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GRE Frequent Words 1.Abate v subside or moderate. Synonyms: die away, let up, slack, slack off Rather than leaving immediately, we waited for the storm to abate. Mnemonic: ab ate mat karo abate your weight.

2. Aberrant adj abnormal or deviant. Synonyms: deviant, deviate His aberrant eating behavior is main cause of all his health problems Mnemonic: (beer+ant)...ant drank beer and walking abnormal.. 3.Abeyance n suspended action Synonyms: suspension The game was in abeyance until the rain ended. Mnemonic: a+beyance .. here concentrate on beyance.. it sounds like buoyancy which suspends objects above the ground level.. 4.Abscond v depart secretly and hide. Synonyms: absquatulate, bolt, decamp, go off, make off, run off Anderson absconded from India after bhopal gas tragedy Mnemonic: abscond - ab + scond. Absent in a second. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.

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5.Abstemious adj sparing in eating and drinking temperate. Synonyms: light Being so abstemious, he never had any likes or preferences when it came to food. Mnemonic: take abstemious as abs + tummy + ous that means ABStain from eating to have a flat tummy (stomach). 6.Admonish v warn; reprove. Synonyms: Reprove I admonished my child for his bad behaviour at the party Mnemonic: Admonish sounds similar to Admission Before giving admission into bar guards admonish (warn) youth 7.Adulterate v make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances Synonyms: debase, dilute, load, stretch They tried to adulterate the rice by adding other grains Mnemonic: Adults are more impure than children, so adulterate means to make impure 8.Aesthetic artistic dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful Synonyms: esthetic, creative, cultivated, cultured, decorative, dramatic, elegant, exquisite, fine, graceful, grand, harmonious, ideal, imaginative, musical, ornamental, pictorial, picturesque, pleasing, poetic, refined, rhythmical, sensitive, stimulating, stylish, sublime, tasteful

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What an aesthetic beauty konark temple is Mnemonic: aes + thetic opposite of "pathetic"..means beauty

9.Aggregate v gather; accumulate Synonyms: sum, total, totality The party got an aggregate of 5,407 votes. Mnemonic: aggregate- a gre gate - all of us need gre "total" score to reach gate of university

10.Alacrity n cheerful promptness; eagerness Synonyms: Briskness, smartness Sir william and lady lucas were speedily applied to for their consent; and it was bestowed with a most joyful alacrity Mnemonic: take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity. creative people are so eager to learn n create things differently. 11.Alleviate v relieve Synonyms: assuage, palliate, relieve The medicine alleviated his pain. Mnemonic: ALL (all)+ EVI (evil)+ ATE (has been eaten up) so hence you are relieved of the pain and you feel relief 12.Amalgamate v combine; unite in one body Synonyms: commix, mingle, mix, unify The fitness instructor amalgamated dance with exercise for the workout.
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Mnemonic: amalga+mate ,mate means combine

13.Ambiguous adj unclear or doubtful in meaning Synonyms: equivocal He was caught in an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference Mnemonic: ambi means two/both..guous sounds like guess..both are wild guess so its doubtful 14.Ambivalence n the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes Synonyms: Ambivalency He had a genuine ambivalence toward the war. Mnemonic: matches with "ambulance" . In case of severe emergency, inside an ambulance, you have mixed emotions.. bachega ya nahi! 15.Ameliorate v improve Synonyms: Better, improve, meliorate The weather ameliorated toward evening Mnemonic: Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food. 16.Anachronism n something or someone misplaced in time Synonyms: Misdating, mistiming The typewriter is an anachronism today! Mnemonic: chronous(relating to time)as in synchronous. ana(not)chrounous(in time)
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17.Analogous adj comparable Synonyms: Correspondent, akin, alike, comparable, consonant, convertible, correspondent, corresponding, equivalent, homologous, interchangeable, kindred, like, parallel, related, resembling, undifferentiated, uniform The wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous Mnemonic: We know analog watches >> their movement is similar to that of the earth >> time progresses as the earth moves in rotation. 18.Anarchy n absence of governing body; state of disorder Synonyms: lawlessness, chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, disregard, hostility, misrule, mob rule, nihilism, nongovernment, rebellion, reign of terror, revolution, riot, turmoil, unrest There was complete anarchy in the state. Mnemonic: Anarchy-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like tibet was ruled by monarchy), absenceof government 19.Anomalous adj abnormal; irregular Synonyms: Deviate, aberrant, abnormal, atypical, bizarre, divergent, eccentric, exceptional, foreign, heteroclite, incongruous, inconsistent, irregular, odd, peculiar, preternatural, prodigious, rare, strange, unnatural, unorthodox, unrepresentative, untypical, unusual Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe Mnemonic: anomalous behaviour of water with different forms as in solid liquid and gas... ice, water and vapours... so irregular in characteristics 20.Antipathy n aversion; dislike

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Synonyms: Aversion, distaste, abhorrence, allergy, animosity, animus, antagonism, aversion, avoidance, bad blood, contrariety, distaste, dyspathy, enmity, escape, eschewal, evasion, hate, hatred, hostility, ill will, incompatibility, loathing, opposition, rancor, repellency, repugnance, repulsion There is considerable and deep antipathy to corruption by the majority of people Mnemonic: remember antipathy as anti party. in politics the people of antiparty are quite opposite in feeling 21.Apathy n - lack of caring; indifference Synonyms: Indifference, numbness, spiritlessness The government is taking steps to reduce voter apathy in view of the upcoming elections. Mnemonic: apathy sounds like chapathy means roti in say i dont like chapathi i like breads only. 22.Appease v pacify or soothe; relieve Synonyms: Propitiate, quell, stay, assuage, conciliate. No amount of gifts sent by Pradeep could appease Sandhya Mnemonic: Appease-app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..when war was going on in kasmirour prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region. 23.Apprise v inform Synonyms: Appreciate, apprize, revalue, inform Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike

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Mnemonic: APPle+RISE......Instead of Sun, If you see an APPLE has risen...what will you do????? you will INFORM peopla, media etc to see the miracle!!!!!! 24.Approbation n approval Synonyms: recognition, admiration, approval, bells, consent, endorsement, esteem, favor, go-ahead, high regard, okay, permission, recognition, sanction, support, the nod The martyrs bravery received the Presidents approbation. Mnemonic: APPRO-bation something related to approve or approval 25.Appropriate acquire; take possession of for ones own use Synonyms: Allow, earmark, reserve, set aside, capture, conquer, seize A funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity Mnemonic: appropriate = a + property + iate.. i.e. to make it your own property .. by force if required.. And also when you are appropriating it your self you are "allocating" it to yourself. 26.Arduous adj hard; strenuous Synonyms: Backbreaking, gruelling, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome He undertook the arduous work of preparing a dictionary Mnemonic: (h)ard + u (you) + ous (we); This work is very difficult and required full of hard work from us and your side. 27.Artless adj without guile; open and honest Synonyms: Ingenuous, uncultivated, uncultured The pop stars artless manner came as a pleasant surprise.
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Mnemonic: art + less, without having any art(skill) 28.Ascetic adj practicing self-denial; austere Synonyms: Abstere , alienated, ascetic, asocial, austere, cold, cynical, eremetic, hermitlike, introverted, misanthropic, reclusive, remote, reserved, retiring, solitary, standoffish, uncommunicative, unfriendly, unsociable, withdrawn The ascetic lived a solitary life Mnemonic: ascetic ~ acidic; he is living ascetic life by drinking and eating only acidic things (not good in taste) and avoid anything have good taste. 29.Assiduous adj- diligent Synonyms: Sedulous, active, already taken, at it, buried, diligent, employed, engaged, engrossed, having a full plate, having enough on one's plate, having fish to fry, having many irons in the fire, hustling, in a meeting, in conference Her assiduous efforts to save the dying apple tree finally paid off. Mnemonic: Assiduous-ass+in+the+dust.a donkey working hard in the dust.meaning hard working or industrious or diligent 30.Assuage v ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) Synonyms: Alleviate, palliate, relieve, allay, quench, slake This pill will assuage your headaches Mnemonic: as u (you) age ~ grow old" your excitement temper etc come down 31.Attenuate v make thinner; weaken or lessen (in density, force, degree)

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Synonyms: rarefy, attenuate, cook, cut back, cut, decrease, delete, diminish, disperse, doctor, edit, emaciate, expand, extenuate, irrigate, lace, needle, prune, reduce, refine, shave, spike, trim, water, water down, weaken, weed out Continuous exposure to direct sunlight had attenuated the color of the cloth Mnemonic: AT+TEN+YOU+ATE(gutkha,drugs)....if at the age of ten you start eating gutkha,drugs, you will become weaker day by day and will waste your life.... 32.Audacious adj daring bold Synonyms: Daring, venturesome, venturous, bald faced, bodacious, brassy, insolent An audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas Mnemonic: audacious..auda(AUDIBLE)....IF YOU WANT to be audible to millions of people you have to be very daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your message. 33.Austere forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented Synonyms: Ascetic, Spartan, stern, stark The monk devoted himself to an austere life in the forest Mnemonic: AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there 34.Autonomous self-governing Synonyms: Self directed, self relying, independent, sovereign The student council is an autonomous body in our college. The management has no say in its functioning
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Mnemonic: autonomous resembles automatic..somethin thats self governing doesn need or require help.. 35.Aver assert confidently or declare; as used in law, state, formally as a fact Synonyms: affirm ,assert, avow, swan, swear, verify, allege I aver before all present here that my commitment to the cause is unflinching Mnemonic: A VERy confident statement! 36.Banal hackneyed; commonplace; trite; lacking originality Synonyms: trite, tired, timeworn, threadbare, stock, shopworn, old-hat , hackneyed, commonplace, well-worn the article she came up with had no matter to it- just banal stuff Mnemonic: ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and unoriginal(dubbed)) 37.Belie contradict; give a false impression Synonyms: Misrepresent, contradict, negate the document drafted in such a way as to belie her actual intentions Mnemonic: be(make) lie. IF you make lies you will negate (or misrepresent) the truth. 38.Beneficent kindly; doing good Synonyms: benevolent, eleemosynary, philanthropic His subjects witnessed the most beneficent regime in history
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Mnemonic: Simply think about beneficial(something gives benefit) which help people. 39.Bolster support; reinforce Synonyms: long pillow, pad, aid, assist, bear up, boost, brace, buck up, bulwark, buoy, buttress, carry, cushion, help, hold up, maintain, pick up, pillow, prop, reinforce, shore up, stay, strengthen, support, sustain, uphold She adjusted the bolster to give her more space Mnemonic: relate to BOLT>> used to support or reinforce 40.Bombastic pompous; using inflated language Synonyms: declamatory, large, orotund, tumid, turgid His speeches are truly bombastic Mnemonic: BOMBS and firecrackers are used to impress people and they cause high sound 41.Boorish rude; insensitive Synonyms: loutish, neanderthal, oafish, swinish The officer was boorish and insensitive Mnemonic: boor means =bura .... ill make adj boorish. 42.Burgeon grow forth Synonyms: flourish, blossom, bud, expand, flower, grow, increase, mushroom, prosper, snowball, sprout, thrive It became impossible to contain the burgeoning population of immigrants Mnemonic: If you eat a lot of BURGers you will Bring ON the weight!
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43.Burnish make shiny by rubbing; polish Synonyms: gloss, glossiness, polish, buff, furbish The vase's burnish was wearing off Mnemonic: Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to make them shine 44.Buttress support; prop up Synonyms: abutment, column, mainstay, pier, prop, reinforcement, shore, stanchion, stay, strut, underpinning Damage to the buttress led to the collapse of the wall. Mnemonic: buttress=butt rest...butt gives you support so you to rest on your butt generally while sleeping or sitting 45.Cacophonous discordant; inharmonious Synonyms: clinking, discordant, disharmonic, dissonant, grating, illsounding, immusical, inharmonious, jangly, jarring, noisy, raucous, sour, strident, unmusical Manu's cacophonic voice is very much suited for the villainous character that he is playing in the drama. Mnemonic: caco sounds like cactus and phonous like phone. So kindly try to remember it like this... a phone with a cactus makes irritating sounds. 46.Capricious unpredictable; fickle Synonyms: impulsive, whimsical, freakish One should always resort to reason and intellect and avoid taking arbitrary and capricious decision
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Mnemonic: ca(CAR) + PRIC(PRICE)...PRICE OF cars nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of Tata's 1 lakh car. 47.Castigation - punishment; severe criticism Synonyms: Chastisement, bawling out, chewing out, dressing down, earful, going-over, upbraiding The child behaved even more badly after the castigation. Mnemonic: Castigated sounds similar to castrated, which would be a harsh punishment for any guy. 48.Catalyst agent that influences the pace of a chemical reaction while it remains unaffected and unchanged; person or thing that causes action Synonyms: adjuvant, agitator, enzyme, goad, impetus, impulse, incendiary, incentive, incitation, incitement, motivation, radical stimulus, reactant, reactionary, spark plug, spur, stimulant, synergist, wave maker The invasion acted as a catalyst to unite the country Mnemonic: CATA(LOOK like CATION..ions which has positive charge)like mn+2 which is a cation ,and cations SPEED UP THE RATE OF REACTION,that is how they BRING A CHEMICAL CHANGE IN A REACTION. 49.Caustic burning; sarcastically biting Synonyms: corrosive, erosive, mordant, vitriolic, acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic The caustic effect of Hydrochloric acid enhanced the speed of the reaction. Mnemonic: sounds like 'caution'... meaning, be careful, there is something..... that is corrosive... or... 'can cause corrosion'. 50.Chicanery trickery; deception
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Synonyms: chicane, guile, shenanigan, trickery, wile His chicanery always worked Mnemonic: chicanery sounds like shikari who uses means of deception to trick animals into his traps. 51.Coagulate thicken; congeal; clot Synonyms: curdled, grumose, grumous, clot The coagulate blood was difficult to clean Mnemonic: Colgate - think about the "thick" paste 52.Coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition; something that rounds out, summarizes, or concludes Synonyms: concluding speech, conclusion, ending, finale, follow-up, peroration, postlude, postscript, sequel, summation, swan song The coda was a disappointment to her Mnemonic: At the end of the musical performance everyone took pictures with their KODAk cameras. 53.Cogent convincing Synonyms: telling, weighty He presented a cogent argument Mnemonic: co+agent...cooperative agents make congent suggestions

