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Date : 14-12-2011


Prepared by TCA Gafoor ( ! http:""tcagafoor.#eb$ %

Choose the correct answer from the choice (answers on last page) 1. What is mean by compliant coating? a. Coating which applied on specified atmosphere condition b. Coating which suitable with the requirements of the EP c. Coating which suitable for the steel substrate d. Coating with non compliance report !. Which situation is e"pressed as damp surface a. #urface with detectable water b. #urface temperature below dew point c. #urface with a noticeable film of water d. #urface temperature abo$e dew point %. Which information is not a$ailable in &'# a. (lash point b. 'ew point c. )#* d. +ecommended ,hinner -. Who is ha$ing duty of #afety on a site a. /#E (/ealth 0 safety e"ecuti$e) b. Contractor c. Engineer d. Employees 1. 22222222222 used to detect the $oltage in 3mpressed current system a. 4ational 5rid b. ,ransformer +ectifier c. Copper6Copper #ulphate half cell electrode d. #odium Chloride

Coating continues protection of 7 years8 Which falls in 2222222222222 a. 9ong term protection b. &edium term protection c. #hort term protection d. (i"ed term protection 7. 3n dragger tube number specified is n:18what is + ; a. 1<< ppm b. 1 rpm c. 1<< cfm d. 1<< cc '. 5al$ani=ed substrate with o"ide layer has formed called a. 4ew 5al$anising b. Weathered 5al$anising c. >nsuitable gal$ani=ing d. Pre$iously painted 5al$anising ?. primer used for pretreatment for =inc metal surfaces. a. @inc rich epo"y b. ,.Wash c. (AE d. @inc Phosphate 10. P 1< specification is suitable for use in the following areaB a. Cnshore installations b. offshore installations c. internal coatings of pipes d. below ground (buried) 11. fter applying primer on steel surface8 Paint got wetted by raining. s a painting inspector what you do? a. Wait for water to dry b. Alast to remo$e e"isting primer8 recoat c. Continue ne"t stage after rain d. +ecoat primer without remo$ing e"isting coat 12. Who is ha$ing permission to change a specified paint system a. Paint technologist b. Painting inspector c. Engineer d. Contractor 1%. Which surfaces comes on hot duty surfaces a. &etal surfaces attaining a temperature abo$e %-<o C b. &etal surfaces attaining a temperature abo$e 1<<o C c. &etal surfaces attaining a temperature abo$e %7o C d. &etal surfaces attaining a temperature abo$e 1-<o C
&. 2

1-. t which temperature aluminium melts a. 1<< oC b. !-< oC c. -!1 oC d. D!1 oC 11. &ulti component paint dried by a. #ol$ent e$aporation b. C"idation c. Chemical reaction d. Coalescense 1&. Aiscuit 5auge is another name for a. /egmanEs grind gauge b. #urface Comparator c. Aanana 5auge d. Comb 5auge 17. 5old leaf test is used for 222222222 a. dhesion b. 'rying c. +esidual tac. d. 'ust detection 1F. single pac. epo"y paint dry by a. Coalescence b. Chemical curing c. C"idation d. #ol$ent e$aporation 1?. Pull of dhesion is a term associated with a. ,insley pencil b. Aanana 5auge c. / ,E d. 'olly ,est !<. Which is not a property of e"tender pigments a. 3ncrease 5loss b. 3ncrease dhesion c. 3ncrease Cohesion d. 3ncrease film strength !1. 22222222222 can be used to detect the presence of oil or grease a. Copper sulphate b. ,ransparent Paper c. >) 9ight d. Arestle #ample Patch !!. coating fault which resembles holidays

a. b. Cratering c. Cra=ing d. Cissing 2(. Which grade of surface preparation required for hot duty surfaces from abo$e 11< o C
a. b. c. d. Sa1 Sa2 Sa2 Sa3

