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Geology 2300 Index Minerals, Isograds and Metamorphic facies During progressive regional metamorphism, there will be increases

in both pressure and temperature over very large areas, on the order of hundreds of s uare !m" #arrow $%&'3( while wor!ing in the Dalradian series in the )cottish *ighlands southwest of +berdeen, mapped textural and mineralogical changes in pelitic roc!s that he related to increases in temperature" ,exturally he saw the development of slates to phyllites to mica schists to gneisses" *e noticed that these could also be related to mineralogical changes that he called -ones. LOW Grade HIGH chlorite -one, /chl/ms/$ab( biotite -one, bi/chl/ms/ab/ garnet -one, /ms/bi/almandine/sodic plag staurolite -one, /ms/bi/alm/staur/plag !yanite -one, /ms/bi/alm/!y/plag sillimanite -one, /ms/bi/alm/sill/plag/!spar

0ach -one is characteri-ed by the appearance of a new mineral that is easily identified in the field $or in hand specimen( and is hence called an index mineral" +fter a mineral has formed, it may persist through several higher -ones" + line drawn on a map, to represent the group of outcrops mar!ing the first appearance of a new mineral with increasing metamorphic grade is called an isograd" ,his represents the intersection of a mineralogical reaction surface with the earth1s surface" Metamorphic 2acies Eskola, 1915 3In an roc! of a metamorphic formation which has arrived at a chemical e uilibrium through metamorphism at constant temperature and pressure conditions, the mineral composition is controlled only by the chemical composition" 4e are lead to a general conception which the writer proposes to call metamorphic facies3" Ramberg, 1952 35oc!s formed or recrystalli-ed within a certain 6,,/field, limited by the stability of certain critical minerals of defined composition, belong to the same mineral facies3"

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