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02-01-2012 [Vol. I, Part 2] by Tony of the Kilvert family

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The Journey - Continues - Volume I (Part 2)

By Anthony of the Kilvert family

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family


The Next Instalment. The Journey - Continues. Subject of Chapter:

P. 6 P. 8 P. 9 Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Your Secret Rulers Named. Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals

Official Line On Subject:

P. 10

Research Overview On Subject:

P. 13

Article Associated: Overview with Conclusion:

P. 28 P. 39

Suggested Addtl. Research Resources: P. 43

Subject of Chapter:

P. 50

The Nature of the Police State All Around You. The Nature of the Police State All Around You. The Nature of the Police State All Around You. 11 Occult Secrets Now Out In The Open A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey from Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact The Nature of the Police State All Around You. The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

Official Line On Subject:

P. 50

Research Overview On Subject:

P. 51

Articles Associated: Article Associated:

P. 56 P. 67

Overview with Conclusion:

P. 78

Suggested Addtl. Research Resources: P. 79

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Subject of Chapter:

P. 81

Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System Europe to destroy traditional family and Sexual identity. Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age. What Theyre Covering Up at Fukushima Counterpunch Nuclear power plants into total meltdowns The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age.

Official Line On Subject:

P. 81

Research Overview On Subject:

P. 82

Articles Associated:

P. 83

Articles Associated:

P. 105

Overview With Conclusion:

P. 109

Suggested Addtl. Research Resources: P. 110

Subject of Chapter.

P. 112

Official Line of Subject.

P. 113

Research Overview on Subject.

P. 114

Articles Associated:

P. 121

Articles Associated: Overview with Conclusion.

P. 127 P. 140

Suggested Addtl Research Resources. P. 144

For you, the People of the WORLD Historical Quotes and Links. Page. 147
The "seal" is a way of encoding any information with energy. This energy is used here to empower the information in this case with the "Truth." The "Flower of life" in the centre of the page is a very important symbol which has its own "pure" all encompasing positive "quantumLiving" energy. Further information on this will be in the third Part of the book under sacred geometary and harmonics. 3

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The END of the OLD


2012 and beyond

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. Albert Einstein

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

There are 3 stages to the truth and there can be only one truth
1 Ridiculing it.

2 Being, In Violent opposition to it.

3 Accepting it as the Truth. Which one of these stages are you at?

More to the Point would, YOU like to

Wake Up Now? Before its too



Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

The Next Instalment.

I am at this point in the book hoping the reader benefited from the information contained in the first part of the book. I hope I clearly showed there are aspects of the truth that have indeed been kept from us all down here. There are secrets held in the Vatican, Secret Societies, Religious Orders and many countless other Royal and elitist organisations of the world. As President Kennedy taught us (as in his speech) (President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2) a freethinking and moral society should not hold these secrets from the rest of the world as to do this effects all of us as a race of sentient beings, negatively. Knowledge should be free for all of mankind so we can all benefit from it equally without any of the negative effects on our planet. What we have ended up with is a aberration in the form of a psychopathic few corrupt and moral less group of people feeding off the rest of the populous like parasites. This has occurred because we were not holding the correct people to account and have all been collectively passing the buck hoping someone else will do it for us. We are the ones now who must take a stand and say NO! It is entirely up to us now. This is how we can deal with the problem before we go over the cliff, we have to put the brakes on and fast. Its now totally serious and very much Emergency STOP time. Then we MUST put this thing into Reverse and fast. There is (as I see it) only one way to deal with this whole situation now and that is to alert the moral majority of the people to what has been and is being done to them all over the world. We can change this situation for the better but we have to find out just what is wrong with all of the Corrupt organisations and ruling classes I refer to. We must now begin the bitter task of identifying the affected areas of what is wrong so we can together begin to correct it. This is the only way to deal with it. We must not sit silent and do nothing as that will surely end in your own downfall and this make no mistake is exactly what they want us to do. I am trying to keep to the simple facts and to clearly point out what is happening here so you can begin to understand how much trouble we are really in and how we must learn the problems that need our attention so that we can fix them. Having looked into how all of the technologies have been hidden away

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

and how we have incredibly advanced technologies we are now going to take a trip into how we have been lied to on another incredible aspect of the control grid but this time we will be looking all around us with our eyes now initially having been opened even slightly for the first time. You should of course be aware if we or more accurately (they) have advanced tech like we have now seen more than just a glimpse of, it will be natural to assume there is also advanced healing and life extension technologies as well. I have learned there is. I will demonstrate how they have tricked us all into poisoning ourselves in the bargain via many different methods and additionally how this has in fact made us stronger in the bigger picture. The information you are about to learn will again be very shocking to most but there is no gain without pain as they say so we will just have to knuckle down and get on with it Im afraid. Again, as previously I intend to start drilling into many, many aspects of health from many directions not just on the face of it. I am not interested in giving out false information and this is the actual basis of the problems in the world today. We must at all times remember what I stated in the first part of the book that there is NO topic that is out of bounds if it is relevant to the topic we will look into it until we see the many aspects of truth and thus can begin to understand it. If there are boundaries they will cloud the TRUTH! There is fundamental truth but to understand it on any level, you have to look at all the issues in order to conceive of whether they are true or not as well as to what extent. To merely accept what you have been told is the basis of the problem and this is the most important point of the book. Reminder: Format for Chapters. Subject of Chapter. Official Line of Subject. Topic. Mainstream View.

Research Overview on Subject. In Depth Analysis. Overview with Conclusion. Conclusion.

Suggested Additional Research. Additional Resources.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

As previously, I have also been collecting lots of articles from many sources for years on these far reaching topics so I need to point out you will find articles from many other people in this book and it is not my intention to take any credit for their work as I pointed out before. The articles are listed with their links to the original origins where possible. {I would like to suggest the reader try to look at the first issue then work through all of the information (in order) until they are satisfied there is a level of reality going on, where they can then, really, comprehend the subject being covered within themselves. If you cannot accept the information provided I would then ask you to enter into the Additional Research Resources until you can ascertain an acceptable understanding of each issue until you do get it so to speak.} - Reminder from Part 1. They, (the system) will be cutting off the links to the videos so please download and as importantly upload them as fast as possible so they can be found by search engines! (Please use the original names and dont change them as it will confuse the search engine on the topic.) Dont forget to pass this information on!

The Journey - Continues

Here we go again, hold on tight. As I pointed out once I had looked into the details of just what is and is not the real, reality I was totally shocked with what I saw. In the process of looking further I came across many interlinking pieces of information on health and how the entire world around us has elements both good and bad regarding our well-being. Yet again I was in for another rollercoaster ride when I found out just how far reaching these things were. You guessed, it as soon as I started to look into the facts I was totally stunned with what was staring back at me! It was the reality of the truth. Clair Talks with Tony about Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness For an intro to Vol. 1 Part 2!

1. Subject of Chapter.

Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals.

Ok, here we go again. In the search for the truth I was about to go down the rabbit hole again. In my studies I came across information

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

about some interesting supposed (at the time) cures for diseases and I mean nearly ALL of them. Initially I to thought it was always best to go to a doctor for any such medical problems as most do (I will point out the obvious as you can get some helpful things like tests that occasionally pick some anomaly up and X-Rays that can determine some irregularities so dont be put off but be aware.) All I wish to point out is the truth about illnesses, dis-ease, the health industry, pharmaceuticals and the truths about vitamins, food, Holistic medicine and more importantly the why factor to the end of this chapter. Again I will only pick a series of examples, as there is much more to it than this. I cannot remember which particular issue I found first as there are so many reasons for both good and ill health. I think the best place to start is my own story as sitting here how to tackle this one is the hard part. The more you look into the pharmaceutical industry the more you learn about just what is really going on but the sheer scale of the whole Phama thing, is so far from the truth it boggles the mind and you will find this very interesting as we look into the subject. I was sitting in a pub garden in Worthing one night, alone (pondering what new things I had learned and putting it all together as I tend to do) when I heard the name David Icke mentioned. David is one of the key players in getting the overall picture across and I would ask all readers of this book to do some digging over at his web site, as it will greatly help to get the magnitude of the lie across. The reason I am writing this is as I have studied his and many others work and David information is very, very close to what you may call the truth. (David Icke Website) Anyway, it was an event that was to lead to an incredible friendship and one of those moments you either pick up on (intuitively) or choose to ignore. There was no way I was going to let this chance (I thought at the time) opportunity escapes me (as I came to understand later on.) I had no idea at that time, how important this gentleman was going to turn out to be. I looked around to see who the person was discussing such a (outspoken) world-renowned (and controversial) author was and I spotted two gents sitting chilling out with a beer so tentatively walked over and politely introduced myself with a view to (hopefully) discuss Davids work a little further with someone who is aware of it. I introduced myself and asked if I could join them to comment on some of the information I had

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

just overheard and was invited to join in the conversation. I was in line for a very big shock (delight) to learn I am now sitting chatting with one someone who had studied Holistic medicine and had travelled widely to investigate leading edge non-invasive treatments to accelerate healing and consciousness. In addition he has spent his time getting the real information out to the public - a leading Holistic practitioner in the UK! We really hit it off and I was as surprised as he was to have someone who could converse on many of the same subjects he was looking into and indeed practicing in the real world. The gentlemans name is Richard Cumbers and (this is a link to one of his web sites) (Pain Genie Website) together we have worked on so many issues over the years spending countless hours putting all of the information together. The reason I point this out is as to explain initially I really do have a real genuine hold on the information I will now proceed to present to you here. I mention this so you can be aware I have learned a lot from one of the best in the field of Holistic Health in the UK. This gadget is priceless, by the way! I will go into this in more detail later but trust me, you need one, healthy or not! We call it doing your homework! It is all there to see if you open your eyes to the truth. As it says in the bible (for a very good reason) There will be those who have the eyes to see, as well as, the truth will set you (meaning us all) free. (We will cover the bible and other religions later also but this is not a religious message we are dealing with here, its all about all of our true freedom/s) and we are losing them very rapidly, in case you did not notice!

2. Official Line of Subject.

Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals.

