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Dr. S. K. Prasad Professor of Civil Engineering S. J. College of Engineering, Mysore 7.0 Syllabus
1. Definition of ultimate, net and safe bearing capacities, Allowable bearing pressure 2. Terzaghis and Brinch Hansens bearing capacit e!uations " Assumptions and #imitations $. Bearing capacit of footings sub%ected to eccentric loading &. 'ffect of ground water table on bearing capacit (. )late load test, *tandard )enetration Test, +one )enetration Test ,- Hours.

7.1 Defini i!ns Bearing capacit is the power of foundation soil to hold the forces from the superstructure without undergoing shear failure or e/cessi0e settlement. 1oundation soil is that portion of ground which is sub%ected to additional stresses when foundation and superstructure are constructed on the ground. The following are a few important terminologies related to bearing capacit of soil.

Ground Level

Super Structure Foundation

Foundation Soil

1ig. 2.1 3 4ain components of a structure including soil

7.1.1 "l i#a e Bea$in% Ca&a'i y ()f* 3 5t is the ma/imum pressure that a foundation soil can withstand without undergoing shear failure. 7.1.+ Ne ul i#a e Bea$in% Ca&a'i y ()n* , 5t is the ma/imum e/tra pressure ,in addition to initial o0erburden pressure. that a foundation soil can withstand without undergoing shear failure. !n 6 !f 7 !o Here, !o represents the o0erburden pressure at foundation le0el and is e!ual to 8D for le0el ground without surcharge where 8 is the unit weight of soil and D is the depth to foundation bottom from 9round #e0el. 7.1.- Safe Bea$in% Ca&a'i y ()s* , 5t is the safe e/tra load the foundation soil is sub%ected to in addition to initial o0erburden pressure.
qs = qn + qo F

Here. 1 represents the factor of safet . 7.1.. All!/able Bea$in% P$essu$e ()a* , 5t is the ma/imum pressure the foundation soil is sub%ected to considering both shear failure and settlement. 7.1.0 F!un1a i!n is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with soil. 1oundation transfers the forces and moments from the super structure to the soil below such that the stresses in soil are within permissible limits and it pro0ides stabilit against sliding and o0erturning to the super structure. 5t is a transition between the super structure and foundation soil. The %ob of a geotechnical engineer is to ensure that both foundation and soil below are safe

against failure and do not e/perience e/cessi0e settlement. 1ooting and foundation are s non mous. 7.+ 2!1es !f s3ea$ failu$e Depending on the stiffness of foundation soil and depth of foundation, the following are the modes of shear failure e/perienced b the foundation soil. 1. 9eneral shear failure ,:ef 1ig. 2.1a. 2. #ocal shear failure ,:ef 1ig. 2.1b. $. )unching shear failure ,:ef 1ig. 2.1c.

*hear failure in foundation soil ) " ; cur0e in different foundation soils 1ig. 2. 1 3 1ooting on ground that e/periences a. 9eneral shear failure, b. #ocal shear failure and c. )unching shear failure

2.2.1 9eneral *hear 1ailure This t pe of failure is seen in dense and stiff soil. The following are some characteristics of general shear failure. 1. +ontinuous, well defined and distinct failure surface de0elops between the edge of footing and ground surface. 2. Dense or stiff soil that undergoes low compressibilit failure. $. +ontinuous bulging of shear mass ad%acent to footing is 0isible. e/periences this

&. 1ailure is accompanied b tilting of footing. (. 1ailure is sudden and catastrophic with pronounced pea< in ) " ; cur0e. =. The length of disturbance be ond the edge of footing is large. 2. *tate of plastic e!uilibrium is reached initiall spreads graduall downwards and outwards. -. 9eneral shear failure is accompanied b low strain ,>(?. in a soil with considerable @ ,@A$=o. and large B ,B A $C. ha0ing high relati0e densit ,5D A 2C?.. 2.2.2 #ocal *hear 1ailure This t pe of failure is seen in relati0el loose and soft soil. The following are some characteristics of general shear failure. 1. A significant compression of soil below the footing and partial de0elopment of plastic e!uilibrium is obser0ed. 2. 1ailure is not sudden and there is no tilting of footing. $. 1ailure surface does not reach the ground surface and slight bulging of soil around the footing is obser0ed. &. 1ailure surface is not well defined. (. 1ailure is characterized b considerable settlement. =. Dell defined pea< is absent in ) " ; cur0e. 2. #ocal shear failure is accompanied b large strain ,A 1C to 2C?. in a soil with considerabl low @ ,@>2-o. and low B ,B > (. ha0ing low relati0e densit ,5D A 2C?.. at the footing edge and

2.2.$ )unching *hear 1ailure This t pe of failure is seen in loose and soft soil and at deeper ele0ations. The following are some characteristics of general shear failure. 1. This t pe of failure occurs in a soil of 0er high compressibilit . 2. 1ailure pattern is not obser0ed.

$. Bulging of soil around the footing is absent. &. 1ailure is characterized b 0er large settlement. (. +ontinuous settlement with no increase in ) is obser0ed in ) " ; cur0e. 1ig. 2.2 presents the conditions for different failure modes in sand soil carr ing circular footing based on the contributions from Eesic ,1F=$ G 1F2$.