54.Commensurate corresponding in extent, degree, amount; proportionate

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Synonyms: appropriate, coextensive, comparable, compatible, consistent, due, equal, equivalent, fit, fitting, in accord, proportionate, sufficient, symmetrical Pay should be commensurate with the time worked Mnemonic: SPLIT AS COMMON - ENSURED -RATE. WHICH MEANS, OUR RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT! 55.Compendium brief; comprehensive summary Synonyms: abstract, aperu, brief, conspectus, digest, epitome, essence, guide, handbook, manual, overview, pandect, prcis George's compendium was very popular in the literary circles Mnemonic: CUM(hindi for less) PEN use karke u can just write summary of topic. 56.Complaisant trying to please; overly polite; obliging Synonyms: obliging, accommodating, amiable, compliant, conciliatory, deferential, easy, easy-going, friendly, generous, good-humored, goodnatured, good-tempered, indulgent, lenient, mild, obliging, polite, solicitous, submissive To close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover Mnemonic: Complacent is self satisfied and Complaisant is a person who satisfies other people

57.Compliant yielding; conforming to requirements Synonyms: Charge, ailment, ill An often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining
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58.Conciliatory reconciling; soothing Synonyms: Conciliative, compromising, flexible Her lover spoke in a very conciliatory tone Mnemonic: this sounds like CONSOLING...which means soothing. 59.Condone overlook; forgive; give tacit approval; excuse Synonyms: buy, disregard, excuse, forget, forgive, give green light, go along with, ignore, lap up, let it come, let it go by, let pass, look the other way, nod at, okay, overlook, pardon, pass over, remit, wink at She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities Mnemonic: condone = consideration + done ~ you do not consider it anymore 60.Confound confuse; puzzled Synonyms: Confuse, bedevil, befuddle, confuse, discombobulate, fox, fuddle, throw This question confounded even the teacher Mnemonic: con found: cannot be found => puzzle 61.Connoisseur person competent to act as a judge of art Synonyms: cognoscente, adept, aesthete, aficionado, appreciator, arbiter, bon vivant, buff, cognoscente, critic, devotee, dilettante, epicure, expert, fan, freak, gourmet, judge, maven, nut, one into, savant Jonathan was a connoisseur of Renaissance art Mnemonic: Connoisseur is always SURE as he is an expert or a good judge
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62.Contention claim; thesis Synonyms: competition, rivalry arguing, argument, contestation, controversy, disceptation, disputation, tilt the teams were in fierce contention for first place Mnemonic: contention = contend is to compete, but contention has tension also, so a person cannot win a sport if he is full of tension. 63.Contentious quarrelsome Synonyms: combative, disputatious, disputative, litigious The writer had a style described as abrasive and contentious Mnemonic: Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels) 64.Contrite penitent; repentant Synonyms: remorseful, rueful, ruthful He delivered a contrite apology Mnemonic: can't(CONT) I did it right(RITE)... so regretful 65.Conundrum riddle; difficult problem Synonyms: brain-teaser, enigma, riddle In order to solve math based conundrums you usually have to come up with an equation or formula Mnemonic: Hey this rock start got only one "drum", how he is going to do the show!! It's a difficult situation.

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66.Converge approach; tend to meet; come together Synonyms: assemble, coincide, combine, come together, concenter, concentrate, concur, encounter, enter in, focalize, focus, join, meet, merge, mingle, rally, unite The crowd converged on the movie star Mnemonic: Co- together Verge- become one 67.Convoluted coiled around; involved; intricate Synonyms: byzantine, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous She could not follow his convoluted discourse Mnemonic: Convolution theorem was very hard to understand!! 68.Craven cowardly Synonyms: poltroon, recreant, recreant A craven proposal to raise the white flag Mnemonic: craven - relate with cave + in. You hide in cave if you are coward (in a jungle) 69.Daunt intimidate; frighten Synonyms: dash, frighten away, frighten off, pall, scare, scare away, scare off We should never let any failure daunt our courage Mnemonic: daunt = haunt = if you are frightened you will be discouraged to go into the haunted house.

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70.Decorum propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners Synonyms: breeding, civility, conduct, convenance, convention, correctitude, correctness, courtliness, decency, demeanor, deportment, dignity, etiquette, form, formality, gentility, good grace, gravity, habits, order, orderliness The steward reads prayers in the family twice a day, and maintains an exemplary decorum in the house. Mnemonic: "decor um"; decor them to make them more proper and correct 71.Default failure to act Synonyms: nonpayment, nonremittal The unix teaching system's mozilla has javascript disabled by default. Mnemonic: Separate FAULT : Fault is a mistake and due to a mistake the person looses by default. 72.Deference courteous regard for anothers wish Synonyms: complaisance, compliance, compliancy, obligingness, respect His deference to her wishes was very flattering Mnemonic: if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes. 73.Delineate portray; depict; sketch Synonyms: describe, draw, line, trace, limn, outline, define, delimit , delimitate, specify Delineate figure in the sand

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Mnemonic: delineate sounds like alienate, and if you are attacked by aliens, you would describe the event in vivid detail in order to make people believe you! 74.Denigrate blacken Synonyms: asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, slander, smear, smirch, sully No one is trying to denigrate the importance of a good education Mnemonic: if you deny someone is great ,it means you BELITTLE him 75.Deride ridicule; make fun of Synonyms: banter, chaff, contemn, detract, dis, disdain, disparage, do a number on, dump on, flout, gibe, jeer, jolly, kid, knock, laugh at, lout, mock, pan, pooh-pooh, put down, quiz, rag, rally, razz, rib, ridicule, roast, scoff, scorn, slam, sneer, taunt He derided his student's attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics Mnemonic: DE(not)+RIDE....if you are NOT able to RIDE a bicycle, you friends will laugh at you and some may show contempt 76.Derivative- unoriginal; obtained from another source Synonyms: derived function, differential, differential coefficient, first derivative Electricity is a derivative of electric Mnemonic: Deriv - Drive / ative - Relative Mng:obtaining from the other source.

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77.Desiccate dry up Synonyms: dehydrate, dry up, exsiccate, arid, desiccated A prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery Mnemonic: "Desert Cake": Cake that has been dried out and turned dull in taste. 78.Desultory aimless; haphazard; digressing at random

Synonyms: aimless, chance, chaotic, deviating, erratic, haphazard, orderless, rambling, unmethodical, unstable The desultory conversation characteristic of cocktail parties Mnemonic: De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing. 79.Deterrent something that discourage; hindrance Synonyms: balk, baulk, check, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, impediment Increase in cigarettes prices would have a deterrent effect on their use Mnemonic: you can also imagine deterrent as detergent + ant ; if you put detergent in front of ant it will obstruct and hinder its path 80.Diatribe bitter scolding; invective Synonyms: fulmination, abuse, castigation, denunciation, disputation, invective, jeremiad, objection, onslaught, philippic, reviling, screed, stricture, tirade, vituperation

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In a statement issued immediately after the yesterday's rally, Mr.Obama called McCain's speech an "angry diatribe" Mnemonic: Think of the prefix "Dia" as Dynamite! A dynamite verbal attack against a tribe of crazy Indians 81.Dichotomy split; branching into two parts (usually contradictory) Synonyms: duality, difference, difference of opinion, disagreement, disunion, separation, split

The dichotomy between eastern and western culture Mnemonic: can be taken as di + cut _ ... so dichotomy is cutting into two parts 82.Diffidence shyness Synonyms: self-distrust, self-doubt You must overcome your diffidence if you want to grow in any company Mnemonic: it is like opposite of confidence means you are shy not confident 83.Diffuse wordy; rambling; spread out Synonyms: broadcast, circularise, circularize, circulate, disperse, disseminate, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread Diffuse tensions and can be used as a tool to bring peace Mnemonic: When there is a bomb in the building we SPREAD this news WIDELY and call the bomb (DIFFUSE)ing squad 84.Digression wandering away from the subject

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Synonyms: deflection, deflexion, deviation, divagation, diversion aside, divagation, excursus, parenthesis A digression into irrelevant details Mnemonic: READ AS dig-the-rest-on-n-on. YOU JUST KEEP ON DIGGIN THE REST THINGS except THE main topic(subject) 85.Dirge lament with music Synonyms: coronach, lament, requiem, threnody I turned over to itv1 rather than watch the same dirge this morning Mnemonic: A dirge gives me da (the) urge to start crying 86.Disabuse correct a false impression; undeceive Synonyms: correct, debunk, disenchant, disillusion, enlighten, expose, free, liberate, rectify, rid I disabused my parents about my intentions to get married Mnemonic: REMEMBER AS the opposite of abuse(use harsh words or create wrong impression)

87.Discerning mentally quick and observant; having insight Synonyms: Apprehensive, discreet Some students have difficulty discerning what is important from detail Mnemonic: Discerning is similar to "Discovering". When you discover something you reveal something 88.Discordant not harmonious; conflicting Synonyms: disharmonious, dissonant, inharmonic
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Views discordant with present-day ideas Mnemonic: dis+chord as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound 89.Discredit defame; destroy confidence in; disbelieve Synonyms: Disrepute, disbelieve Your actions will bring discredit to your name Mnemonic: You will give the credit card to that person whom u have confidence.This means not having confidence

