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Shayne Kearney ISM-6th period February 21.


ISM- Project Introduction and Purpose Paper

The following paper contains information about why I chose my mentor and that specific career field along with a clear outline of my goals for my final project, while also giving a detailed step-by-step analysis of how I will prepare for this final project presentation. This paper also contains a brief description of what my tangible product will be and what I hope and want other people to gain from viewing my project. My name is Shayne Kearney and Im a senior at Clear Springs High School and I will be mentoring with Mrs. Tricia Troutt, a 5th grade science teacher at Darwin L. Gilmore Elementary, for my spring semester ISM project. It just so happens that Mrs. Troutt was my 5th grade teacher when I attended Gilmore as a student many years ago. So when I decided that I might be interested in taking up a career in education, I knew it would be interesting to observe her unique and effective teaching style from a different viewpoint from when I was a student. Having Mrs. Troutt as my mentor is also beneficial to me because I can use my schema as a former student to assist me with the research necessary for my final project. My passion to work with children and my aspiration to major in a form of biology influenced my decision to select a mentor in the science educational field. This mentorship is the perfect combination of getting to interact with young children and being able to work in the subject of science. For my spring semester project, I decided to focus on the various learning styles of 5th grade students. Being surrounded by students with their various personalities and behaviors two to three times a week heavily influenced my decision to analyze and report on this topic of study.

Shayne Kearney ISM-6th period February 21. 2014

The purpose of my project is to be able to educate the people who view my presentation, on the various learning styles of 5th graders. By determining a childs learning style, others can become aware of the different ways that children learn and grasp the material being taught to them. I also want my audience to understand that a childs behavior and personality can play a significant role in determining a childs learning style. As a result, my audience will know some of the methods they can use to make learning easier for the students. To prepare for this project and presentation I will decide and discuss with my mentor the various learning styles that are present in the classroom. I will also find an age appropriate quiz the students can take so that I have accurate results and data to work with to see which learning style is associated with each child. After, I will pick the three most common learning styles to focus on and research so that I can learn as much as I can about them. By doing this, I will be able to begin observing and analyzing the students with these particular learning styles and I will also be able to see how their behavior and personality is related to their particular style of learning. Next I will gather information regarding the statistics and percentages of students with each specific learning style in my classroom and in general as well. Next I will begin researching how the brain functions with each of the three learning styles I am focusing on to discover the relationship between the two. By applying what I have noted and observed through this process by interacting with my students in the classroom on a weekly basis, I will be able to begin constructing my PowerPoint to create a captivating and informative presentation so that

Shayne Kearney ISM-6th period February 21. 2014

my audience can receive and gain insight into what Ive been working on during my mentorship this semester. For my tangible item or product I will be designing three hypothetical descriptions of students with the three learning styles I have been focusing on and observing throughout the semester. I will then create a lesson plan that is designated towards each hypothetical student and their specified learning style. I will then go over in detail how you can come to the conclusion that this particular style of learning style belongs with that particular case. I will also go over each lesson plan in depth and explain how each activity contributes to the students easy understanding of the material being taught. What I hope to gain, and what I hope others will walk away with from viewing my presentation, is a new outlook on how to help and teach children according to their style of learning. I would also like my audience to walk away from my presentation knowing that they gained knowledge about the various learning styles of 5th graders and how their personality and behavior play a significant part in discovering the childs style of learning. I hope that my audience will gain this information in a very professional and collegiate manor.

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