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Guideline and strategy

1. This type of composition tests your ability to give your opinion or viewpoint on a certain issue. 2. When you give your opinions, you have to state how you feel about a certain topic or issue and reasons for why you feel that way. You have to support your reasons with facts. 3. Before you answer the question, study the question and guidelines given carefully. Take note of what is required in the question. 4. Jot down your points in order. Provide reasons for you view. Try to get enough facts to support your views. 5. Write a draft of your composition. Make sure you have included all the points given in the question. Read through the draft and add extra points if necessary. 6. State your opinion in the introduction. Make sure you are specific and clear when you present your opinion. 7. Give reasons and evidence to support your opinion in the body of the composition. 8. Repeat you opinion and put more emphasis on it in the conclusion. 9. Use exact and specific words to add emphasis. Use logical connectors to connect the reasons with your opinions. 10. Use clear, simple language to put your points across. 11. Make sure your answer reads logically and fluently. 12. Make sure you use correct tense. Opinions are normally written in the present tense. 13. Edit your composition to make it more interesting. Then write your final composition. 14. When you have finished writing your composition, proofread it to check for mistakes In grammar, punctuation and spelling. Make the necessary corrections.


I agree.. I strongly feel that I think It is my opinion that I prefer.. I would rather Personally I feel that.. I am against the idea that If given a choice, I would prefer I totally agree with the idea that In my opinion, I feel that I fully support the idea that If given a choice, I would choose,


Read the dialogue below between Hock Leong and his friend, Kumar. Who do you agree with ? Provide reasons to support your answer. Add any other interesting details.

Hock Seng

Kumar I dont agree. I think we should just buy vegetables at the market. Moreover, vegetables are cheap.

I think we should plant our own vegetables.

Thats not true. Vegetables can be expensive nowadays. We can save money and make full use of the plot of land at home.

Perhaps. However, growing vegetables may not be easy. The plants may die and it will be a wasted effort.

You are entitled to your own opinion, but I still feel that growing vegetables can be beneficial.

When writing your response : Use all the notes given. Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. Make sure it is not less than 120 words.


Before writing, always remember to ask yourself a few WH questions to get ideas on how to expand the given notes.

No Introduction Body A Body B

Points Hock Seng or Kumar Fresh A good hobby

WH Questions Who do you agree to ? Why it is good to plant? Why do say it is a good hobby?

Body C


How it can be a form of exercise?


Hock Seng or Kumar

Repeat your stand

OPINIONS: THE FORMAT I agree with Hock Leongs idea. I would prefer to plant Introduction : vegetables. State your stand

Vegetables fresh from garden are the product of my own Body sweat and toil. I also can make sure the chemicals are not used Point 1 when growing them. It is said that these chemicals cause cancer. I will use the natural or the organic way of farming. I also can save my money and use it for others.

It can be a good hobby for the whole family. All of them can Body contribute in taking care of the vegetable garden. The whole family Point 2 will also enjoy the fruits of their labour. We also can share the vegetables with our friends and neighbours.

This hobby can be a good form of exercise too. We can make full use of the land around us by planting vegetables. Planting vegetables is a simple process but we need to be committed in taking care and nurturing them. It can help us to be disciplined. As a conclusion, I strongly agree with Hock Leongs idea because the above reasons.

Body Point 3

Moral value

Conclusion : Repeat your stand

OPINIONS: QUESTION Where would you prefer to buy your groceries ? Based on the pictures and notes given. Write a composition to state your opinion.

Shopping in a wet market dirty and wet more expensive can choose vegetables

Shopping in a supermarket cleaner cheaper all items are pre-packed and arranged neatly

When writing your response : Use all the notes given. Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. Make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Before writing, always remember to ask yourself a few WH questions to get ideas on how to expand the given notes. No Introduction Body A Body B Body C Conclusion Supermarket Cleaner Cheaper All items are pre-packed and arranged neatly Supermarket Points WH Questions Which one you choose ? Why the place is clean? Why the price is cheap? Why it is being arranged neatly? Repeat your stand again

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