I will start with Health itself. The generally understood norm is that if you feel there is a problem or other issue with your health and or general well-being, you will automatically go to see your GP. The general practitioner will then ask a series of questions (as he must) to try to get to the root of what precisely is wrong with you. Health is pretty much regarded as a given by the masses until something goes a little or a lot wrong. Anyway, this is how the story goes. Upon conducting the tests and examinations the doctor needs to do he will generally prescribe you a series of drugs to deal with the problem that is apparently ailing you at

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

the time. This so far is perfectly correct, it gets sticky when he will prescribe you the medicines or pharmaceuticals for you particular ailment so here we go. For a very brief overview in the main the difference is the first thing your doctor will provide you with (for the most part majority) is a prescription for a drug that is chemical based rather than any form of natural non chemical holistic treatment. Now, on this basis the thought might not occur to the reader to even be aware of the fact why the (GP) doctor went directly for the chemical based medicine as he will mostly, every time. Well the answer to this is he has only ever been taught to prescribe the chemical based drugs at med school. He has never (for the most part) been taught anything real on holistic health, the correct (true) use of vitamins or anything that is directly related to any healing alternatives, correctly. There is much more to this and its not (as you might imagine) that there is less profit in for them either. Brace yourselves for this one, again. If you would like an example at this point I could choose from so many examples but as we are going straight to the point, Vitamin B17, Vitamin C, Cannabis Oil, MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) and even Bicarbonate of Soda as well as certain foods can all wipe out Cancer cells within the body, when used in the correct ways. It turns out lots of the holistic natural alternatives really do work and this is obviously a very important point. So if some of these really do work why they are not included in the advice you will be given by a certified GP, for example? Any guesses why Cannabis is illegal anyone? It is down to this fact at the end of the day as we will see (details provided.) I told you this would be interesting. Yes I do mean it and this is only one tiny example, read on. So how did this happen? Well when we look into it all and how it connects together is key, the doctors have been taught (indoctrinated) by the same people whom (behind the scenes) produce the chemical based drugs (and who make trillions from them.) After deeper investigation the chain of command comes back to the same old people every time. The truth is that all of the chemical based drugs (which are all you are going

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

to be able to get shortly) do not cure the disea se but they alter the symptoms and circumnavigate the problem only. This dose not cure the person but it allows the problem to persist and provides an opening for further medications as another symptom appears at a later date. There is more than one very good reason for this as they are all part of a very deeply hidden agenda. The themes of the agenda are depopulation, dumbing down of the population, making money off sicknesses and above all control (in a very profitable way for those in the h ighest places and of, the agenda.) I am very aware of the fact you are going to be very disturbed by this information but it has to be addressed as there will be no way to get this vital information over to you without telling you the way it really is. As the book is titled, Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness. We have to be conscious of the issues to be in a position to be able to deal with them do we not? If I drive over to a garage mechanic, park and go to the office and say theres something wrong with my car can you fix it? His answer would have to actually be I need to look at it first. I rest my case. {Please Note I will be posting links to other peoples work so please note I give them full credit and more than this I have the deepest regard for their efforts, as they are the ones who helped me to wake up. This book is intended to guide people to the important aspects of the truth and not to try and take credit for their hard work and efforts. I will also be posting single links to their published works freely available on sites such as you tube and Google. (Please note:- the single link will on most occasions lead to other parts of their interviews so ensure you have checked for further parts to get into the big picture.) Many of the links will lead you to other associated information on these topics so please ensure you complete each section before returning to the book for the next part of the information.} Reminder I would ask everyone again, to copy and download this and other important information (where legally ever possible) on ALL of these topics and store them on CD-DVD disks, for a VERY good reasons. This world is in an information REVOLUTION. It is also worth noting that if there is a solar flare (as expected) you will need to protect readers with an RF cage to read the disks! Just do a google search on this and you can learn how to build these easily!

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

3. Research Overview on Subject.

Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals.

Before we begin I would like to point out some of the hidden truths behind modern day medicine and how our current medical systems came about. This is a good opener but again there are religious tones I dont fully subscribe to so please bear this in mind thorough out the book as well as this example as I see this as a more accurate description medical historical fact. I am sure you will be interested to hear the involvement of the same old players from Rothschild snake oils to the churches hand in the whole pharmaceutical industries, fiasco. (Bill Schnoebelen - The Medical Conspiracy) Watch but without the religion goggles on for now, at least! I am positive the reader will get a lot of good information from this lecture alone without the overall understanding it will eventually lead to. I would also like to point out how far this topic can go with true medicine and add what you may call miracles as it is needed to get a more awakened opinion. (Greg Braiden - The Science of Miracles) So to go for an explanation as to what I have pointed out so far Lets get into the subject of Cancer alone (just as a starting place already indicated.) I will point out the best information I am referring to initially so we can build from there with additional research going deeper as we progress. Lets look at some of these supposed cures for cancer for a start. I have mentioned the Camelot Library earlier so I will draw your attention to these interviews initially with MMS and Jim Humbles interview is a starting point so off we go. At one point in Jims life he was a gold prospector a nd had some stake in a mine that was located about 3 days walk from where he was based (loosely along these lines anyway as was a long time ago and from memory.) Jim needed to hire some workers to dig the mine and set out to do just this. Cutting a long story short, Jim hired two workers to travel out to the mine in order to begin the mining. It turns out that on the arrival at the mine these two guys ended up getting Malaria upon arrival. They are now days away from and medical assistance and both literally collapsed and feel like they are dying with this illness. Jim will explain this better but you get the drift.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Now these two guys are miles from anywhere getting worse and without access to medical help the only thing Jim had with him was some Chlorine (which he brought with him in order to purify water when they got to their destination or the mine.) Jim said to these guys all he had was this Chlorine and these guys by now were in a very bad way. He offered them this to drink some of this not knowing what real effect it was going to have but it was all he had and they were so bad they agreed and drank some of this liquid. As you might know chlorine is used to keep swimming pools clear and kills bacteria in multiple varieties of examples and is actually approved by the FDA in the US for cleaning surfaces! (Not intended for internal use of course) but the kicker is in 15 minutes after taking it these guys who were near dying were rolling about laughing after taking the liquid as it wiped out the malaria bacteria almost immediately! Now there is much more to this story but I will let Jim tell you himself. On a personal note, I have taken this substance for several months in total as a precaution and I have my own understanding of it but I felt great after self-administering the first month long course (it is quite a remarkable feeling while taking it but the point is it certainly works.) On a personal note when I started taking it as a constant routine (which I do not recommend it began to start giving me sensitive teeth to be totally truthful but hey, there are negatives to too much of anything!) Enter Jim part 1 (An Interview with Jim Humble +MMS) Link Jims Web page 2 (Jim Humbles web page) Link 3 (MMS Supplier) There are other interview with Jim but I provide these links as basic examples only. I suggest you get some MMS while you can just in case and it keeps indefinitely out of direct sun light. This also works on many diseases not just cancer and furthermore it actually repairs diseased cells not kills them like Chemotherapy dose. I understand there has been further development with MMS 3 (immune system in a bottle) since I last looked into Jims work. As for all forms of radiation they cause cancer, not aid in the health of the individual but this is a long story we will look into later on from cell phones to microwaves its all the same deal, we have been misinformed, big time but will go into this later. So vitamin B17 I hear you say? Well, lets go. (G Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer) There you go I hope you enjoy. The point I am making here is everything we thought we knew is wrong, we were and have been consistently badly and totally deliberately mislead on an

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

absolutely incredible scale. I have only just done these two chapters and I can bet you are hanging off the wall right now unless you had previously looked into these things before. I feel for you and am so sorry to tell you this but we have to know. God Bless you all but we have to move on, it is vital. So next on the list is Vitamin C for another example. There is a good web site where I was enjoying learning from some of he really enlightened individuals interviews the host has on her show and there was this guy who was told he was dying years ago but I will let him tell you all about it. Bicarbonate of Soda and honey mixed in every day. Its so simple when you understand more about these subjects having educated yourself on these and as many other issues as possible. It turns out cancer is a fungus. If you change the terrain of the body to alkaline (from acidic) it will wipe out all cancers. Period. You see it makes the body into an environment where it can not take hold or thrive and in fact it has to go into remission and loose its grip on the body. Simply put it can change the bodys PH so Cancer cant survive. Bicarbonate of Soda and honey (How to make Baking Soda molasses cancer protocol solutions) the honey just helps to make the drink a little better tasting I think, but it is also good for you in the process as it is a natural form of sugar (energy) and not a processed form which is the opposite or bad. Vitamin C and other natural cures are abundant if we only were aware of all of this information (but unfortunately the majority are not.) (Natural cures website - Natural cures they dont want you to know) There is an Italian doctor successfully treating thousands with the direct application of a bicarbonate solution to the effected area/s of the body here. (Cancer treatments with Bicarbonate of soda) The Bicarbonate alters the surrounding tissue PH balance and provides an environment where cancers cells cannot grow or even survive and they die off. It is this simple. Try growing fungus like mushrooms using alkaline soils! You cannot do it, it wont work no matter how hard you try and let me know if you pull this off cause there has got to be an authority of some integrity somewhere in the world that has an award for you! (I wish I knew where it was.) Basically, in order for any organism to grow and flourish it needs to be in a hospitable environment being provided with everything it needs otherwise it wont happen! So

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

change the PH and you will prevent the growth. After so much searching for truth many things become obvious in the end one of the reasons we are falling ill from all these diseases is our nutrition is actually being decimated en mass and it is everywhere we turn from the farmers mandated (by EU Directives and others) to inject vaccines into the livestock to the food they are forced to feed them on, it is literally everywhere we turn. (Food Matters Documentary) Diet and Nutrition is what it is all about and not chemical drugs for a healthy food supply. For a further example, enter, Doctor Cary who in this lecture peels back the layers of truth about medicines and the truth about diet and a healthy immune system. She explains the truth about the whole corrupt industry and holds nothing back including the lies about vaccinations (which she spent her entire career investigating) to the point of realisation of what they really are. Once she saw what whats really going on she then set about exposing and demonstrates that they are much worse than a complete farce but in fact a poisoning protocol by the establishments so to speak, which is exactly, what it is all about and what the industry has set about doing from the very beginning. You may not understand why or how I can say this but you will completely understand when you have read and watched further information provided. This dose back up these claims in full. (Vaccines - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction Part 1 of 15) Dr. Careys web details. ( & (What happened to Freetopia - What happened to America) In the last 100 years literally dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in fact rejected up-front, these cases, even though healings were claimed in the thousands; their professions often being labelled as charlatans, ostracized by the medical community and ultimately forced to leave the country or go into hiding in some cases. At the same time more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day, without official medicine being able to offer a true sense of hope to those affected by it. Why? The real answer is they (at the top) do not want you to be cured in fact they want the opposite. As stated there is an agenda at play behind the scenes so we must look at it one step at a time to see its all interconnected on many levels so Lets go to the next link to take off another layer of the proverbial onion we