90.Discrepancy lack of consistency; difference Synonyms: disagreement, divergence, variance, variant Discrepancy between overall intelligence or ability and specific scores on reading and spelling tests. Mnemonic: break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different 91.Discrete separate; unconnected; consisting of distinct parts Synonyms: detached, different, disconnected, discontinuous, distinct, diverse, separate, several, unattached, various A government with three discrete divisions Mnemonic: this crate (thats used to keep cold drink bottles ) that keeps the bottles separate n unconnected... so that they don break dis+crate 92.Disingenuous lacking genuine candor; insincere; Disinterested; unprejudiced
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Synonyms: artful, crooked, cunning, deceitful, designing, dishonest, duplicitous, false, feigned, foxy, guileful, indirect, insidious, mendacious, oblique, shifty, sly, tricky, two-faced, uncandid, underhanded, unfair, unfrank, wily An ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time Mnemonic: INGENUOUS(can be remembered as genuine) IS SINCERE, INNOCENT AND SOPHISTICATED. AND disingenuous IS not naive, insincere 93.Disjointed lacking coherence; separated at the joints Synonyms: confused, disconnected, disordered, garbled, illogical, scattered, unconnected The result is a somewhat disjointed game that does not make you feel like a member of a team like it should. Mnemonic: DIS (not) + JOINTED (connected) disjointed is disconnected or scattered. 94.Dismiss eliminate from consideration; reject Synonyms: brush aside, brush off, discount, disregard, ignore, push aside, can, displace, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, terminate, drop, send away, send packing "I was dismissed after I gave my report" Mnemonic: DIS(these)-MISS(girls) are careless drivers , they ELIMINATE FROM CONSIDERATION the traffic around & so are REJECTED @ licence interview..!! 95.Disparage belittle Synonyms: belittle, pick at

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She disparaged her student's efforts Mnemonic: dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others. 96.Disparate basically different; unrelated Synonyms: at variance, contrary, contrasting, discordant, discrepant, dissimilar, distant, distinct, divergent, diverse, far cry, incommensurate, incompatible, inconsistent, inconsonant, like night and day, poles apart, separate, unalike, unequal, unequivalent, uneven, unlike, unsimilar, various A disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers Mnemonic: Disparate can be broken as: "This" "sEparate" so read as "this is separate"! 97.Dissemble disguise; pretend Synonyms: affect, feign, pretend, sham act, pretend, cloak, mask He dissembled happiness at the news that his old girlfriend was getting marriedto someone else Mnemonic: seems like "dis assemble"(break) you broke the favourite pot of mom n den tried to "conceal" ur mistake...or pretending 98.Disseminate distribute; spread; scatter Synonyms: broadcast, propagate, pass around, distribute, disperse, diffuse, circulate, circularize, circularise, spread Disseminate information relevant to all non-principals via the non-principal newsletter. Mnemonic: dis + seminate seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people.
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99.Dissolution disintegration; looseness in morals Synonyms: Breakup, adjournment, dissipation, licentiousness, looseness, profligacy , disintegration, dissolving Dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure Mnemonic: dissolution is the opposite of resolution. When you make a resolution you make a promise, when you make a dissolution you BREAK or dissolve the promise! 100.Dissonance discord; opposite of harmony Synonyms: noise, racket, disagreement, dissension The dissonance between what we are told and what we see with our own eyes Mnemonic: dis-sonance::DIS RESONANCE--not not in harmony 101.Distend expend; swell out Synonyms: amplify, augment, balloon, bloat, dilate, distort, enlarge, expand, increase, inflate, lengthen, puff, stretch, widen This showed the stomach to grossly distended with a large food residue. Mnemonic: dis(apart) + tend(stretch) So distend means to stretch apart or expand. 102.Distill purify; refine; concentrate Synonyms: distil, extract, condense, make pure, purify, sublimate The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound Mnemonic: distilled water...distilleries.
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103.Diverge vary; go in different directions from the same point Synonyms: depart, deviate, vary The two paths diverge here Mnemonic: The Driver DIVER(GE)TED into different directions 104.Divest strip; deprive Synonyms: disinvest, strip, undress, deprive, strip We may have to divest assets to raise capital Mnemonic: Divest: To deprive someone of something have quite similar meaning to 'Devastating':Causing extensive destruction or ruining 105.Document provide written evidence Synonyms: papers, written document, text file The parents documented every step of their child's development 106.Dogmatic opinionated; arbitrary; Synonyms: arbitrary, arrogant, assertive, bigoted, bullheaded, categorical, cocksure, confident, definite, despotic, determined, dictative, doctrinaire, domineering, downright, egotistical, emphatic, fanatical, fascistic, formal, high and mighty, imperious, intolerant, magisterial, narrow-minded, obdurate, obstinate, one-sided Dogmatic that the universe is meaningless, especially when so few people around you really believe it Mnemonic: Dog+matic..... Dogs once chase you, they will not leave you, until it bits you!!!

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107.Dormant sleeping; lethargic; latent Synonyms: Inactive, abeyant, hibernating, torpid, sleeping Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened Mnemonic: Dormant is like DoorMat which SLEEPS on the INACTIVE 108.Dupe someone easily fooled Synonyms: befool, cod, fool, gull, put on, put one across, put one over, slang, take in The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone Mnemonic: duplicates(in movies) are used to fool people 109.Ebullient showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm Synonyms: exuberant , high-spirited The fans greeted the members of the world cup winning team with ebullient enthusiasm Mnemonic: guys.. think of "BULL" in eBULLient.. it is always excited n raring to go 110.Eclectic selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources Synonyms: all-embracing, assorted, broad, catholic, dilettantish, diverse, diversified, heterogeneous, inclusive, liberal, many-sided, mingled, mixed, multifarious, multiform, selective, universal, varied, wide-ranging While teaching a new language to a learner, an eclectic approach produces better results than a single, fixed method
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Mnemonic: eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is the meaning of the word eclectic 111.Efficacy power to produce desired effect Synonyms: ability, adequacy, capability, capableness, capacity, competence, effect, effectiveness, efficaciousness, energy, force, influence, performance, potency, power, strength, success, sufficiency, use, vigor, virtue, weight The clinical trials showed that the new drug did not deliver the efficacy it promised Mnemonic: effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just check out if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling 112.Effrontery impudence; shameless boldness; sheer nerve; presumptuousness Synonyms: assumption, presumption, presumptuousness The grandparents were afraid of meena's effrontery Mnemonic: think she stepped IN FRONT OF ME. How dare she be so bold! 113.Elegy poem or song expressing lamentation Synonyms: death song, funeral song, knell, lament, plaint, requiem, threnody Her diurnal cribing about her life sounds like an elegy to my ears Mnemonic: E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people sing a mournful poem or people lament or regret for his death 114.Elicit draw out by discussion

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Synonyms: draw out, educe, evoke, extract arouse, enkindle, evoke, fire, kindle, provoke, raise The elicit data was printed in the health magazine Mnemonic: implicit - which is understood .. explicit - means specifically told/derived so elicit explicit 115.Embellish adorn; ornament; enhance, as a story Synonyms: beautify, fancify, prettify, aggrandise, aggrandize, blow up, dramatize, embroider, lard, pad adorn, beautify, decorate, grace, ornament The flowers embellished the brides hairstyle Mnemonic: emBELLish--we add BELL to the Christmas tress to adorn it 116.Empirical based on experience Synonyms: empiric, experiment, experiential, experimental, factual, observational, observed, pragmatic, provisional, speculative The formula was derived empirically Mnemonic: Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and workouts.... 117.Emulate imitate; rival Synonyms: challenge, compete, compete with, contend, contend with, ditto, do like, do , follow, follow in footsteps, follow suit, follow the example of, go like, imitate, make like, mimic, mirror, outvie, pattern after, rival, rivalize, take after, vie with He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister Mnemonic: we use emulator as to imitate our cell phone software in computer
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118.Endemic prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country Synonyms: autochthonal, autochthonic, autochthonous, indigenous It is an endemic found only this island Mnemonic: simple think of epidemic as an epidemic desease that spreads a vast area and endemic disease as a disease that spreads only a confined area 119.Enervate weaken Synonyms: faze, unnerve, unsettle He was enervated by the news that his mother died in a car accident Mnemonic: ENERV(w)asTE whwn you waste you energy you become weak 120.Engender cause; produce Synonyms: beget, bring forth, father, generate, get, mother, sire, breed, spawn I & my husband engendered two years back Mnemonic: when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a CHILD.. 121.Enhance increase; improve Synonyms: heighten, raise This sauce will enhance the flavour of the meat Mnemonic: when you are given a chance you try to improve more... that is ENHANCE

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122.Ephemeral short-lived; fleeting Synonyms: fugacious, passing, short-lived, transient, transitory The ephemeral joys of childhood Mnemonic: 'fermi' is a very small secientific unit [10 ^(-15)] So think of fremi second with ephemeral (e-phermi-real) 123.Equanimity calmness of temperament; composure Synonyms: calm, calmness, composure He accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity Mnemonic: EQUAL+ENEMY(ity) Seeeing enemy as a friend i.e., with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT. 124.Equivocate lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth Synonyms: beat around the bush, palter, prevaricate, tergiversate When asked about her tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate Mnemonic: equi(equal) vocal(sound)... if we make similar sounds then it would be ambiguous(unclear) to distinguish!! 125.Erudite learned; scholarly Synonyms: brainy, cultivated, educated, highbrow, in the know, into, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, savvy, scholarly, scholastic, studious, well-read, wise up The erudite professor who taught us the history of broadcasting had a perspective quite different from that of my high school teacher Mnemonic: R U DEITY? Are you a deity; deities are gods and know it all.
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126.Esoteric hard to understand; known only to the chosen few Synonyms: Delphic, Orphic, Sibylline, abstruse, acroamatic, arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, deep, heavy, hermetic, hidden, inner, inscrutable, mystic, mystical, occult, private, profound, recondite, secret Metaphysics is such an esoteric subject that most people are content to leave it to the philosophers Mnemonic: HISTORIC things are known to few people 127.Eulogy expression of praise, often on the occasion of someones death Synonyms: encomium, paean, panegyric My eulogy to my late grandfather was quite moving Mnemonic: eulogy = Euler + geometry; Euler was very good at geometry; so we praise him, give him a EULOGY

128.Euphemism mild expression in place of an unpleasant one Synonyms: circumlocution, delicacy, floridness, grandiloquence, inflation, pomposity, pretense, purism The phrase has become a euphemism for the erosion of workers basic rights. Mnemonic: Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism) 129.Exacerbate worsen; embitter Synonyms: aggravate, exasperate, worsen
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Not consuming enough fibre in his diet led to the exacerbation of his flaring haemorrhoids Mnemonic: "Ex Her b Ate".. her ex came and ate with her family. which worsen the relation even more. 130.Exculpate clear from blame Synonyms: acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate The suspect was exculpated of the murder charges Mnemonic: exculpate sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges. 131.Exigency urgent situation; pressing needs or demands; state of requiring immediate attention Synonyms: emergency, pinch Exigency litical understanding and his grasp of military matters made him always fully aware of the exigencies of any situation Mnemonic: Exigency and Emergency rhyme. 132.Extrapolation projection; conjecture Synonyms: calculation, computation, estimate, estimation, forecast, guess, prognostication, reckoning A common method of extrapolation is to look at data on a curve Mnemonic: During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make predict who will going to win election based on current known information extrapolation is similar 133.Facetious joking (often inappropriately)
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Synonyms: bantering, tongue-in-cheek A facetious and tasteless remark about people in famine-stricken countries being spared the problem of overeating Mnemonic: Face-tease, tease by making funny faces 134.Facilitate help bring about; make less difficult Synonyms: alleviate, ease, help You could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge Mnemonic: when you provide FACILITIES(facilit+ ate).. it makes things less difficult. 135.Fallacious false; misleading Synonyms: deceitful, fraudulent, unsound It's fallacious to say that something must exist because science hasn't proven its nonexistence Mnemonic: fallacious.split it like fallac+ious...if you just concentrate on look like FALSE, THINK that SOMETHING is based on a FALSE OR incorrect notion 136.Fatuous brainless; inane; foolish, yet smug Synonyms: asinine, inane, mindless, vacuous The fatuous questions that the audience members asked after the lecture suggested to the oceanographer that they had understood little Mnemonic: focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish

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137.Fawning trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering, or cringing Synonyms: bootlicking , obsequious , sycophantic , toadyish But could I do so by fawning upon him and caressing him when I know that he scorns me? Mnemonic: relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affaction....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you..

