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Every-way and everyday I am getting better and better <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am passionate and is having enthusiasm for

life <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am highly positively driven <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am always active <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am able to handle life with love <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am in great physical and mental health <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am always healthy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am outgoing and positive <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am young at heart <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I feel young <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am full of energy Nutrition flows freely in and around my body <SILENCE MSEC=" 200" /> I am having healthy physique <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am perfectly restored to full health in body mind and spirit <SILENCE MSEC="20 0" /> I am allowing feelings of love to move freely through me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am 100 percent healthy throughout my body <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am deeply relaxed and at ease <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am full of energy and vitality <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am living a healthy life style <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I always take care of my body <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I only eat healthy food <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I eat healthy food My body is relaxed <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I have purpose in life and living <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I accept the presence of all thoughts now <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I get up and go clearly <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Every organ and system in my body functions exactly as it was intended <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Every organ in my body is healthy and functions at its optimum scale <SILENCE M SEC="200" /> Everyday and in every way I am getting better and better <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Life treats me in a graceful manner <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I have purpose in life and living <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I accept the presence of all thoughts now <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I get up and go clearly <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My ability to move and act is energized now <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My purpose is connected to my actions <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I understand my responsibilities <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Healthy dignity and self worth are mine <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am flexible within <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I move towards progress with understanding <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I grasp, handle, and hold my activities <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am having my blood sugar levels on healthy level <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am always making sure I pick the lifestyle choices that will help me to keep m y health perfect <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am always focused on staying healthy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> A river of love washes away my past with love, I adapt only Good Habits <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I willingly and lovingly joyously release the past, The past is now over, now I welcome the positive new <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I lovingly and joyously take charge of my life, I create only good in my life <S ILENCE MSEC="200" /> I confidently and actively and easily speak up and act to put across my opinions and feelings <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am always safe and secure, I now create a life, full of love, peace, joy and h armony <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Life loves me I love my life, I am creating meaningful relationships for my good , All my relationships are full of joy, harmony and love <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am motivated to shed weight and become healthy, I am completely focused on rel easing weight and I shed weight in healthy manner, Now I am Young, slim and heal

thy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am restored to full health in body mind and spirit <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I forgive myself and others across time and space, I experience life fully with love <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I relax and trust the process of life to bring me my highest good <SILENCE MSEC= "200" /> I cherish and love myself unconditionally <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I joyously release the past and I embrace the present <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I forgive myself and everyone I need to forgive, I am free they are free <SILENC E MSEC="200" /> Forgiving relieves me, and frees me, I am willing to change for my highest good, I embrace change and I willingly walk into the new <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I relax into accepting what is, I absorb love and joy and let it be mirrored bac k into my life <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> All the organs and systems in my body are perfectly working <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Life treats me in a graceful manner <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My Hormonal Balance is healthy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Deep at the centre of my being there is an infinite well of love, I now allow th is love to flow to the surface <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiat es out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied <SILENCE MSEC="200 " /> The more love I use and give, the more I have to give, the supply is endless <SI LENCE MSEC="200" /> The use of love makes me feel good; it is an expression of my inner joy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Yes, I love myself, therefore I take loving care of my body, I lovingly feed it nourishing food and beverages <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I lovingly groom it and dress it and my body lovingly responds to me with vibran t health and energy <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I love myself, therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself includ ed, will feel this love and be nourished by it <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I love myself, therefore I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that uses all my talents and abilities, working with and for people that I love and love me, and earning a good income <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I love myself, therefore, I behave in a loving way to all people for I know that that which I give out returns to me multiplied <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I only attract loving people in my world for they are a mirror of what I am <SIL ENCE MSEC="200" /> I love myself, therefore I forgive and totally release the past and all past exp eriences and I am free <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I love myself, therefore I love totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright, and joyous and secure, for I am a bel oved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now and fo rever more, And so it is <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Every moment of my life is filled with joy, I choose to experience the sweetness of life today <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Life is sweet and so am I, I trust the process of life, I am safe and secure <SI LENCE MSEC="200" /> I release the need to control and flow with the flow of life, I deserve the best and accept it now <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> As I let go, I let life with its infinite joy, love and wisdom flow through me a nd guide me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I allow divine action to take place through me, I trust the universe to bring me my highest good <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I easily and lovingly forgive myself and others across time and space and as I l et go and release the past I allow the new, vital and vibrant to enter <SILENCE

MSEC="200" /> I am surrounded by love and joy, I am worthy of my own love, ove me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am balanced whole and complete, My body functions smoothly itself <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I allow my body to heal itself, I allow the universe to heal love <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I now accept the divine healing the universe has to offer me /> I release the conscious and subconscious patterns in me that ion <SILENCE MSEC="200" />

I allow myself to l and is able to heal me with its divine <SILENCE MSEC="200" created this condit

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