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

find ourselves smack bang in the middle of. The links below are some of the most inspiring and valuable documentaries or lectures I have come across and I know this will help to get my point across to you the reader. Run from the Cure - Cannabis Documentary Forbidden Cures Trailer Burzynski The Movie - Cancer is a Serious Business Phillip Day: What is the campaign for Truth Gary Null speaking out at NYS assembly hearing WHEN WE GROW, This is what we can do (FULL DOCUMENTARY) Heres the kicker, Bill Gates in his own words ranting about curtailing the population through vaccinations and sterilisation! Amazing, these guys are totally psychotic, everything they spew is agenda based. More to the point its just plain wrong whichever way you look at it dont you think? Surely anyone who looks into this can SEE it! Bill Gates admits vaccines are used for Human depopulation Basically the club/s at the top are controlling all of the rest of the sheeple population otherwise they will be discovered to be the Satanists they are and I will explain myself later on in the book if (part 1) did not manage to do that. You should now be aware having watched or listened enough of the information I have provided so far, that the facts they claim are very wrong for example. Just for the record the global warming agenda is another scam so dont be fooled. Peter Taylor, a friend of mine who was the EUs environment expert (until they would not accept his information) proved with the other scientists all of their models were wrong and not based on accurate data and he quit (he was also a former founder of Green Peace.) (Peter Taylor - Former UN Environmental Advisor on Climate change) The Global Warming, Climate Change or Carbon issues these guys lay out are all based on fake information and are all part of the attempt to obtain Carbon Tax Extortion from the masses and more control. Its a scam people, just as all of the others; they are lying to you from cradle to the grave. Understand it and we have to now deal with it. The Governments all state, the population is too big! This is a downright

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

utter lie, as I will detail later. I have a solution, let the people have all the free energy and antigravity and ill bugger off to another planet thanks and Im sure many of you would love to join me. Regardless, it not about energy its about the level of consciousness of the population on the planet and not anything else period. Put simply if we wake up to the reality of the world and how it really works, we will all demand one hell of a real change. If we dont, we wont, so as you see if we are conscious to it or the real problems we will defeat it. I very much look forward to getting into this subject later on and for the record. (Peter Taylor - Consciousness & Climate change 1/5) Remember its all about Consciousness! If you are a truly conscious individual who is aware of the facts and the real issues you will not accept the lies any more. This is what it is really about as I will show you. Not money, religion, or even war, as all of these are, the tools of power over us all. The fact of the matter is we are way, way more advanced technologically and could solve all of these problems. Ok, at this point Im going to presume this is enough information to put my point across to you the reader regarding cancer and cures but I have to make the point that it is by deliberate design. This is the initial proof I am presenting that it is indeed the case. (Wake up western world your dying for profit) I am sure you are certainly shocked and amazed at what I have presented to you so far so I will move on to the rest of the book and information but please be aware this is only the tiniest tip of the problem we are facing. Before we do I have to point out why this happening and the reasons why we have been fooled into this coup-de-ta or a trap. The last stage is also on now playing people right into world war three. All of the controllers are putting on performances and we will be the ones that are wiped out, if they manage to trick us all into it, again! Really the only solution is to grow up and deal with it before it is too late. I will try to move in small steps as not to lose you so we will go into more of an explanation about the industry and take it from there. There is indeed a plan and it is indeed very complicated in its nature so I will explain the aspect of this portion of this plan with the following agenda that is currently being rolled out. If you have any trouble accepting this then all you need to do is look how they are genetically modifying

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

(GMO) our food and reducing the vitamin content so we will actually get sick quicker but of course they wont tell you that. We have to learn it on our own. (Genetically modified foods: potentially dangerous) GMO issue (Everything you have to know about dangerous Genetically Modified Foods Part - 1) I am asking you to just go with the information briefly, for now even if you think it is too outlandish as you will see how it works when the rest of the details are provided, at least in this brief short hand version. A USA example is here with the FDA deliberately taking away natural foods and pushing deadly poisons as drugs to medicate you but never cure you. Dr Mercola is one of the best in the field in real holistic medicines, vitamins, nutrients and minerals while is one of the outspoken critics of this whole health issue. (Dr. Mercola Discusses the FDA!) and (Food That Kills - 1 of 6) The evidence is total proof this stuff is much worse than you know. (Jeffrey M. Smith: The GMO Threat (Full Length HD)) This is an in depth study on GMO foods from the farmers prospective. (Must-see documentary about GMO ~~ Part 01 of 10) On the cancer front at least Lets look at why cancer is such a profound disease in this current climate today and how this has come to pass. I would like to think I do not need to explain any further there is a underlying method to this madness but I will anyway to ensure I get the most important points across. I am saying there is a hidden agenda to all of this and indeed there is. I would like to present one of the best explanatory documentaries to explain myself now but just because you watch and understand this (if this is what occurs) please do not think you have got the rest of the plan together yet as its far deeper than this. It is merely a further piece to the puzzle of what is being rolled out on this planet at the moment. Again, brace yourself and welcome to agenda 21. (Agenda 21 for dummies) This is how they plan to introduce population control via all means they can think of including financial collapse and using food as a weapon against the population which is totally and utterly Evil in its entirety (it is Evil and it is deliberate but rolling out as per the plan, regardless). There are so many things they wish to impose on us all it is just truly unbelievable but they are hell bent on introducing these measures on the unaware populous in secret; this is just the tip again. For example corporations are selling you things by misleading you into thinking are good for you and they most certainly are not, they in turn own the

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corporations at the top of the proverbial pyramid structure where they have always used the same techniques to control the masses. (The "Vitamin water" deception!) The P.T.Bs power structure pyramid explained in more detail by David Icke. (David Icke - We have the power to bring down the pyramid) (Brian Gerrish - Common Purpose Exposed [Full Interview]) These are some examples (again there are many more) of the mobile phone radiation we are getting from these mobiles this is a major source to increase the amount of radiation we get, which of course helps along the little cancer cells to do a bit more damage. (Invisible dangers of cell phone radiation) Here is an example showing the negative effects of living near power lines as well. (Power lines double risk of cancer in children) Basically, we are made of energy and this being the case energy of any kind affects us all and they know it so use this in a negative way all of the time to keep us all down. If someone is shouting at you to your face how dose this make you feel? Not good! Its sound energy but it changes the way you feel. Its the same with any form of energy including electromagnetic, it affects you badly and they know it. This is another reason why we are all getting ill and there is no need for it except to hurt us. Just to give you some more irradiation examples we will have to include all other kinds of radio, full spectrum frequency waves of all kinds like Wi-Fi internet hubs (which are being deliberately put into schools all over the world for the obvious reasons!) (WiFi in schools proven dangerous) And (Why wireless radiation can make you sick and what you can do about it These are a few examples of the multiple uses for implementation of the control grid they are placing us all into little by little all of the time. Not forgetting at the same time it is wearing our immune systems down the more we come into contact with these things and all the time they are tracking, keeping tabs on your every move but more on this later. (Stingray phone tracker and the violation of the 4th amendment) We also have to incorporate the following information, as there are other branches of the same plan they wish to implement ( Warning Codex Alimentarius Global Implementation Imminent) with or without your compliance this is their (Codex) ultimate goal, making vitamins illegal. It will reduce the populations quicker to make us all much more

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controllable. (Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies) They plan to remove any trace of our options in getting hold of natural healthy food and vitamins completely in the end. They intend to make these healthy nutrients illegal and thus condemn us to eat GMO, tainted, poisoned, infected with other and irradiated food only. This is part of the purpose of the seed bank in Norway but there are more sinister connections yet to be made. Part of the reason they are storing these seeds is not only to protect them from asteroid strikes (which is the old lie to justify it) but they plan to contaminate the worlds seeds left on the surface with GMO pollen. These GMO plants Monsanto is producing will cross pollinate with non GMO (safe) and will effectively contaminate all of the (safe foods) existing food supplies all over the planet. (Doomsday vault protects worlds seed "60 Minutes") If they can carry out their plan we will then have no choice but to succumb to their wishes in the end in order to eat, and what we do eat, will be derived of any real goodness. Not to mention contaminated. Lets now look into some of the other poisoning programs they are running with (worldwide) initially relevant to nutrition (paramount importance to good health) then we will need to go over to other aspects of the system. Have you ever noticed the planes that have been flying all over the world spraying out all of the poisonous chemicals down on to the population of late? Well lets take a look at this as they are doing just that. (What in the world are they spraying) This is a brief documentary on the same issue and as you can see it is yet another biological tool they are using directly against us. So if this is the case then what is it that they are spraying? (Aerosol crimes Chemtrails by Clifford Carnicom) What are some of the potential effects on human and other life? (Uk Government admits to spraying deadly spraying) Top Israeli scientist goes public and is disappeared, as they do. (Mystery disease linked to vanished Israeli scientist) Just to top it off a top official goes public with the truth about the fact it is happening for real as he is so concerned (Ex Government Employee talks about Chemtrails part 1) his information was inside info from Wright Patterson air force base on the aerosol spraying program. He has confirmed they are spraying Barium salts, Aluminium, Strontium and

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other toxic materials (Barium is 10,000 times more toxic to our immune systems than lead!) If you have never seen these things it means you were not looking, here is footage of them spraying or Chemtrailing us all from the air like insects. (Chemtrails: Inside and out) Barium also wears down our immune system so this will leave us more vulnerable to their poisoning programs. This is basic information here, but see this link for some more information on this. (New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection) This also links in with H.A.A.R.P. mind control systems and much more on this shortly. (Howard Stern interviews Jessie Ventura on HAARP Mind Control Conspiracy Theory 12/02/09) Apart from the poisons contained in the water supply there is also some disturbing news about some of the chemicals they are putting into plastics. (How BPA poisons your body: an in depth look) I quote directly from the above link [Aaron Dykes hosts a segment on Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogenic in plastic drinking bottles and food containers. BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance.] While on the topic we also have to see where all of this toxic plastic is ending up. (Worlds biggest garbage dump - plastic in the ocean) Then it enters our food supply as detailed here in this short study so we get sterile and worse, again. (Studying how plastic pollution enters ocean food supply) As David Icke puts it you could not make this UP! We have to take a look now into these Bird, Swine, and Pig flus (and ALL other) vaccines are TOOLS in the agenda of the World Health Organisation (which is another ruse.) They have now passed through legislation that if they declare a pandemic they then have the right to force vaccinate you and all of your family and if they are not stopped they will. (Project Camelot interviews Jane Burgermister) In this interview Jane Burgermister discusses this issue and the planned swine flu epidemic that failed to emerge. She was later pulled into court over here investigations into this subject. Here is the patent information as well for the H1N1 virus they have engineered and patented (created.) (Vaccine Patent before virus SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE) It also turns out the C.D.C. (Centre for Disease Control) are culturing and releasing these disease in the first place then releasing them out onto the general populous. (Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory - Plumb Island)

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Last but not least here is proof it is a bio-weapon they are using on us but theres still more to this as there is Nano-technology in some of these. (Nano chemtrail fibre live Bio-weapon) There is a further reason for these things and it involves Micro chipping us all as they plan to do. The technology now exists to get everyone chipped from the air by spraying us all but this is only a small part of how its all linked. (Nanochips in us and our environment) A second proof link of government control grid they are laying out right now. (Microchip now Nanochip) Shows how they can chip and track you by giving you a vaccine! Here is Aaron Russo telling you what she was told by Nicolas Rockefeller about getting everybody chipped. (Aaron Russo and NIck Rockefeller) Its all in their plans if you just looked into these topics you also would have seen it for yourself. Obamas already pa ssed a law to chip all new borns! We should also look at the pesticides they are pouring all over the place. They are being over used in all areas from farming to being put onto bagged food, which is put into bleached plastic bags (the bleach being bad for you) or sprayed directly and taken to the point of shrink wrapping. Hmm yummy, bleach in my childs food now. The question is a stark one and this sums it up in one question. (Why is the government trying to kill us) Monsanto is the biggest culprit in the program but there are many, many more. (Millions Against Monsanto) Monsanto incidentally means My Satan. Again it goes on and on like this the more you look the worse it is but we have to address it or it will be worse. These people (Obama) and all of the governments are tricking us into thinking they are doing things for our good while they are doing the exact opposite, look at this for an example for now but we will go deeper into this later. An analysis of this in detail tells you a little more but I know this seems too much to take on board initially. All I will say is read on. (Obama - Thank you satan) When you look into this further you will see all of the other examples of this happening and you understand how it all fits then it will give you a much more detailed take on the whole thing. (Max Keiser Report: Monsanto Seeds of Evil) Its all connected if you take the time to look into it you can connect the dots.