138.Felicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen Synonyms: applicable, apposite, apropos, apt, convincing, fit, fitting, germane, happy, inspired, just, meet, neat, opportune, pat, pertinent, proper, propitious, relevant, seasonable, telling, timely, well-chosen, well-timed The timing of the 1000th milestone is particularly felicitous, it being the institute's 40th anniversary year. Mnemonic: felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation the person is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks 139.Fervor glowing ardor; intensity of feeling Synonyms: ardour, fervency, fervidness, fervour, fire, excitation, excitement, fervour, inflammation The fervor surrounding her campaign continued right through election day Mnemonic: RELATE FERVOR TO fever-BODY BECOMES WARM & AND YOU GET warm attention when u have fever 140.Flag droop; grow feeble

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Synonyms: fleur-de-lis, iris, sword lily, ease off, ease up, slacken off, signal flag , masthead, droop, sag, swag Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately Mnemonic: white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble 141.Fledgling inexperienced Synonyms: entrant, freshman, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, starter Over the years sixteen young fledglings have been produced Mnemonic: sounds similar to sledging in cricket... normally inexperience young players if unable to get wickets then do sledging 142.Flout reject; mock; show contempt for Synonyms: barrack, gibe, jeer, scoff We will make businesses which flagrantly flout the rules criminally liable for the consequences. Mnemonic: FLOUT... FOUL + OUT. When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee. 143.Foment stir up; instigate Synonyms: agitate, stir up He was accused of fomenting violence Mnemonic: Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water bucket 144.Forestall prevent by taking action in advance
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Synonyms: forbid, foreclose, preclude, prevent, anticipate, counter, foresee He forestalled critics by offering a defense of the project. Mnemonic: Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens 145.Frugality thrift, economy Synonyms: avarice, avariciousness, carefulness, conservation, economy, forehandedness, good management, miserliness, moderation, niggardliness, parsimoniousness, parsimony, penuriousness, providence, prudence, saving, scrimping, stinginess, thrift, thriftiness Are you so frugal that you don't mind reading books online to save some money? Mnemonic: FEW+GIRL friend...if you have few girl friends,it's ECONOMICAL...when you have many,it's costly.....and frugal means the quality of being economical with money or food... 146.Futile useless; hopeless; ineffectual Synonyms: bootless, fruitless, sleeveless, vain, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing For meanings to be attributed on personal whim renders the whole thing futile. Mnemonic: futile is not fertile.. hence not fruitful 147.Gainsay deny Synonyms: challenge, dispute Gainsay the need for workers in the missionary enterprise. Mnemonic: A(gain)st-(say)
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148.Garrulous loquacious; wordy; talkative Synonyms: chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky He became more garrulous after drinking a couple of beers Mnemonic: "Girls, rule us!" They rule us in their ability to talk non-stop about nonsensical matter 149.Goad urge on Synonyms: goading, prod, prodding, spur, spurring, urging It says that he used an ox goad to slay these 600 philistines Mnemonic: goad tells you to "GO And Do [it]" 150.Gouge overcharge Synonyms: dent, ding, nick, extort, rack, squeeze, wring The accident left a big gouge in the side of the car Mnemonic: In slang language we call goggles as gouge - So when you buy a pair of branded gouge, which are expensive, you think the shopkeeper is overcharging you. 151.Grandiloquent pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language Synonyms: overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentous, magniloquent, tall A grandiloquent and boastful manner Mnemonic: Split GRANDILOQUENT as grand and eloquent (expressing yourself readily) which is the grand or mega way of expressing something

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152.Gregarious sociable Synonyms: affable, clubby, companionable, convivial, cordial, fun, outgoing, sociable, social He is a gregarious person who avoids solitude Mnemonic: Remember AGGREGATION means gathering something together.. 153.Guileless without deceit Synonyms: transparent Guileless peasant set down his buckets and considered Mnemonic: "guile" means to decieve guile+less means no deception, only honesty. 154.Gullible easily deceived Synonyms: fleeceable, green At that early age she had been gullible and in love Mnemonic: Gulli mein ghumne wale log...they are GULLIBLE as the don't know anything from the world and they can be easily tricked. 155.Harangue long, passionate, and vehement speech Synonyms: attack, bloviate, blow hot air, declare, decry, denounce, hold forth, inveigh, lecture, mouth, orate, perorate, pile it on, proclaim, rail, rant, recite, soapbox, speak, spiel, spout, talk big Under the scathing criticism of the opposition the pent-up fury of the original speaker vented itself into a fiery harangue.

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Mnemonic: HAR (her) + ANGUE (anger) = she VERBALLY ATTACKED me because of HER ANGER at me 156.Homogeneous off the same kind Synonyms: akin, alike, analogous, cognate, consistent, homologous, identical, kindred, like, uniform, unvarying A close-knit homogeneous group Mnemonic: Homogenous:Just think of Homosexual(sex b/w same gender),so sex b/w the similar kind. (or) HomoGenous=Homo Gen(Gents=two males) 157.Hyperbole exaggeration; overstatement Synonyms: amplification, big talk, colouring, distortion, embellishment, embroidering, enlargement, hype, laying it on thick, magnification, metaphor, mountain out of molehill, overstatement, tall talk This isn't mere hyperbole, this isn't myth, this is a fact Mnemonic: hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically 158.Iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions Synonyms: adiamorphic, agnostic, atheistic, freethinking, irreligious, nonbelieving, skeptical, undogmatic The actions of the people during the downfall of Communism was iconoclastic Mnemonic: ICONOCLASTIC -> ICON(idol) + CLASH. CLASHing/destroying IDOLS/traditions 159.Idolatry worship of idols
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Synonyms: idol worship, cultism, devotion, veneration Her idolatry of her favourite rock star is one step removed from stalking Mnemonic: idol+atry::idol ki aarti( )...worship of idol..

160.Immutable unchangeable Synonyms: abiding, ageless, changeless, constant, enduring, fixed, immovable, inflexible, invariable, permanent, perpetual, sacrosanct, stable, steadfast, unalterable, unmodifiable The view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God Mnemonic: mutation implies changes in genes etc. Therefore, it is im(non) + mutable ie cannot change 161.Impair injure; hurt Synonyms: deflower, mar, spoil, vitiate Visually impaired users who cannot see the screen need a screen reader to read back what they have typed Mnemonic: Opposite of Repair.Repair is to mend, Impair is to Injure 162.Impassive without feeling; imperturbable; stoical Synonyms: deadpan, expressionless, poker-faced, unexpressive, stolid It's not easy to get across different reactions when your voice has to remain utterly impassive, yet he managed it. Mnemonic: Impassive-> A person saying-"I m Passive(Not Active)", that means he has no feelings,emotions. 163.Impede hinder; block
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Synonyms: block, close up, jam, obstruct, obturate, occlude, hinder She is impeding the progress of our project Mnemonic: impede from impedance meaning resistance 164.Impermeable impervious; not permitting passage through its substance Synonyms: airtight, dense, hermetic, impassable, impervious, leak-proof, nonporous, sealed, water-resistant, waterproof, watertight An impermeable layer of rock Mnemonic: im(no)+permeable(permission)that means no permission for seepage 165.Imperturbable calm placid Synonyms: unflappable the chef was absolutely imperturbableeven when the kitchen caught on fire Mnemonic: imperturbabble--im + pertur (like tur tur) + babble ( just talking foolishly..). So, the person who never do any tur-tur and never babbles is a very cool, calm and peaceful guy. 166.Impervious impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed Synonyms: closed to, hermetic, immune, impassable, impassive, impenetrable, impermeable, imperviable, inaccessible, invulnerable, resistant, sealed, tight, unaffected, unapproachable, unmoved, unpierceable, unreceptive, watertight A material impervious to water

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Mnemonic: im(not)+pravesh(enter) so unpenetrable 167.Implacable incapable of being pacified Synonyms: grim, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, ironfisted, mortal, pitiless, rancorous, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, unappeasable, unbending, uncompromising, unflinching, unforgiving, unrelenting, unyielding, vindictive Implacable hostility of communism toward faith in god could be explained by its claims to a monopoly on world views Mnemonic: Sounds like IMPLEASABLE -- some one who cannot be pleased or appeased -- not pacifiable 168.Implicit understood but not stated Synonyms: Inexplicit, unquestioning An implicit agreement not to raise the subject Mnemonic: impli+cit--- tacit(CIT) means understand without being expressed so IMPLICIT means implied without directly expressed 169.Implode burst inward Synonyms: cave in, fall down, fall in, fold, fold up The bottle imploded Mnemonic: ex-'out'+plode-'burst' im-'in,inwards'+plode-'burst'... so implode means burst inwards 170.Inadvertently unintentionally; by oversight; carelessly Synonyms: unknowingly, unwittingly He Inadvertently deleted the references
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Mnemonic: in + advertisements...without getting an idea from the advertisement we end up buying wrong product i.e. inadvertently 171.Inchoate recently begun; rudimentary; elementary Synonyms: broken, detached, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, inchoate, incoherent, incohesive, interrupted, irrational, irregular, jumbled, loose, mixed-up, muddled, rambling, separated, uncontinuous, uncoordinated, unintelligible, wandering The project is inchoate Mnemonic: inch(o)+ate i've "just begun" to eat an inch 172.Incongruity lack of harmony; absurdity Synonyms: difference, inappropriateness, inconsistency, mismatch The man who sees not the incongruity has great need of having his eyes anointed. Mnemonic: IN+CONGRess+no UnITY...take it as fun ppl. 173.Inconsequential insignificant; unimportant Synonyms: big zero, casual, dinky, entry level, exiguous, immaterial, inadequate, inappreciable, inconsequent, inconsiderable, insignificant, insufficient, light, little, measly, minor, negligible, no biggie, paltry, petty, picayune, puny, runt, scanty, shoestring, shrimp, skimpy, small, small potatoes, small-time, trifling, trivial, two bit, unconsidered, unimportant, wimpy, worthless His work seems trivial and inconsequential Mnemonic: consequence means result- we are never worried about the result of inconsequential or worthless things.

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174.Incorporate introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite Synonyms: Integrate, comprise, contain, incorporated, integrated, merged, unified Incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case Mnemonic: IN CORPORATE life you have to integrate and to become united to have greater profits 175.Indeterminate uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite Synonyms: borderless, general, imprecise, inconclusive, indefinite, indistinct, inexact, undefined, undetermined, unfixed, unspecified, unstipulated The indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle Mnemonic: take it as 'determine output of this expression' means find a precise value so indeterminate means not precise / uncertain 176.Indigence poverty Synonyms: need, pauperism, pauperization, penury Their indigence appalled him Mnemonic: Indica + Zen (Cars)Cars owned by poor people. 177.Indolent lazy Synonyms: faineant, lazy, otiose, slothful, work-shy Leprosy is an indolent infectious disease

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Mnemonic: "Andolan"(Hindi Word meaning protest) - Ye politician bahut hi lazy hai isliye ab muze andolan karna pad raha hai. Ineh baba ramdev ke pas chodna padega 178.Inert inactive; lacking power to move Synonyms: sluggish, soggy, torpid, indifferent, neutral She was fat and inert Mnemonic: recollect your chemistry . INERT gases hardly react, therefore INERT means LACKIN ABILITY TO MOVE OR ACT. 179.Ingenuous nave and trusting; young; unsophisticated Synonyms: Artless, innocent An ingenuous admission of responsibility Mnemonic: In+genuine- In genuine relationship people are naive and trusting to each other. 180.Inherent firmly established by nature or habit Synonyms: implicit in, underlying, built-in, constitutional, inbuilt, integral Shortcomings inherent in our approach Mnemonic: in heredity: habit that came as heredity 181.Innocuous harmless Synonyms: Innocent, unobjectionable He confined himself to innocuous generalities Mnemonic: innocuous ~ innocent

