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Importance of Food
Importance of food
Repair and replace damages tissues Builds healthy bodies Growth Build new cells

Warms the body

Provides energy for carrying out work

Classes of food
Food can be classified into seven main classes:
Carbohydrate Fat Mineral salts Water

Vitamins Fibre (roughage)

Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Main source of energy. Supply us with energy to

carry out daily activities. Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat in our bodies. Three main type:
Starch (rice, bread, potatoes) Sugar (honey, sugar cane and fruits)

Cellulose (in plant cell walls)

Made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and

nitrogen Some protein also have sulphur and phosphorus Food rich in protein includes fish, milk, meat, egg white and nuts Protein are used for building body tissues, enzymes and hormones Protein also supply energy when carbohydrate is lacking

Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but

different ration from carbohydrate Food rich in fat include palm oil, coconut oil, fish oil, butter, fatty meat and egg yolk Produce twice amount of energy compared with carbohydrate of same weight Functions of fat:

Supply energy Insulator of heat Protecting internal organs Dissolving vitamins

Required in small quantities only

Classified into two group:

Water-soluble vitamins (vit. B and vit. C) Fat-soluble vitamins (vit. A, D, E and K)

Protect the body from various types of diseases

and maintain health of the body Copy table 2.1 page 41

Inorganic substances needed by our body in

small amounts for healthy growth and development Copy table 2.2 page 42

Water make up 70% of body weight

Water is the main component of our blood and

body fluid Dissolve a lot of chemical and allow to react in our body Water substances such as urea and salts are passed from our body Water help regulate body temperature

Also known as roughage

Made up from cellulose from plant cell wall

Cannot be digested by our body Fibre can hold a lot of water so that our faeces

remain soft and can pass from our body easily Prevent from constipation Fruits, cereal and vegetables contain a lot of fibre

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