!-. 3n Electrostatic spray8 ,he thic.ness of paint as controlled by a. ,ime used to spray b. )elocity of the particles c. )oltage d. 'egree of dispersion !1. C$er thic.ness of @inc silicate cause a. #agging b. &ud c. Curtaining d. Cohesi$e failure !D. Which factor does not affect gloss of a paint film a. CP)C b. (lash Point c. Particle #i=e d. #ol$ent type !7. ccording to ,ransco P 1<8which metal spray not required a sealer a. ,# b. Polysilo"ane 3norganic Coating c. Poly )inyl Auterol d. 3norganic @inc #ilicate !F. 3t is ad$isable to apply &oisture curing polyurethane by a. irless spray b. Arushing c. +oller d. Padding 2). 35E #+ !1 is associated with a. 5as Plant &anufacture b. /andling of &ethanol c. brasi$e Alasting #afety d. >sing of #and brasi$e %<. Which paint application ha$e G3nsulationH effect a. irless #pray b. +emote Pressure pot

c. 'ip coating d. Electrostatic spray %1. +eflectometer measures 222222222 a. ggregate #i=e b. gglomerates Percentage c. 5loss d. Colour %!. 4on 'estructi$e test can be done a. When substrate contain &3C b. When substrate is non ferromagnetic and coating is (erro magnetic c. When substrate is (erro magnetic and coating is (erro magnetic d. When substrate is ferromagnetic and coating is non (erro magnetic %%. Which one is not included in non ferrous substrate a. #tainless steel b. &ild steel c. 4ew 5al$anising d. Weathered 5al$anising %-. Which one is not a compound in millscale a. (eC b. (e!C% c. (e! Cd. (e%C%1. What is the appro"imate o$erlap area in painting a. 1<< mm b. 1<< cm c. 1<mm d. 1<< um (&. 3n colour attributes8 Arightness also referred by the term a. Chroma b. 3ntensity c. )alue d. Weight (*. What is the minimum time for o$er coating a. %< &inutes b. - /rs c. 1! /rs d. !- /rs %F. Colour of &illscale a. 'ar. Alue b. 'ar. 5rey c. Alac.

d. 4o Colour %?. + 9 number represents a. Aatch 4umber b. ,hinner Code c. Colour Code d. #ol$ent Code -<. +opiness is fault loo. li.e a. +oller #tiple b. +i$elling c. Arush &ar.s d. Alisters -1. 222222222222 brasi$e is preferred for Wheel abrator a. #teel 5rit b. #teel #hot c. 5rit and #hot &i"ed d. Copper #lag -!. 2222222222222 flow cup can be used to chec. $iscosity of hot paint a. (ord b. @ahn c. 3#C d. '34 -%. &iser )al$e 2222222222222222222 in dry blasting a. Controls the ir Pressure b. Controls the flow of abrasi$es c. +emo$es oil and water d. $oids lea.age --. Which solution is used for cathodic disbandment test? a. #lightly acidic liquid b. #alt water c. l.aline liquid d. 'istilled water -1. Concentration and temperature of sulphuric acid in pic.ling process a. 1I1<* 8 D1I7< oC b. D1I7<* 8 1I1< oC c. !*8 F< oC d. F<*8 D1I71 oC -D. Which one is not a laminar pigment a. 5raphite b. luminium fla.e c. 5lass fla.e d. China Clay

-7. Phosphating process of steel structure is termed as a. Pic.ling b. Passi$ation c. Cathodic protection d. #alt 'etection 4'. &illscale test done 8 when Alast grade is a. #a1 b. #a! and bo$e c. #a!J and bo$e d. #a% -?. Which one is not a Paint fault a. 5rinning through b. Efflorescence c. d. Aittiness 1<. What is the total thic.ness of compliant epo"y based paint a. %!1 um b. !!1um c. !D1um d. %D1um +1. Which term is not relate with binder a. )CC b. (ilm former c. )ehicle d. 4on $olatile 1!. 3nternal coating of pipeline come under a. P 7 b. P F c. P ? d. P 1< 1%. 3f a comb gauge show 1!<I1-< um 8then the actual 'ft is a. 1!< um b. 1%<um c. 1-< um d. 1!< 6 1-< um +4. 'eIlamination is a fault occurs when using a. Epo"y b. C+ c. &icaceous 3ron C"ide d. Poly >rethane 11. 4uts and Aolts can be coated by

a. Calorising b. 5al$anising c. #heradi=ing d. nodising +&. 2222222222222222are e"amples for natural resin a. mber8 9aq b. #oya Cil8 ,ung Cil c. Aitumen 8 Coal tar d. Phenolic resin8 Cellulosic resin 17. 3f Paint in a density cup weighs 1%1gm8+elati$e 'ensity is 222222 a. 1%1 b. 1%.1gm6cc c. 1.%1 d. 1.%1 gm6cc 1F. Which paint from below8 can be applied o$er Phenolics a. C+ b. Epo"y c. l.yd d. 4one of these +). Which warning symbol represents ,o"ic