1ig. 2.2 3 4odes of failure at different :elati0e densities G depths of foundations 7.+.. Dis in' i!n be /een Gene$al S3ea$ 4 L!'al !$ Pun'3in% S3ea$ Failu$es The basic distinctions between general shear failure and punching shear failure are presented in Table 2.1. Table 2.1 3 Distinction between 9eneral *hear G #ocal *hear 1ailures Gene$al S3ea$ Failu$e Hccurs in denseIstiff soil @A$=o, BA$C, 5DA2C?, +uA1CC <)a :esults in small strain ,>(?. 1ailure pattern well defined G clear Dell defined pea< in )7; cur0e L!'al5Pun'3in% S3ea$ Failu$e Hccurs in looseIsoft soil @>2-o, B>(, 5D>2C?, +u>(C <)a :esults in large strain ,A2C?. 1ailure pattern not well defined Bo pea< in )7; cur0e

Bulging formed in the neighbourhood of Bo footing at the surface '/tent of horizontal spread




the of

neighbourhood of footing of '/tent of horizontal spread

disturbance at the surface large Hbser0ed in shallow foundations 1ailure is sudden G catastrophic #ess settlement, but tilting failure obser0ed 7.- Te$6a%3i7s bea$in% Ca&a'i y T3e!$y

disturbance at the surface 0er small Hbser0ed in deep foundations 1ailure is gradual +onsiderable settlement of footing obser0ed

Terzaghi ,1F&$. was the first to propose a comprehensi0e theor for e0aluating the safe bearing capacit of shallow foundation with rough base. 2.$.1 Assumptions 1. *oil is homogeneous and 5sotropic. 2. The shear strength of soil is represented b 4ohr +oulombs +riteria. $. The footing is of strip footing t pe with rough base. 5t is essentiall a two dimensional plane strain problem. &. 'lastic zone has straight boundaries inclined at an angle e!ual to @ to the horizontal. (. 1ailure zone is not e/tended abo0e, be ond the base of the footing. *hear resistance of soil abo0e the base of footing is neglected. =. 4ethod of superposition is 0alid. 2. )assi0e pressure force has three components ,))+ produced b cohesion, ))! produced b surcharge and ))J produced b weight of shear zone.. -. 'ffect of water table is neglected. F. 1ooting carries concentric and 0ertical loads. 1C.1ooting and ground are horizontal. 11.#imit e!uilibrium is reached simultaneousl at all points. +omplete shear failure is mobilized at all points at the same time.

12.The properties of foundation soil do not change during the shear failure 2.$.2 #imitations 1. The theor is applicable to shallow foundations 2. As the soil compresses, @ increases which is not considered. Hence full plastic zone ma not de0elop at the assumed @. $. All points need not e/perience limit e!uilibrium condition at different loads. &. 4ethod of superstition is not acceptable in plastic conditions as the ground is near failure zone.

1ig. 2.$ 3 Terzaghis concept of 1ooting with fi0e distinct failure zones in foundation soil 2.$.$ +oncept A strip footing of width B graduall compresses the foundation soil underneath due to the 0ertical load from superstructure. #et ! f be the final load at which the foundation soil e/periences failure due to the mobilization of plastic e!uilibrium. The foundation soil fails along the composite failure surface and

the region is di0ided in to fi0e zones, Kone 1 which is elastic, two numbers of Kone 2 which are the zones of radial shear and two zones of Kone $ which are the zones of linear shear. +onsidering horizontal force e!uilibrium and incorporating empirical relation, the e!uation for ultimate bearing capacit is obtained as follows. Lltimate bearing capacit ,
q f = cN c + DN q + C.(BN

5f the ground is sub%ected to additional surcharge load !, then

q f = cN c + ,D + q . N q + C.(BN

Bet ultimate bearing capacit ,

q n = cN c + D , N q 1. + C.(BN

q n = cN c + DN q + C.(BN D

*afe bearing capacit ,

qs = cN c + D , N q 1. + C.(BN

1 ]F + D

Here, 1 6 1actor of safet ,usuall $. c 6 cohesion J 6 unit weight of soil D 6 Depth of foundation ! 6 *urcharge at the ground le0el B 6 Didth of foundation Bc, B!, BJ 6 Bearing +apacit factors Table 2.2 3 Bearing capacit factors for different 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Nc 5.7 7.3 9.6 12.9 17.7 25.1 37.2 Nq 1.0 1.6 2.7 4.4 7.4 12.7 22.5 Ng 0.0 0.5 1.2 2.5 5.0 9.7 19.7 N'c 5.7 6.7 8.0 9.7 11.8 14.8 19.0 N'q 1.0 1.4 1.9 2.7 3.9 5.6 8.3 N'g 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.7 3.2 5.7

34 35 40 45 48 50

52.6 57.8 95.7 172.3 258.3 347.6

36.5 41.4 81.3 173.3 287.9

35.0 42.4 100.4 297.5 780.1

23.7 25.2 34.9 51.2 66.8 81.3

11.7 12.6 20.5 35.1 50.5 65.6

9.0 10.1 18.8 37.7 60.4 87.1

415.1 1153.2

1ig. 2.& 3 Terzaghis Bearing +apacit 1actors for different 7.. Effe' !f s3a&e !f F!un1a i!n The shape of footing influences the bearing capacit . Terzaghi and other contributors ha0e suggested the correction to the bearing capacit e!uation for shapes other than strip footing based on their e/perimental findings. The following are the corrections for circular, s!uare and rectangular footings.

