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Somebody once said, "Nothing is more uncommon than common sense." Accordingly, here are 30 things I think common sense should dictate: 1. Lea e !or the inter ie" "ith #lenty o! time to s#are !or the une$#ected: tra!!ic %am, car trouble, etc. &. Ne er go to an inter ie" "ith a !ull bladder. 3. Ne er che" gum, and ob iously not tobacco. '. (on)t allo" the %ob title to in!luence your decision. *. +ear conser ati e business attire. I! the enue is ery casual, o erdress slightly. ,-en: "ear a s#ort %acket and tie. +omen: "ear tailored se#arates.. /. Ne er consider mo ing any"here your !amily has no desire to li e. 0. Ne er ask to use the hiring authority)s #hone. 1. (on)t look at your "atch. 2. 3emo e your sunglasses. 10. -aintain eye contact, but don)t stare. 11. Listen intently, so you don)t ha e to kee# re#eating, "I)m sorry, but could you say that again4" 1&. (on)t ask about #erks. 13. Ask !or the s#elling o! the inter ie"er)s name and "rite it do"n. 1'. (on)t mention a salary range in your resume or during an inter ie". 1*. (on)t tailor your #ersonality in an attem#t to charm your inter ie"er. 1/. 3emain silent about your #ersonal #roblems. 10. 5o to the inter ie" unaccom#anied. 11. (on)t #ark at a meter or in a to" 6one. 12. (on)t dro# names. &0. Schedule nothing around your inter ie" that "ill create a time crunch. &1. 7urn o!! your cell #hone. &&. 8ee# your eyes o!! the inter ie"er)s desk. &3. (on)t handle anything, es#ecially #ersonal belongings. &'. 5et a haircut and sha e i! you need one. &*. A oid strong !ragrances. &/. Ne er be sarcastic. &0. I! re9uired to dri e others, #erha#s to lunch, obey the la", e$ercise caution, and stay calm. &1. Ne er critici6e anyone, es#ecially an em#loyer. &2. I! asked to com#lete a !orm or a##lication, !ill in e ery s#ace. Ne er "rite, "See resume." 30. (on)t linger. A long !are"ell is annoying.
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