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UBD Unit: Personal Narratives- Writers Workshop

Resources used to create and adapt unit: Finding the Heart of Nonfiction: Teaching 7 Essential Craft Tools with Mentor Texts by Georgia Heard Teaching Writing, Balancing Process and Product by Gail Tompkins (chapter 9 Narrative Writing) nline Resources !or individual lesson plans

Stage 1 - Desired Results Enduring Understanding: Grade Level: Good "riters learn to "rite "ell through interaction "ith mentor te#ts$ %tudying mentor te#ts can teach us speci!ic cra!t tools to use to make our "riting better$ Essential uestions: Garden Hills &lementary %chool 'th Grade %panish()ilingual

*$ Ho" can "e develop the !ocus o! our "riting+ ,$ Ho" can "e cra!t a lead that "ill capture the reader-s attention+ .$ Ho" can "e "rite "ith imagery to show rather than tell in!ormation+ /$ Ho" can "e create a point o! vie" and voice in our "riting+ '$ Ho" can "e use precise language in our "riting+ 0$ What kinds o! details "ill make our "riting stronger and more engaging+ 1$ Ho" can "e use sensory "ords to shape our "riting+ 2$ Ho" can "e use 3oncrete Nouns to build pictures in our "riting+ 9$ Ho" can "e use 4ctive 5erbs to add energy and vitality to our sentences+ *6$ What "eak "ords and constructions should "e avoid in "riting+ **$ Ho" can "e use !igurative language to be precise7 help the reader visuali8e7 and help the "riting to come alive+ *,$ Ho" do "e determine "hat 9omain(%peci!ic 5ocabulary to include in our "riting+ *.$ Ho" can "e create endings that :;et "ords linger<+

!ontent "reas "ddressed #at least $%: Writing Reading non!iction te#ts Reading !iction te#ts Reading %cience te#ts %peaking=;istening

!o&&on !ore and'or (llinois Standards #depending on su)*e+t , )e sure to in+lude all +ontent areas%:

Unit -)*e+tives #la)el .ith the assess&ent nu&)er in Stage $%:

*$ %tudents "ill recogni8e the di!!erent

English Language Arts Standards Writing

"ays to cra!t leads in "riting through in class discussion7 reading mentor te#ts7 and "riting their o"n

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