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Were you aware that they add radioactive pesticides to tobacco to aid in their little cause? Well they do. (The global tobacco epidemic) The revenue from tobacco sales is massive and when you add this to the drugs sales when we get ill it starts to become clearer why this would happen if the same controllers and owners were at the very top. You would never believe it would you! Seems to me the bankers have been up to more than getting bailed out dosent it! We also have to look into Teflon and its effects on the body. To think they had us all raving about our non stick cookware as we ll. Its not just dangerous its criminal! (Teflon report part 1) and (Live Leak - Cereal, what are you really eating) As described in video format, and the evidence behind the scenes. (The eternal molecule - Forever Teflon) Microwaves ovens are illegal in many areas of the world but not here. They are used everywhere in the UK but they irradiate the food and aid in killing most if not all of the nutrients, vitamins and this adds to their methods of wiping out all of the enzymes in the process. Without the fact they make the food irradiated making it even more dangerous to human health. (Dangers of using microwaves) Just as we are on this subject radiation causes cancer so when you get a mammogram you are actually inducing these breast cancers! (Mammograms can actually cause breast cancer) It is the same with all radiation types as they affect all human cells in a negative way. More on this radiation issue later on in the book Im afraid but for now this is an example of what is to follow further on into the book. (An interview with Barry Trower on microwave warfare) We will look later at the ill effects of microwaves in the home but there are other negative effects coming of light bulbs for an example. Are you aware of the phasing out of the old incandescent light bulbs throughout Europe and the USA? There are other reasons for this that they are not telling you. In this link it explains how these new energy bulbs are pouring out negative energies harmful to the body in many ways. (Are your energy efficient light bulbs dangerous) Here the energy field is measured with a Tri-field meter and clearly shows the high energy output from these bulbs are just massive so why is our local government (in the UK) handing these out to people like sweets? This is also why they are outlawing incandescent (normal light bulbs) in Europe. The contents off these bulbs are deadly poisonous on top of this. (New Toxic Light

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Bulb EPA Guidelines) They are also poisoning you with them. (Dirty truth about CFL Bulbs p1 of 3) (Former CIA Black Ops member confesses NWO plan) There IS a plan for all of this to happen to us. They are using frequencies to disrupt and re-program our DNA! (Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies) Further on a similar note they are also putting in the new Smart Meters for homes in the USA. These things are very bad putting out as much radiation as some cell phone towers (in some cases) and many people are falling ill very quickly from these things as detailed next. (Smart Meters Radiation) You should search out some more of these videos until you are satisfied with the information about these until you are aware of all of the aspects here. Privacy violations are another aspect as these track all of the appliances in your home like what you use and when. (Smart Meters) How much more are we going to keep putting up with before we finally say no? They can watch every ele ctrical appliance you use 24 hours a day and send the data to computers which watch what you use in your own home and I mean all of it. All of this shows you what is going on here if you know youre a,b,c. They have developed all of these programs and are rolling them out all over the planet against the entire human race as a whole. If you open the more info tab at the bottom the last link (for example) there is more proof sitting there if you are not already totally convinced this information is perfectly correct. I have put this link up before but will do it again here as it will explain all we really need is good vitamins and minerals together with clean food and water for our immune systems will help to eradicate these diseases for us by itself. If you missed any of the parts on these videos then you will have missed the vital information you need to know. (Vaccines - The true weapon of mass destruction) Additionally, we are sending our young children to have these vaccines put in them at an early age which turns out to be the opposite thing we should be doing (we are willingly cooperating in the poisoning of our own children without fully checking out what is exactly in these injections!) This is Infanticide! So what else are we not being informed about? It is high time we all decided to look into what we are actually doing and not just let others do it for us my friends. (Why are adjutants

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like aluminium in vaccines) Well lets look at fillings and poisonous mercury has not just been put into these vaccines but its also in amalgam tooth fillings (which are deadly) by mandate of the government via the National Health Service in the UK. This is happening in a society where honesty and integrity are supposed to be paramount! What on earth has happened to us as a people? Well, we allowed others to make all of our decisions for us and did not check what they were doing. Now look at the situation we find ourselves in. (Mercury amalgams fillings dangers) Asleep at the wheel springs to mind. Open wide please!! Hows F*** O** Sound! While, we are on the subject of what else is a poison that we are subjecting ourselves and our children to lets take a look. (Sweet Misery - 52 mins) Aspartame is a neural toxin and is found in most fizzy drinks that kids drink all the time! More than this in the case of Robinsons Fruit Shoot Drinks for example, these laced drinks have been approved and marketed to children deliberately, by appointment of the Queen of England! Her crest is on all of the bottles for real! Take a look for yourself. Kids are being targeted and dumbed down so they will not be in a position to properly evaluate the world around them (or worse) and as such will not question all of the things as I am doing here. (Aspartame now in shoot fruits H20 Take care when feeding your children) Check out the bottles when you go to into the shops next time and stop giving it to your young children, please! They just want dumb slaves with just enough sense to do a job (or duty they are told to do) that will be allocated to them in the future by the ruling class or elites, without question. Looking at some of the other methods and things they are implementing to damage health we find for example they are feeding poisonous animal feeds to farm animals (Irish cows test positive for Dioxins) as well as injecting them with many harmful vaccines here to and this is being mandated. (Your milk on drugs) Who eats the meat in the end? Who drinks this milk? US. Thats the idea! They are actually adding cancer-causing additives to foods like cereals and adding Iron filings into them! See (Metal filings in your cereals) (Cancer causing additives found in potato chips) The list goes on and on. I hope you can see this cannot all be occurring by a series of mistakes! Even so called Organic foods have been affected. (Beware of These Organic Brands)

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While at the same time they are going after organic farmers (with the DEA, police and even the drug squads) and food producers to shut down any healthy, clean, food options we have left (SWAT Team raids organic food seller) and poison anything that is mass-produced! Please search for other links like these, as it is vitally important for all of us. (Nevada health district raids picnic) (Rawsome foods raid breaking news) (Life choice raided by health Canada RCMP) Canadian therapists getting raided buy Drug Squad! The Food and Drug Administration going after healthy and organic farmers. (FDA Launches war on dairy farmers in USA) A further way they are effectively poisoning the population is through the use of both domestic and commercial cleaning products. Go to your cupboard and check out some of the ingredients in the washing up liquid, bleach, soaps, and antiperspirants, washing powder the list is literally endless and they pretty much all have harmful substances in them. (Shocking story of toxic cosmetics and skin care) Also: (Top 10 most hazardous products in the home) All of this could never be happening by chance! Even via the new mandated light bulbs! (Dirty truth about CFL light bulbs) This is way beyond any accident possible when you simply add up the dots here come on. Its all going to plan. One of the other programs being (and has been for years) introduced is to fluoridate our water supplies (Fluoridation deception) Okay, over and above this they are also introducing further companion programs which accompany this such as common purpose agendas again secret (Common purpose exposed) and underhanded as usual but I will expose the connections to the deep black agenda they he planned for us all to be enslaved into, for good this time. Please dont forget the Fluoride in your toothpaste and mouthwash either. (Fluoride poisoning dangers) It all adds to your daily consumption of these intakes or dose. (Chemtrails being laid from the air proof) Adding aluminium, barium, strontium, and much into air and eventually into our water. (Aluminium poisoning over our state US) All of these are the gears on the machine to control us under their depopulation plans. These plans are set out on stones in Georgia US and called the guide stones over and above agenda 21. (Georgia guide stones and agenda 21) and all of this was in the plan a very long time ago. There is much more to all of

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this but we need to know how our parliament and most of the authorities are all part of the implementation program as demonstrated by Brian Gerrish here (Blowing the whistle by Brian Gerrish 2011) discussing common purpose and lately the government snatching and even selling children into individuals (via the court system) with less than savoury personalities to say the least. On the subject of what they are doing to the water I will say this its a poisoning program. ( Fluoride Action Network Video Library) There are six main principals to global enslavement to be aware of and they are using all of them on us and still trying to find more ways to damage health of the worlds populations so they can complete their hidden plans. (The six main principals to global enslavement) There is much more than this but this again is just a sample of what they are doing behind the scenes. Please look into these topics and inform your family and friends for all of our sakes. I want to point out another article laying out just who are the ones we call Them or in other words who is involved in the Big Club? Well here is an article I found while searching the net one-day showing you who is directly responsible. The Article mentioned above. How Hollywood Spreads Disinformation About Secret Societies

Additional Article: Your Secret Rulers Named

Ive been asked many times: You often talk about the pawns of the elite, but who are the elite?. Although many powerful international organizations have been mentioned throughout the articles of this site, they were never compiled in a single placeuntil now. Heres an article Land Destroyer Report listing the main organizations of un-elected people governing the world.

