Unit Outline For Reformation Renaissance

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Unit Outline

Concept: Transition to the Modern World Topic: The Renaissance and Reformation Grade Level: Seventh and Eighth Combination Focus Standards Social Science Strand: Historical Knowledge 7.3. Analyze the interconnections of people, places and events in the economic, scientific and cultural exchanges of the European Renaissance that led to the Scientific Revolution, voyages of discovery and imperial conquest. 7.1. Describe and compare the beliefs, the spread, and the influence of religions throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, Islam, Crusades, Holy Roman Empire.

Knowledge Students will know: The terms secular, renaissance, humanism, indulgence, reformation, and heresy. Important artist, thinkers, and religious reformers Various scientific and technological innovations of the period. The connections between influential people of the renaissance and reformation

Skills Students will be able to: Participate effectively in group discussions Analyze primary and secondary sources Recognize multiple perspectives Compare and contrast ideas

Implied Understandings The renaissance was a time of new values and art. The wealthy supported artists and writers. Reformers broke from the Catholic Church beginning a new Christian movement. Catholics and Protestants fought bloody religious wars.

Supporting Standards Strand: Geography 7.8. Use and evaluate maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases to analyze geographic distributions in the Eastern Hemisphere. Strand:Social Science Analysis 7.24. Analyze current and historical sources (e.g., artifacts, eyewitness accounts, letters and diaries, real or simulated historical sites, charts, graphs, diagrams, and written texts) for accuracy and point of view while forming questions. Strand: Reading Informational Text CCLS 6-8.RH.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. Strand:Writing 6-8.WHST.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.

Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Establish and maintain a formal style. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.


c. d. e.

Enduring Understandings 1. A major shift occurred between spiritual to secular concerns that challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. 2. Conventional social, religious, and political structures were challenged during the Renaissance. 3. The ideas of the Renaissance value the individual over the needs of the common good. 4. The Renaissance was a period of personal discovery and artistic creativity.

Essential Questions 1. What is Humanism? 2. Why do people create? 3. How did the Renaissance affect European culture? 4. What does it take to change the world? Possible Misunderstandings Everyone had time and resources to express themselves creatively People were able to freely choose between religions

Final Performance Task G. R. The goal is to produce a five paragraph essay. Your job is to convince your classmates that they should take up your same

position. A. You need to convince your teacher that your position on the impact of the reformation and the renaissance is the correct position S. The challenge you will face is convincing your classmates of your argument in a logical manner during a Debussion. P. You need to develop a five paragraph essay that contains a thesis statement addressing this prompt: Which had a bigger impact on society: The Renaissance or The Reformation? S. Your essay must meet the following standards: Essay must contain five paragraphs Essay must contain a clear thesis addressing the given prompt Essay must contain three pieces of evidence/facts to support the thesis Essay must stay on topic Essay can contain no more than 5 spelling and end punctuation errors During the Debussion you must contribute: In an orderly manner At least three comments/questions/arguments Respect for classmates

Rubric for Grading the Five-Paragraph Essay

Handout 5

Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________

1. Essay contains 5 paragraphs 0

Points Awarded
5 10 15 20


Introduction contains 3 clear ideas/reasons





Essay follows the bing, the bang, and the bongo pattern





Essay uses transitions effectively





Essay is free from errors in capitalization and punctuation




0=poor 5=weak 10=average 15=very good 20=excellent

Students Total score: _________

Additional Comments:

Task Analysis
Knowledge Students will know: The terms secular, renaissance, humanism, indulgence, reformation, and heresy. Important artist, thinkers, and religious reformers Various scientific and technological innovations of the period. The connections between influential people of the renaissance and reformation Skills Students will be able to: Participate effectively in group discussions Analyze primary and secondary sources Recognize multiple perspectives Compare and contrast ideas

Implied Understandings The renaissance was a time of new values and art. The wealthy supported artists and writers. Reformers broke from the Catholic Church beginning a new Christian movement. Catholics and Protestants fought bloody religious wars.

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