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182.Insensible unconscious; unresponsive Synonyms: Senseless, indiscernible, undetectable, unaffected He lay insensible where he had fallen Mnemonic: in (without..) +sensible (sense..)i.e. without sense we are UNCONSCIOUS or UNRESPONSIVE.. 183.Insinuate hint; imply; creep in Synonyms: adumbrate, intimate He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table Mnemonic: when i snatched the cadbury 4m my small bros hand and ate it my stomach started paining as if its HINTING /IMPLYING to me that :"IN SIN U ATE...." 184.Insipid lacking in flavor; dull Synonyms: bland, flat, flavourless, savourless, vapid, jejune He is an insipid personality Mnemonic: in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor. 185.Insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation Synonyms: detachment, insularism, insulation The insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel Mnemonic: we insulate electrical wires.. by insulating , we are ISOLATING the wires from the environment
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186.Intractable unruly; stubborn; unyielding Synonyms: awkward, bull-headed, cantankerous, contrary, fractious, hang tough, hard-line, headstrong, immovable, incompliant, incurable, indocile, indomitable, insoluble, intransigent, locked, locked in, mulish, obdurate, obstinate, pat, pertinacious, perverse, pig-headed, recalcitrant, refractory, resolute, self-willed, stubborn, tenacious, tough, tough nut, unbending, uncompromising, uncooperative, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unpliable, unruly, unyielding, wayward, wild, wilful This is the most intractable issue of our era Mnemonic: Intractable: things which can not be brought in the right track... opposite of tractable. 187.Intransigence refusal of any compromise; stubbornness Synonyms: adamancy, bullheadedness, contumacy, die-hardism, doggedness, grimness, implacability, implacableness, incompliance, incompliancy, indomitability, inexorability, inexorableness, inflexibility, inflexibleness, intransigency, mulishness, obduracy, obdurateness, obstinacy, perseverance, pertinacity, pigheadedness, relentlessness, remorselessness, rigidity, rigidness I point out that i am doing it as a public service, and earning nothing from it, but they remain intransigent. Mnemonic: intransigence -- can be thought of as in-transit....lacking movement when you are stubborn 188.Inundate overwhelm; flood; submerge Synonyms: Submerge, deluge, flood, swamp The basement was inundated after the storm Mnemonic: I+NUN +DATE....I asked the NUNs for a DATE and i was FLOODED with letters from christian societies for violating the social norms.
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189.Inured accustomed; hardened Synonyms: enured, hardened Our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men Mnemonic: someone INJURED again and again will become TOUGH 190.Invective abuse Synonyms: vitriol, vituperation During one drinking session, he rose and wrote on the wall an invective against his wife Mnemonic: ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person. 191.Irascible irritable; easily angered Synonyms: choleric, hot-tempered, hotheaded, quick-tempered, shorttempered Its an irascible old football coach Mnemonic: rascible sounds like "racist able". so, making racist remark can easily anger anyone 192.Irresolute uncertain how to act; weak Synonyms: changing, doubtful, doubting, faltering, fearful, fickle, fluctuating, halfhearted, halting, hesitant, hesitating, hot-and-cold, infirm, onthe-fence, shaky, tentative, timid, uncertain, undecided, undetermined, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, vacillating, waffling, wavering, weak, weakkneed, wimpy, wishy-washy, wobbly The committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute
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Mnemonic: (IR)not knowing... how to make resolutions 193.Itinerary plan of a trip Synonyms: travel guidebook, path, route A professional counselor meets the tourist for 45 minutes and provides him with a customized itinerary Mnemonic: it-italy, nerar-near ...I'm near Italy according to my plan of the trip 194.Laconic brief and to the point Synonyms: crisp, curt, terse The sportscaster's color commentary tends to be laconic but very much to the point Mnemonic: La - conic There is a LAck of words in the COMIC book 195.Lassitude languor; weariness Synonyms: inanition, lethargy, slackness, languor, listlessness , sluggishness Our lassitude was such that we couldn't even be bothered to get more soda from the fridge Mnemonic: After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a lassitude i.e. weariness, lethargy and ultimately go to sleep 196.Latent potential but undeveloped; dormant; hidden Synonyms: abeyant, between the lines, concealed, contained, covert, idle, immature, implied, in abeyance, inactive, inert, inferential, inferred, inherent, inoperative, intrinsic, invisible, involved, lurking, passive, possible, potential, quiescent, rudimentary, secret, sleeping, smoldering
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In this way, she might uncover things latent in the work that even i dont know are there Mnemonic: when u lay in tent u become hidden to anyone outside 197.Laud praise Synonyms: exalt, extol, glorify, proclaim Those tracks simply do not belong on an album lauded for being one of the greatest of all time Mnemonic: O, Lord! Let me laud You for all your help 198.Lethargic drowsy; dull Synonyms: apathetic, blah, comatose, debilitated, dilatory, dopey, dormant, draggy, drowsy, dull, enervated, having spring fever, heavy, idle, impassive, inactive, indifferent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, laid-back, languid, languorous, listless, moony, nebbish, out of it, passive, phlegmatic, sleepy Bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights Mnemonic: Sounds like alergic. When you have lack of interest in doing something i.e. allergy 199.Levee earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding Synonyms: bank, breakwater, dam, earthwork, mound When the americans built the levees, they exchanged a large risk of small floods for a small risk of large floods. Mnemonic: levee..(sounds like level..) we LEVEL the land ,with LEVEE so that there is no seep of water(..flooding..) 200.Levity lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity
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Synonyms: absurdity, amusement, buoyancy, facetiousness, festivity, fickleness, flightiness, flippancy, folly, foolishness, frivolity, giddiness, happiness, high spirits, hilarity, jocularity, laughs, lightheartedness, mirth, picnic, pleasantry, repartee, trifling, triviality, volatility, wit Anyway her version of ' my favorite things ' was another attempt to inject some levity into the proceedings Mnemonic: lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar) casually leave things without any seriousness 201.Log record of a voyage or flight; record of day-to-day activities Synonyms: block, bole, chunk, driftwood, length, piece, stick, timber, trunk, wood They kept a log of all transmission by the radio station Mnemonic: every mobile has a LOG FILE, in which all your call RECORDS are stored 202.Loquacious talkative Synonyms: chatty, gabby, garrulous, talkative, talky She is a vivacious and loquacious lady who never runs out of stories to tell Mnemonic: it is derived from the root word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK 203.Lucid easily understood Synonyms: crystal clear, limpid, luculent, pellucid, perspicuous His lucid argument finally won him the case Mnemonic: when u LOOK(luc) the ID of micorsoft will " clearly,tranparently understand,that he is clever n inteligent

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204.Luminous shining; issuing light Synonyms: aglow, lambent, lucent It is celebrated by making the place luminous by arranging lights and burning the crackers. Mnemonic: remember LUMINOUS INVERTERS ad by dhoni...brightful 205.Magnanimity generosity Synonyms: largess , largesse , munificence , openhandedness His magnanimity made her feel indebted to him Mnemonic: magNANIMAous, NANI MA in hindi, is always "generous" to us 206.Malingerer one who feigns illness to escape duty Synonyms: shammer, skulker John was a malingerer who never hesitated to lie to save himself Mnemonic: Malinga feigned illness to avoid bowling to Tendulkar 207.Malleable capable to being shaped by pounding; impressionable Synonyms: ductile, pliable, pliant, tensile, tractile Youngsters often have very malleable minds Mnemonic: relate with meltable; so possible to reshape 208.Maverick rebel; nonconformist Synonyms: Rebel, irregular, unorthodox

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The maverick detective managed to crack the case Mnemonic: Mave+"RICK" sounds like Ricky Ponting who is rebellious and non-conformist as he does not believe in umpire descisions during India's Cricket match 209.Mendacious lying; habitually dishonest Synonyms: deceitful, deceptive, duplicitous, equivocating, erroneous, fallacious, false, fibbing, fraudulent, insincere, lying, paltering, perfidious, perjured, prevaricating, shifty, spurious, untrue, untruthful, wrong A mendacious child must be reprimanded Mnemonic: mendacious = requiring mending (correction) 210.Metamorphosis change of form Synonyms: alteration, change, changeover, evolution, mutation, rebirth, transfiguration, transfigurement, translation, transmogrification, transmutation, transubstantiation The metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting delighted everyone. Mnemonic: meta ..means many + morp(..derived from morphic)means shape or form 211.Meticulous excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous Synonyms: accurate, cautious, conscientious, conscionable, crossing the t's, dotting the i's, exact, fastidious, fussy, heedful, microscopic, nitpicking, painstaking, particular, persnickety, picky, precise, punctilious, punctual, scrupulous, stickling, strict, thorough He's very meticulous about picking the right song

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Mnemonic: it sounds like matriculation(admission to a college).To get matriculation we should be as a meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam. 212.Misanthrope one who hates mankind Synonyms: cynic, doubter, egoist, egotist, hater, isolate, loner, misanthropist, recluse, skeptic The misanthrope renounced the city for an isolated house in a small, quiet village. Mnemonic: "misien"in greek means " to hate" and "anthropos" means "mankind" so misanthrope means one who hates mankind 213.Mitigate appease; moderate Synonyms: extenuate, palliate The government is taking measures to mitigate the pollution levels in the state. Mnemonic: think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth. 214.Mollify soothe Synonyms: season, temper, appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, pacify, placate This fabric softener is guaranteed to mollify your laundry Mnemonic: mollify sounds like just think of nullifying something...nullifying your temper 215.Morose ill-humored; sullen; melancholy

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Synonyms: dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, saturnine, sour, sullen He was sullen and morose at the party and kept to himself. Mnemonic: My neighbour left her house to buy some MORe ROSES because she is so sad. 216.Mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual; everyday Synonyms: Terrene, everyday, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, workaday He was tired of his mundane existence and turned to spirituality Mnemonic: Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend, Monday is just another mundane day 217.Negate cancel out; nullify; deny Synonyms: neutralise, neutralize, nullify, contradict, contravene, belie The drop in tourism figures negates the tourism departments claim that tourism is a booming industry. Mnemonic: ne=no + gate=door, so there is no entrance through that door 218.Neophyte recent convert; beginner Synonyms: Catechumen, entrant, fledgling, freshman, newbie, newcomer, starter The piano neophyte was asked by the instructor to practice for an hour every day Mnemonic: neo+phyte ~ new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to fight to establish his own identity. 219.Obdurate stubborn

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Synonyms: flint, flinty, granitic, stony, cussed, obstinate, unrepentant The child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart Mnemonic: OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn. 220.Obsequious slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic Synonyms: bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish The obsequious shop assistant forced me to buy a scarf Mnemonic: ob + SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow what their masters say..

221.Obviate make unnecessary; get rid of Synonyms: eliminate, rid off The laser treatment obviates the need for surgery Mnemonic: viate- sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from something unnecessary. 222.Occlude shut; close Synonyms: block, impede, jam. The car was wrongly parked and occluded the path of other cars Mnemonic: when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE (rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them. 223.Officious meddlesome; excessively pushy in offering ones services
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Synonyms: busy, busybodied, interfering, meddlesome, meddling He was bustling about self-importantly, making an officious nuisance of himself Mnemonic: OFFICIOUS, the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING 224. Onerous burdensome Synonyms: burdensome, taxing My duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests Mnemonics: it sounds like on+er+us..that is ONUS.. when something is ON US ..we feel burdensome 225.Opprobrium infamy; vilification Synonyms: obloquy, infamy Her family tried to shield her from public opprobrium Mnemonic: If you take OPIUM(banned drug) you will be criticized, humiliated & put to shame. 226.Oscillate v- vibrate pendulum like; wave Synonyms: hover, vacillate, vibrate He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement 227.Ostentatious A- showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention Synonyms: boastful, chichi, classy, conspicuous, crass, dashing, egotistic, exhibitionistic, extravagant, flamboyant, flatulent, flaunted, fussy, garish,
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gaudy, gay, glittery, grandiose, highfaluting, jaunty, loud, obtrusive, peacocky, pompous, pretentious, spectacular, splashy, splurgy He is very Ostentatious .he buys huge diamonds and drives very expensive cars in order to show off. Mnemonic- it as perform stunts to attract attention, showy.