Naming Names: Your Real Government

This is your real government; they transcend elected administrations,

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they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and Europeans way of life. When the left is carrying the torch for two Neo-Con wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMDs, the world has no choice, beyond profound cognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong. Whats wrong is a system completely controlled by a corporate -financier oligarchy with financial, media, and industrial empires that span the globe. If we do not change the fact that we are helplessly dependent on these corporations that regulate every aspect of our nation politically and every aspect of our lives personally, nothing else will ever change. The following list, however extensive, is by far not all-inclusive. However after these examples, a pattern should become self-evident with the same names and corporations being listed again and again. It should be self-evident to readers of how dangerously pervasive these corporations have become in our daily lives. Finally, it should be selfevident as to how necessary it is to excise these corporations from our lives, our communities, and ultimately our nations, with the utmost expediency. International Crisis Group Background: While the International Crisis Group (ICG) claims to be committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict, the reality is that they are committed to offering solutions crafted well in advance to problems they themselves have created in order to perpetuate their own corporate agenda. Nowhere can this be better illustrated than in Thailand and more recently in Egypt. ICG member Kenneth Adelman had been backing Thailands Prime Minster Thaksin Shinwatra, a former Carlyle Group adviser who was was literally standing in front of the CFR in NYC on the eve of his ousting from power in a 2006 military coup. Since 2006, Thaksins meddling in Thailand has been propped up by fellow Carlyle man James Baker and his Baker Botts law firm, Belfer Center adviser Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and now Robert Amsterdams Amsterdam & Peroff, a major corporate member of the globalist

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Chatham House. With Thailand now mired in political turmoil led by Thaksin Shinwatra and his red shirt color revolution, the ICG is ready with solutions in hand. These solutions generally involve tying the Thai governments hands with arguments that stopping Thaksins subversive activities amounts to human rights abuses, in hopes of allowing the globalist-backed revolution to swell beyond control. The unrest in Egypt, of course, was led entirely by ICG member Mohamed ElBaradei and his US State Department recruited, funded, and supported April 6 Youth Movement coordinated by Googles Wael Ghonim. While the unrest was portrayed as being spontaneous, fueled by the earlier Tunisian uprising, ICGs ElBaradei, Ghonim, and their youth movement had been in Egypt since 2010 assembling their National Front for Change and laying the groundwork for the January 25th 2011 uprising. ICGs George Soros would then go on to fund Egyptian NGOs working to rewrite the Egyptian constitution after front-man ElBaradei succeeded in removing Hosni Mubarak. This Soros-funded constitution and the resulting servile stooge government it would create represents the ICG resolving the crisis their own ElBaradei helped create. Notable ICG Board Members: George Soros Kenneth Adelman Samuel Berger Wesley Clark Mohamed ElBaradei Carla Hills Notable ICG Advisers: Richard Armitage Zbigniew Brzezinski Stanley Fischer Shimon Peres Surin Pitsuwan Fidel V. Ramos Notable ICG Foundation & Corporate Supporters: Carnegie Corporation of New York Hunt Alternatives Fund

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Open Society Institute Rockefeller Brothers Fund Morgan Stanley Deutsche Bank Group Soros Fund Management LLC McKinsey & Company Chevron Shell Brookings Institute Background: Within the library of the Brookings Institute you will find the blueprints for nearly every conflict the West has been involved with in recent memory. Whats more is that while the public seems to think these crises spring up like wildfires, those following the Brookings corporate funded studies and publications see these crises coming years in advance. These are premeditated, meticulously planned conflicts that are triggered to usher in premeditated, meticulously planned solutions to advance Brookings corporate supporters, who are numerous. The on-going operations against Iran, including US-backed color revolutions, US-trained and backed terrorists inside Iran, and crippling sanctions were all spelled out in excruciating detail in the Brookings Institute report, Which Path to Persia? The more recent UN Security Council resolution 1973 regarding Libya uncannily resembles Kenneth Pollacks March 9, 2011 Brookings report titled The Real Military Options in Libya. Notable Brookings Board Members: Dominic Barton: McKinsey & Company, Inc. Alan R. Batkin: Eton Park Capital Management Richard C. Blum: Blum Capital Partners, LP Abby Joseph Cohen: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Suzanne Nora Johnson: Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Richard A. Kimball Jr.: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Tracy R. Wolstencroft: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Paul Desmarais Jr.: Power Corporation of Canada Kenneth M. Duberstein: The Duberstein Group, Inc.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies Nemir Kirdar: Investcorp Klaus Kleinfeld: Alcoa, Inc. Philip H. Knight: Nike, Inc. David M. Rubenstein: Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group Sheryl K. Sandberg: Facebook Larry D. Thompson: PepsiCo, Inc. Michael L. Tipsord: State Farm Insurance Companies Andrew H. Tisch: Loews Corporation Some Brookings Experts: (click on names to see a list of recent writings.) Kenneth Pollack Daniel L. Byman Martin Indyk Suzanne Maloney Michael E. OHanlon Bruce Riedel Shadi Hamid Notable Brookings Foundation & Corporate Support: Foundations & Governments Ford Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Government of the United Arab Emirates Carnegie Corporation of New York Rockefeller Brothers Fund Banking & Finance Bank of America Citi Goldman Sachs H&R Block Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Jacob Rothschild Nathaniel Rothschild Standard Chartered Bank Temasek Holdings Limited Visa Inc. Big Oil

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Exxon Mobil Corporation Chevron Shell Oil Company Military Industrial Complex & Industry Daimler General Dynamics Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation Northrop Grumman Corporation Siemens Corporation The Boeing Company General Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation Raytheon Co. Hitachi, Ltd. Toyota Telecommunications & Technology AT&T Google Corporation Hewlett-Packard Microsoft Corporation Panasonic Corporation Verizon Communications Xerox Corporation Skype Media & Perception Management McKinsey & Company, Inc. News Corporation (Fox News) Consumer Goods & Pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline Target PepsiCo, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company Council on Foreign Relations Background & Notable Membership: A better question would be, who isnt in the Council on Foreign Relations? Nearly every self-serving

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career politician, their advisers, and those populating the boards of the Fortune 500 are CFR members. Many of the books, magazine articles, and newspaper columns we read are written by CFR members, along with reports, similar to Brookings Institute that dictate, verbatim, the legislation that ends up before the Wests lawmakers. A good sampling of the most active wings of the CFR can be illustrated best in last years Ground Zero Mosque hoax, where CFR members from both Americas political right and left feigned a heated debate over New York Citys so-called Cordoba House near the 3 felled World Trade Center buildings. In reality, the Cordoba House was established by fellow CFR member Feisal Abdul Rauf, who in turn was funded by CFR financing arms including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, chaired by 9/11 Commission head Thomas Kean, and various Rockefeller foundations.

Notable CFR Corporate Support: Banking & Finance

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co American Express Barclays Capital Citi Morgan Stanley Blackstone Group L.P. Deutsche BankAG New York Life International, Inc. Prudential Financial Standard & Poors Rothschild North America, Inc. Visa Inc.

Soros Fund Management

Standard Chartered Bank Bank of New York Mellon Corporation Veritas Capital LLC Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Moodys Investors Service

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Big Oil
Chevron Corporation Exxon Mobil Corporation BP p.l.c. Shell Oil Company Hess Corporation ConocoPhillips Company TOTAL S.A. Marathon Oil Company Aramco Services Company

Military Industrial Complex & Industry

Lockheed Martin Corporation Airbus Americas, Inc. Boeing Company, DynCorp International General Electric Company Northrop Grumman Raytheon Company Hitachi, Ltd. Caterpillar BASF Corporation Alcoa, Inc.

Public Relations, Lobbyists & Legal Firms

McKinsey & Company, Inc. Omnicom Group Inc. BGR Group

Corporate Media & Publishing

Bloomberg Economist Intelligence Unit News Corporation (Fox News) Thomson Reuters Time Warner Inc. McGraw-Hill Companies

Consumer Goods

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Walmart Nike, Inc. Coca-Cola Company PepsiCo, Inc. HP Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. De Beers

Telecommunications & Technology

AT&T Google, Inc. IBM Corporation Microsoft Corporation Sony Corporation of America Xerox Corporation Verizon Communications

Pharmaceutical Industry
GlaxoSmithKline Merck & Co., Inc. Pfizer Inc.

The Chatham House Background & Membership: The UKs Chatham House, like the CF R and the Brookings Institute in America, has an extensive membership and is involved in coordinated planning, perception management, and the execution of its corporate memberships collective agenda. Individual members populating its senior panel of advisers consist of the founders, CEOs, and chairmen of the Chatham Houses corporate membership. Chathams experts are generally plucked from the world of academia and their recent publications are generally used internally as well as published throughout Chathams extensive list of member media corporations, as well as industry journals and medical journals. That Chatham House experts are submitting entries to medical journals is particularly alarming considering GlaxoSmithKline and Merck are

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

both Chatham House corporate members. No better example of this incredible conflict of interest can be given than the current Thai red color revolution being led by Chatham Houses Amsterdam & Peroff with consistent support lent by other corporate members including the Economist, the Telegraph and the BBC. In one case, the Telegraph printed, Thai protests analysis by Dr Gareth Price and Rosheen Kabraji, within which Price and Kabraji make a shameless attempt at defending the Western-backed, Maoist themed, violent protests. While the Telegraph mentioned that Price and Kabraji were both analysts for the Chatham House, they failed to tell readers that the Telegraph itself retains a corporate membership within the Chatham House as dose the Thai protest leaders lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam and his Amsterdam & Peroff lobbying firm. Notable Chatham House Major Corporate Members: Amsterdam & Peroff BBC Bloomberg Coca-Cola Great Britain Economist GlaxoSmithKline Goldman Sachs International HSBC Holdings plc Lockheed Martin UK Merck & Co Inc Mitsubishi Corporation Morgan Stanley Royal Bank of Scotland Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd Standard Bank London Limited Standard Chartered Bank Tesco Thomson Reuter United States of America Embassy Vodafone Group Notable Chatham House Standard Corporate Members: Amnesty International BASF Boeing UK

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

CBS News Daily Mail and General Trust plc De Beers Group Services UK Ltd G3 Good Governance Group Google Guardian Hess Ltd Lloyds of London McGraw-Hill Companies Prudential plc Telegraph Media Group Times Newspapers Ltd World Bank Group Notable Chatham House Corporate Partners: British Petroleum Chevron Ltd Deutsche Bank Exxon Mobil Corporation Royal Dutch Shell Statoil Toshiba Corporation Total Holdings UK Ltd Unilever plc

These organizations represent the collective interests of the largest corporations on earth. They not only retain armies of policy wonks and researchers to articulate their agenda and form a consensus internally, but also use their massive accumulation of unwarranted influence in media, industry, and finance to manufacture a self-serving consensus internationally. To believe that this corporate-financier oligarchy would subject their agenda and fate to the whims of the voting masses is naive at best. They have painstakingly ensured that no matter whom gets into office, in whatever country, the guns, the oil, the wealth and the power keep flowing perpetually into their own hands. Nothing vindicates this poorly hidden reality better than a liberal Nobel Peace Prize wearing

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

president, dutifully towing forward a myriad of Neo-Con wars, while starting yet another war in Libya. Likewise, no matter how bloody your revolution is, if the above equation remains unchanged, and the corporate bottom lines left unscathed, nothing but the most superficial changes will have been made, and as is the case in Egypt with International Crisis Group stooge Mohamed ElBaradei worming his way into power, things may become substantially worse. The real revolution will commence when we identify the above equation as the true brokers of power and when we begin systematically removing our dependence on them, and their influence on us from our daily lives. The global corporate-financier oligarchy needs us, we do not need them, and independence from them is the key to our freedom. End of the Article 4. Overview with Conclusion. Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals.

