toilet, ladies. They slither up to Tawny and begin sucking her. BLANCHE (CONT'D) Keep sucking till I say stop. Blanche whips their ass cheeks with a flogger. They suck harder.

INT. A DIMLY-LIT ROOM - DAY Wendy, in her heels and leather mini, bent over at the waist, feet apart, hands gripping her ankles, as Madison Mann assfucks her with a strapon deep, fast and hard. MADISON Such a consummate feeling of power, having a young bitch bent over, taking up the ass. Thinking about it, reliving it, dreaming about it, will keep me wet for days. When I pull out, I want you to clean it with your tongue. WENDY Yes, Miss. MADISON And I want you to smile as you swallow. Understand? WENDY Yes, Miss. EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE WOODS - DAY Regina, in harness, bridle and bit, is hitched to a ponygirl cart. The Amazon, holding the reins and a buggy whip, sits imperiously in the seat. Juliet and Alyssa are tethered to the back of the cart. Regina is straining, pulling the cart up an incline. She slips, but catches herself. SMACKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!! The Amazon brings the whip down on her ass cheek. AMAZON Clumsy bitch! INT. THE KITCHEN IN OFFICER BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Tawny in an open-back apron and stilettos stands at the sink, washing a cup. A sound in the next room. She turns, wipes her hands, walks to the doorway, her heels clicking deliciously on the tile. THE RECREATION ROOM - DAY We see two ropes The ropes end in They stand naked They look scared hanging from steel hooks in the rafters. nooses around Bambi and Thumper's necks. on stools, the ropes pulled medium-tight. shitless. Tawny enters.

BAMBI Please cut us down.

THUMPER We'll run away so fast. BAMBI You'll never see us ever again. TAWNY I can't do that. Officer Blanche says your trial starts in one hour. Tawny exits. THUMPER It was your idea. I'm saying it was all you from beginning to end! BAMBI You bitch! THUMPER You cunt! INT. A ROOM WITH A MIRROR COVERING ONE WALL - NIGHT Wendy on her hands and knees, her face about a foot from the mirror. She moans. We see she's in pain. Madison, kneeling behind her, drilling her deep and hard with a strapon. As she fucks her, she watches her intently in the mirror. MADISON I'm not hurting you, am I? WENDY No, Miss. MADISON Do you like it? WENDY Oh God yes, Miss! MADISON I want you to be my live-in slut. WENDY Yes, Miss. I'm all yours. EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE WOODS ON THE BANKS OF A CREEK - NIGHT The Amazon stands next to the cart. Regina, still hitched in front, kneels at water's edge. She keeps her eyes downcast and her hands against her thighs as the Amazon removes the bit from her mouth.

The Amazon goes to the back of the cart, untethers Juliet, clips a leash to her slave collar and leads her to the water's edge. Juliet stands at attention, hands at her thighs, until the Amazon taps her tit with her crop. Only then does she kneel by Regina, her eyes downcast. They wait. The Amazon taps each on the shoulder. drink. They bend down and

The Amazon goes to the back, untethers Alyssa. She reaches to clip a leash to her slave collar. Alyssa pulls back. ALYSSA Please. You must understand, I'm not a lesbian. The Amazon grabs her by the hair. AMAZON You lesbian. I say you lesbian! ALYSSA I can't! I'm not! AMAZON (Shaking her) You lesbian! ALYSSA No! Please! The Amazon grabs a length of chain from the cart, shakes it in Alyssa's face. AMAZON Then you not drink. Others drink, but you not! Alyssa bursts into tears. INT. THE COLD DAMP FLOOR IN BLANCHE'S BASEMENT - NIGHT Bambi and Thumper, naked, hogtied on the cold cement floor. THUMPER You told her it was me? Ha! I told her it was you. I told her it was all you! BAMBI You bitch! THUMPER I hope she cuts you up and feeds you to the dogs!

BAMBI I hope she sells you to a leper colony as a prostitute. THUMPER Bitch! BAMBI Cunt! UPSTAIRS IN THE BEDROOM Darkened room. A nightlite on. We see Blanche's police uniform and Tawny's apron and stilettos scattered about the rug. The mood is post-coital. BLANCHE What shall I do with them? TAWNY You can't let them go. They'll stalk me again and again. BLANCHE I know a woman. She trains girls and sells them to wealthy women. TAWNY What do the women do with them? BLANCHE Whatever they want. Silence. Then... TAWNY You wouldn't sell me. Would you? Blanche smiles a wicked smile, then shakes her head. EXT. SOMEWHERE DEEPER IN THE WOODS - DAY A wide path. Regina and Juliet, bitted and bridled, hitched side-by-side to the ponycart. Tight crotch ropes dig into their cunts. We see beads of sweat on their nipples. They wait, perfectly still, like two erotic statues. Nearby, Alyssa, a chain clipped to her thick leather collar, crawls, a willow switch in her mouth. The Amazon holds the chain end, leading her along a forest path. AMAZON You no want be lesbian? Okay. You be my stick girl. You carry stick I use to whip slut who move too slow.

INT. POLICE STATION - DAY A darkened LINEUP ROOM with a raised platform. A series of SPOTLIGHTS cast a hot light on the platform. All else in the room is in the dark. The BBW, in a crisp police uniform with a thick leather utility belt, stands at the control monitor. Madison Mann sits next to her. MADISON So what are we seeing today? Five Asian GIRLS, all tough-looking and in hooker hot pants, troop up onto the platform and stop. BBW Mostly runaways and prostitutes. Still looking for the bikepath rapist. All we know is she's Caucasian and likes Asian girls. MADISON Has she struck again? BBW (Into her microphone) Turn to the left! They turn, facing the lights. They blink in the glare.

BBW (CONT'D) (To Madison) Last time was the boat thing. We found the two victims out on the island buried to their necks in sand. She blindfolded them, so no clear description except they said her pee tasted like cheap vinegar. (They laugh) Any of these look like the one you're hunting? MADISON Nope. Those are strictly hard-core. This Juliet Tung is soft and femme. BBW Soft and femme. Like 'em that way. Madison gets up to leave. MADISON You take it easy. BBW You too, Maddy. (Into her microphone) Number 2. Step forward, turn around, slide your pants down!

Number Two, a scowler with a gut and heavy eye-liner, does as she's told. We see a huge multi-color tattoo on her ass cheek of a white death's head with blood pouring from its mouth. MADISON Now that one'd make one hell of a blind date. They laugh. Madison exits with a wave.

EXT. IN THE WOODS ON THE PATH TO THE AUCTION PENS - NIGHT Just after dusk. A campfire. The Amazon stands over her captives, her lips twisted into a cruel smile. Regina, Juliet and Alyssa, tied wrists to ankles, lying on their sides. They look up at the Amazon. They know something painful is about to happen. AMAZON Now I mark you. Make you my slut. The Amazon pulls a branding iron from the fire, quickly presses it to Juliet's upper thigh and just as quickly pulls it away. Juliet howls. Regina and Alyssa, watching this, terror and horror in their eyes, lose control. They pee on themselves. EXT. BLANCHE'S HOUSE - NIGHT We see a single lighted window. out through steel bars. We see Tanya's face looking

We see a white VAN parked in the driveway, the rear door open. The garage door opens. In the half-light, we see Bambi and Thumper, naked, in manacles and leg-irons. A thin chain links their slave collars. Blanche stands behind them. BLANCHE Let's go. Bambi and Thumper hobble toward the open door of the van. EXT. BACK ON THE TRAIL TO THE AUCTION - DAY Morning. Regina and Juliet, hitched to the pony cart, moving in tandem at a slow trot. The Amazon in the seat, half-asleep, her spear across her lap.

Alyssa tethered to the back of the cart, a chain from her slave collar to a steel ring on the seat back. Alyssa sobs quietly. We see the brand on her upper thigh, a red "A" burned into her flesh. EXT. BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Morning. A WOMAN in athletic gear powerwalks down the sidewalk past the house. She listens to music through her earphones. INT. BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY A hallway. At the end of the hallway, a door with steel bars. INT. TAWNY'S CELL IN BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Through the steel bars, we see a cot along one wall. On the floor, we see a water dish. In one corner, a porcelain chamberpot with a cover. Tawney, naked, sits on the edge of the cot, her thighs apart. She strokes her sex with her hand. She moans erotically. EXT. THE ROAD UP THE HILL - DAY The sun is high in the sky. The white van turns onto a dirt road with a steep incline. We hear the gears shifting down. INT. THE WHITE VAN - DAY Bambi and Thumper, naked, gagged and chained, lie face down on the bare steel floor, as the van bounces over potholes. Bambi rips off a long loud fart. She grins as Thumper grimaces and wrinkles her nose. Thumper rips off a fart, longer and louder. Bambi gags like she's choking to death. Bambi and Thumper proceed to fart in unison, almost in harmony. BLANCHE (O.S.) All right, you two, stop that shit. Bambi and Thumper grin through their gags.

EXT. ARRIVING AT THE AUCTION PENS - DAY Just before dusk. A corral and barn at the crest of the hill with lush forest below. Off to the side, we see the auction block with bleacher seats for the buyers. Regina and Juliet strain to pull the cart up to the crest. The Amazon whips them. AMAZON Come on, bitch! Pull! Pull!