228.Paragon model of perfection Synonyms: idol, perfection The US electoral system is believed to be a paragon of democracy by many Mnemonic: paragon which is a slipper brand makes products which are models for perfection 229.Partisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party Synonyms: enthusiast, partisan, drumbeater, zealot He used the partisan deftly to overthrow his opponent. Mnemonic: parti(think of a political party)+san(son) a father who is favouring his son's political party, instead of a good party. 230.Pathological pertaining to disease Synonyms: diseased, morbid The pathological laboratory was located in the basement of the hospital Mnemonic: This PATH of LOGICAL behaviour of the Harmons will lead to new breakthrough of the disease 231.Paucity scarcity
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Synonyms: dearth The paucity of her savings prevented her from visiting her homeland. Mnemonic: pau - paav as in paav bhaji and only one "paav" for the whole obviously it will be scarce 232.Pedantic showing off learning; bookish Synonyms: academic, donnish His pedantic attention to details irritated his students Mnemonic: 'PANDIT'( "Scholar" in english) from "Pedantic"? PANDITs are usually very strict about the bookish stuff 233.Penchant strong inclination; liking Synonyms: prediction, taste He quit his job as the CEO of a leading company, to satisfy his penchant for teaching Mnemonic: p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that. 234.Penury severe poverty; stinginess Synonyms: needs, indigence, pauperism, pauperization He was forced to live in near penury. Mnemonic: pen (penny) + ury (uri means ud gayi in hindi) means penny penny ud gayi matlab poverty 235.Perennial something long-lasting Synonyms: recurrent, repeated
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He has grown some lovely perennials in his garden Mnemonic: if you remember we have learnt about perennial rivers in social studies which means LONG LASTING rivers. 236.Perfidious treacherous; disloyal Synonyms: Punic, treacherous It is better to have enemies than perfidious friends Mnemonic: per+FID+ious.. FID stands for fidelity.. i.e. loyalty.. hence perfidious is its opposite 237.Perfunctory superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, enthusiasm Synonyms: casual, passing, cursory He cast a perfunctory glance over the room before opening it for the guests. Mnemonic: PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it 238.Permeable penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through Synonyms: absorptive, accessible Pumice is a permeable rock Mnemonic: A partially permeable membrane is just one with small holes in it. 239.Pervasive spread throughout Synonyms: permanent
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An error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion Mnemonic: perva(means festival in hindi) festivals are spread throughout 240.Phlegmatic clam; not easily disturbed Synonyms: along for the ride, apathetic, blah*, cold, cool, deadpan, desensitized, disinterested, dispassionate, dull, emotionless, flat, frigid, groggy, indifferent, lethargic, lifeless, listless, passionless, passive, sluggish, uncompassionate, undemonstrative, unexcitable, unfeeling, uninvolved, unresponsive A phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man Mnemonic: plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction be calm and unexcited. 241.Piety devoutness; reverence for God Synonyms: piousness, devotion The priest was impressed by her piety. Mnemonic: Pie+tea if we get a pie and a tea when we are hungry we thank god and devout to him. Or else when we need them we devout to god... 242.Placate pacify; conciliate Synonyms: appease, assuage, conciliate , gentle , gruntle , lenify , mollify , pacify He need not placate, overpower, or escape his torturers. Mnemonic: PL + ac + ATE = a PLATE full of tasty food to SATISFY someone. 243.Plasticity ability to be moulded
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Synonyms: elasticity, flexibility, malleability, mobility, resilience The plasticity of the substance amazed him Mnemonic: Plasticity-plastic-by heating plastic we can mould it to any shape pretty easily without any breakage. 244.Platitude trite remark Synonyms: banality, bromide, cliche, commonplace The politicians spoke platitudes about lowering the taxes Mnemonic: flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks 245.Plethora excess; overabundance Synonyms: embarrassment, overplus, superfluity There was a plethora of opportunities open to her. Mnemonic: like if you go home after many days, your mother will insist that you eat more. What she will say is "Pe Le + Thoda Aur Le" ultimately, aisai lene se, it will become an excess at the end. You will be full :) 246.Plummet fall sharply Synonyms: bend, decline, disappear, droop, drop down, fade, fall, go down, incline, nose-dive, plummet, plunge, reach, recede, sag, set, settle, sheer, sink, skew, skid, slant, slip, slope, slue, slump, spiral, subside, swoop, tilt, tumble, veer, verge The stock market plummeted Mnemonic: plummet rhymes with "comet" which falls so sharply. 247.Porous full of pores; like a sieve
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Synonyms: absorptive, penetrable, permeable, pervious, spongelike, spongy The partly porous walls of the intestines absorb food. Mnemonic: pour-(porous)sounds like pour, so to pour we need a hole 248.Pragmatic practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical worth or impact of something Synonyms: businesslike, commonsensical, down-to-earth, efficient, hard, hard-boiled, hardheaded, logical, matter-of-fact, practical, realistic, sober, unidealistic, utilitarian The ministry issued a pragmatic sanction relating to the matter Mnemonic: PRA + gma + TIC = PRA + c + TIC + al 249.Preamble introductory statement Synonyms: exordium, overture, preamble , preface, preliminary, prelude, prelusion, proem, prolegomenon, prologue The members of the peace mission read the peace treatys preamble Mnemonic: PRE(before) + AM (i) + BOL(tell): in a meeting political leaders will say: what I want to say before I start my lecture is bla bla bla. All this will take 1 hour. :) . This is what preamble is. 250.Precarious adj-uncertain; risky Synonyms: unstable, parlous, perilous, touch-and-go Negotiators on both sides knew that it was a precarious truce Mnemonic: PRE+CARE+IOUS -> We have to take CARE while doing something risky so that it does not go wrong.

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251.Precipitate rash; premature; hasty; sudden Synonyms: come down, fall, hasty, overhasty, precipitant, precipitous The crisis was precipitated by Russia's revolution Mnemonic: Precipitate -> Pre + anticipate. That means you dont think/anticipate before you do something. You do it in RASH or HASTE. 252.Precursor forerunner Synonyms: forerunner , harbinger , herald , predecessor Scientists are worried about the melting icecaps, a precursor to a catastrophic climatic crisis Mnemonic: "precursor" = pre(before) + cursor(that points out) == something that points out in advance == forerunner

253.Presumptuous arrogant; taking liberties

Synonyms: arrogant, audacious, bold, cheeky, conceited, confident, contumelious, egotistic, foolhardy, forward, fresh, insolent, overconfident, overfamiliar, overweening, pompous, presuming, pretentious, pushy, rash, rude, self-assertive, self-assured When Edward arrived at Janes house with two tickets to the play, Jane told him it that was very presumptuous of him Mnemonic: Focus on "Presum" (Presume)--> To overstep your boundaries by boldly PRESUMing/assuming something.

254.Prevaricate lie
Synonyms: beat around the bush, equivocate, palter, tergiversate

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The politician prevaricated about the basic points of his policy on health care for the elderly. Mnemonic: divide is as pre(..before)+var(truth..)+icate(..gate) ..i.e. before truth, you have kept a gate. Hence you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH.. 255.Probity uprightness; incorruptibility Synonyms: equity, fidelity, goodness, honor, integrity, justice, morality, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, sincerity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, uprightness, virtue, worth In a world where financial probity may not be widespread Mnemonic: Probe is done to verify probity.So probity=neccessity (or reason ) for probe. 256.Problematic doubtful; unsettled; questionable Synonyms: baffling, elusive, knotty, problematical, tough, debatable, problematical Solving the Rubiks cube was proving to be very problematic for her Mnemonic: (Doubt)you always have doubts with while solving problem 257.Prodigal wasteful; reckless with money Synonyms: profligate, squanderer, extravagant, spendthrift When the family faced the threat of poverty, they realized how prodigal they had been with their finances. Mnemonic: PRO with GAL: to become a pro (casanova) among gals you will have to waste money 258.Profound deep; not superficial; complete
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Synonyms: unfathomed, unplumbed, unsounded, heavy, sound, wakeless Jack climbed down the beanstalk when the giant fell into a profound slumber. Mnemonic: PROFessors u FOUND will have profound(deep) knowledge 259.Prohibitive tending to prevent the purchase or use of something Synonyms: excessive, exorbitant, expensive, extortionate, financial means conditional, forbidding, high-priced, limiting, preposterous, preventing, prohibiting, proscriptive, repressive, restraining, sky-high, steep, suppressive A sharp increase in alcohol and cigarette prices could act as an effective prohibitive measure 260.Proliferate grow rapidly; spread; multiply Synonyms: add to, develop, diverge, diversify, divide, enlarge, expand, extend, fork, grow, increase, multiply, part, ramify, separate, spread out We must not proliferate nuclear arms Mnemonic: pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly 261.Propensity natural inclination Synonyms: ability, aptness, bent, bias, capacity, competence, disposition, flash, inclining, leaning, liability, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, susceptibility, sweet tooth, talent, tendency, thing, tilt, yen The Doctor warned us that cancer had a high propensity to spread very fast. Mnemonic: prop + city = people get propelled towards city only because of strong inclination towards city life
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262.Propitiate appease Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, be enough, blunt, calm, compose, conciliate, content, diminish, do, ease, gratify, lessen, lull, make matters up, meet halfway, mitigate, mollify, patch things up, placate, propitiate , quell, quench, quiet, serve, soften, soothe, subdue, sweeten, tranquilize No amount of gifts sent by Pradeep could propitiate Sandhya. Mnemonic: propiti + ate .. propiti sounds very close to property.. + ate .. so just imagine if you elder brother ate (here it means encroach) all your property will quarrel with him... your father will try to appease or pacify you. 263.Propriety - fitness; correct conduct Synonyms: accordance, advisability, agreeableness, appositeness, aptness, becomingness, compatibility, concord, congruity, consonance, convenience, correctness, correspondence, decorum, ethicality, expedience, fitness, harmony, justice, legitimacy, meetness, morality, order, pleasantness, properness, recommendability, rectitude, respectability, rightness, seemliness, suitability Propriety demanded that we invite the new neighbors over. Mnemonic: PROPER + APPROPRIATE = PROPRIETY 264.Proscribe ostracize; banish; outlaw Synonyms: disallow, forbid, interdict, nix, prohibit, veto Father has proscribed any telephone calls from being made after 10 p.m. Mnemonic: A doctor Prescribes medicines and Proscribes unhealthy food... 265.Pungent stinging; sharp in taste or smell; caustic

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Synonyms: barbed, biting, mordacious, nipping, acrid The Chief Minister drafted a pungent letter to the Traffic Control Department over the increasing incidents of traffic violations and accidents in the city Mnemonic: pun-punch+agent ,punch a agent he is strong and sharp 266.Qualified limited; restricted Synonyms: accomplished, adept, adequate, all around, au fait, capable, catechized, certified, competent, disciplined, efficient, equipped, examined, experienced, expert, fit, fitted, good, instructed, knowledgeable, licensed, practiced We interviewed many qualified applicants for the job Mnemonic: Primary meaning qualified :above a given standard(quality) Secondary meaning:limited in quality(just the opposite) 267.Quibble - minor objection or complaint Synonyms: Cavil, quiddity, bicker, brabble, niggle, pettifog, squabble They quibbled over minor details instead of focusing on the task at hand. Mnemonic: Query + babble (minor objection/murmuring). 268.Quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive Synonyms: abeyant, asleep, closed down, comatose, down, fallow, hibernating, inert, inoperative, latent, lethargic, lurking, on the shelf, out of action, passive, potential, prepatent, sidelined, slack, sluggish, slumbering, smoldering, suspended, torpid The trees were quiescent in the absence of winds Mnemonic: quiescent => quies ~ quiet = motionless
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269.Rarefied made less dense (of a gas) Synonyms: elevated, exalted, grand, high-flown, high-minded, idealistic, lofty, noble-minded, rarified, sublime Their talk- patterns range between the rarefied accents and outlandish orthography Mnemonic: rare(,,very less)+fied( field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE.. 270.Recalcitrant obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly Synonyms: contrary, contumacious, defiant, fractious, indomitable, insubmissive, insubordinate, intractable, obstinate, opposing, radical, rebellious, refractory, resistant, resisting, stubborn, undisciplinable, undisciplined, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, untoward, unwilling, wayward, wild, willful, withstanding The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators Mnemonic: re+calci(calculator->calculate) imagine a person who has made a mistake in calculations using a calci and is unwilling to shows he is STUBBORN 271.Recant disclaim of disavow; retract a precious statement Synonyms: abjure, forswear, resile, retract I recanted to eat junk food for lifetime due to its ill-effects on my health and weight. Mnemonic: RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED." 272.Recluse hermit; loner
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Synonyms: hermit, solitary, solitudinarian, troglodyte, withdrawn Howard Hughes was a billionaire; he was also a recluse Mnemonic: You get in a car WRECK and LOSE your teeth. You're so embarassed you hide in your house and never come out again.

