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Script to Screen.

Storytelling and Commission.


Hospital. Executioner. Ball Bearings.

Character Design Kitty.


Initial Storyboards

Final Storyboards.

Environment Concepts.
Hospital room.

Hospital Hallway.

CAT Scan Room.

Final Script.

Kitty's Adventure Written By Scarlett Freeman

hallway and doesn't like what she sees. She looks worried and scared about what is out there. Lam takes her hand. INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - EVENING Kitty is reluctant to go but Lam takes her hand and guides her out the door and into the hallway. The hallway is brightly light with no one in sight but only their shadows following behind them. As they walk down the hallway Kitty notices that they are walking towards the end of the room where the door with the red light is coming from. Lam walks ahead of Kitty as though to say there we are going there. INT. CAT SCAN ROOM As they both get closer to the door a shadowy figure of a hand starts to appear but only Kitty sees it. She gets even more frightened. Lam runs into the room and as he does the machine at the end of the room starts to come alive. Kitty looks at the machine in horror. As the hand comes out of it and grabs her little friend Lam. Kitty stands there in fright as her friend is being taken

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