Edu 706 Lesson Plan CH 4

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Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher: Stacey Kelley Grade: Kindergarten Class/Subject/Length of Lesson: Math/3 !in Date: "/3"/"#

Today$s Lesson %bjecti&e: Subject Standards 'State and District(:

Student will be able to add numbers up to five by using objects and pictures
K)%*)+ Sol&e addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem

Mental Set, Share %bjecti&e '-eha&ior and Content aligned .ith district and state bench!ar/s(, 0n1ut, Modeling, Chec/ for 2nderstanding, Guided Practice, 0nde1endent Practice, *ssess!ent, 34tensions, Closure 'Content/5hat6( ':o.6( 'Student Perfor!ance/Do6( 5ith6( T*SK T3*C:07G ST;*T3G03S C:3CK <%; ;3S%2;C3S/ Ti!e *7*L8S0S 27D3;ST*7D07G M*T3;0*LS 'The 1ieces of '0nclude .hat you .ant the '0nclude the actual the 1u99le( students to say( 1ages needed( Share =:>>?=:> 2se the ad&anced organi9er on 1age 3 of *s/ student ho. you add to Page three of lesson the lesson) *s/ student if he /no.s ho. to nu!bers together) 1lan Objective, finish the 1roble!s) 0f he can not do on his Motivation, o.n, gi&e hi! S/ittles to hel1) Tell student *s/ student .hat .e are going to S/ittles Technology
that .e are going to learn about adding today, and S/ittles are going to hel1 us) <or the .hole lesson if student needs hel1 .ith .riting letters sho. student the botto! of 1age + to sho. hi!) 2se 1age # of lesson 1lan) 2sing the first 1roble! on the sheet, sho. student ho. to add using the S/ittles in the bo4 abo&e the nu!ber) Sho. student ho. to add all the S/ittles together) Together .ith student do the second 1roble! on 1age #) *s/ guiding @uestions to hel1 the student be able to do it on his o.n) Gi&e student 1age fi&e of lesson 1lan) Tell student to .rite the nu!ber on birds there are on the line belo. the!) Tell student to add the nu!ber of birds together) 0f student is confused do one sa!1le 1roble! to sho. student) Gi&e student 1age A of lesson 1lan) ;ead be learning about today)

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*s/ student ho. !any S/ittles go in the first bo4) *s/ student ho. !any S/ittles there are all together) *s/ student the sa!e @uestions fro! the bo4 abo&e *s/ student .here he is to .rite the nu!ber of birds that he sees) *s/ student .here he is to .rite the total nu!ber of birds) *s/ student if he .ould li/e to

Page four of lesson 1lan S/ittles Page four of lesson 1lan S/ittles Page fi&e of lesson 1lan Pencil


Guided Practice Independent Practice, Feedback


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Assess ent

Page A of lesson 1lan



the .ords to hi!) Tell hi! he is is ha&ing trouble dra. the nu!ber of cars on the 1a1er and add the! together) Tell student to .rite the total nu!ber of cars on the line) Tell student that he did a great job today learning !ore about ho. to add) Let student ha&e a fe. of the S/ittles that .ere used for the lesson)

dra. the cars on the 1a1er) Mar/ers *s/ student .hat he is to .rite on the line S/ittles

Reflection of Reading Lesson For this lesson I chose to use an advanced organizer. dvanced organizers help student improve their performance because the student has an idea of what is coming in the lesson and what to loo! out for. For this lesson the advances organizer let the student !now that we would be learning about addition. lso the advanced organizer let me understand where the student was coming from" and how much prior !nowledge he had about the concept of addition. Surprisingly to me the student could complete most of the advanced organizer with little assistants from me. #his was helpful to me because I was able to change parts of the lesson to ma!e it a tad more changeling for him. #his ties into what $andura teaches about the social cogitative theory. %e wrote about how the mental state is so important to children learning. #his includes a students satisfaction when they have done a job well. In this lesson the student after doing the advanced organizer had more confidence in what he was able to do. $ecause of this" he was able to do better in the rest of the lesson because his mind was in the right state.


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* & + ,,,,,,,

( * 1

+ ,,,,,,,

,,,, * ,,,,,+,,,,,,,

,,,,, * ,,,,, +,,,,,,,


.osiah has ' cars. %e gets 1 more.

%ow many does he have all together/


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