b. c. d. D<. 3f more pigments added in a paint8 then the surface should be 22222222222 a. 5loss b. &att c. 5rinning d. (ast 'rying D1. 222222222222 is an e"ample for aliphatic /C sol$ents a. Water b. Kylene c. ,urpentine d. cetone &2. Non drying oils can be used in paints, for __________ a. (ast drying b. #low drying c. cti$ate Chemical reaction d. (le"ibility D%. Which additi$e used in paints to stop settlements a. 'rying oils
a. '

b. 4on 'rying oils c. Wa" d. nti s.inning agents D-. 3f an airless spray pump ratio %1L1 deli$ery pressure !F<<.howmuch the inlet pressure a. 1<<psi b. ?<psi c. F<psi d. 7<psi D1. /ow atomi=ation is achie$ed in con$entional spray a. ,wo air channels outside the no==le b. ir pressure applied before no==le c. Paint forced at high pressure d. /ydraulic pressure &&. Which term is used when heat applied o$er D1 oC for 'rying of Paint a. &etal #pray b. ir 'rying c. #to$ing d. (orced 'rying D7. ,he following is not an information of 'aily report sheet a. 'ew point b. +elati$e /umidity c. +elati$e 'ensity d. ir ,emperature DF. Which one is thermoplastic a. Poly ethylene b. Poly urethane c. Epo"y d. 4atural +esin D?. #teel temperature can be measured by a. Psychro meter b. 9impet 5auge c. ,hermo meter d. /orseshoe gauge *0. What is the solution 8if damage occurs to a gal$ani=ing a. , Wash b. @inc +ich Epo"y c. C+ d. Water Aorne crylic 71. Which mill widely used for producing thic. paint a. Aall &ill b. Pearl &ill

c. ,riple +oll &ill d. #ingle +oll &ill 7!. Which one is suitable for steel wor. a. #hort oil paint b. &edium oil paint c. 9ong Cil paint d. (ull Cil paint 7%. Pigment8 which dissol$e in a binder called a. 9acquer b. 'ye c. )arnish d. #olute 7-. 3f 11 9itres Paint Weighs 1F Mg then density : a. 1.F gm6cm b. 1.D gm6cm c. 1.1 gm6cc d. 1.D gm6cc 71. (ord (low cup made of 22222222222 a. #tainless #teel b. luminium lloy c. &ild #teel d. 5lass +einforced Plastic 7D. When temperature increases82222222222 a. )iscosity increases b. )iscosity decreases c. )iscosity #table d. 'rying time increases 77. What is the appro"imate induction period of C+ a. !< minutes b. %< minutes c. DIF hrs d. 4ot pplicable *'. #troboscope chec.s a. +otation b. Polarity c. Potential d. ggregate count 7?. Which paint mill produce e"pensi$e materials a. ,riple roll mill b. #ingle roll mill c. #and mill

d. Aall mill F<. /igh speed stone mill is another name for a. /igh speed disperser b. Pearl mill c. Colloid mill d. ttritor &ill F1. Which paint is not suitable for EP a. Water borne b. /igh $olume solid c. #ol$ent Aased d. #ol$ent free F!. Ay which polymerisation method a ! pac. epo"y paint dry a. Cross lin.ed Polymer b. Aranched Polymer c. #olution Polymer d. 9inear Polymer F%. ,ransco #pecification P ? #pecifies a. 4ew and &aintenance painting at wor. and site for 53 b. Paint Properties and Performance c. 3nternal coating of steel small bore pipe d. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paint F-. Which term cannot be used for solid particles in binder a. ggregates b. Emulsion c. 'egree of dispersion d. (ineness of grind '+. Which one is more suitable for C+ paint to increase fle"ibility a. l.yd resin b. 9inceed oil c. Aentones d. Coconut oil FD. 2222222222 is not a unit of $iscosity a. #to.e b. Poise c. 9ittre d. #econd F7. Which type of Comb gauge is not a$ailable a. #quare b. Circle c. ,riangular d. +ectangular