2.&.1 +ircular footing

q f = 1.$cN c + DN q + C.$BN

2.&.2 *!uare footing

q f = 1.$cN c + DN q + C.&BN

2.&.$ :ectangular footing

q f = ,1 + C.$ B B .cN c + DN q + ,1 C.2 .C.(BN L L

2.&.& *ummar of *hape factors Table 2.2 gi0es the summar of shape factors suggested for strip, s!uare, circular and rectangular footings. B and # represent the width and length respecti0el of rectangular footing such that B > #. Table 2.$ 3 *hape factors for different shapes of footing S3a&e *trip *!uare :ound :ectangle 7.0 L!'al s3ea$ failu$e The e!uation for bearing capacit e/plained abo0e is applicable for soil e/periencing general shear failure. 5f a soil is relati0el loose and soft, it fails in local shear failure. *uch a failure is accounted in bearing capacit e!uation b reducing the magnitudes of strength parameters c and as follows.
tan 1 = c1 = 2 tan $ 2 c $

s' 1 1.$ 1.$

,1 + C.$ B . L

s) 1 1 1 1

s8 1 C.C.=
,1 C.2 B . L

Table 2.$ summarizes the bearing capacit factors to be used under different situations. 5f is less than $=o and more than 2-o, it is not sure whether the

failure is of general or local shear t pe. 5n such situations, linear interpolation can be made and the region is called mi/ed zone. Table 2.& 3 Bearing capacit factors in zones of local, mi/ed and general shear conditions. L!'al S3ea$ Failu$e @ > 2-o Bc1, B!1, BJ1 2i9e1 :!ne 2-o > > $=o Bcm, B!m, BJm Gene$al S3ea$ Failu$e @ A $=o Bc, B!, BJ

7.; Effe' !f <a e$ Table flu' ua i!n The basic theor of bearing capacit is deri0ed b assuming the water table to be at great depth below and not interfering with the foundation. Howe0er, the presence of water table at foundation depth affects the strength of soil. 1urther, the unit weight of soil to be considered in the presence of water table is submerged densit and not dr densit . Hence, the reduction coefficients : D1 and :D2 are used in second and third terms of bearing capacit e!uation to consider the effects of water table.
ZW1 1 W R o c e u l f n I B

0.5 < RW1 < 1


1ig. 2.( 3 'ffect of water table on bearing capacit Lltimate bearing capacit with the effect of water table is gi0en b ,
q f = cN c + DN q

+ C.(BN




1 ! w1 1+ 2 D

where KD1 is the depth of water table from ground le0el. 1. C.(>:w1>1 2. Dhen water table is at the ground le0el ,Kw1 6 C., :w1 6 C.( $. Dhen water table is at the base of foundation ,Kw1 6 D., :w1 6 1 &. At an other intermediate le0el, :w1 lies between C.( and 1 Here,

1 ! w2 1+ 2 B

where KD2 is the depth of water table from foundation le0el. 1. C.(>:w2>1 2. Dhen water table is at the base of foundation ,Kw2 6 C., :w2 6 C.( $. Dhen water table is at a depth B and be ond from the base of foundation ,Kw2 A6 B., :w2 6 1 &. At an other intermediate le0el, :w2 lies between C.( and 1

R o c e u l f n I

2 W

7.7 Effe' !f e''en $i' f!un1a i!n base

DD Resultant of superstructure pressure Concentric


e Eccentric

1ig. 2.= 3 'ffect of eccentric footing on bearing capacit The bearing capacit e!uation is de0eloped with the idealization that the load on the foundation is concentric. Howe0er, the forces on the foundation ma be eccentric or foundation ma
B 1 = B 2e

be sub%ected to additional moment. 5n such

situations, the width of foundation B shall be considered as follows. 5f the loads are eccentric in both the directions, then
B 1 = B 2e B G L1 = L 2e L

1urther, area of foundation to be considered for safe load carried b foundation is not the actual area, but the effecti0e area as follows.
#1 = B 1 "L1

5n the calculation of bearing capacit , width to be considered is B1 where B1 > #1. Hence the effect of pro0ision of eccentric footing is to reduce the bearing capacit and load carr ing capacit of footing. 7.= Fa' !$ !f Safe y

5t is the factor of ignorance about the soil under consideration. 5t depends on man factors such as, 1. T pe of soil 2. 4ethod of e/ploration $. #e0el of Lncertaint in *oil *trength &. 5mportance of structure and conse!uences of failure (. #i<elihood of design load occurrence, etc. Assume a factor of safet 1 6 $, unless otherwise specified for bearing capacit problems. Table 2.( pro0ides the details of factors of safet to be used under different circumstances.

