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Agile and Scrum Awareness Prerequisites This is an introductory course suitable for people who need to understand the

impact of Agile on their business, their operations and their team. This course focuses on the values and principles of Agile. An understanding of project management and/or software development is beneficial, but no technical knowledge is required. Course Outline What is Agile SCRUM? Introduction to Agile Development

History Agile Manifesto Agile Frameworks Agile Principles Demming Cycle The leading Agile methods, Scrum, XP, Lean

Is your project suitable for Agile?

The Scrum Process Scrum Roles (Product Owner, Scrum Project Team, Scrum Master) Scrum Ceremonies (Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Daily Scrum Meetings) Scrum Artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burn down Chart) Scaling Scrum Roles & responsibilities in self-organising teams

Sprint Planning

Working in priority order Velocity-driven planning Commitment-driven planning The purpose of sprint planning

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Improving over time

Units for the Product Backlog

Requirements & User Stories Ideal days Story points Prioritization (MoSCoW Rules) Managing Change

Agile - Estimation

Estimating by analogy Release planning Capacity calculator Planning Poker Anchoring When to re-estimate

Agile - Planning

Estimating velocity Fixed-date projects Fixed-scope projects Objectives and deliverables of construction Iteration management Daily Meetings Creating and managing the Backlog / Story List Driving the Project with Use Cases Estimating work and calculating velocity Retrospectives The importance of Quality How testing works in Agile projects Risks and pitfalls

Implementing & scaling Agile

Scaling Scrum Scrum and Distributed Development

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