273.Recondite abstruse; profound; secret Synonyms: abstruse, academic, acroamatic, arcane, cabalistic, concealed, cryptic, dark, deep, difficult, esoteric, hard, heavy, hermetic, hidden, involved, little-known, mystic, mystical, occult, orphic, pedantic, profound, scholarly, secret The professor's lectures were so recondite that students tended to avoid them Mnemonic: read recondite as "re conduct". The professor re coducted(repeated) the topic as the students could not understand properly. 274.Refractory stubborn, unmanageable Synonyms: disobedient, headstrong, mulish, obstinate, unmanageable, unruly, wilful The refractory period of a muscle fiber Mnemonic: Remember SATISFACTORY....REFRACTORY can br the OPPOSITE of SATISFACTORY 275.Refute disprove Synonyms: abnegate, argue against, blow sky high, break, burn, burn down, cancel, cancel out, confute, contend, contradict, contravene, convict, counter, crush, debate, demolish, disclaim,disconfirm, dispose of, disprove, dispute, evert,explode, expose, gainsay, give the lie to, givethumbs down to

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The argument was refuted by two points Mnemonic: refute rhymes with refuse, when you DISAPPROVE OF something, or if something is false or refute it or disapprove.. 276.Relegate banish to an inferior position; delegate; assign Synonyms: Classify, break, bump, demote, kick downstairs, banish, bar, pass on, submit If you fail to submit the report today, you will be relegated Mnemonic: Being a delegate is an important position. Take care of it. Don't let anyone relegate you. 277.Reproach express disapproval or disappointment Synonyms: abuse, admonishment, admonition, blame, blemish, censure, chiding, condemnation, contempt, disapproval, discredit, disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, indignity, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, rap, rebuke, reprehension, reprimand, reproof, scorn, shame, slight, slur, stain, stigma The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behaviour Mnemonic: divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK. 278.Reprobate person hardened in sin; devoid of a sense of decency Synonyms: Miscreant, condemn, decry, excoriate, objurgate The candidates have publicly reprobated each other throughout the campaign. Mnemonic: re-probate: Even after REpeated PROBATions, he remained a MORALLY CORRUPT PERSON!

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279.Repudiate - disown; disavow Synonyms: abandon, abjure, apostatize, banish, be against, break with, cast, cast off, cut off, decline, default, defect, demur, deny, desert, disacknowledge, disapprove, disavow, discard, disclaim, dishonor, disinherit, dismiss The woman repudiated the divorce settlement Mnemonic: repud(refused)+iate(to eat) = refused to take anymore or acknowledge

280.Rescind cancel Synonyms: X-out, abolish, abrogate, annul, back out of, backpedal, backwater, call off, cancel, countermand, crawl out of, dismantle, forget, invalidate, lift, nix, overturn, pull the plug, quash, recall, remove, renege, repeal, retract, reverse, revoke, scrub, set aside, void, wangle out, weasel out However, years later, your country decided to rescind this law so that dual citizenship became possible. Mnemonic: rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement.

281.Resolution determination
Synonyms: aim, boldness, constancy, courage, dauntlessness, decidedness, decision, declaration, dedication, doggedness, earnestness, energy, firmness, fixed purpose, fortitude, guts, heart, immovability, intent, intention, judgment, mettle, moxie, obstinacy, perseverance, pluck, purpose, purposefulness, purposiveness, relentlessness, resoluteness, resolve, settlement, sincerity, spirit, spunk, staunchness, staying power, steadfastness, stubbornness, tenacity, verdict, willpower Philosophers earn public respect when they contribute to the resolution of practical problems of public importance.
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Mnemonic: resolution reminds me of revolution, so during American Revolution, America determined to win.

282.Resolve determination; firmness of purpose

Synonyms: boldness, conclusion, courage, decidedness, design, earnestness, firmness, fixed purpose, intention, objective, project, purpose, purposefulness, purposiveness, resoluteness, resolution, steadfastness, undertaking, will, willpower At times these songs got artists into conflicts with the regime but they also helped fuel the people's resolve. Mnemonic: If u r SOLVING problems in a chapter AGAIN & AGAIN then u have determination to do that chapter in exams

283.Reticent reserved; uncommunicative; inclined to silence

Synonyms: bashful, clammed up, close, close-mouthed, dried up, dummied up, hesitant, mum, reserved, restrained, shy, silent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative, unforthcoming, unspeaking, uptight Yet public policy makers are slow or reticent to create policies that reduce or eliminate smoking in public places. Mnemonic: Cent (Saint) is stereotypically reluctant to speak or draw attention to themselves.

284.Reverent respectful; worshipful

Synonyms: admiring, appreciative, deferential, devout, dutiful, gracious, humble, obedient, obeisant, pious, polite, regardful, reverential, solemn, upholding, worshipping The proposed inscriptions for the monument must be reverent, tasteful, and pay respectful tribute to the deceased.

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Mnemonic: Reverent sounds like Reverend(Priest) now think of the feeling most people have for them.

285.Sage person celebrated for wisdom

Synonyms: astute, aware, careful, clever, contemplative, cunning, discerning, educated, enlightened, experienced, foresighted, informed, insightful, intelligent, intuitive, judicious, knowing, knowledgeable, learned, perceptive, reflective, sagacious, sapient, scholarly, sensible, sharp, shrewd, smart, sound, thoughtful, understanding. In the words of some wise old sage - " prevention is better than cure " . Mnemonic: who has "usage" ? of course sage person. you can use his/her experiences.hence sage has usage

286.Salubrious healthful
Synonyms: beneficial, good, healthful, healthy, hygienic, invigorating, salutary, sanitary, wholesome The environment was more salubrious, with nutritious food available from their crops and cows. Mnemonic: (related to bollywood)remember salman khan........all health and all....... 287.Sanction approve; ratify Synonyms: acquiescence, allowance, approbation, approval, assent, authority, backing, confirmation, consent, countenance, encouragement, endorsement, fiat, go-ahead, green light, leave, nod, okay*, permission, permit, ratification, recommendation, seal of approval, stamp of approval, sufferance, support, word A Democrat usually gets the union's sanction

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Mnemonic: u can read it like sanction ~~ SANG SONG so u sing song when u have been approved or accepted it's like being approved to USA.. 288.Satiate satisfy fully Synonyms: cloy, content, feed to gills, fill, glut, gorge, gratify, indulge, jade, nauseate, overdose, overfill, pall, sate, saturate, slake, surfeit Yes, it will satiate curiosities, possibly even some of yours. Mnemonic: I SAT & ATE till I was full! 289.Saturate soak thoroughly Synonyms: bathe, douche, douse, imbue, immerse, impregnate, infuse, overfill, penetrate, percolate, permeate, pervade, sate, satiate, soak, sop, souse, steep, suffuse, surfeit, transfuse, wash, waterlog Let the system stand overnight to allow the water vapour to saturate the air in the flask. Mnemonic: saturate, think of it as saturated fat. Once we take saturated fat in, it will soak in our body, and become fat. (very hard to burn it off) 290.Savor enjoy; have a distinctive flavour, smell, or quality Synonyms: odour, piquancy, relish, salt, sapidity, sapor, scent, smack, smell, spice, tang, tinge, zest Self-righteousness is a gift that never loses its savour and flavour. Mnemonic: SAVOR and FLAVOUR rhyme... 291.Secrete hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism

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Synonyms: bury, cache, conceal, cover, cover up, deposit, disguise, ditch, ensconce, finesse, harbor, hide out, keep quiet, keep secret, keep to oneself, keep under wraps, palm, paper, plant, screen, seclude, secure, shroud, squirrel, stash, stash away, stonewall, stow, sweep under rug, veil, whitewash, withhold When the body grows new tissue, cells secrete fibronectin--a strong, stretchy type of protein that acts as a supportive scaffold. Mnemonic: Secret+e which is to be concealed or hidden 292.Shard fragment, generally of pottery Synonyms: bit, butt end, butt*, dregs, fragment, leaving, lees, ort, particle, piece, portion, remainder, remnant, residue, scrap, share, side, stub, tag end Try it with a scissored shard of the candied pigskin. Mnemonic: s + is very HARD to join the broken FRAGMENTS OF POTTERY. 293.Skeptic doubter; person who suspends judgment until having examined the evidence supporting a point of view Synonyms: agnostic, apostate, atheist, cynic, disbeliever, dissenter, doubter, doubting Thomas, freethinker, heathen, heretic, infidel, materialist, misanthrope, misbeliever, nihilist, pagan, pessimist, profaner, questioner, rationalist, scoffer, unbeliever On the other hand, the skeptic in me can't stop thinking about how expensive a proposition this is. Mnemonic: Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful.:) 294.Solicitous worried, concerned
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Synonyms: anxious, appetent, apprehensive, ardent, athirst, attentive, avid, beside oneself, careful, caring, concerned, devoted, eager, earnest, heedful, impatient, keen, loving, mindful, raring, regardful, tender, thirsty, troubled, uneasy, worried sick, worried stiff, zealous He is solicitous about colleagues, concerned about friends and worried about the whole world. Mnemonic: soli(solo).if u r doin a work on ur own(solo) then u ll do t wit much eager and care 295.Soporific sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness Synonyms: anesthetic, balmy, calming, deadening, dozy, drowsy, dull, hypnotic, mesmerizing, narcotic, nodding, numbing, opiate, quietening, sedative, slumberous, snoozy, somniferous, somnolent, soothing, tranquilizing TV is a great soporific, often much needed as an escape, but it isn't good for you. Mnemonic: watching "SOaP Operas" makes u sleepy 296.Specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally) Synonyms: apparent, apparently right, beguiling, captious, casuistic, colorable, deceptive, delusive, empty, erroneous, fallacious, false, flattering, hollow, idle, illogical, inaccurate, incorrect, likely, nugatory, ostensible, ostentatious, plausible, presumable, presumptive, pretentious, probable, seeming, sophistic, sophistical, sophisticated, spurious, unsound, untrue, vain, wrong The cases ranged from serious offenses to those that today would be considered more specious. Mnemonic: Like the movie "Species" about an alien woman who looks human but has other plans

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297.Spectrum color band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism Synonyms: chromatic spectrum, hue cycle, rainbow The remaining dust envelope surrounding the star heats up and glows brightly in the infrared part of the spectrum. 298.Sporadic occurring irregularly Synonyms: bits and pieces, desultory, few, fitful, fits and starts, hit-or-miss, infrequent, intermittent, irregular, isolated, occasional, on-again-off-again, random, rare, scarce, scattered, seldom, semioccasional, spasmodic, spotty, uncommon, unfrequent The pre-dawn ocean was violently churning and downpours of rain were sporadic. Mnemonic: sporadic== opposite of periodic, we know periodic things occur regularly. 299.Stigma token of disgrace; brand Synonyms: bar sinister, besmirchment, black mark, blame, blemish, blot, brand, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonour, imputation, lost face, mark, odium, onus, reproach, scar, slur, spot, stain, taint Moreover, their fear of social stigma to break and be out of an unfit marriage is fading away drastically. Mnemonic: Stigma (STICK + MAA) Imagine someone hitting his MAA with a STICK. How disgraceful it will be !!! 300.Stint be thrifty; set limits Synonyms: assignment, bit, chore, consignment, duty, job, participation, quota, share, shift, spell, stretch, task, term, time, tour, turn, work
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After a stint as a public responsibility, they are now migrating back. Mnemonic: STUNT means to LIMIT growth. STINT means to LIMIT supply. 301.Stipulate make express conditions, specify Synonyms: agree, arrange, bargain, condition, contract, covenant, designate, detail, engage, guarantee, impose, insist upon, lay down, lay finger on, make, make a point, name, particularize, pin down, pledge, postulate, promise, provide, put down for, require, settle, slot, specificate, specificize, specify, spell out, state First of all, let's stipulate that this is ridiculous. Mnemonic: staple+it-- Staple the documents, so that it GUARANTEES that they stay together permanently! 302.Stolid dull; impassive Synonyms: blunt, bovine, dense, doltish, dry, dull, dumb, heavy, impassive, inactive, indifferent, inert, lumpish, matter-of-fact, obtuse, passive, phlegmatic, slow, stoic, supine, unemotional, unexcitable, wooden Stolid modern farm buildings with red-tile roofs stood in place of the huts of the ancient tribesmen. Mnemonic: stone like It becomes 'T' SOLID. So someone very SOLID against 'T'(ears) or emo'T'ions. 303.Striated marked with parallel bands; grooved Synonyms: band, dapple, daub, fleck, marble, slash, smear, spot*, strake, stripe, variegate, vein Her criticism is striated with details of personal struggles as well as clear and calm examinations of the day's icons.