Table 2.( T pical factors of safet for bearing capacit calculation in different situations

7.> Densi y !f s!il , 5n geotechnical engineering, one deals with se0eral densities such as dr densit , bul< densit , saturated densit and submerged densit . There will alwa s be a doubt in the students mind as to which densit to use in a particular case. 5n case of Bearing capacit problems, the following methodolog ma be adopted. 1. Alwa s use dr densit as it does not change with season and it is alwa s smaller than bul< or saturated densit . 2. 5f onl one densit is specified in the problem, assume it as dr densit and use. $. 5f the water table correction is to be applied, use saturated densit in stead of dr densit . &. 5f water table is some where in between, use e!ui0alent densit as follows. 5n the case shown in 1ig. 2a, J e! should be used for the second term and Jsat for the third term. 5n the case shown in 1ig. 2b, J d should be used for second term and Je! for the third term.. densit . Hn portions abo0e the water table, use dr

eq =

1 D1 + 2 D2 D1 + D2

D1 D2


,a. Dater table abo0e base ,b.Dater table below base 1ig. 2.2 3 '0aluation of e!ui0alent densit 7.10 , Fa' !$s influen'in% Bea$in% Ca&a'i y Bearing capacit of soil depends on man factors. The following are some important ones. 1. T pe of soil 2. Lnit weight of soil $. *urcharge load &. Depth of foundation (. 4ode of failure =. *ize of footing 2. *hape of footing -. Depth of water table F. 'ccentricit in footing load 1C.5nclination of footing load 11.5nclination of ground 12.5nclination of base of foundation

7.11 B$in'3 ?ansen7s Bea$in% Ca&a'i y e)ua i!n As mentioned in pre0ious section, bearing capacit depends on man factors and Terzaghis bearing capacit e!uation doers not ta<e in to consideration all the factors. Brinch Hansen and se0eral other researchers ha0e pro0ided a

comprehensi0e e!uation for the determination bearing capacit


9eneralised Bearing +apacit e!uation considering the almost all the factors mentioned abo0e. The e!uation for ultimate bearing capacit is as follows from the comprehensi0e theor .
q f = cN c s c d c i c +qN q s q d q iq + C.(BN s d i

Here, the bearing capacit factors are gi0en b the following e/pressions which depend on .
N c = , N q = 1. cot N q = ,e tan . tan 2 , &( + . 2 N = 1.(, N q 1. tan

'!uations are a0ailable for shape factors ,sc, s!, sJ., depth factors ,dc, d!, dJ. and load inclination factors ,ic, i!, iJ.. The effects of these factors is to reduce the bearing capacit . 7.11 De e$#ina i!n !f Bea$in% Ca&a'i y f$!# fiel1 es s 1ield Tests are performed in the field. Mou ha0e understood the ad0antages of field tests o0er laborator tests for obtaining the desired propert of soil. The biggest ad0antages are that there is no need to e/tract soil sample and the conditions during testing are identical to the actual situation. 4a%or ad0antages of field tests are *ampling not re!uired *oil disturbance minimum 4a%or disad0antages of field tests are #abourious Time consuming Hea0 e!uipment to be carried to field *hort duration beha0ior

2.11.1 )late #oad Test

Sand Bags latfor! for loading Dial Gauge "esting late Foundation Level Foundation Soil

1ig. 2.- 3 t pical set up for )late #oad test assembl 1. 5t is a field test for the determination of bearing capacit and settlement characteristics of ground in field at the foundation le0el. 2. The test in0ol0es preparing a test pit up to the desired foundation le0el. $. A rigid steel plate, round or s!uare in shape, $CC mm to 2(C mm in size, 2( mm thic< acts as model footing. &. Dial gauges, at least 2, of re!uired accurac ,C.CC2 mm. are placed on plate on plate at corners to measure the 0ertical deflection. (. #oading is pro0ided either as gra0it loading or as reaction loading. 1or smaller loads gra0it loading is acceptable where sand bags appl the load. =. 5n reaction loading, a reaction truss or beam is anchored to the ground. A h draulic %ac< applies the reaction load. 2. At e0er applied load, the plate settles graduall . The dial gauge readings are recorded after the settlement reduces to least count of gauge ,C.CC2 mm. G a0erage settlement of 2 or more gauges is recorded.

-. #oad Es settlement graph is plotted as shown. #oad ,). is plotted on the horizontal scale and settlement ,;. is plotted on the 0ertical scale. F. :ed cur0e indicates the general shear failure G the blue one indicates the local or punching shear failure. 1C.The ma/imum load at which the shear failure occurs gi0es the ultimate bearing capacit of soil. :eference can be made to 5* 1--- 7 1F-2. The ad0antages of )late #oad Test are 1. 5t pro0ides the allowable bearing pressure at the location considering both shear failure and settlement. 2. Being a field test, there is no re!uirement of e/tracting soil samples. $. The loading techni!ues and other arrangements for field testing are identical to the actual conditions in the field. &. 5t is a fast method of estimating AB) and ) " ; beha0iour of ground. The disad0antages of )late #oad Test are 1. The test results reflect the beha0iour of soil below the plate ,for a distance of N2Bp., not that of actual footing which is generall 0er large. 2. 5t is essentiall a short duration test. Hence, it does not reflect the long term consolidation settlement of cla e soil. $. *ize effect is pronounced in granular soil. +orrection for size effect is essential in such soils. &. 5t is a cumbersome procedure to carr e!uipment, appl huge load and carr out testing for se0eral da s in the tough field en0ironment. 2.11.2 *tandard )enetration Test

$% &g #a!!er '%( !! "ripod

Bore #ole Split Spoon Sa!pler

1ig. 2.- 3 t pical set up for *tandard )enetration test assembl 1. :eference can be made to 5* 21$1 " 1F-1 for details on *tandard )enetration Test. 2. 5t is a field test to estimate the penetration resistance of soil. $. 5t consists of a split spoon sampler (C.- mm HD, $( mm 5D, min =CC mm long and =$.( <g hammer freel dropped from a height of 2(C mm. &. Test is performed on a clean hole (C mm to 1(C mm in diameter. (. *plit spoon sampler is placed 0erticall in the hole, allowed to freel settle under its own weight or with blows for first 1(C mm which is called seating dri0e. =. The number of blows re!uired for the ne/t $CC mm penetration into the ground is the standard penetration number B 2. Appl -. the desired corrections ,such as corrections for o0erburden pressure, saturated fine silt and energ . B is correlated with most properties of soil such as friction angle, undrained cohesion, densit etc. Ad0antages of *tandard )enetration Test are

