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Futbol is Spanish for soccer.

Soccer is the most popular sport in ECUADOR

Christian Chucho Benitez is the most famous Ecuadorian soccer player. He died last year. It took Ecuador 68 years to qualify for the world cup. In 2002 Ecuador finally made it to the world cup in South Korea-Japan, and in 2006 in Germany. Ecuador qualify for the 2014 world cup in Brazil. As usual, the country will stop to watch the team play.

Christian Benitez just scored a goal!!

Ecuavolley!! A High schooler playing Ecuavolley outside

! Ecuavolley is an Ecuadorian version of volleyball. The ball is a little bigger than the USAs ball, and heavier. They play with three players on each team. They play two sets of 15 points each. Even though Ecuavolley is not the most popular sport - it is fun. Kids play the game outside.

National parks

Yasuni national park is about to be drilled for oil.! HELP!!
A wood duck having lunch.

Did you know? Did you know that Ecuador is very famous for their owers and plants?!

! Ecuador has almost 30 National Parks and Preserves that together protect all of its varied ecosystems and approximately 17% of the national territory. National Parks are a really fun place to be with family and enjoy nature. Yasuni National Park has a world record of di"erent types of amphibians. Yasuni National Park was established as a National Park in 1989. Yasuni National Park does not just have plants and animals, they have volcanos too!

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