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304.Strut pompous walk Synonyms: flaunt, flounce, grandstand, mince, parade, peacock, play to audience, prance, put on airs, sashay, show off, stalk, stride, swagger, swank, sweep Technophiles flocked to the show to get the chance to strut their stuff. Mnemonic: rhymes with SLUT - imagine the way she walks...pompous, with head erect and chest thrown out. 305.Strut supporting bar Synonyms: axle, bail, balk, bolster, boom, brace, cantilever, column, crossbar, crosspiece, girder, jamb, joist, lath, lintel, pile, piling, pillar, plank, pole, post, prop, rafter, reach, scaffolding, scantling, shaft, sill, spar, stanchion, stay, stringer, strip, strut, stud, timber, transverse, trestle, two-byfour They've adapted one of their wrist bones into a strut that supports their giant squishy feet. Mnemonic: Rhymes with straight. For something to be straight, you need a support. 306.Subpoena writ summoning a witness to appear Synonyms: command, court order, decree, mandate, summons, warrant, written order They could hold hearings and subpoena people and give them immunity. Mnemonic: sounds like SAB+ P + HEY NA ?? Here 'P' stands for PRESENT. So court issues a writ confirming SAB P(resent) Hey Na?? if not they have to pay fine. Smile 307.Subside settle down; descend; grow quiet
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Synonyms: abate, cave in, collapse, de-escalate, decline, descend, die away, diminish, drop, dwindle, ease, ease off, ebb, fall, let up, level off, lower, lull, melt, moderate, peter out, quieten, recede, settle, sink, slacken, taper, wane Rather than subside, the protests are spreading and intensifying. Mnemonic: imagine there is a violent mob.the police comes to make them settle down.there first dialogue to the mob will be SUB SIDE ho.. 308.Substantiate establish by evidence; verity; support Synonyms: actualize, affirm, approve, attest to, authenticate, bear out, check out, check up, complete, confirm, corroborate, debunk, demonstrate, establish, incarnate, justify, manifest, materialize, objectify, personify, prove, ratify, realize, reify, support, test, try, try on, try out, validate, verify The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country Mnemonic: We have SUBSTANTIAL evidence against SHARAD PAWAR to SUBSTANTIATE our CLAIM 309.Supersede cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete Synonyms: abandon, annul, desert, discard, displace, forsake, oust, outmode, outplace, overrule, reject, remove, replace, repudiate, set aside, succeed, supplant, supplement, suspend, take over, usurp In the long term sense, ideas would supersede individuals in making the world tick. Mnemonic: A seed is eventually "replaced" with a SUPER-seed, because that's better 310.Supposition hypothesis; surmise

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Synonyms: apriorism, assumption, condition, conjecture, doubt, guessing, guesstimate, guesswork, hunch, hypothesis, idea, likelihood, notion, opinion, posit, postulate, postulation, premise, presumption, presupposition, rough guess, shot in the dark, sneaking suspicion, speculation, stab in the dark, suppose, surmise, suspicion, theory, thesis, view Your supposition, although plausible, is totally out of place. Mnemonic: akin to "suppose". 311.Tacit understood; not put into words Synonyms: silent, understood It thus stresses the link between theory and practice, and examines the often tacit assumptions which underlie translation practice. Mnemonic: tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions. 312.Tangential peripheral; only slightly connected; digressing Synonyms: digressive, divergent, diverging, extraneous, unrelated It is a quite different state, a state that bears only a tangential resemblance to normal emotion. Mnemonic: Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral. 313.Tenuous thin; rare; slim Synonyms: aerial, airy, attenuate, attenuated, delicate, doubtful, dubious, ethereal, fine, flimsy, gossamer, insignificant, insubstantial, light, narrow, nebulous, questionable, rare, rarefied, reedy, shaky, sketchy, slender, slight, slim, subtle, twiggy
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The report appears designed to promote the tenuous concept that invasive giant snakes are a national threat. Mnemonic: this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN... 314.Tirade extended scolding; denunciation; harangue Synonyms: anger, berating, censure, condemnation, denunciation, diatribe, dispute, fulmination, harangue, invective, jeremiad, lecture, malediction, philippic, ranting, revilement, screed, sermon, tongue-lashing, vituperation The tirade against the governor was misplaced and unfair. Mnemonic: sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH.. 315.Torpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy Synonyms: apathy, disinterest, dormancy, drowsiness, dullness, idleness, impassivity, inaction, inactivity, languor, laziness, lifelessness, listlessness, passiveness, sleepiness, sloth, slowness, sluggishness, slumber, stupor, torpidity, torpidness Solidity and permanence read as rigidity and torpor. Mnemonic: Suppose you are very much disturbed with something and then you go back to your room and cause destruction i.e tod phod( in hindi language).. After you are finished with your desrtruction you feel tired and lack in energy, 316.Tortuous winding; full of curves Synonyms: anfractuous, bent, circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curved, flexuous, indirect, involute, labyrinthine, mazy, meandering, meandrous, roundabout, serpentine, sinuous, snaky, twisting, vermiculate, winding, zigzag

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The pursuit turned out to be long and tortuous, leading at last to the vast forests of scholastic science. Mnemonic: a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path complicated. 317.Tractable docile; easily managed Synonyms: acquiescent, amenable, biddable, complaisant, compliant, controllable, docile, ductile, facile, flexible, game, going along with, governable, hanging loose, malleable, meek, obedient, persuadable, plastic, pliable, pliant, putty in hands, rolling with punches, subdued, submissive, tame, tractile, willing, workable, yielding What is really remarkable about these animals is how gentle they are, how tractable. Mnemonic: Tractable sounds like tractor ,which makes it easy to manage a field . 318.Transgression violation of a law; sin Synonyms: breach, breaking of the law, contravention, crime, defiance, disobedience, encroachment, erring, error, fault, infraction, infringement, iniquity, lapse, misdeed, misdemeanor, offense, overstepping, sin, slip, trespass, vice, wrong, wrongdoing The transgression was forgiven and an important lesson was learned. Mnemonic: Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border. 319.Truculence aggressiveness; ferocity Synonyms: aggression, aggressiveness, attack, backbone*, bellicoseness, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, boldness, combativeness,
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contentiousness, gameness, hardihood, mettle, militancy, pluck, pugnaciousness, pugnacity, resistance, spirit, truculency On and on they went until the feeling of celebration became selfcongratulatory to the point of truculence. Mnemonic: truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the animal while driving, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering the village. 320.Vacillate waver; fluctuate Synonyms: alternate, be indecisive, be irresolute, change, change mind, dither, fence-straddle, fluctuate, hedge, hem and haw, hesitate, hover, oscillate, pause, pussyfoot around, reel, rock, run hot and cold, seesaw, shillyshally, stagger, straddle, sway, swing, waffle, waver, whiffle, yo-yo When dealing with professionals, many people vacillate between servility and resentment. Mnemonic: sounds like something which moves from one position to another position. 321.Venerate revere Synonyms: admire, adore, apotheosize, appreciate, be in awe of, cherish, deify, esteem, exalt, hallow, hold in awe, honor, idolize, look up to, love, put on a pedestal, regard, respect, reverence, think highly of, treasure, value, worship Obey and venerate the old people, particularly your parents. Mnemonic: ven(..when)U RATE someone higher.. you TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT 322.Veracious truthful

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Synonyms: accurate, credible, dependable, direct, ethical, factual, faithful, frank, genuine, high-principled, honest, just, kosher*, legit, like it is, on the level, on the line, on the up and up, open, reliable, right, righteous, straightarrow, straightforward, strict, true-blue, trustworthy, truthful, undeceptive, up front, valid, veridical The book today is recognized as veracious and valuable. Mnemonic: VERAcious...VEERA always tells truth :) 323.Verbose wordy Synonyms: bombastic, circumlocutory, diffuse, flowery, full of air, fustian, gabby, garrulous, grandiloquent, involved, loquacious, magniloquent, palaverous, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, redundant, repeating, repetitious, repetitive, rhetorical, talkative, talky, tautological, tautologous, tedious, tortuous, windy, yacking Thus a positive argument has the effect of making the program more verbose. Mnemonic: VER for verbal BOSE for boss; so you may say that your boss is excessively verbal. 324.Viable practical or workable; capable of maintaining life Synonyms: applicable, doable, feasible, operable, possible, usable, within possibility, workable We need to cut spending to make our fiscal future more reasonable, more viable. Mnemonic: via-way : so there is a way, so possible.. 325.Viscous sticky, gluey Synonyms: adhesive, clammy, gelatinous, gluey, glutinous, gooey, mucilaginous, ropy, slimy, stiff, syrupy, tenacious, thick, tough, viscid
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Perhaps, some suggested, the heat coming from a warm-blooded animal made the surrounding water less viscous. Mnemonic: Viscous is like mucus - both mean something sticky or gooey. 326.Vituperative abusive; scolding Synonyms: calumniating, castigating, censorious, contumelious, defamatory, derisive, disparaging, insolent, insulting, invective, libelous, maligning, obloquious, offensive, opprobrious, reproachful, reviling, rude, sarcastic, scathing, scolding, scurrilous, sharp-tongued, slanderous, traducing, upbraiding, vilifying It was her last vituperative attempt, and perhaps for that reason was invested with a certain degree of sublimity. Mnemonic: VIT + operative >>> when we went in VIT for admission form filling, the operatives(office staff) there were very rude and were abusing and scolding students.. so we decided on it not to take admission in VIT.. 327.Volatile changeable; explosive; evaporating rapidly Synonyms: airy, buoyant, capricious, effervescent, elastic, elusive, ephemeral, erratic, expansive, fickle, fleeting, flighty, flippant, frivolous, fugacious, fugitive, gaseous, gay, giddy, impermanent, imponderable, inconsistent, inconstant, light, lively, lubricious, mercurial, momentary, playful, resilient, short-lived, sprightly, subtle, temperamental, ticklish, transient, transitory, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, up-and-down, vaporous, variable, whimsical Tank cars ignited and several volatile chemicals burned. Mnemonic: Think: Vola (volume)-tile (vile)... The VOLUME of the liquid in the VILE changed quickly into a vapor. 328.Warranted justified; authorized

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Synonyms: allowable, allowed, assured, certified, guaranteed, justified, sanctioned, secured There are times when using technology is warranted and necessary. Mnemonic: we say a WARRANT is issued against him, so a warrant is to JUSTIFY that he is liable to be taken into custody 329.Wary very cautious Synonyms: alert, attentive, cagey, calculating, canny, chary, circumspect, considerate, discreet, distrustful, doubting, frugal, gingerly, guarded, handling with kid gloves, heedful, keeping on one's toes, leery, on guard, on the lookout, on the qui vive, provident, prudent, safe, saving, sly, sparing, suspicious, thinking twice, thrifty, unwasteful, vigilant, walking on eggs, watchful, watching one's step, watching out, wide-awake Medical colleges should be careful what they ask for as should residents should be wary. Mnemonic: Wary and worry sound the same... you become wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life. 330.Welter turmoil; bewildering jumble Synonyms: confusion, grovel, jumble, overturn, roll, toss, tumble, turmoil, uproar The shift fuelled a welter of coups and cults of personality. Mnemonic: I fell into a WELL of TAR to get drenched and entangled in it. 331.Whimsical capricious; fanciful Synonyms: amusing, arbitrary, capricious, chancy, chimerical, comical, curious, dicey, droll, eccentric, erratic, fantastic, flaky, freakish, funny, kinky, mischievous, odd, peculiar, quaint, queer, quizzical, singular, uncertain, unpredictable, unusual, waggish, wayward, weird
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Some of the humour is quite whimsical or even silly, and plots don't always go where you think they're going to end up. Mnemonic: Whimsical sounds like comical...whimsical is , impulsive, playful...comical is amusing and funny. 332.Zealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal (enthusiasm) Synonyms: activist, diehard, extremist, fanatic, fiend, maniac, militant, nut, radical, ultra, young Turk The zealots attacked the mayor's residence at night Mnemonic: zealot -- zeal + lot one who shows a lot of zeal....

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