So having picked some of the best examples on this information (and there are many, many more) we can now see it all fitting together. There is a section of hierarchical society (and we are not in it) that is evil and wants most of us culled and totally controlled and they are getting what they want! I for one do not want all of this evil to continue and we are the ones who can deal with these problems but as mentioned we must all begin to see it and have the courage to look and find out what is wrong they set about fixing it. We can put a stop to all of this but we first need to know about it. Once you take a look into these facts and fictions as we have briefly here, at the very least you can begin to accept there is more than just something to the information provided. I have looked much deeper into these issues a whole lot further than this, but for now I will have to move on to some of the connections to explain how all the information is linked. We need to see the information to establish a very brief opinion on the facts as they stand. I will attempt to make a good case for the evidence and what it is based on, to show how (in very brief form) the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

whole puzzle fits together. Presuming you that you are to accept the information provided you will have little choice in seeing how the whole structure of the medical System is not just designed to keep people ill and make mega money from our suffering but worse. Medi-Sin is a very lucrative and Luciferian web of corruption to keep the entire population dumbed down, chemically under a constant state of ill health from your initial birth to the required speeded up ending; in store for us all (if we are collectively going to keep allowing it to happen.) It will continue. Its that simple. It will be far worse than this also. Natural Holistic medicine however is the exact opposite, which is what they dont want you know about let alone understand the truth about the practice. The whole Big Phama thing is totally evil from the top down doctors are taught incorrectly while they are put into debt in order to pass their exams and in doing so trapped into following the exam (as the institutions have laid it out for them) exactly to plan. Perfect. Clever isnt it! Its designed this way. Again, we see an undercurrent of being tricked into doing the exact opposite (in actually harming health and the human race) instead of healing people, as individuals wanted to do when they chose their profession, initially. The doctors themselves (unbeknown to them for the most part) have been lied to in order to get them to employ this system for the purpose of controlling the whole human race in a false construct under the guise of helping the sick and infirm. Everyone one working in this industry (as in most other industries) has been fooled (conditioned) into thinking they are doing the right thing while all of the time the are helping in destroying others around them, all of our children and childrens children, in the bargain. All of the time we still hear the words its all for your own good! Well its NOT! Worse than this, is the fact that disease itself has been afflicted on the populous thru deliberate mass poisoning of the people and just as importantly our PLANET through all industries in general. When you take a closer look at this you will find pretty much all of our food supply is not just contaminated but poisoned in line with the MilitaryIndustrial-Complex-Banker-Zionist, Masonic, Vatican, Royals

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Luciferian Illuminati Plan for dominion and depopulation of the planet thru as many means as possible. I am only choosing some initial examples for the sake of getting the truth out to you rather than drilling down into all of the deeper issues, which lie behind this dark ( The Great Work) agenda. I know there are sceptics out there but my research has shown me this prison planet we are on right now includes trapping our SOULS down here as well as I stated before. How much is yours and your childrens worth fighting for? It has taken thousands of years to build this construct and I honestly believe we can take it down in weeks or sooner if we are AWAKENED on mass and ACT accordingly! For this to happen we have to spread this information quickly! WE are however nearly totally out of time (so to speak.) Over and above this we are not overpopulated at all but have all been conditioned to think we are. Its just not true at all. The truth is in the agenda again, the way the world is run, (and by whom) is the problem as we could produce far more food than we need if you look into the subject and compare the landmass versus the populous. A further example of depopulation is famine. The queen and her minions are architects of warring tribes who do her bidding and keep the guns, drugs and funding pouring in so that the Country never develops into a peaceful place. Its all the same kind of plan but just done in slightly different ways. It is the roll out of the plan and its very nearly completed. The way the world is run is the problem and by whom not its just the way the world just is. We need to get to grips with all of this information and fix it ourselves not sit around complaining and waiting to be saved by anyone or anything for that matter. Its up to us if we want to live in a heavenly world with freedom and the technologies I mentioned or a totalitarian prison planet and suffer. The eye of the pyramid is also showing you how to SEE! If you will allow yourself to see it, you can then understand it, then change it, if you wont, you cant as I have said again and again. I hope I have got some of the main information to you so you can do your own research and learn the truth as well as the depth of these crimes against us all. Again, we will have to be quick to get the information out as shortly even telling the truth let alone getting hold of

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

the healthy vitamins, minerals and alike will be ILLIGAL, for good! Hell it probably is already! Soon find out! If anything happens to me you will know about it! Again, when you actually look into all of our other Systems you will find they are all following the same corrupt models. The word System means Sewer and it is not a mistake but totally designed this way. (Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed) & (WAR AND PROFITS CORPORATION MILITARY SYSTEM CORRUPT BANKS LIBYA REVOLUTION) When we can now see what I have laid out here then we have to pay some attention to the other systems we have like, political, monetary, financial, education, institutional, healthcare systems for every area of life as they are all based on the same rotten corrupted models. Once you do this you will also begin to see the associated linked words like in the case of the political system is where poly-tics (Poly being multiple and Ticks being lies and blood suckers) is de-bated Lies, Lies, Lies everywhere. You have my deepest apologies if you are offended by this information but it is in all our REAL best interests we all begin to address the whole mess and quick. (The times they are a changin) Tel-Lie-Vision is the greatest hypnotist in the world and we all bought into it for the most part. We have to forgive ourselves for this and address it now. It is not just their fault either we are responsible as well and there are many more factors than this yet to consider such as the fact if we are really going to make it we must also forgive those who perpetrated this as they have given us the greatest lesson in the history of the Human Race. If we allow ourselves to be tricked its our own fault. That being the case we will never ever stand a chance out there on other planets with the other races. Without this lesson we would be or are going to do more damage than good and you can add to the fact it will happen again. We all have to be more discerning from now on and look at ourselves before we try to judge others. There is more detailed information on the Owners of these Institutions and their links to Big Pharmaceutical Companies later. Please, also be sure to turn off your Tell-Lie-Vision (double meaning is also Tell LieVia- Zion) and begin your true education for yourselves and for all of our collective childrens futures.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

(Slow Kill Holocaust: Proof the Government is Killing You) (New World Order Directly AHEAD) (Open YOUR MIND!) (Welcome to the Matrix) 5. Suggested Additional Research Resources. Health, Holistic Medicine and Pharmaceuticals

Cancer treatment

ORAL and GENERAL HEALTH Phillip Day Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Death by Medicine Mercola (Gary Null)

Colds and Flu Hydrogen peroxide:

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Heart Attack Cayenne pepper:

Nibiru planet X has it already come and gone ?

SCENAR and Energy Medicine technologies

VACCINATIONS Gary Null Part1 Part 2 Part 3

Vaccines - Dr Andrew Wakefield, in depth Interviews Alex Jones show, part 1 of 3 January 2011 Alex Jones show, part 2 of 3 January 2011 Alex Jones show, part 3 of 3 January 2011 Dr. Mercola, part 1 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 2 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 3 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 4 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 5 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 6 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 7 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 8 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 9 of 10 April 2010 Dr. Mercola, part 10 of 10 April 2010

Vaccine Nation Documentary Gary Null C5EE200C207&index=0&playnext=1

Deadly vaccines Garth Nicholson - microbiologist ASUPM

Childrens Flu vaccines actually weaken their immune system:


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Lets now force kids to have vaccinations coming to a place near you

Codex and suppressed Health Science Robert Verkerk, Phillip Day

No 1 For Your Health = NO TV! view&id=17&Itemid=57 Cancer Cure - 7 Must Seen Documentaries

More Links to REAL Solutions for cancer and other Dis-eases

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures (2010) res+2010

*Scottish Doctor, John Beard had a Cure for Cancer 100 Years Ago.*

**The GERSON therapy**

*Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma*

*_The Hoxey Cure_*

*_Enzymes cure cancer......lack of them is the cause_* 5750C2A9649D...

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

*_Essiac Tea_* *B17* was a cancer treatment, and was banned 30 years ago, why did scientists 'rediscover it' by accident a few years ago whilst the FDA in the USA was raiding healthfood stores & ceasing apricot seeds being sold as a cure ! *check BBC NEWS stories !* 3463.stm featur... this clinic cured the son of Max factor (famous make up artist to Hollywood) and many many more.... *_World Without Cancer (old documentary, but essential)_* nce+and+... nce+and+... *The Science & Politics of cancer [2005](Follow up explaining politics and what's new regarding apricot kernels and B17)* *FOOD IS MEDICINE (amazing speaker who beat cancer just eating the right foods !!!!)* *_Vitamin B17 and Apricot kernels cancer treatment_* Download free ebooks: What is Cancer ? Dr. Tullio Simoncini and his treatment of cancer as a fungus *The Creation of the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment* *U.S. Medical Schools, Drug Makers Share Strong Ties* *In U.S., science is distorted to promote political and corporate agendas * The "Race for the Cure" scam exposed: The cancer industry's guilt-powered shakedown of a gullible public* Jim Marrs-Rule by Secrecy ...Fritz Springmeier-The Watchtower and the Masons ... William Jasper-Global tyrrany Antony Sutton-Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler ... Edmond Paris-The Secret History of the Jesuits ... John Daniel-Scarlet and the Beast ... David LivingstoneTerrorism and illuminati David Allen Rivera-Final Warning: A History of the New World Order Epperson-The unseen hand

Jim Shaw-The Deadly Deception Robert Greene-The 48 laws of power Walter Lippmann-Public Opinion ...

William Josiah Sutton-Illuminati 666 Chaz M Higgins-Horrors of Vaccination Exposed 1920 A. H. M Ramsay-The Nemeless War Bernard Lazare-Antisemitism - It's History and Causes

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family H G Wells-The Invisible Man ... John Daniel2 Faces Freemasonry W L Willkie-One World Dr. John Coleman-Conspirators Hierarchy:The story of the Committee of 300 Jerry Staton-Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide

Carroll Quigley-The Anglo-American Establishment ... Chronological History:The New World Order ... The Hidden Gears of Freemasonry ... The History of Freemasonry Freemasonry Exposed AMAZING VIDEOS AND KNOWLEDGE SITES TO WAKE PEOPLE UP dded#at=3068

George CARLING Comedy as truth

Vaccines Anthrax American Military


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family Diliberate attemps to control children via Education NWO style


Subject of Chapter.