1. :elati0el !uic< G simple to perform 2. '!uipment G e/pertise for test is widel a0ailable $. )ro0ides representati0e soil sample &. )ro0ides useful inde/ for relati0e strength G compressibilit of soil (. Able to penetrate dense G stiff la ers =. :esults reflect soil densit , fabric, stress strain beha0ior 2. Bumerous case histories a0ailable Disad0antages of *tandard )enetration Test are 1. :e!uires the preparation of bore hole. 2. D namic effort is related to mostl static performance $. *)T is abused, standards regarding energ are not uniform &. 5f hard stone is encountered, difficult to obtain reliable result. (. Test procedure is tedious and re!uires hea0 e!uipment. =. Bot possible to obtain properties continuousl with depth. 2.11.$ +one )enetration Test

1ig. 2.F 3 t pical set up for *tatic +one )enetration test assembl 1. :eference can be made to 5* &F=- ,)$. " 1F-2 for details on *tandard )enetration Test. 2. +one )enetration Test can either be *tatic +one )enetration Test or D namic +one )enetration Test. $. +ontinuous record of penetration resistance with depth is achie0ed. &. +onsists of a cone $= mm dia ,1CCC mm2. and =Co 0erte/ angle. (. +one is carried at the lower end of steel rod that passes through steel tube of $= mm dia. =. 'ither the cone, or the tube or both can be forced in to the soil b %ac<s. 2. +one is pushed -C mm in to the ground and resistance is recorded, steel tube is pushed up to the cone and resistance is recorded. 1urther, both cone and tube are penetrated 2CC mm and resistance is recorded. Total resistance ,!c. gi0es the +)T 0alue e/pressed in <)a. -. +one resistance represents bearing resistance at the base and tube resistance gi0es the s<in frictional resistance. Total resistance can be correlated with strength properties, densit and deformation characteristics of soil. F. +orrection for o0erburden pressure is applied. 1C.Appro/imatel , B 6 1C!c ,<)a. Ad0antages of *+)T are 1. +ontinuous resistance with depth is recorded. 2. *tatic resistance is more appropriate to determine static properties of soil. $. +an be correlated with most properties of soil. Disad0antages of *+)T are 1. Bot 0er popular in 5ndia.

2. 5f a small roc< piece is encountered, resistance shown is erratic G incorrect. $. 5n0ol0es handling hea0 e!uipment.
7.1+ P$esu#& i@e Safe Bea$in% Ca&a'i y

5t is the bearing capacit that can be presumed in the absence of data based on 0isual identification at the site. Bational Building +ode of 5ndia ,1F-$. lists the 0alues of presumpti0e *B+ in <)a for different soils as presented below.
A 3 :oc<s *l Bo 1 2 $ & Description :oc<s ,hard. without laminations and defects. 1or e.g. granite, trap G diorite #aminated :oc<s. 1or e.g. *and stone and #ime stone in sound condition :esidual deposits of shattered and bro<en bed roc<s and hard shale cemented material *oft :oc< *B+ ,<)a. $2&C 1=2C --C &&C

B 3 +ohesionless *oils *l Bo 1 2 $ & ( = Description 9ra0el, sand and gra0el, compact and offering resistance to penetration when e/ca0ated b tools +oarse sand, compact and dr 4edium sand, compact and dr 1ine sand, silt ,dr lumps easil pul0erized b fingers. #oose gra0el or sand gra0el mi/ture, #oose coarse to medium sand, dr 1ine sand, loose and dr *B+ ,<)a. &&C &&C 2&( 1(C 2&( 1CC

+ 3 +ohesi0e *oils *l Bo 1 2 $ & Description *oft shale, hard or stiff cla in deep bed, dr 4edium cla readil indented with a thumb nail 4oist cla and sand cla mi/ture which can be indented with strong thumb pressure *oft cla indented with moderate thumb pressure *B+ ,<)a. &&C 2&( 1(C 1CC

( =

Eer soft cla which can be penetrated se0eral centimeters with the thumb Blac< cotton soil or other shrin<able or e/pansi0e cla in dr condition ,(C ? saturation.

(C 1$C 7 1=C

N! e , 1. Lse Jd for all cases without water. Lse Jsat for calculations with water. 5f simpl densit is mentioned use accordingl . 2. 1ill all the a0ailable data with proper units. $. Drite down the re!uired formula &. 5f the gi0en soil is sand, c 6 C 7.1+ P$!ble#s 4 S!lu i!ns 1. A s!uare footing is to be constructed on a deep deposit of sand at a depth of C.F m to carr a design load of $CC <B with a factor of safet of 2.(. The ground water table ma rise to the ground le0el during rain season. Design the plan dimension of footing gi0en Jsat 6 2C.- <BIm$, Bc 6 2(, B! 6 $& and BJ 6$2. ,1eb 2CC2. Data +6C 1 6 2.( D 6 C.F m :D1 6 :D2 6 C.( J 6 2C.- <BIm$ Bc 6 2( B! 6 $& BJ 6 $2
qs = P P = 2 = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. # B