EXT. OUTSIDE THE AUCTION PENS CORRAL - NIGHT The Amazon unhitches Regina and Juliet from the pony cart, as a thin, wiry GIRL, 28, in teeshirt, shorts and cowboy boots, walks up. This is JANEYRUTH. JANEYRUTH Hi, Aurelia. Watcha got for us? AMAZON Got three. This one college teacher. That one school teacher. One in back, she say not lesbian. JANEYRUTH Not a lesbian? My my. She one of those stuck-up, snooty straight girls with a boyfriend and all? JaneyRuth walks over to Alyssa, still chained to the back of the cart, looks her up and down. Alyssa shivers, looks away. JANEYRUTH (CONT'D) She's a beauty. Love her nipples. AMAZON No good price for her. They buy her to cook or wash clothes. JANEYRUTH Now hold on, Aurelia. It's all in how you package her. Some women pay top dollar for a straight girl just for the fun of breaking her. AMAZON You make no sense. JANEYRUTH Look. With some women, it's a fantasy thing. Like being the first to pop a virgin's cherry.

AMAZON Got no time for that shit. I sell her cash on the barrel and I go. JANEYRUTH Aurelia. Listen. Let me work her over. Just one day. I'll even ring her for you. Won't cost you a dime. AMAZON You ring her? Want silver. JaneyRuth thinks for a moment. Alyssa looks really scared. No

JANEYRUTH Okay. Silver rings it is. charge. AMAZON Now I go get drunk.

The Amazon, having unhitched Regina and Juliet, grabs her spear and strides away. JANEYRUTH Yeah, you go get drunk. (Under her breath) God! I'd hate to be married to her. INT. A CABIN HIGH IN THE HILLS - NIGHT Just after dusk. Sound of the engine of a vehicle. The Strange Girl goes to the window and looks out. She sees the white van pulling up outside. She sees it coming to a halt next to her Jeep. She sees Blanche wave. She waves back. EXT. BEHIND THE BARN AT THE AUCTION PENS - NIGHT Torches light a path. Regina, Juliet and Alyssa stand in a line. Alyssa covers her clitty with her hands. JANEYRUTH Now I'm going to put you girls in the barn for the night. But first. (Holds up a chastity belt) I gotta put these on you. REGINA Oh dear. JANEYRUTH Auction rule. It's so nothing unauthorized gets inside you prior to sale.

JULIET Oh God. JANEYRUTH Before I lock them on you, I need you to do your number one and number two 'cause there's no pee holes on these. Once they're on, that's it for the night. ALYSSA Oh God oh God! JULIET Uh where do you want us to do it? JANEYRUTH Right here's fine, girl. Just squat on down. I got some wipes, so you can clean up afterwards. Regina and Juliet squat. ALYSSA Ma'am? Could? Could you please turn away and not watch me? JANEYRUTH Girl, you better get used to being watched. When you're sold, if you say to your owner what you just said, you'd be in a world of hurt. Alyssa bursts into tears. urine being passed. We hear Regina grunting. We hear

INT. THE SHED BEHIND THE STRANGE GIRL'S CABIN - NIGHT Bambi and Thumper, naked, gagged and chained, face down on the bare floor, very still. They're tied together, ankle to neck, so if one moves her feet, the other gets choked. THE STRANGE GIRL So what's your asking price? BLANCHE Nothing. THE STRANGE GIRL Nothing? BLANCHE They've been stalking my girl. She's an obsession with them. I don't want them in my town ever again. I want you to make them disappear.

THE STRANGE GIRL That's a tall order. BLANCHE Some things you ought to know about them. Some of it's good news. Some of it's bad. THE STRANGE GIRL What's the bad news? BLANCHE They practice every perversion known to womankind. Okay. THE STRANGE GIRL What's the good news?

BLANCHE They practice every perversion known to womankind. INT. THE BARN AT THE AUCTION PENS - DAY Bright and early. Roosters crowing. Hens clucking. barn door opens, letting in the sun light. The

A stall. Regina lies naked in the straw, a chastity belt locked over her crotch, a chain from a steel ring on the wall to a shackle on her ankle. A look of desperation on her face. JaneyRuth bounces up, a bucket of water in her hand. JANEYRUTH Good morning, Morning Glory. REGINA Good morning, Ma'am. Ma'am, can you please undo my belt? I really have to go again. JaneyRuth pours fresh water in Regina's waterbowl. JANEYRUTH Can't help you. Don't have the key. JaneyRuth moves on to the next stall, where Juliet lies naked in straw, a heavy lock on her chastity belt and a a big chain from her ankle to the wall. She has a look of suffering about her. JaneyRuth pours water in her bowl. JULIET Ma'am, I have to go really bad.

JANEYRUTH Tell you what I told your friend in the other stall. I don't have the key. Aurelia has them. Soon as she sobers up and gets over here, she'll tend to you. Until then, just have to hold it. Juliet groans and squirms. Janeyruth heads to the last stall. She grins down at Alyssa. JANEYRUTH (CONT'D) Get up, girl. We got things to do. And not a lot of time to do them. Alyssa stands up unsteadily. JaneyRuth takes out a key and unlocks Alyssa's chastity belt. Then she unlocks the shackle on her ankle. A playful slap on her tush. JANEYRUTH (CONT'D) Let's go. Alyssa, grateful to be free of the belt and the chain, skips ahead of JaneyRuth toward the barn door. INT. A CLUB - DAY A room filled with BUTCHES on their lunch break chatting up the topless WAITRESSES. Madison shows some photos to the BOUNCER. She looks, shakes her head, hands the photos back. INT. THE SHED AT THE STRANGE GIRL'S CABIN - DAY Bambi and Thumper, naked, strapped together, cunt to cunt and face to face, their wrists cuffed to chains over their heads and hanging from the rafters, their toenails barely brushing the rough wood floor. They wait, dangling, as the Strange Girl selcts a thick belt. THE STRANGE Blanche said the most thing with respect to get your attention at We hear a loud fart. THE STRANGE GIRL (CONT'D) See? You're provoking me already. BAMBI She did it. THUMPER No! She did. I'd know that smell anywhere. GIRL important you two is the getgo.

The Strange Girl smacks Bambi's ass with the strap. Owwww! BAMBI You bitch!

The Strange Girl smacks Thumper's ass. The girls buck and jerk on the end of the chain. Owwwww! THUMPER You cunt! They swing back and

The Strange Girl smacks Bambi again. around, trying to avoid the strap. Owwww! BAMBI I hate you!

She smacks Thumper. Owwww! whore!

They try to bite and kick each other.

THUMPER I hate you worse, you fat

INT. A STRIP CLUB - DAY A room filled with horny BUTCHES howling at the POLE DANCERS. Madison shows some photos to a BARTENDER. She looks, shakes her head, hands the photos back. EXT. A MEADOW WITHIN SIGHT OF THE AUCTION BLOCK - DAY Alyssa, naked, squats over a wide-brimmed champagne flute. ALYSSA I can't with you watching! JANEYRUTH Then you'll stay in that squat till you do. ALYSSA This is so cruel! Yeah. JANEYRUTH Sure is.

Tears fill Alyssa's eyes. She sniffles. Then the pee begins filling the flute, first a tiny trickle building up to a steady stream. Oh! it! ALYSSA Oh! Look! Look! I'm doing I'm filling the glass!

JANEYRUTH And I was watching you the whole time! The pee slows and stops. JaneyRuth reaches for the glass, now nearly full, raises it in salute and drinks the warm frothy golden liquid. Alyssa watches in open-mouthed shock. JaneyRuth smacks her lips. JANEYRUTH (CONT'D) Mmm mmmm! That was good. Real tasty. All right, girl. You can straighten up now. Squatting's over for today. EXT. A HITCHING POST OUTSIDE THE SHED - DAY Thumper, dressed in a metal bra, her wrists chained to the post. She is alone. She stands, slightly bent over, looking around, apprehensive. She shakes her bra. It makes a wind-chimes sound. She jerks on the chains. The Strange Girl enters, leading Bambi, her wrists cuffed in front. She's been fitted with a monster strapon. Thumper sees the huge black dick bouncing up and down on Bambi's crotch. THUMPER Oh fuck! Oh fuck no! Don't let that bitch near me! She'll split me! THE STRANGE GIRL I'm going to teach you girls how to work together for the common good. This is lesson one. The Strange Girl bends the struggling Thumper over the horizontal beam of the hitching post and speads her. She pulls Bambi close, the dick now pressed to the rim of Thumper's anus. THUMPER Oh God, no! Keep her away! THE STRANGE GIRL Go ahead, girl. Push. She's greased. Bambi, an evil grin spreading across her face, pushes. THUMPER (Bucking, fighting it) Oh God, it'll hurt! Don't let her.

Bambi whinnies like a stallion. She digs her toes in the dirt, gets a grip and pushes. The dick slowly begins to slide in. Thumper screams bloody murder. Oh fuck! THUMPER (CONT'D) Oh fuck! Oh fuck!