The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

In balancing with the title I will start this section with some of the tools of the police state itself and redress the balance of an alternative point of view (with the statement they have come up with for us as to why we have security in place at this time) This town is protected by CCTV cameras for your safety and security. So on the face of this let us take a trip into this topic and see what comes up. There are many different aspects to all of this so we will have to look at most of these one by one but we had been told it is all for our own good. Remember hearing that before? What about the Police themselves do they know we are all collectively heading? The hell on earth for their children and them to come! If they opened their eyes to see where we are headed do you think they will help us all? I truly hope to GOD they will after reading this, as long as (the awoken ones) people can educate them as to why and how, they are being used! Same goes with our Lower ranking Soldiers at least and armed forces will all take the time to go thru this short but incredibly detailed Ebook. Im asking you all for as much support and help as you can provide to set about freeing your race US ALL. Stop dying and killing for slavery and the wrong cause and understand you dont have to be a human sacrifice to the Luciferian Banksters!


Official Line of Subject.

The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

In order to see the true nature of the System we must also take a look into some of the aspects of Law itself. What defines Law and where dose this aspect fit into the bigger picture of the Construct or Grid. We would mostly agree on the basis we need some aspects of Law and order

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

as do I but we will have to look deeper as this is also important in order to understand (stand-under) law itself. So the question is what is it and why do we need it? Which is an aspect in Law itself? Where did the Law come from and who says its the Law? Ok Im going to keep this short and finish here as there is so much to work through. As for the police themselves, who are they, what is their function and do we really understand just what is happening to us all under the enforcement of Law and order today? Do they understand just what they are a part of and how it all fits together? We will look into this aspect also as well as who is giving the orders in this chain of command. I would say the police should be doing a responsible job and should be there to support the local communities and stand up for the people in them but are they? Is there any influence inside the Police and Law itself? Well lets see.


Research Overview on Subject.

The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

Ok, lets look into some of the aspects of the prison walls and how they are connected to the overall structure of the construct. In order to control the masses you will need some implements to help you oversee this so we can start here with CCTV in general. What we will demonstrate is that we are again being set up into a permanent surveillance police state controlled observation system designed to control us and observe us every step (Red Ice Radio - Part 1 - Charles Farrier - No CCTV Campaign Against Big Brother Camera Surveillance) Again, you have to listen to all the information in order to understand it properly. So for a single example in a nut shell Lets look at a video made by Alex Jones. (Police State 4: The Rise of Fema) This will give you a basic but clear understanding of what this means and how it is being implemented and as I continue to point out what is the reason behind it and how the spiders web fits together. Moving on to the next tool in this box and Lets look at R.F.I.D. (Radio Frequency Identification) as on the face of it this little tool is put across as a harmless tagging system for tracking products through the point of sale as in the case of a product albeit a packet of Gillette Razor blades or

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

the US military for tracking army supplies as in this example. (How R.F.I.D. Works) This subject is truly huge and we can take a little look into it but it would require a book in itself but I can point to a good documentary. (Suspect Nation Documentary) I hope this gives you a good idea of the magnitude of this situation we are now faced with on this issue. Lets just go into some of the other places where they pla n to integrate RFID Credit, ID, Driving licenses all can be fitted with these easily (RFID Credit Card Chip Extracted for your viewing pleasure) obviously the implant able chip (is where we are all heading.) (FDA Approved Veri Chip Implants) No really! (Elite Private Banking Monetary Replacement Plan) They are even putting chips in food! (Edible Food Microchips Inserted into Food!) Ok I rest my case. The point is they plan to control every single thing you do, where you can go, how and not forgetting if you have the correct permission/s to do any of this at all, even if you (as named and tagged from your birth certificate) even eat at all. We have covered what it is you will be eating. Let me point out something to you for a moment. Lets say I cant buy, travel, steal, or indeed have any other way of getting some food for my family one day (as my chip is turned off for some reason.) You give me some food (which is already being outlawed in the states by the way) for my family. One of my children happens to walk past a RFID sniffer (signal detector) and the sensor picks up the chip in the food they ate (that you gave to me for my little one.) The chip in the food tracked the unique ID code and processed through the mainframe computer (CHRISTOS) determined your chip bought that food earlier that day at the local store. You would now be guilty of breaking the LAW (which is only a statute not really a Law) and now be restricted to your own purchasing power as well! Can you See where Im going with this? This is the main goal of total control! (Mark of the Beast chip) So let move on to the next tool in the box. So when we are in a position where there are cameras watching everything you are doing (Federally funded street lights) they will have the networks in place then they plan to implement all of the other face scanning and recognition systems into to the massive control system

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

called CHRISTOS or The Beast! The Mark of the Beast is the RFID CHIP. Bush made an announcement on the 6th day of the 06th month 2006 (On 6-6-6: Bush Announces Mark of the Best System) and (NWO Computer IS the mark of the beast) <This is put here as it is the title, of the clip! The CHIP is the mark but it will work with the CHRISOS system!> (NWO computer is the mark of the beast) I hope you can see this now with the implementation of the electronic currency which will be allocated onto your RFID Identification card (will be compulsory) and RFID sniffing chips many of which are in place already. For more detailed information on some of these issues check this site for example. (Royston's ANPR - "Ring Of Steel" - The Shape of Things to Come) This all has aspects that are real but we still need to see between the lines with ALL of the information I provide here, people. It has all been laid out in the Bible BUT its a Plan and Not, a religious text! Moreover, as a PLAN it can be stopped but if you think it cant, Because, ITS IN THE BIBLE, you wont think you are able to change it, so you wont try! Its another Illuminate, Vatican, Religious TRICK! More later So Im hoping you can imagine what kind of restrictions we will be placed into as I am going to fill in some more of the blanks for you as follows. Link all of the above together then add further details on GPS monitoring systems, mobile phone monitoring systems, number plate recognition and biometric ID face scanning software that will be used on all access control systems CCTV! All linked with the (incredibly advanced) supercomputer/s constantly analysing every piece of equipment together and you are now running a pretty tight ship. If you fail to comply with ANY regulation, piece of legislation, or requirement (all dictated through Brussels or whoever else) you will be apprehended and tracked as well as forced to comply. Weather you give your permission or not (NO Options) they will track you on the other ways like the RFID in your Vaccine for just one example. ( Microchip Implants Ready To Be Used With Swine Flu Vaccines - The Chip Is Located In The Tip Of The Needle) Once you pass any camera or other identification sensor and the computer says you are not in compliance of Anything in any way it will be game over as you will be apprehended. In the USA you might well be going here. (Fema Camp Coffins Investigated) You should also be aware if you are a god fearing

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Christian they have already got the plans passed for you in particular. Its brought to you directly from the Zionist, Off World Elites! (A Poisoned World - Pt 64 - US Guillotines & Noahide Laws) All of the documentation and rights you have applied for from birth certificate to driving licence, passport and all other applications you have made actually tricked you into giving your real rights away! John Harris initially woke me to the truth on this one. (John Harris - It's an Illusion 1/5) The point to this talk is that you will see we have to apply for everything from the driving license to the passport. My point is we choose to apply; therefore we complied with the beast system. Without this complicit agreement you cannot give up your inherent rights (those you were born with under GOD) as a sentient being. You/we were born with free will if you choose to give it up via trickery or ignorance you still loose those rights as you accepted the offer! This is how it has been done. If we dont stand up for our true rights they deem it that we DO NOT deserve them and duly, this is WHY we will loose them. This is the point here! <We go into this later in much more detail.> ( There are details on here as to how we can Claim back our world, our Sovereignty and Dominion I would suggest you come back to this (after finishing this book) and study these while we still have a chance. We do, which is why they are clamping down on all communication, as well as the internet as they wish. We HAVE TO Wake UP to the truth here guys! We CAN do it but it has to be TOGETHER as we really are all one. United we stand, divided we fall. This is just the beginning! I dare you to go to a local tip or recycling centre and take a look around it. You will see CCTV at every corner with an inward (for a good reason) security fence all around it. RFID sniffers Why do you think this is? It is to ensure you cannot get hold of anything you could use for any reason, without going through the official channels or RFID rules. Shortly we will find we are bein g penned into detention centres, in more ways than you can think of unless we Wake Up. We will all be forced to accept the Mark or we will not be able to live in the end and yes this is the plan as I have now clearly stated. Do you think the Germans expected to pay a wheelbarrow full of Dutch marks for a loaf of bread? Exactly, neither will you until its in

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

your face loud and clear. I wish I was joking but ill try to help you see anyway. Please bear in mind my comments about religion. The bible (As Above So Below Part 1) is an incredible book and one part of the NWO Global Takeover Plan which they are implementing together with all the other religions, acting as blueprints behind the scenes. Accordingly without the Chip they cannot enforce the kind of world I am putting down her EITHER! We are being conditioned at every step of the way to give in to all of their requirements or else! Again, they are telling you what is in store before they implement it but also telling you that you MUST comply. It is our fault we are letting them do it to us all because we allow it to happen. (The Tiny DOT) We, the great THRONG are the ones with all the power so we have to use it otherwise we are toast. How do you think they conduct Luciferian Satanic Majik? With sacrifices of course! It has happened many times before in our chequered history take a look for yourself if you can handle it and dont if you cant. ( Truth is Truth. Wars are these sacrifices! Im not going to go off on one here but this is the way I see that it really IS! Never mind religions we are under attack from the Tiny Dot! This is all that it really is! Look. (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain) For a second example (A Bug's Life - A metaphor for America) & (a Bug's Life - Then they all might stand up to us) Getting the picture I hope. The only thing standing in our way collectively is our own disbelief in ourselves, when really, WE ARE LEGION not the tiny dot. In order for us to take the control back we have to recognise who WE are first, collectively. (Oneness - We are all ONE) All of the information is right in front of our eyes if only we chose to See it and its right in front of us all (Corporate symbols everywhere) and its everywhere! From on money to the AOL Illuminati Eye! and its always been there! There is a reason for everything. We really are like sheep in the field until we get it! Then the true lions can come out in us if we allow ourselves to loose the fear! What would happen if the sheep (loads of them turned on the dog.) Maybe a few sheep got bit but the flock would win due to sheer number. Okay lets get back to it. If I create something, my very existence has gone into creating this thing. Therefore because I decided to create it,

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

in turn the thing now exists. If I chose not to create it, it would not exist. So, we are created and are inherently a part of that creation by the fact we are here now existing together as having been created and in turn, adding to what was initially, created. Thus we are an inherent part of that original creation and no matter how we would wish to try to deny it we cant as it is the undeniable truth. This is the very reason we have had to go through such pains in the past as we continue to deny reality in favour of this or that religion never looking the truth in the EYE for what it is, in Fact. If we decide something is a Conspiracy then we have been in fact trained not to look at it and this is the nature of the problem. We are creators so Lets begin to CREATE OUR NEW WORLD ORDER! The following article explains a few good examples.