+ C.&BN


1 ]F + D

$CC = 1&2.222 B 2 + ($.2&F B $

B 6 1.21 m

2. Dhat will be the net ultimate bearing capacit of sand ha0ing 6 $=o and Jd 6 1F <BIm$ for ,i. 1.( m strip foundation and ,ii. 1.( m O 1.( m s!uare footing. The footings are placed at a depth of 1.( m below ground le0el. Assume 1 6 2.(. Lse Terzaghis e!uations. ,Aug 2CC$. $(o &Co Bc (2.F(.2 B! &1.& -1.$ BJ &2.& 1CC.&

B linear interpolation Bc 6 =(.$-, B! 6 &F.$-, BJ 6 (& at 6 $=o Data B 6 1.( m D 6 1.( m J 6 1F <BIm$ *trip 1ooting
q n = cN c + D , N q 1. + C.(BN

!n 6 21&-.$$ <)a *!uare 1ooting

q n = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. + C.&BN

!n 6 1FF&.&$ <)a $. A s!uare footing 2.( m O 2.( m is built on a homogeneous bed of sand of densit 1F <BIm$ ha0ing an angle of shearing resistance of $= o. The depth of foundation is 1.( m below the ground surface. +alculate the safe load that can be applied on the footing with a factor of safet of $. Ta<e bearing capacit factors as Bc6 22, B! 6 $C, BJ 6 $(. ,1eb 2CC&. Data +6C 16$ B 6 2.( m

D 6 1.( m J 6 1F <BIm$ Bc 6 22 B! 6 $C BJ 6 $(
qs = P P = 2 = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. # B


+ C.&BN


1 ]F + D

*afe load, ) 6 !sPBPB 6 $2-(.& <B &. A strip footing 2 m wide carries a load intensit of &CC <)a at a depth of 1.2 m in sand. The saturated unit weight of sand is 1F.( <BIm $ and unit weight abo0e water table is 1=.- <BIm$. 5f c 6 C and 6 $(o, determine the factor of safet with respect to shear failure for the following locations of water table. a. Dater table is & m below 9round #e0el b. Dater table is 1.2 m below 9round #e0el c. Dater table is 2.( m below 9round #e0el d. Dater table is at 9round #e0el. Lsing Terzaghis e!uation, ta<e B! 6 &1.& and BJ 6 &2.&. ,1eb 2CC(. Data +6C 6 $(o B62m D 6 1.2 m Jb 6 1F.( <BIm$ ,bottom. Jt 6 1=.- <BIm$ ,top. Bc 6 C B! 6 &1.& BJ 6 &2.& *afe load intensit 6 &CC <)a
q s = &CC = cN c + D, N q 1.


+ C.(BN


1 ]F + D

a. Dater table is & m below 9round #e0el :D1 6 :D2 6 1 J 6 1=.- <BIm$ 1 6 &.C2 b. Dater table is 1.2 m below 9round #e0el :D1 6 1, :D2 6 C.(
&CC = [1=.- " 1.2 " &C.& " 1 + C.( " 1F.( " 2 " &2.& " C.(] 1 +1=.- " 1.2 F

1 6 $.222 c. Dater table is 2.( m below 9round #e0el :D2 6 C.(,1Q1.$I2. 6 C.-2(
eff =
1=.- " 1.$ +1F.( " C.2 = 12.2&( <BIm$ 2 1 +1=.- " 1.2 F

&CC = [1=.- " 1.2 " &C.& " 1 + C.( " 12.2&( " 2 " &2.& " C.-2(]

1 6 $.22F d. Dater table is at 9round #e0el :D1 6 :D2 6 C.( J 6 1F.( <BIm$
&CC = [1F.( " 1.2 " &C.& " C.( + C.( " 1F.( " 2 " &2.& " C.(] 1 +1F.( " 1.2 F

1 6 2.$($ (. A s!uare footing located at a depth of 1.$ m below ground has to carr a safe load of -CC <B. 1ind the size of footing if the desired factor of safet is $. Lse Terzaghis anal sis for general shear failure. Ta<e c 6 - <)a, B c 6 $2.2, B! 6 22.(, BJ 6 1F.2. ,Aug 2CC(. Jd 6 1- <BIm$ ,Assumed. c 6 - <)a 16$ D 6 1.$ m

Bc 6 $2.2 B! 6 22.( BJ 6 1F.2 ) 6 -CC <B :D1 6 :D2 6 1

qs = P P = 2 = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. # B


+ C.&BN


1 ]F + D

&2.2- B $ + $2C.C= B 2 -CC = C

B 6 1.&$= m =. A s!uare footing 2.- m O 2.- m is built on a homogeneous bed of sand of densit 1- <BIm$ and 6 $=o. 5f the depth of foundation is 1.- m, determine the safe load that can be applied on the footing. Ta<e 1 6 2.(, Bc 6 22, B! 6 $=, BJ 6 $(. ,1eb 2CC2. Data Jd 6 1- <BIm$ c 6 C ,sand. 1 6 2.( B 6 2.- m D 6 1.- m Bc 6 22 B! 6 $= BJ 6 $( )6R :D1 6 :D2 6 1
qs = P P = 2 = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. # B