THE STRANGE GIRL Work it together, girls. Everything comes out better when we work together. INT. MADISON MANN'S HOUSE - DAY Plush carpet. Expensive furniture. Luxurious accessories. Wendy, in a white lacy gown, looks out the front window. She watches Madison get out of her BMW and walk up to the door. She can tell Madison's had a hard day. INT. TAWNY'S CELL IN BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Sound of a key in a lock. Sound of front door opening. Tawny springs up, runs to the bars and waits excitedly. EXT. THE MEADOW NEAR THE AUCTION PENS - DAY JaneyRuth has Alyssa tied to a sapling, her wrists behind her back around the tree trunk. She's bent slightly forward, her thighs open, a spreader bar at her knees. Two large vibrators, one taped to each thigh, press against her cunt. They hum away. Alyssa moans in ecstacy. At Alyssa's feet, we see a small ice chest. JaneyRuth reaches down, takes a piece of ice and presses it to Alyssa's left nipple. She gasps at the sensation. JANEYRUTH You're getting so aroused, girl. You like the vibes, don't you? Natural born fucktoy is what you are. Now watch this, girl. I'm gonna make that little nipple of yours shrivel up and get hard as a rock in no time flat. And the ice'll deaden all feeling. There'll be no pain. JaneyRuth takes out a big needle. saucers. Alyssa's eyes get big as

EXT. THE HITCHING POST - DAY Gripping the bra strap with her cuffed hands, Bambi bangs the bent-over Thumper, slamming the dick into her again and again with deep, hard thrusts. THUMPER Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh fuck me! Fuck me! Oh God oh God, I'm gonna cumm, I'm gonna cumm, I'm cumming, I'm - The Strange Girl, standing in front of Thumper, her hand gripping a clump of her hair, pulls Thumper's face flush against her crotch. Mmpff! Oh yes. THUMPER (CONT'D) Mmpff! Mmpff! THE STRANGE GIRL Oh yes. Ohhhhhhhh.

INT. THE RUMPUS ROOM IN MADISON MANN'S HOUSE - DAY We see a lighted candle in a candle holder. Wendy, naked, her gown on the floor, is tied spread-eagle, face-up, on the pool table. Madison takes a bit of ice in each hand. Wendy watches her warily. Relax. MADISON I won't hurt you.

Wendy swallows, braces herself. Madison presses the ice to her nipples, holds it there, smiles. MADISON (CONT'D) It should be making you very cold, dear. Are you cold? Ye. Good. Madison takes the candle, holds it over her, tilts it and watches the melted wax drip, drip, drip onto Wendy's ice cold nipples. Wendy screams. INT. THE DINING ROOM IN BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Just before dusk. Suppertime. Tawny, naked, face-up on the table. On her tummy, we see a breaded filet of sole, wild rice pilaf and steamed vegetables. A small bowl of melted WENDY Yes, Ma'am MADISON

butter rests in the "V" of her crotch. At her head, a glass of red wine awaits, along with salt and pepper shakers. Blanche enters, in a robe. She's just come from the shower. She sits. She takes up the knife and fork. BLANCHE You look delicious, my dear. Tawny purrs, as Blanche cuts a piece of fish, dips it in the butter. EXT. THE MEADOW - NIGHT Just past dusk. Alyssa stands, her back pressed to the tree, her wrists tied over her head. She is blindfolded. JaneyRuth removes the blindfold. All done. girl. JANEYRUTH You can open your eyes,

Alyssa opens her eyes, blinks. She looks down at herself. She sees the shiny silver nipple rings. She gasps in wonder. Oh my! ALYSSA They're beautiful.

JaneyRuth clips a thin silver chain on her, linking her rings. JANEYRUTH Yes, they are. ALYSSA I'm beautiful. JaneyRuth grins, begins to untie her. INT. BACK IN MADISON MANN'S THE RUMPUS ROOM - NIGHT Wendy, tied spreadeagle on the pool table. her cunt. She whimpers. Crushed ice on

Madison brushes away the ice. She takes the candle, holds it over Wendy's sex, tilts it. Wendy screams as the melted wax drips onto her frozen cunt. Drip drip drip drip drip. EXT. ON THE GROUND AT THE HITCHING POST - NIGHT Giggles of deep pleasure.

Bambi, naked on her back, her legs spread wide. Thumper, kneeling in her spread, bends down to service her with a dildo gag. She works her with deep, slow thrusts. Bambi trembles in delight with each thrust. The Strange Girl, naked, mounted on Bambi's face, smiles approvingly at the harmonious scene. THE STRANGE GIRL This is what I mean by working together, girls. Everyone wins. No one loses. EXT. AT THE AUCTION BLOCK - NIGHT Torches light up the block as the bleachers begin to fill up with horny DYKES. A mood of excitement and anticipation permeates the crowd. In the front row, three SISTERS sit together. The eldest, MISTRESS MYSTERY, 39, in a long skirt and a veil. She sits straight and fans herself. The middle sister, MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN, 32, in hardcore cowgirl garb complete with alligator boots, bottle in hand. The youngest sister, CALAMITY JANE, 27, heavily tattoed, all in leather. CALAMITY JANE Don't know why you drag me to these things. I mean, why pay for it when you can get it free? MISTRESS MYSTERY You are so naive, Jane. This isn't about sex or any of that sort of thing. This is about decorum and good manners and running a proper household. CALAMITY JANE Bullshit. I seen you fucking the slave girls in the pumphouse. Only reason they fuck you is because they have to. Mistress Iron Maiden smirks. Mistress Mystery looks away.

MISTRESS MYSTERY That was such a hurtful remark. CALAMITY JANE It's the truth, Elva. Deal! Mistress Iron Maiden takes a swig, belches.

INT. THE BEDROOM IN BLANCHE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Darkened. All is still. TAWNY Do you love me? BLANCHE Yes. INT. THE RUMPUS ROOM - NIGHT Hardened drips of candlewax on Wendy's glistening cunt. She thrashes and struggles with the ropes. The knots only get tighter. Fuck me! WENDY Please fuck me!

Madison takes a deerskin flogger, begins smacking Wendy on her sex. Oh God! WENDY (CONT'D) Fuck meeeeee!!! Please!

INT. IN THE KITCHEN IN THE STRANGE GIRL'S CABIN - NIGHT The Strange Girl sits at the table, eating her supper. Bambi and Thumper, in leg irons, squat under the table, each at her own bowl. The bowls are empty. They wait quietly. THE STRANGE GIRL Thumper, do you love Bambi? THUMPER Yes, Ma'am THE STRANGE GIRL Bambi, do you love Thumper? BAMBI Oh yes, Ma'am. The Strange Girl drops food in their bowls. They eat quietly. THE STRANGE GIRL My good girls. INT. THE AUCTION BARN - NIGHT Sound of Auctioneer and Crowd outside. Alyssa, Juliet and Regina pace nervously. Each wears a tight crotch rope and a slave collar.

The door opens. The GUARD, a 300 pound woman with a pig face, roughly pushes a cute naked girl, 20, into the straw. This is PINKY. The Guard exits, slamming the door. From outside, we hear cheers. sobs. PINKY No one bought me! There's been a sale. Pinky

I didn't sell!

She bursts into tears, rolls in the straw, crying loudly. Alyssa and Regina kneel next to her to console her. ALYSSA I'm sorry. REGINA Don't cry. ALYSSA You'll sell at the next auction. PINKY The next auction isn't for a month! REGINA Then your owner will just have to take you back. That's not as bad as a strange new owner, is it? PINKY My owner left me here. I'm on consignment. I belong to the Auction House until I'm sold. ALYSSA At least you have a place to stay. REGINA Food to eat. ALYSSA That's not so bad. More cheers outside. Another sale.

PINKY How long have you been here? JULIET Since yesterday. PINKY You don't know anything about this place. As long as you don't sell, the staff uses you as a housegirl. I've been Tiny's toilet slut for the last two months.

ALYSSA Who's Tiny. The 300 pound Guard enters again, points to Alyssa, Juliet and Regina. GUARD You three are up in five! The Guard exits. PINKY That's Tiny. JULIET So let's see. If you don't sell - PINKY Yeah. Tiny and her mates get to - Alyssa, Juliet and Regina shudder at the thought. ALYSSA Oh my God! Cheers outside. REGINA We better sell. PINKY Listen to me. The way you get sold is, strut your stuff. Be bold. If they want to see something, show it to them. The key is, don't be shy. Don't cover up. No one wants a slave girl won't fuck on demand. The Guard enters, with three leashes. collar. GUARD Time to go to the block. bitches. REGINA Yes! That's what I am! bitch! I. JULIET I'm a bitch. She clips one to each

Come on,

I'm a

ALYSSA (Running her fingernails over her silver nipple rings) I'm a bitch, too!



The Guard leads them out. The door slams. We hear a roar from the Crowd. Pinky rolls onto her side, cries. INT. THE STRANGE GIRL'S CABIN - NIGHT The Amazon sits at the table with the Strange Girl. The Strange Girl claps once. Bambi and Thumper enter, naked in stilettoes. They stand and pose on a makeshift stage. The Amazon nods approvingly. AMAZON Fat little bitches. Very good. Juicy Lucy. Get good auction price. THE STRANGE GIRL Watch this, Aurelia. The Strange Girl claps twice. Bambi and Thumper lie on the floor, face up, thighs open, butts pressed together, their legs intertwined. They finger their urethras. The Strange Girl claps three times. Presently, two tiny golden jets of water shoot up. The Amazon's jaw drops in amazement. AMAZON They pee on each other. That very, very good. That good.

THE STRANGE GIRL They do it in unison and on command. A Mistress can use them to entertain friends at a party. AMAZON How much? THE STRANGE GIRL One hundred forty each. AMAZON Ninety. THE STRANGE GIRL Let's split the difference. Hundred and twenty. Okay. AMAZON Deal.

