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This project is entitled as MACHINERY MAINTEANCE SYSTEM which is ased on co!pany !aintenance which is specially "oc#sed on !achines$ which is de%elopin& #sin& % 'net as "ront end and s(l as ac) end' The !ain o jecti%e o" this project is to red#ce the wor) o" the sta""s$ y a#to!atin& all details !ore ti!e can e sa%ed as well as calc#lation can e done clearly' Here we can &enerate %ario#s types o" report o" the !achineries' *y co!p#tin& all these data a clear o#tp#t can e prod#ced' This will show !ore e+pos#re o" the co!pany' In %ario#s ind#strial co!panies %ario#s !achines will e in%ol%ed$ these !achines !ay e !ore costly as will as the a%aila ility o" the !achine will e less$ at that ti!e these !achines sho#ld e !aintained properly "or prod#cin& &ood (#ality o#t p#t' *y #sin& this !achinery !aintenance !ethod all the details o" the !achines will e !aintained' ,or e+a!ple each !achine sho#ld e ser%iced "or e%ery !onths$ these types "or in"or!ation will e indicated here' More o%er e%en the spare parts details can e !aintained here' So y #sin& this !ethod all !achineries can e !aintained properly$ this will yield !ore pro"it to the co!pany' There are . !od#les in%ol%ed in this project: /' Stoc)' 0' Machine details 1' 2epreciation

3' Ser%ices .' Co!pany report' Mod#les in%ol%ed in this project: Mod#le /: Stoc): In this !od#le all the stoc) details o" the !achinery will e !aintained and the inco!in& and o#t&oin& &oods are also !aintained' This will directly inte&rated with the stoc) depart!ent' Mod#le 04 Machine details 5%erall !achine details will e !aintained here' And where the !achines are wor)in& inside the co!pany' Mod#le 1: 2epreciation: 6hile wor)in& the !achine !ay &et depreciation$ so the spare parts sho#ld e chan&ed at the ri&ht ti!e to wor) the !achine properly' Mod#le 3: Ser%ices: So!e o" the old &oods stoc)s sho#ld e ser%ice "or the re#sa ility p#rpose' So all the details o" the ser%icin& prod#cts will e !aintained here' Mod#le .: Co!pany report: This !od#le shows the o#tp#t o" transaction o" the whole co!pany' 6e can e+tract so!e partic#lar details with the help o" the report'

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