+ C.&BN


1 ]F + D

) 6 !sPBPB 6 =C2$ <B 2. A strip footing 1 m wide and a s!uare footing 1 m side are placed at a depth of 1 m below the ground surface. The foundation soil has cohesion of 1C <)a, angle of friction of 2=o and unit weight of 1- <BIm$. Ta<ing bearing

capacit factor from the following table, calculate the safe bearing capacit using Terzaghis theor . Lse factor of safet of $. ,Sul 2CC-. 1(o 2Co 2(o Bc 12.F 12.2 2(.1 B! &.& 2.C 12.2 BJ 2.( (.C F.2

As 6 2-o, the ground e/periences local shear failure + 6 ,2I$.O1C 6 =.=2 <)a tan 6 ,2I$. O tan 6 1-.C1o B linear interpolation, Bc61(.2F, B!6(.F2, BJ6&.C1 B61m D61m J6 1- <BIm$ *trip footing
q s = cN c + D , N q 1. + C.(BN

1 ]F + D 6F&.F= <)a

*!uare footing
q s = 1.$cN c + D, N q 1. + C.&BN

1 ]F + D 61C$.C- <)a

-. A s!uare footing placed at a depth of 1 m is re!uired to carr a load of 1CCC <B. 1ind the re!uired size of footing gi0en the following data. + 6 1C <)a, 6 $-o, J 6 1F <BIm$, Bc 6 =1.$(, B! 6 &-.F$, BJ 6 2&.C$ and 1 6 $. Assume water table is at the base of footing. ,Sul 2CC2. Data + 6 1C <)a 6 $-o B6R D61m J 6 1F <BIm$

Bc 6 =1.$( B! 6 &-.F$ BJ 6 2&.C$ 16$ :D1 6 1 :D2 6 C.(

qs = P P = 2 = 1.$cN c + D , N q 1. # B


+ C.&BN


1 ]F + D

B $ + =.1& B 2 $.(= = C

B 6 C.22 m 7.1- E9e$'ise &$!ble#s 1. +alculate the ultimate bearing capacit of 2 m wide s!uare footing resting on the ground surface of sand deposit with the following propertiesT unit weight 1-.= <BIm$, angle of internal friction $(o, B! 6 &1.&, BJ 6 &2.2. Also calculate ultimate bearing capacit if same footing is placed at a depth of 1 m below ground surface. ,Sul 2CC=. 2. Determine the safe bearing capacit of a s!uare footing 2.1 m O 2.1 m placed at a depth of 1.( m in a soil with a moist unit weight of 12.( <BIm $, c 6 1( <)a and 6 2Co. Ta<e Bc611.-, B! 6 $.F and BJ 6 1.2. Dhat is the change in safe bearing capacit if the water table rises to C.( m abo0e footing base if 1 6 $. ,Sul 2CC2. $. Dhat will be the gross net bearing capacit of sand ha0ing 6 $=o and dr unit weight of 1F <BIm$ for the following cases a. 1.( m wide strip foundation b. 1.( m O 1.( m s!uare footing c. C.2( m radius circular footing

The footings are placed at a depth of 1.( m from ground surface. Assume factor of safet of 1.( and use Terzaghis bearing capacit e!uations Bc B! BJ $( (2.&1.& &2.& &C F(.2 -1.$ 1CC.& &. Design a s!uare footing to carr a load of 1(CC <B. Assume cohesionless soil and adopt J 6 1F <BIm$, 6 $-o, B! 6 &F, BJ 6 &&.1 and D 6 1.( m, 1 6$. ,1eb 2CCF. (. A s!uare footing 1.& m O 1.& m rests at a depth of 1 m in a saturated cla la er $ m deep. Ta<e Jsat 6 12.- <BIm$, Bc 6 (.2, B! 6 1, 1 6 2.(. Determine the safe load if the unconfined compressi0e strength is (C <)a. =. A s!uare footing 2m O 2m in plan and 1.( m below ground le0el is eccentricall loaded. The resultant is C.2 m outside of centroid in one direction. 5f c 6 1C <)a, 6 &Co, J61=<BIm$, find the safe load carried b footing. Dhat would ha0e been the increase in load carried, if the load was concentric. Bc B! BJ &C F(.2 -1.$ 1CC.& 2. A $ m O & m rectangular footing and 1.( m below ground le0el is eccentricall loaded. The resultant is C.2 m outside of centroid widthwise, and C.$ m outside of centroid lengthwise. 5f c 6 1C <)a, 6 &C o, J61=<BIm$, find the safe load carried b footing. Dhat would ha0e been the increase in load carried, if the load was concentric. Bc B! BJ &C F(.2 -1.$ 1CC.& -. A $ m O & m rectangular footing is eccentricall loaded. The resultant is C.2 m outside of centroid widthwise, and C.$ m outside of centroid lengthwise. 5f c 6 1C <)a, 6 2(o, J61=<BIm$, find the safe load carried b footing. Dhat would ha0e been the increase in load carried, if the load was concentric. :efer to 5* =&C$71F-1 for bearing capacit factors.