Bambi and Thumper rush to the Amazon. They kneel and kiss her toes.

BAMBI AND THUMPER Thank you, Mistress. Thank you. The Strange Girl smiles, proud of her girls. INT. THE BEDROOM IN BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Morning. The sun through the window. Birds chirping.

A knock on the bedroom door. Blanche opens her eyes, looks up. She smiles, as Tawny, in 4 inch latex thigh boots and latex shoulder gloves, wheels in a breakfast cart. TAWNY Breakfast in bed for my queen. Blanche sits up in bed as Tawny drapes a bib on her and sets the tray in place. Tawny pours the coffee. BLANCHE I am so lucky. TAWNY Yes, you are. INT. THE RUMPUS ROOM - DAY Morning. Wendy moans as Madison vibes her clitty lips and, at the same time, pulls a string of beads from her anus, one bead at a time. Wendy cries out as each bead emerges. Please! WENDY Please let me cummm! Not yet.

MADISON Not yet, Miss Brinker.

INT. ON THE TRAIL TO THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY Morning. Receding in the distance, the Auction Barn. Alyssa, Juliet and Regina, naked, mounted bareback one behind the other on a single mule. Mistress Iron Maiden and Calamity Jane on spirited horses that snort and prance and buck. Mistress Mystery rides side-saddle on a mare that never goes faster than a walk. She keeps her veil drawn over her face. She rides alongside her three new slave girls. She seems to be taking a special interest in Regina. MISTRESS MYSTERY So, my dear, tell me about yourself.

Regina is careful to not look her new owner in the eye. REGINA What would Ma'am like to know? MISTRESS MYSTERY Oh, everything. Start at the beginning and end at the end. For example, when you had your first encounter with a female, how old were you? REGINA My first. Oh, Ma'am, it seems like yesterday, but it was twenty-two years ago. I was twelve. She was about twenty, I guess. She was a tennis instructor. She got me alone in the locker room and bet me I couldn't pick up a napkin from the floor with my lips. MISTRESS MYSTERY Your lips? That doesn't sound very difficult. One just bends down, open one's mouth and - REGINA Not those lips, Ma'am. lips. Ah. (After a few seconds, she gets it) Ohhhh. Mistress Iron Maiden smirks. Calamity Jane laughs out loud. REGINA She was very fit, Ma'am. With the suppleness of a gymnast. She put a paper napkin on the floor, pinched it to give it a tiny tent-like steeple. She stretched herself out over it, lowered herself, gripped and lifted it. She dared me to do the same. She said, if I could, she would be my servant for an hour. If I couldn't, I would be hers. MISTRESS MYSTERY And alas, you couldn't. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN So she popped your cherry? The other


REGINA My cherry, yes, and a lot of other things, Ma'am. She had a virtual cornucopia of popping tools and popping devices in her locker. Calamity Jane laughs out loud. MISTRESS MYSTERY And after that, what were you? REGINA Before I was taken in the woods? I was a professor, Ma'am. MISTRESS MYSTERY You don't say. Professor of what? REGINA Anthropology, Ma'am. MISTRESS MYSTERY You study people and societies and how they interact. How marvelous. (Turns to Calamity Jane) Jane, did you hear? Our new girl is a professor of anthropology. CALAMITY JANE I heard! I'm right here, dammit! MISTRESS MYSTERY You don't have to swear. Mistress Mystery seems to suddenly lose interest in Regina. MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) What about you, girl? Tell us about your first time. Juliet blushes. I. JULIET I was ten, Mistress. And.

She stops, embarrassed. Ten. Yes. hanging. MISTRESS MYSTERY Go on. Don't leave us

JULIET And my friend's older sister asked me if I wanted to hear angels sing. I said yes, I did. She told me to take off my pants and lie down and she took a long thin thing and - -

MISTRESS MYSTERY And did you hear angels? JULIET Yes, Ma'am. But they weren't singing. Calamity Jane laughs out loud. MISTRESS MYSTERY And what about you, little one? ALYSSA I have no such stories as those. I think I must be a virgin, Mistress. MISTRESS MYSTERY Think? MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN & CALAMITY JANE Must? ALYSSA Unless... Yes? MISTRESS MYSTERY Unless?

ALYSSA Unless a tongue can be a penetrator. MISTRESS MYSTERY Strictly speaking, it isn't. A tongue is a stimulator, not a penetrator. CALAMITY JANE Oh bullshit! I know a girl with an eighteen inch tongue. She can reach all the way into your - MISTRESS MYSTERY Ignore Jane. She invents things. So, back to this tongue event. When did it occur, little one? ALYSSA Just before I was taken in the woods. MISTRESS MYSTERY Just before, you say. At which time you were with - Mistress Mystery nods at Regina.

ALYSSA Yes Mistress. MISTRESS MYSTERY With your mentor. ALYSSA Yes Mistress. MISTRESS MYSTERY You were her protg. An embarrassed silence. Guilty looks. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN People can be so lowdown. MISTRESS MYSTERY Mentor taking advantage of protg. Manifest betrayal of trust. Calamity Jane draws close to Regina. CALAMITY JANE Sounds like you're in deep shit, bitch. INT. THE HALLWAY OUTSIDE TAWNY'S CELL - DAY Morning. Tawny, naked in pretty slingback open-toed pumps, sits on on the edge of the cot. Her eyes on the floor, she modestly covers her crotch with her hands. Blanche stands at the hallway mirror in her crisp, pressed police uniform. She whistles as she straightens her tie. BLANCHE I might be a little late tonight, dear. A birthday bash for one of the sergeants. INT. THE WAITING ROOM IN MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY BRIANNA, a hot mini-skirted bit of fluff, sits at the reception desk. Madison, wearing a pantsuit, enters, with Wendy in tow, collared and leashed. Wendy wears a black latex, 7-buckle corset pulled very tight at the waist. She walks in her stilettoes with difficulty. Brianna smiles at Wendy's discomfort. BRIANNA Ma'am, there's someone to see you. Madison stops, turns, looks. It's the Strange Girl, seated in the darkest corner, legs crossed. Wendy gasps.

The Strange Girl stands, goes to the door, turns the "OPEN" sign to "CLOSED." She takes out a pistol. THE STRANGE GIRL Hi, Maddie. INT. APPROACHING THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY We pass over the crest of a low hill. Below us, we see a stately two-story farmhouse with a trellised garden and a white picket fence. Nearby, we see a pumphouse, a barn, a corral and several sheds. Alyssa, Juliet and Regina, still mounted on the mule, shiver. Mistress Iron Maiden and Calamity Jane spur their horses on and gallop ahead. Mistress Mystery smiles at Alyssa. MISTRESS MYSTERY Ah well. Home sweet home, dear one. EXT. ON A NARROW PATH ALONG THE SIDE OF A STEEP HILL - DAY The Amazon leads Bambi and Thumper single file along the path. Bambi and Thumper are linked, collar to collar, by a long chain. Their wrists are cuffed in front. Bambi turns, gives Thumper an "I'm going to do something now" look. The Amazon halts to adjust her belt. Bambi rushes her from behind, giving her a hard kick in the back of the knee. The Amazon howls in pain, turns to face the attack. Bambi rams her shoulder into her mid-section. The Amazon starts to lose her balance and fall backward. Thumper rushes up. Bambi and Thumper use the neck chain to topple her off the path and over the side. The Amazon grabs a root sticking out, holds on for dear life, her legs swinging out over a 200 foot drop. AMAZON Help! Help! Pull me up! Bambi and Thumper sit down, their legs dangling over the edge, grinning. BAMBI Is that you down there, Ma'am? AMAZON Yes! Pull me up! THUMPER Looks like she's in a real fix. AMAZON Pull me up, you slut!

BAMBI Did she just call you a slut? THUMPER Certainly sounded like slut to me. How rude. AMAZON You bitches pull me up NOW! THUMPER I don't think we will, Ma'am. BAMBI We don't like being ordered around. We think you should. THUMPER Apologize. BAMBI Or we just might leave you hanging. THUMPER So to speak. INT. THE DINING ROOM IN THE FARMHOUSE - DAY A large room with a high ceiling and a chandelier. A deep, dark-red carpet covers the floor and rich wood paneling lines the walls. We see a massive round maple table in the center of the room. Artwork with a decidedly lesbian BDSM theme dominates the walls, the most prominent being a large oil painting of three young Indian maidens performing various tortures upon a group of bound White girls and women. Mistress Iron Maiden, Calamity Jane and Mistress Mystery sit eating, each taking a full one-third of the circular table. Mistress Iron Maiden fills her whiskey glass to the brim. Alyssa, Juliet and Regina, each in pretty heels and openback aprons, stand silently and nervously in attendance. MISTRESS MYSTERY Well now. That was simply a delicious mid-day repast. And now I am in the mood for dessert. INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY Brianna and Madison, naked, kneeling, canvas sacks over their heads, locked at the necks. Wendy, on a piano stool, faces the wall. The Strange Girl has positioned two heavy wooden straight-back chairs, back-to-back. She secures them with duct tape.

