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Adult Enrichment Project

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Stress Symptoms
The symptoms of too much stress can manifest in a multitude of ways. Here are a few to be aware of as you nd what is stressing you out.

Behavioral Symptoms Find My Stress

Acting out Fidgety and restless Grades go down Grinding teeth Increased alcohol consumption Isolation Loss of appetite Nail biting Overeating Procrastination Smoking or using tobacco products Tapping ngers or feet Trembling leg Using drugs

Cognitive Symptoms
Cant make decisions Confused Constant worry Disorganization Forgetfulness Inability to concentrate Negative or pessimistic Poor judgment Racing thoughts Trouble thinking clearly

Emotional Symptoms
Agitated Anxious Apathetic or indifferent Cry a lot Excessive worry Feeling of helplessness Frustrated Impatient Increased outbursts of anger Irritable or short temper Lack of concentration Lack of initiative Moody Overly aggressive Overly critical Overly emotional Unhappy Withdrawn

Physical Symptoms
Backache or pain Cold or sweaty hands or feet Difficulty sleeping Dizziness Dry mouth Extremely tired Faster beating heart Frequently sick Grinding teeth Headaches Heartburn Increased perspiration Insomnia Low energy Lump in throat Nauseous Nervousness Rapid heartbeat Sleeping too much Tense muscles Tight or aching neck and shoulders Upset stomach

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Adult Enrichment Project

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