Bote 3 As > 2-o, the mode of failure is local shear failure. Hence correction for bearing capacit factors and c are necessar F. A circular footing is proposed on a cohesi0e ground with c 6 - <)a, 6 $Co, and J 6 1=.( <BIm$. 1ind the safe load carried b the footing if the diameter is 2.( m. :efer to 5* =&C$71F-1 for bearing capacit factors. 1C.A s!uare footing is proposed at a site to carr a load of =CC <B. The standard penetration test indicated that the a0erage B 0alue after all the corrections was $C and the ground was granular. Design the size of footing. :efer to 5* =&C$71F-1 11.The following are the results of plate load test on granular soil. ) ,<B. ( 1C 2C $C &C (C =C ; ,mm. C.1( C.$ C.=2 C.F1 1.22 $.-( 2.=2 1ind the allowable bearing pressure if B 6 2 m, Bp 6 C.$ m, permissible settlement in field 6 12 mm. 12.The following are the results of plate load test on cohesi0e soil. ) ,<B. ( 1C 2C $C &C (C =C ; ,mm. C.1( C.$ C.=2 C.F1 1.22 $.-( 2.=2 1ind the allowable bearing pressure if B 6 2 m, B p 6 C.$ m, permissible settlement in field 6 12 mm. 1$.1ind the safe bearing capacit of soil to support a 2 m O $ m footing at a depth of 1.- m when the load is inclined at 1C o to 0ertical. Ta<e c 6 1C <)a, 6 2(o, J61= <BIm$. 1ind the safe load carried b the footing. 1ind the safe load supported b the footing if eccentricities of C.1 m widthwise and C.12 m lengthwise e/ist. 1urther, find the drop in safe load carried if water table rises up to the base of footing. 1&.A 2 m O 2 m s!uare footing is proposed on a ground with c 6 - <)a, 6 $- o, J 6 1- <BIm$ at a depth of 1.( m. 5f Bc 6 =1.$(, B! 6 &-.F$, BJ 6 2&.C$, find the safe bearing capacit of soil in different seasons of the ear. The depth of 9round Dater Table below 9round #e0el in Sanuar , 4arch, 4a , Sul , *eptember and Bo0ember are respecti0el & m, = m, C m, 1 m, 1.( m, 2.( m.

7.1. A11i i!nal Aues i!ns 1. 2. $. &. (. =. 2. -. F. #ist the ad0antages and disad0antages of plate load test Distinguish between *tandard )enetration Test and *tatic cone penetration test Distinguish between *tatic cone penetration test and d namic cone penetration test Distinguish between *tandard )enetration Test and d namic cone penetration test Distinguish general shear failure from local shear failure #ist the assumptions of Terzaghis bearing capacit theor 4ention the limitations of Terzaghis bearing capacit theor '/plain the effect of shape of footing on bearing capacit How does ground water table influence bearing capacit R '/plain footings. 5s the statement true or false R Sustif our answer.

1C. 'ccentricall placed footings perform better than concentricall placed 11. '/plain the effect of eccentricit of footing on its load carr ing capacit . Describe the influence of one wa and two wa eccentricities. 12. Dhat is the influence of size of footing on cohesi0e soils R 1$. How do ou consider local shear effect in bearing capacit e!uation R 1&. Dhat are the ad0antages of Brinch Hansens Theor o0er Terzaghis theor of bearing capacit R 1(. Distinguish *afe Bearing +apacit from Allowable Bearing )ressure 1=. Distinguish *afe Bearing +apacit from Lltimate Bearing +apacit 12. Briefl e/plain Terzaghis bearing capacit theor 1-. Briefl e/plain Brinch Hansens bearing capacit theor 1F. A granular soil possesses 6 $Co. '/plain the procedure adopted to e0aluate *afe Bearing +apacit .

2C. How do ou determine *afe Bearing +apacit at a site R '/plain. 21. '/plain which unit weight of soil should be used in bearing capacit determination. Sustif our answer. 22. A footing is designed to carr a specific load of superstructure. 5t is decided to redesign the same to carr double the load. Dhat actions would ou ta<eR 2$. Discuss the factors influencing bearing capacit of soil 2&. '/plain the test procedure for conducting plate load test as per 5ndian *tandards 2(. '/plain the test procedure for conducting *tandard )enetration test as per 5ndian *tandards 2=. '/plain the test procedure for conducting *tatic +one )enetration test as per 5ndian *tandards 22. '/plain the test procedure for conducting D namic +one )enetration test as per 5ndian *tandards 2-. How do ou interpret field test results for the determination of *afe Bearing +apacit re!uired for foundation design R 2F. Drite short notes on a. )late load test b. *tandard )enetration test c. *tatic +one )enetration test d. D namic +one )enetration test e. #ocal shear failure f. 9eneral shear failure g. )unching shear failure h. 'ffect of 9round Dater Table on bearing capacit i. *hape of footing %. 'ccentric load on footing

7.10 Refe$en'es %. 3. 5. >. A. ?. Bowles, J. E. &%'(() *Fo+nda,ion #nalysis and Design-, Mc .raw /ill P+0lica,ions, New 1or2. Craig, . F. &%'45) *Soil Mec6anics-, 5rd Edi,ion, Englis6 Lang+age Boo2 Socie,y 7 8an nos,rand ein6old Co. L,d., London. Das, B. M. &399() *Princi:les of Fo+nda,ion Engineering-, ;6o<son =ndia Edi,ion, New Del6i. =S?>95@%'4% P+n<ia, B. C. &399A) *Soil Mec6anics and Fo+nda,ions-, LaB<i P+0lica,ions Pv,. L,d., Bangalore So<, N. N. and Das, S. C. &3995) *;6eory and Prac,ice of Fo+nda,ion Design-, Pren,ice /all of =ndia, New Del6i

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