THE STRANGE GIRL All right, my two sweet little queens. Your thrones are ready. BRIANNA (Muffled voice) What do you want from us? INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Blanche walks down a hallway, her boots clicking on the tile. The BBW and two OTHER BBW POLICE OFFICERS approach Blanche. BBW Officer Blanche Pelitier. under arrest. BLANCHE For what? BBW We have evidence you're the bikepath rapist. You. BLANCHE You're crazy. You're

The two Other BBW Police Officers cuff her. BBW (Grins a cruel grin) Take her away. Lock her up. EXT. ON THE NARROW PATH - DAY The Amazon lies facedown on the path, exhausted, dryheaving. BAMBI (O.S.) Hurry! While she's still too exhausted to move! Bambi and Thumper rush up with a clean, trimmed, 5-foot tree branch. The Amazon looks up from the ground, sees them, sees what they plan to do. She tries to raise herself and fight, but she's too weak. They stretch her arms out and bind them to the wood at the wrists, elbows and armpits, making it like a crossbeam on her shoulders. Thumper grips a clump of the Amazon's hair, pulls her head up. THUMPER We got plans for you, bitch. BAMBI And all the time in the world.

THUMPER To carry it out. Thumper kisses her on the lips. The Amazon spits in her face. Bambi takes out a nosehook on a chain, hooks her nostrils, jerks up on the hook, forcing her painfully to her feet. BAMBI Get up, you bitch! Up! Get up!

Soon they have her standing, balancing the heavy timber across her shoulders. Bambi jerks on the nosehooks, pulling her forward. Thumper whips her thighs with a flogger. THUMPER There's a clearing up ahead. take her there and do her. BAMBI Be my pleasure. INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY Brianna and Madison, naked, the canvas sacks still on them, sit helplessly straddling the chairs, facing one another, tied at their ankles, calves, knees and wrists. The Strange Girl unlocks the head sacks and slides them off. Brianna whimpers. Madison blinks and gasps as the Strange Girl holds up a device she'd never seen before: a double-dildo gag. THE STRANGE GIRL Lean forward, ladies. Open your mouths and take this in. Victoria! MADISON You bitch! Let's

BRIANNA Do you know her, Ma'am? The Strange Girl inserts one end of the double-dildo gag in poor Brianna's mouth and buckles it in place. BRIANNA (CONT'D) Mmpfh!!! THE STRANGE GIRL Guess what, Madison? You're next. Sitting in the corner, Wendy peeks over her shoulder. shivers in fright and once again faces the wall. She

INT. THE DINING ROOM - DAY Alyssa, Juliet and Regina lie on the table, face up, their heads pointed to the center, their thighs open wide, their crotches positioned where the plates had been. On each of their pussies, two scoops of ice cream covered in caramel sauce. Mistress Iron Maiden and Mistress Mystery eat their dessert with spoons, Mistress Mystery elegantly, Mistress Iron Maiden with a whiskey glass in her other hand. Calamity Jane, with Regina spread out on the table in front of her, eschews the spoon and slurps her ice cream noisily. MISTRESS MYSTERY That is so crude, Jane. CALAMITY JANE (Looks up, melted ice cream dripping from her lips) You eat your bitch your way, Elva. I'll eat mine my way. MISTRESS MYSTERY She's not your bitch. She's not anyone's bitch. Our three bitches belong to all equally. Mistress Iron Maiden glares at Mistress Mystery MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN Bullshit!. They ain't ours equally. You ain't never gonna let me fuck your precious little Alyssa. Alyssa's eyes suddenly get very big. Mistress Iron Maiden's face suddenly turns a sickly green, she leans forward and throws up on Juliet's cunt. INT. TAWNY'S CELL - DAY Tawny lies faceup on the cot, naked, her slingbacks on the floor. She fingers herself. She thrashes and flails about, as she works her fingers deep inside her. TAWNY OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGodOhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! INT. A HOLDING CELL AT THE POLICE STATION - DAY The same five tough-looking Asian GIRLS in hooker hot pants slouch on the floor of the gritty cell. In one corner, we see a filthy wall-mounted toilet. The cell door opens.

Blanche enters, her wrists cuffed behind her. in her uniform. BLANCHE (Into the door slit) Hey! You're supposed to uncuff me.

She's still

The big Asian Girl with the gut and the heavy eye-liner looks up at Blanche. BIG ASIAN GIRL Always wanted to fuck a cop. Blanche backs up against the wall. EXT. A WOODED KNOLL - DAY The Amazon, face down in the grass under a tree, her arms still tied to the heavy limb lashed to her arems and shoulders. Bambi and Thumper have inserted a big stainless steel hook into her anus, the tip of which is lodged securely under her tailbone. The hook is connected to a thin rope and the rope is looped over a tree branch directly above the Amazon. The rope is pulled tight and tied off, lifting her back end up. Thumper kneels behind her fucking her pussy with a strapon. Bambi sits at her head, gripping a clump of her hair, forcing her to tongue-fuck. THUMPER What should we do with her when we get tired of her? BAMBI How about we cut her up into steaks and chops and barbecue her? The Amazon flinches. Bambi smacks her.

BAMBI (CONT'D) Keep licking, you whore. THUMPER I dunno about grilling her. Isn't that a little extreme? BAMBI It's what they do. Amazons fatten girls up and eat them at Christmas. I read that somewhere. THUMPER No wonder they're bitches.

INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY Brianna and Madison, naked, tied face-to-face, the doubledildo gag joining them mouth-to-mouth. They stare at each other across the dildo's shaft. At the centerpoint on the shaft, we see a small switch. The Strange Girl flips the switch. A tiny light on the shaft begins blinking. THE STRANGE GIRL Good bye, Madison. I'd say goodbye to your little friend, but I don't know her name. What is your name, sweety? BRIANNA Mpfmpff! THE STRANGE GIRL Odd name. She's quite pretty, Madison. In a slutty sort of way. Just your type, as I recall. The Strange Girl takes hold of Wendy's leash and leads her out of the office. The door closes. We hear their footsteps in the waiting room. Then we hear the outer door close. Silence. The tiny light continues to blink. Brianna and Madison begin struggling to get free. INT. THE DINING ROOM - DAY Mistress Iron Maiden is up on the table, bottle in hand, mounted on Juliet, straddling her head, grinding her cunt on her face. Calamity Jane is alongside her doing the same with Regina. The two sisters drink, whoop and holler, cumm loudly and collapse into a deep drunken coital haze. Across the room, Mistress Mystery has Alyssa on a towel on a coffee table with her thighs wide open. Her crotch is coated in shaving cream. Mistress Mystery shaves her with a straight razor. MISTRESS MYSTERY This obsession with drunken sex that my sisters display can be embarrassing. ALYSSA Yes, Mistress. MISTRESS MYSTERY Mind you, I'm not a prude. ALYSSA Oh no, Mistress.

MISTRESS MYSTERY Certainly sex has its place. Everything has its place. It's just I think a woman of quality should exercise a certain self- control. ALYSSA Yes Mistress. Silence except for the sound of the razor. Mistress Iron Maiden belches and farts in her sleep. ALYSSA (CONT'D) Mistress, may I ask a question? MISTRESS MYSTERY Of course, dear one. Always ask. ALYSSA Are the three of us your first uh bitches? MISTRESS MYSTERY (Chuckles) Oh no no no. Heavens, no. There have been other bitches. Numerous others. ALYSSA What happened to them, Mistress? MISTRESS MYSTERY They were sold to the Amazons. ALYSSA Sold? So now they're serving the Amazons? MISTRESS MYSTERY I sincerely doubt that, dear one. The Amazons probably ate them. ALYSSA Ate them? MISTRESS MYSTERY That's what Amazons do. You really need to hold still, dear one. EXT. THE WOODED KNOLL - DAY Bambi and Thumper pull hard on the rope, lifting the Amazon, suspending her on the anal hook. They secure the rope to the tree trunk, leaving her to dangle, her feet just off the ground. Bambi holds the Amazon's thighs wide open. Thumper takes a huge penis vibe, begins pressing it up inside her.


AMAZON Please! You split me in two!

BAMBI Don't listen to her. Keep going. She's had bigger things than this inside her. Much bigger. EXT. THE CURB ACROSS THE STREET FROM MADISON'S OFFICE - DAY The Strange Girl straps Wendy into the passenger seat of her Jeep. Across the street, we see the front window of Madison's office with the sign: "MADISON MANN, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR." The Strange Girl holds a remote up to Wendy's mouth. THE STRANGE GIRL Press the red button with your tongue. Do it, girl. Wendy does. INT. MADISON MANN'S OFFICE - DAY The chairs, still lashed together as before, have been knocked over. Brianna and Madison lie on their sides, still tied to the chairs, the double-dildo gag still joining them at the mouths. They see the dildo shaft suddenly glow a fluorescent red. Their eyes get as big as saucers. We hear an ominous click-click-click. EXT. THE CURB ACROSS THE STREET FROM MADISON'S OFFICE - DAY A explosion. The glass in Madison's front window shatters. The Strange Girl starts the Jeep's engine and drives off, just as sirens approach. INT. THE HOLDING CELL - DAY Two Asian Hookers hold Blanche face up on a wood bench with her head out over one edge in the toilet bowl. A Third squats over her face. BIG ASIAN GIRL Open your mouth, Cop. Blanche does. The Girl pisses into her mouth. BIG ASIAN GIRL (CONT'D) Swallow it, Cop. I wanna hear you going glug, glug, glug like a slut.