''. Which application method used to apply paints on damp surface

a. Arush b. +oller c. irless #pray d. 'ip coating F?. What is A# -F<< specifies a. Colour coIordination b. #pecification of abrasi$e si=e sie$es c. &ethods of test for paints d. 5lossary of paint and related terms ?<. Which application greatly reduce pinholes a. Arush b. #pray c. erosol d. +oller ?1. #pray tip with adNustable aperture si=e .nown as a. Carbide b. )enturi c. ,itan d. ,aber )2. Pyro meter is an instrument to chec. a. dhesion b. /ardness c. #teel ,emp d. 'ensity ?%. 5raticule scale is a part of a. P35 b. /egman 5rind 5auge c. Eccentric Wheel d. ,ough type Pfund Crypto meter )4. &'# shows a two pac. paint density is 1.%1 gm6cc8 when the density chec. completed it shows the density as 1.!1.Which one is true a. Aase Part is /igh b. cti$ator Part is /igh c. &i" ratio on &'# is incorrect d. cti$ator Part is 9ow ?1. 3n which temperature 'ensity8)iscosity etc tests of Paints done a. !< OC P <.1 OC b. %7 OC P <.1 OC c. 1<< OC P <.1 OC d. ,emperature not affected

?D. 3f metal spray applied on a thin steel plate 8 a. Plate should not be heated b. Plate should be preheated c. Plate should be post heated d. Cannot be applied ?7. A# 7<7? does not contains a. +ust 5rades b. Alast 5rades c. /and and Power tool 5rades d. #alt tests on #ubstrate ?F. Wa1 8Wa! are grades of a. brasi$e blasting b. Closed blasting c. Water Alasting d. Weathering 5rades ??. When using replica tape 1<um deducted because 222222222 a. ,hic.ness of paper b. ,hic.ness of transparent layer c. ,hic.ness of ,este" d. 'ial micrometer Criteria 1<<. Which blasting is suitable for nonIferrous substrates a. ,horough abrasi$e blasting b. #weep blasting c. #a!J d. 4ot pplicable

1. Coating which suitable with the requirements of the EP !. #urface temperature below dew point %. 'ew Point -. Employees 1. Copper6Copper #ulphate half cell electrode

D. 9ong term protection 7. 1<<cc F. Weathered 5al$anising ?. ,. Wash 1<. Cnshore installations 11. Alast to remo$e e"isting primer8 recoat 1!. Engineer 1%. &etal surfaces attaining a temperature abo$e 1<<O C 1-. D!1 O C 11. Chemical reaction 1D. Comb 5auge 17. +esidual tac. 1F. C"idation 1?. 'olly test !<. 3ncrease gloss !1. >) light !!. Cissiong !%. # % !-. )oltage !1. &ud !D. (lash point !7. Polysilo"ane 3norganic Coating !F. Arushing !?. brasi$e Alasting #afety %<. Electrostatic #pray %1. 5loss %!. When substrate is ferromagnetic and coating is non (erro magnetic %%. &ild steel %-. (e! C%1. 1<<mm

%D. )alue %7. - hours %F. 'ar. blue %?. Colour Code -<. Arush mar.s -1. #teel shot -!. @ahn -%. Controls the flow of abrasi$es --. #alt water -1. 1I1<* 8 D1I7< oC -D. China clay -7. Passi$ation -F. # % -?. Efflorescence 1<. !D1 um 11. )CC 1!. P F 1%. 1!< 6 1-< 1-. &icaceous 3ron C"ide 11. #heradi=ing 1D. mber 89aq 17. 1.%1 1F. l.yds

1?. D<. &att D1. ,urpentine D!. (le"ibility D%. Wa"


D-. F<psi D1. ,wo air channels outside the no==le DD. #to$ing D7. +elati$e 'ensity DF. Poly ethylene D?. 9impet 5auge 7<. @inc +ich Epo"y 71. ,riple roll mill 7!. #hort oil paint 7%. 'ye 7-. 1.D gm6cc 71. luminium lloy 7D. )iscosity decreases 77. 4ot pplicable 7F. +otation 7?. #ingle roll mill F<. Colloid mill F1. #ol$ent based F!. Cross lin.ed F%. Paint properties and performance F-. Emulsion F1. l.yd resin FD. 9itre F7. Circle FF. Arush F?. Colour CoIordination ?<. Arush ?1. ,itan ?!. #teel temp ?%. P35

?-. cti$ator part is high ?1. !< OC P <.1 OC ?D. Plate should be post heated ?7. #alt test on substrate ?F. Water blasting ??. ,hic.ness of transparent layer 1<<. #weep blasting

Prepared by TCA Gafoor tcago!l"$ , Ph Q?1 ?F-7 ??1177


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