Blanche swallows. The Girl finishes her piss, steps away. Another Girl takes her place and starts pissing. BIG ASIAN GIRL (CONT'D) We're all gonna piss in your mouth, Cop. Then we're gonna fuck you up good. EXT. THE WOODED KNOLL - DAY The Amazon stands, naked, whimpering, beaten, humiliated, balancing the heavy tree limb lashed to her arms and shoulders. The last half-inch of the huge penis vibe protrudes from inside her cunt. She sobs. AMAZON Please. I so sorry. You please let me go. Please. Thumper is busy fashioning a duct-tape diaper on the Amazon to hold the vibe in place. BAMBI Sure, bitch. No problem. We'll let you go. INT. AN INTERROGATION ROOM AT THE POLICE STATION - DAY A table. On the table, a document and a pen. Blanche, naked, on her tiptoes, her wrists cuffed over her head to a ceiling hook, a spreader bar at her knees forcing her thighs open. In her mouth, a thick, black hard-rubber bit gag with steel rings at each end for the leather straps. Also attached to the rings are thin chains clipped to clamps on her nipples. A THIN WOMAN enters, looks at her and exits. The BBW enters, grabs a clump of Blanche's hair, jerks her head back, causing the chains to pull up tightly on the nipples. Blanche flinches in pain. BBW That woman ID'd you, Blanche. Let us know when you're ready to sign the confession. We got all day. EXT. BLANCHE'S HOUSE - DAY Just before dusk. An Electric Company TRUCK parked at the curb. An Electric Company EMPLOYEE walks up to the house. She takes a reading from the meter mounted on the outside wall.

INT. TAWNY'S CELL - DAY Tawny, naked in her slingbacks, stands at the barred window watching the Electric Company Employee. She strokes her sex and sighs. INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S PRIVATE CHAMBERS - NIGHT Just after dusk. A massive Victorian four-poster bed with a high canopy and elaborate ruffled, pleated drapes dominates the room. We see that the posts and frames are intricately carved. We see that the room is furnished elegantly, the carpeting and accessories of the highest quality. Near the bed, we see a floor-to-ceiling enclosure in the shape of a giant birdcage. At the vanity, Alyssa, in white over-the-knee schoolgirl stockings and black patent-leather mary janes, sits on a piano stool. Mistress Mystery attaches tiny bells to her silver nipple rings. MISTRESS MYSTERY There, dear one. Lovely bells. Now when you walk down a hallway, I'll be able to hear you. ALYSSA You're so good to me, Mistress. A soft knock at the door. MISTRESS MYSTERY (In French) Enter! The door opens. doorway. Juliet enters, stops just inside the

JULIET You sent for me, Mistress Mystery? MISTRESS MYSTERY Yes, dear one. Where is Mistress Iron Maiden? JULIET Uh. Asleep, Ma'am. MISTRESS MYSTERY (Under her breath) Drunk again. (Aloud) Well, no matter. We'll just have to proceed without her.

JULIET Uh, proceed with what, Ma'am? MISTRESS MYSTERY A pleasure game, of course. What else are you and Alyssa here for? JULIET Oh Ma'am, I can't. I'm not allowed to engage in pleasure games without Mistress Iron Maiden's per - MISTRESS MYSTERY Permission? But of course you are. JULIET But Mistress Iron Maiden said - MISTRESS MYSTERY Mistress Iron Maiden is drunk! She doesn't know what she's saying! JULIET Please, Ma'am. I. I just don't want to get in trouble with - MISTRESS MYSTERY If you don't straighten up and fly right, young lady, you'll get in trouble with me. And you certainly don't want that. Now get over her. (Points to an oak paddle) And pick that thing up. Chop! Chop! She approaches and very nervously picks up the paddle. MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) Alyssa, dear one, go over and stand at the wall. Alyssa smiles seductively, stands, goes to the wall. MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) It's a very simple game. You are the teacher. You're Miss Juliet. And one of your students, Alyssa, has been misbehaving, flaunting herself like a slut, scandalizing all the nice girls. Can't have that going on in school, you know. Upsets the proper order of things. Alyssa needs to be taught a lesson. (Signals Alyssa to come) Ah, here she comes now. Tell her to bend over, grab her ankles and assume the position.

JULIET Alyssa, bend over, grab your ankles, assume the position. MISTRESS MYSTERY Alyssa, tell Miss Juliet to mind her own business. EXT. NEAR THE AUCTION PENS - NIGHT A full moon up above. With the Strange Girl behind the wheel, the Jeep bounces over the rough dirt path running through the forest. Above the path, at the crest of the hill, we see the corral and barn and bleachers. We see lights in the windows of the bunkhouse. Behind the driver's seat, naked and hogtied wrist to ankle on the filthy floor, Wendy struggles to steady herself. A dirty tarp partially covers her. EXT. OUTSIDE MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS - NIGHT A POLICE CAR pulls up to the front entrance and stops. Two POLICEWOMEN get out, unload a large wooden chest. They wheel it to the front door, leave it there and drive away. EXT. THE WOODED KNOLL - NIGHT The Amazon kneels, balancing the heavy tree limb lashed to her arms and shoulders. Her crotch and ass are wrapped in duct tape up to her waist. She sobs. AMAZON Please. You please let me go. Please. I beg. Thumper finishes blindfolding the Amazon. by the hair, jerks her up. BAMBI Stand up, bitch! Up! Thumper Bambi grabs her

The Amazon cries out as she struggles to her feet. takes out a remote, holds it up. THUMPER The batteries in the vibe inside her are guaranteed for 48 hours. BAMBI Isn't technology wonderful?

Thumper presses the button. The Amazon gasps, shakes, jerks, bucks, moans. She struggles in vain to get her arms free. She gallops blindly off into a grove of trees, crashes into a bush, falls down, gets back up, runs deeper in, disappearing into the woods. We hear her thrashing and crashing about. Bambi and Thumper watch and laugh. Thumper drops the remote into a rabbit hole. They walk off. THUMPER Kind of feel sorry for her. BAMBI Fuck her! THUMPER Yeah, but she was a good fuck. BAMBI She was. Most butches secretly like being raped. I read that somewhere. THUMPER Whaddaya think'll happen to her? BAMBI Imagine she'll bump into a pack of Amazons somewhere out there and end up as someone's dinner. THUMPER Speaking of which, we better get moving. Don't wanna be the main course on some Amazon's dinner table. They start jogging toward the distant valley. INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S CHAMBERS - NIGHT Mistress Mystery at her vanity watching through her veil. She sits with her legs crossed. Alyssa stands, bent at the waist, her feet spread apart, her face a few inches from the toe of Mistress Mystery's extended shoe. She grips her ankles tightly, as Juliet smacks her with the paddle on the upper thigh. Alyssa lets out a yelp. We see four bright red marks on her cheeks and thighs. ALYSSA Four! Oh God! Please give me another! MISTRESS MYSTERY Put the next one on her crack. Juliet smacks her flush on her ass crack. Alyssa howls.

ALYSSA Five! Oh God, I've been so bad! I've been so slutty! MISTRESS MYSTERY Very nice. I sense Juliet's done this before. Now for the game's next phase. A few days pass. Miss Juliet stays late to correct tests. After she's done, she goes to the gym for a quick workout. She thinks she's alone. She finishes and showers. As she dresses, she senses someone's watching. She turns. It's Alyssa, who shows her a copy of a video of a certain teacher naked in the shower. Oh dear! What if all the students saw this? INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - NIGHT The wooden chest rests in the center of the room. On its top, we see "THIS SIDE UP" in large black lettering. We see holes in the sides and top. FLOSSY Do you know what it is, Ma'am? HELGA I've a vague idea. Shall we open it? Helga takes out a key, unlocks the padlock, pops open the lid. Styrofoam packaging peanuts spill out onto the rug. Helga kneels, almost reverently, brushing away more styrofoam peanuts to reveal Blanche, naked and chained. FLOSSY Oh, she's very pretty, Ma'am. HELGA Yes, she is. Blanche blinks. She tries to speak, but the rubber bit gag prevents her. Helga touches her skin, then leans down, gently taking her nipple between her teeth, tugging on her tit. Blanche gasps. HELGA (CONT'D) Leave us, Flossy. I want some private time with my new girl. FLOSSY Yes, Ma'am. She leaves. Helga smiles down at Blanche. She licks her lips.

INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S CHAMBERS - NIGHT Juliet is bent over, her hands gripping her ankles tightly. Her eyes are closed tight. We see four bright red welts on her upper thighs. You bitch! Yes! Yes! ALYSSA You dirty bitch! JULIET I'm a dirty bitch!

MISTRESS MYSTERY A hard one on her left cheek, dear one. Alyssa smacks her with a rattan switch. Five! Juliet howls.

JULIET Oh God, thank you, Ma'am!

MISTRESS MYSTERY That was absolutely heavenly. EXT. AT THE SIDE OF A DESERTED ROAD - NIGHT We see a Pizza Delivery VAN parked on the shoulder. BAMBI (O.S.) All right, bitches. Strip! THUMPER (O.S.) You heard her. She said strip. Now get naked! INT. THE PIZZA DELIVERY VAN - NIGHT In the back of the Van, we see a big pizza warmer bolted to the inside wall with three pizzas in cartons inside. On the floor of the van in front of the warmer, two chubby naked pizza GIRLS lie hogtied and gagged. They grunt and drool through their gags. They flop around on the floor, struggling, but quickly exhaust themselves and lie whimpering like a pair of beached whales. In the front, we see Bambi and Thumper in colorful, illfitting, "PIZZA XPRESS" uniforms. THUMPER I hate pizza. She switches on the engine and off they go.

INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - NIGHT The open trunk stands, naked, connected to a two-foot chain has been pushed off to the side. Blanche her wrists cuffed in front, the cuffs thin waist chain. She's been hobbled with a linking the anklets at her feet. She reads from an open

Helga sits in her executive chair. file.

HELGA Five rapes. Nine assaults. Per your confession here, you've been a busy little Bikepath Rapist. Taking a chance with you, but I like risks. Keeps me on edge. Word of warning. Don't try any games. I know every trick in the book. Cross me once, I'll send you back to that foul prison you came from. Helga raises herself slightly in the chair, pulls up her skirt until her panties are visible. She slides her panties to her ankles. She opens her thighs, displaying her thick, lustrous, black muff. HELGA (CONT'D) Now you may kneel and pleasure me with your mouth. INT. TAWNY'S CELL - NIGHT A single night light illuminates the cell. Tawny, naked in her slingbacks, squats over the chamberpot and grunts. Presently, we hear the tinkle of piss against porcelain. INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S CHAMBERS - NIGHT A darkened room. Mistress Mystery fast asleep in her bed, her veil draped on the nightstand. Alyssa and Juliet lie on the floor of the bird cage. Juliet gently creams Alyssa's sore ass. Alyssa coos. Juliet bends her head down, kisses Alyssa's crack. Alyssa purrs. EXT. AT THE CURB OUTSIDE A HOUSE - NIGHT We see a Pizza Delivery VAN parked at the curb.

BAMBI (O.S.) This is the right address. It's what they had written down. THUMPER (O.S.) Okay. Three pizzas and two side dishes coming up. Better late than never. INT. THE HOUSE - NIGHT We see HILLARY & GILLIAN, 50-ish twin lesbian spinsters. Hillary, gagged, naked, tied, sits straddling a sawhorse. She's been oiled and creamed. Gillian fits suction syringes to the areoles of Hillary's sagging bosoms. She gasps through her gag as Gillian draws back on the plunger. Vibes taped to her thighs and pressed to her clitty hum away. Hillary is in ecstacy. A knock at the front door. Gillian stops what she's doing, looks at the door. Hillary shakes her head, pleading with her eyes for Gillian to keep going. Gillian lets loose of the suction syringes and heads to the door. Hillary lets loose a stream of silent curses through her gag. Gillian opens the front door. She switches on the porch light. She sees three pizzas stacked on the stoop. And on the sidewalk, she sees two shopping carts, each containing one of the fat, naked, tied-up pizza Girls. The pizza Girls slobber and drool through their gags. GILLIAN Well! Happy birthday to me! A honk of the horn from the Delivery Van as it pulls away. Gillian waves. Thank you! GILLIAN (CONT'D) Whoever you are!

INT. THE BOILER ROOM AT MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL - DAY Morning. We get the sense this is a basement. Sunlight through slit windows at the top of the wall. In the back, we see large furnaces, of the size for heating large buildings. Also, we see numerous large pipes running parallel along the wall and up into the rafters. Sound of a large gas heater switching on. In the foreground, along a dank brick wall, we see a chain link cage. In the cage, we see a naked Blanche sitting forlornly on a box. Suddenly, we hear the distant echo of a heavy door opening and closing. Silence, then the click of very high heels approaching. Blanche stands, goes to the chain link, waits.

INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S BOUDOIR - DAY We're in an elegant, sensual bathroom with a massive, stepped, marble-tile, sunken tub. Mistress Mystery watches with delight as Alyssa and Juliet cavort for her. Alyssa perches in a sexy squat on the tub's edge over Juliet's face, peeing a hard stream into her open mouth. Juliet vibes herself as she drinks deep of Alyssa. She moans. She keens like a bird. She shrieks like a banshee. Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming outside. Alyssa's stream instantly ceases. Juliet quickly switches the vibe to "off" and hides it under herself. Sound of boots in the hallway. EXT. BAMBI & THUMPER'S HOUSE - DAY We see the Pizza Delivery Van parked at the curb. BAMBI (O.S.) Good to be back. THUMPER (O.S.) I hear you. The sound of heels clicking on a hardwood floor. INT. THE REC ROOM IN BAMBI & THUMPER'S HOUSE - DAY Bambi and Thumper, in tight tops and hotpants, mug in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror. They click their 4-inch heels menacingly. Bambi brandishes a riding crop. BAMBI Ready? THUMPER Ready! INT. THE BOILER ROOM AT MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL - DAY The cage door is open. Down the hall, we see Flossy, in a lace dress, sun bonnet and parasol, leading a naked Blanche on a leash. INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S BOUDOIR - DAY Juliet and Alyssa cringe naked in the tub. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN You're fucking my bitch! You are fucking my bitch!

MISTRESS MYSTERY I am not fucking her! MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN She's naked in your tub. I call that fucking! MISTRESS MYSTERY Fucking is penetration. Do you see any penetration? Mistress Iron Maiden goes over to the tub. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN What happened to her ass? It's all red. MISTRESS MYSTERY I was teaching the girls some flogging techniques. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN Oh you were! Just decided without checking with me? MISTRESS MYSTERY How could anyone check with you? You were on a two-day bender and dead to the world. Mistress Iron Maiden reaches into the tub, comes up with the vibe Juliet was using on herself. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN What's this? You said there was no penetration. MISTRESS MYSTERY She was using it for external stimulation. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN You ever heard of a bitch not going in when the barn door's wide open? Far as I'm concerned, she's ruined. She's damaged goods. MISTRESS MYSTERY What are you getting at, little sister? MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN (A hard look at Alyssa) What I'm getting at is, you owe me a bitch. A clean, untainted bitch. MISTRESS MYSTERY You are still drunk.

MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN If I don't get an untainted bitch right now, I'm calling a meeting. And if I do, it'll be two votes to one, 'cause Jane'll vote with me. A long silence. All right. Fucking A. Mistress Iron Maiden jerks Alyssa out of the tub by her hair and drags her toward the door. ALYSSA Owwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! MISTRESS MYSTERY Take her but don't come crying to me when - Mistress Iron Maiden slams the door. Juliet are alone. Mistress Mystery and MISTRESS MYSTERY Go ahead and take her. MISTRESS IRON MAIDEN

MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) It's the drink that makes her like that. When she's not drinking, she's really quite nice. We hear a hard slap. We hear Alyssa yelp.

MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) (A weak smile) It's the drink. EXT. A CREEK NEAR THE NEAR THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY The Jeep is parked at the water's edge. The Strange Girl sits on the hood holding one end of a thin chain. The other end is padlocked to Wendy's slave collar. Wendy stands in water up to her thighs. THE STRANGE GIRL Clean everything, girl. Especially between your toes. Nothing worse than a bitch with smelly toes. INT. A LOCKER ROOM AT MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL - DAY A FedEx delivery girl outfit, Navy blue shorts, a ballcap and a purple teeshirt, laid out on the bench. Resting on top of the teeshirt, a tiny sexy string thong in FedEx orange. Flossy unclips the leash from Blanche's collar.

FLOSSY One of Miss Helga's favorite fantasies is doing the FedEx delivery girl. Blanche picks up the thong. FLOSSY (CONT'D) (Points to a box) You'll be delivering a box of new strapons. She'll want to test them out before she signs the receipt. Bend over. She told me to lube you. Blanche bends over. INT. THE PERGOLA IN THE GARDEN AT THE FARMHOUSE - DAY Mistress Mystery, in gown and bonnet, sits, a cup of tea at hand, as Juliet, naked, kneels at her feet. Mistress Mystery brushes Juliet's hair. Regina, in an open-backed latex Maid's costume, approaches. REGINA A woman to see you, Mistress. MISTRESS MYSTERY Who is she? REGINA She says you know her, Ma'am. She deals in slaves. She has one for sale. MISTRESS MYSTERY Is she pretty? REGINA The dealer or the slave, Mistress? MISTRESS MYSTERY Don't be impertinent, little one. INT. TAWNY'S CELL - DAY Tawny lies on her cot. Suddenly, the sound of a vehicle driving up. The sound of an engine shutting off. The sound of car doors opening and closing. Tawny sits up. She drinks the last of the water in the bowl, rinses her mouth. She primps, straightens her hair. She walks to the barred door and waits.

INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - DAY The open box on the rug. We see several strapons.

Blanche bent over the desk, her FedEx shorts at her ankles, her FedEx thong at her knees. Helga fucks her with short, quick strokes with a thick black strapon. Blanche grips the edge of the desk. She gasps, cries, moans, near climax. HELGA: No no no, FedEx Girl. You don't orgasm until I permit it. Blanche groans in frustration, grits her teeth, as Helga begins a series of long, slow, deep thrusts. INT. THE STUDY IN THE FARMHOUSE - DAY Juliet sits in the straight-back chair at the side of the desk, dressed in a very tight Girl Scout uniform. She strains to make out what is being said in the next room. MISTRESS MYSTERY (O.S.) In the past, you've dealt with us through Aurelia or one of the other Amazons. Why did you cut out the middlewoman this time? THE STRANGE GIRL (O.S.) Just happened to be in the neighborhood, Elva. I was thinking about how much you like girls who can exercise self-control. INT. THE DINING ROOM IN THE FARMHOUSE - DAY Mistress Mystery and the Strange Girl stand in front of a painting of two fierce Amazons in burnished armor fitting slave harnesses and chains on a nude woman and her two frightened virgin daughters. Wendy, naked and shivering, kneels at the wall. MISTRESS MYSTERY I like a girl who conserves her passion, who saves herself to please her Mistress. THE STRANGE GIRL (Indicates Wendy) This one should interest you. Very active, very verbal, quick to learn. She can go either way, be the meek, whimpering submissive, or the audacious, dynamic Domme. As you request.

Mistress Mystery walks over to Wendy, lifts her chin, studies her face. MISTRESS MYSTERY She's pretty. How much? THE STRANGE GIRL Two hundred forty. MISTRESS MYSTERY One ninety. THE STRANGE GIRL Split the difference. Two hundred and twenty. MISTRESS MYSTERY Done. INT. THE BOILER ROOM AT MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL - DAY The cage door is once again locked. We see Blanche inside, once again naked. Flossy, all frilly and lacey, stands outside, twirling her parasol. FLOSSY You made Miss Helga smile. Now rest. Soon she'll have a new fantasy for you. Probably librarian or Avon lady. She'll let me know. Flossy starts to walk away. She stops, turns.

FLOSSY (CONT'D) I might come and spend the night here. I can help you. If you make me smile. INT. ON THE BACK 40 ON THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY Mistress Mystery, her veil over her face, rides sidesaddle on her mare. Wendy and Juliet, naked, share a mule. They come to a lovely meadow. Mistress Mystery signals a halt. She dismounts. MISTRESS MYSTERY We'll spend the night here under the stars. They dismount. They begin unpacking gear from the mare and the mule.

INT. TAWNY'S CELL - DAY Tawny stands at the barred door. She hears the click of high heels on the hardwood floor. Suddenly, at the door, she sees Bambi and Thumper. She gasps. They click their 4-inch heels menacingly. BAMBI Hi. THUMPER Long time, no see. BAMBI We thought about you a lot. fans of yours. THUMPER Big fans. INT. THE MEADOW - DAY Late afternoon. We see that a tent, a folding table and chairs, have been set up. Mistress Mystery sits in a chair, relaxing, reading. Wendy and Juliet build a campfire. MISTRESS MYSTERY It's so peaceful and restful here. INT. THE BOILER ROOM AT MISS HELGA'S SCHOOL - NIGHT A fold-out cot rests against the wall inside the cage. Flossy, in only a tanktop and white fuck-me pumps, sits on it, her back pressed against the wall and her thighs open. Blanche fucks her with a 10-inch clear lucite S-shaped Clear Crystal Wand. FLOSSY Oh oh oh! - She reaches down and guides Blanche's hand deeper inside her. FLOSSY (CONT'D) Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodoh yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesiloveyoui loveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouohhh hhhhhhh... INT. ON THE BACK 40 - NIGHT Mistress Mystery lies on a blanket, looking up at the stars. We're

Nearby, in the grass, away from the campfire, Wendy, mounted on Juliet, drives a strapon into her cunt. It's tummy slapping against tummy, nipplies rubbing on nipples, heavy breathing and sweaty bottoms. JULIET Deeper! WENDY (Works it deeper) Like this? JULIET Yes, like that! WENDY I don't want you expecting this every night. JULIET Faster! WENDY (Works it faster) Like this? JULIET Yes, like that! Don't worry. I wasn't going to ask for it every night. I'm not like one of those nymphos you drag in the door. Ohgod ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohyesyes yesyesyesyesyesyesiloveyouiloveyoui loveyouiloveyouiloveyouohhhhh... Mistress Mystery cocks an eye, grins. INT. BAMBI AND THUMPER'S BATHROOM - NIGHT Bambi stands, bent at the waist, her feet apart, her ass pushed out, her hands pressed down on the sink. Tawny kneels behind her. Thumper stands next to Tawny, gripping her hair, guiding her mouth to Bambi's crack. She presses Tawny's face flush against Bambi's ass. THUMPER Eat her! Get that tongue in there! BAMBI Oh God, I'm gonna cummmm! gonna cummmm! I'm

THUMPER Hurry up, dammit! I want my turn.

INT. THE OUTER OFFICE TO MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - NIGHT The clock on the wall chimes eight. We see the area is darkened. We see that, at Flossy's workstation, the desktop is clean and the computer is switched off. We hear the creak of a chair somewhere. INT. MISS HELGA'S OFFICE - NIGHT Miss Helga sits behind her desk, working late. She's writing in a journal. We look over her shoulder. We see she's writing in big letters. INSERT - The Journal Page "OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD YESSSSSSS!!!!" BACK TO SCENE We see Blanche's head down under the desk between Helga's thighs. We hear the slurping sound of a wet tongue against an equally wet crotch. Helga strokes Blanche's hair, smiles down at her. HELGA You're a wonderfully-skilled slut, my dear. When you joined the police force, you missed your calling. BLANCHE Thank you, Ma'am. HELGA One thing. I don't want us giving Flossy the wrong impression. She's a vacuous little twit, good for paperwork and carrying messages and not much else. If you throw caution to the wind, her seeing you naked could arouse God-knows-what in that airless void she calls a brain. So take care that your interchanges with her are 100% business and that she understands. BLANCHE Absolutely, Ma'am. I think only of you. HELGA Good. Now do me again. Just like the last time.

INT. THE BOILER ROOM - NIGHT Darkened. The cage door is open. In the shadows, we see Flossy, dressed in Snow White fetish garb. She looks at her watch. She bites her lip. She waits. EXT. IN THE PARKING LOT OUTSIDE A CABIN AT GIRL TIME - DAY Morning. The car trunk is open. LESLIE and JESSICA, two college girls, unload suitcases and bags. Bambi and Thumper approach, clicking their heels, smiling big smiles. They lead Tawny, all decked out in a tight latex catsuit, on a leash. BAMBI Welcome to Girl Time, ladies. LESLIE Thank you. THUMPER I'm Thumper. And this is. BAMBI Bambi. And this is our friend, Tawny. Leslie and Jessica eye Tawny with pure lust. JESSICA She's Leslie and I'm Jessica. THUMPER Can we help you unload? Bambi bends Tawny forward, showing off her naked, deliciously oiled and perfumed crack. EXT. THE BARN AT THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY Morning. We see the barn door is open. MISTRESS MYSTERY (O.S.) It's so marvelous that you two girls have taken to each other. It's almost as if you know each other. INT. THE BARN AT THE THREE SISTERS' RANCH - DAY The mare and the mule are back in their stalls munching on hay.

Wendy and Juliet stand naked, facing on another. Between them, on the end of a rope suspended from the rafters, we see a double pussyhook lowered to crotch level. We see that the two hooks are generously greased. MISTRESS MYSTERY A little bonding exercise for my girls. Wendy and Juliet gulp. MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) Don't worry, girls. It will be pleasant beyond your imagination. Now, come to the rope and hug one another with the rope between you. Wendy and Juliet do so. Mistress Mystery cuffs Wendy's wrists around Juliet and Juliet's, around Wendy. Then she carefully fits the hooks inside them, pulling it up slightly until the girls are on their tiptoes. She ties their thighs together so they are cunt on cunt, then she secures the hook rope to a peg on the wall. She fetches an old milking stool, sits to the side of the girls, takes out two thin vibes, switches them on and teases their anuses. The girls begin shuddering and shaking. WENDY Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohyes yesyesyesyesyes yesyesyessss... JULIET Ohnoohnoohnohnoohnoohnoohnoohnohnoo hnoohnoohohohohohohgodohgodohgodohg odohgodoh... EXT. THE BARN - DAY Mistress Mystery walks out of the barn, chuckling. INT. THE BARN - DAY Wendy and Juliet stand, cuffed and pussyhooked. The vibes, stuck deep in their anuses, hum away. The Girls buck and rock and shake and rub. They stare into one another's eyes, as if seeing themselves mirrored there. They kiss hungrily. They cumm explosively. INT. THE BOILER ROOM - NIGHT Darkened. We're standing outside the cage. We see two shadows against the wall. We hear the springs of the cot.

FLOSSY (O.S.) Oh God! Yes yes yes yes yes yes! Oh God, INT. THE BASEMENT OF A GIRL TIME CABIN - NIGHT Darkened. We hear movement coming from the cage in the corner. We hear a fart. BAMBI (O.S.) I have to go. THUMPER (O.S.) You should have taken care of that before. BAMBI (O.S.) I know, but... INT. MISTRESS MYSTERY'S CHAMBERS - NIGHT A darkened room. Wendy and Juliet lie naked on the floor of the bird cage in each other's arms. Wendy coos. Juliet purrs. Mistress Mystery sits in a rocking chair, watching them. MISTRESS MYSTERY I love how my two girls have bonded so perfectly. My only concern is that you not get overly engrossed in one another. What would happen if I had to sell one of you? They turn, look up at her in fright. MISTRESS MYSTERY (CONT'D) Not that I ever would. I was simply thinking out loud. Still, a girl should conserve her passion. It's always better to be cautious and prudent, is it not? JULIET & WENDY Yes, Mistress.

The End

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