Article mentioned: _Open.html?currentSplittedPage=1

11 Occult Secrets Now In the Open

By Zen Gardner Power is derived in many ways. One of them is through ignorance. Deprive people of enough empowering truths while giving the illusion of an essential central control system and you'll have the masses in your back pocket. But we're on to them, and the Word is spreading fast. And Truth is powerful in many dimensions, many beyond the reach of would-be controllers. That's empowering.

The Playing Field

Earth is apparently a proving ground. It's not static for any level of existence, never mind the human experience. We seem to be set here to make choices, learn lessons and come to realizations that appear to have a collective impact on existence. Interpreting the world around us, each other, our roots, how to deal with the present and sculpting our future seems to be our pastime. It's a world of puzzles needing solutions, needs

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

to be met, hungers to be filled, and answers to be gotten. Or is it? Perhaps that is an illusory interpretation based on immediate needs and concerns, when universal solutions are attainable by an infinite consciousness available within our species that would get us off the merry-go-round of constant, nagging distractions and transcend our very concept of reality. Could it be that simple? They don't call me Zen for nothing'....;

Know the Truth, Know the Usurpers

Like they say at a ball game, "You can't tell the players without a program". Just so, you won't know what's really happening in the world we live in without knowing the occult (hidden) agenda and its controlling minions. We don't have to know every detail, but when you have enough dots or pixels identified and in place the picture starts to take a very clear shape. But to be honest, that usually only happens after an individual comes to a "rude awakening" of sorts when they find out the world as they have been told is virtually a complete lie. Then they start connecting. But it eventually happens. This to me has been the most profound contribution of what's become known as the alternative community. The mainstream line in almost every case is manipulated, deliberate disinformation to keep the illusory smokescreen appearing real while the bandits make away with the booty. We're here to expose, dispel and replace that with loving Truth.

The Research Community

Researchers of hidden truths are an unlikely lot. The prolific works of Charles Fort and Manly P. Hall and others have paved an amazing path for later researchers and modern prophets to follow. From the likes of pioneer Jordan Maxwell and then William Cooper, David Icke, Jim Marrs, and bold souls like Henry Makow, Alan Watt and Michael Tsarion. And there are younger guns, which have done amazing work like Wes Penre, Ken Adachi, Vigilant Citizen, Freeman and a host of others, sincere driven truth excavators are chipping away at the illusion and revealing the esoteric.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Powerhouse information disseminators like Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero and whistle-blower sites like Project Camelot and so many others have tirelessly worked for years getting an honest and truthful perspective out, as have up and coming youthful, passionate sites like activist post and intel hub and many, many others. There's too many to name but I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks and admiration to all the sincere searchers and information sharers who have empowered so many and had such a profound effect on millions of individuals and therefore society. My life has been eternally changed, as have many others. I hope to pass the favour on, if in no other way than to get people thinking and digging and to continue "just wondering" at the wonder of it all.

What's Really "Alternative"?

It's always struck me as odd that natural health and wellness treatments and techniques that have been practiced for centuries are now called "alternative" therapies, while very recently developed synthetic medicine, drug dependence and invasive surgical approaches are considered the norm. This shifting, relativistic and continually revised "standard" applies to every sphere of society. It's like Fukushima. -How do you make the world safe from drastic rises in global radiation? Raise the acceptable danger levels....easy. Dose history have some revealing, uncomfortable truths that current and later generations may use to expose autocratic, non-benevolent leadership tendencies? Change it. The history, that is. Move or remove the goalposts. -Are science and spirituality converging and revealing the amazing power of the human spirit and the redundancy and irrelevance of hierarchical authority? Compartmentalize and quell it...for as long as you can. Certainly you can't run an effective "hive" if the bees think they don't need a queen and master drones. This is their M.O. And the seeming total fascist takeover of the earth sometimes seems inevitable. But fear not. This is a phase the ancients and seers knew was coming. We will soon experience a "reset" the likes of which our planet has only seen

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on much smaller scales. (Apparently this may all be cyclical and all part of the process, so you can rest in that if you'd like.)

The Reality of Unshakeable Truth

The Word is out. It rolls like a spilled handful of living, runaway coins into every corner of existence. Thanks to the efforts of those compelled by the very living Truths they've discovered, the world has heard a crescendo of enlightening information that continues to reverberate at an increasing speed.

The List
So let's take a look at some of these enlightening truths that are running full steam via well researched books, the internet, email lists, meet ups, conferences, and are a growing part of the daily lexicon of our evolving, better informed society.

Introduction - We Fight Together

Remember, these are NOT doctrines or required beliefs at all. None of these points have to make sense to you. In fact some of these may offend and affront your sensibilities or logic processes. That's not the point. These are areas of research and awakening that are very real to many people and have validity for that reason. It's up to each of us to keep learning, and to most of all work together toward a global awakening of the fundamental needs for access to truth and known facts, to freedom, to encouragement, to love, life and freedom from oppression.

#1. The Shift.

This term is bandied about somewhat flippantly at times, but that dosen't bother me. The concept that humanity is undergoing a fundamental shift in perception, a paradigm shift, has become almost mainstream news. It's mentioned in passing in mocking tones, but it's referred to reverently and repeatedly on talk radio and on alternative sites repeatedly. Look for it. It'll surprise you how far it's travelled. And it's profound. The dimensional aspect of the shift is huge. Many esoteric groups and individuals believe we are entering a literal vibrational shift over this

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next period of time. Not necessarily at any one specific time, but over a period of time while the earth simultaneously passes through a phenomenon called the galactic alignment while also experiencing a bombardment from the photon belt and extreme solar activity and other prophetic fulfilments. Things are definitely changing, that we know. A golden age is predicted by the more esoterically inclined, with vibrational changes altering our very being. Let's just hope so. But at the least, don't discount it. As the song goes, "Something's happening here, what it is isnt exactly clear." Any way you look at it, we're in for changes.

#2. 2012 and Earth Changes

This accompanies the shift concept, as our planet is clearly going through major changes. That this Mayan prophecy is so predominant in the news speaks volumes. We're a race attuned to prophecy, to the stars, and to the planets. We know alignments mean something; we look for signs. It's human, spiritual nature to do so. 2012 awareness is so prevalent it's almost overwhelming. Ask anyone. Great hype, great story. So what's real? The possible arrival of Niburu in the likes of Elenin or a dwarf star is screaming across the internet. Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, the Bible, the Mayans and Hopi: we cannot help but be aware of their influences. Even TV shows won't let it go. The word is out there, even if some are trying to use it to manipulate, as is usually the case.

#3. The Illuminati and Our Occult-Based World

Who are these enigmatic "Illuminati"? It dosen't matter. We know something's up. Hard to believe the elite leadership of the world, from banking magnates to corporate controllers, are members of secret societies and practice

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occult rituals? Is it? Not if you're informed and pay attention. I'm not just talking about the Bilderbergers, CFR, Bohemian Club and the array of semi-public committees and think tanks you deliberately see in the news. I mean the dark stuff, the Balmoral Castle-type child sacrifices by European royalty and visiting elites; the invocation of Luciferian agents via dark magick rituals; the secret child abuse rings surrounding religious figures, power brokers and corporo-political leadership. Don't believe it? Here's my point. You've heard about it. And like the questions surrounding 9/11, it has you wondering. That's the message. And it's out.

#4. Freemasonry and the Corporate Minions

The common themes and symbols throughout the quickly consolidating corporate grip over planet earth are staggering. The rising sun, the allseeing eye of Horus, the assumed pyramid structure of society, repeated 6's and 666 messages, overt sexual symbolism with the phallus and arched vagina, the winged disk, pentagrams and hexagrams galore, etc. The theme is consistent. It's a fraternity; a brotherhood. Dan Brown has even popularized it (while attempting to trivialize it). Not enough? Freemasonry is intrinsically tied to the esoteric tendencies of those who seek to control the world we live in. It's a bastardized version of ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mystery school teachings, peppered with intertwining self-serving financial and control doctrines that these creeps seem to fancy. It's a farce. It's real but for now, learn about it so you can interpret their logos, symbolism, language and motives, but it's a shallow version of an imposed reality we won't have to endure much longer. The good news! It's been exposed. And they know it and aren't happy. Tough, boys. Word's out, thanks to brave researchers and reporters worldwide who aren't afraid to tell the Truth.


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#5. The Zionist Agenda

Here's a hot one even the most noble of Truth pursuers are sometimes afraid to touch. If you want to know where to look, go where they tell you NOT to go. Look for the biggest shout-downs, denials, accusations and piles of raging, flaming BS propaganda designed to scare anyone and everyone off. There you will find several gems. Amongst them: 9/11 questions, the truth behind the international banking cartel, and holocaust deniers and anti-Semitism. Zionism is something that's considered political and you're more or less allowed to talk about it. And 9/11 is actually tame compared to the other issues just named. However, that the Nazi "holocaust" was actually deliberately staged to set up the formation of Israel and a worldwide Zionist empire is so far beyond most people's possibility of belief it's almost psychotic in nature. For any group of people to be that evil, that manipulating, as to sacrifice millions of lives while financing both sides of wars in order to establish a personalized plan of world domination is beyond a natural human's capability of understanding. And this is how the plan advances. Well meaning, well intentioned humanity cannot conceive of such evil. Hence, the evil perpetrators' success. All they have to do is lie, cover-up, justify and bully, and they get their way. I have friends of the fundamental Christian persuasion who buck much of what I've come to know. My retort has been to point out how even the Bible talks about the wicked "kings of this world" and the "principalities and powers, the rulers of darkness of this world", but its water off a duck's back. Way too real and upstream. For some reason it just won't translate into reality for many. Even though I explain it's not the Jews, it's these overlords who are hiding behind, exploiting and sacrificing the Jews to this cause and using them for a front, it's to no avail. Just too much to overcome I guess.

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It's amazing. In the pursuit of truth you'd think there would be more "open minded" people. But there haven't been that many...until now. With the information available today and an apparent awakening being triggered, people have suddenly become much more willing to consider some pretty the mainstream point of view. Ways of thought and whole new approaches to understanding reality. As far as the Zionist parasites, the continued desolation of Palestine and the obvious ownership by Zionists of the US government erodes the collective consciousness daily. Word is out. That's what Truth dose. It's certainly nothing to fear.

#6. The Vatican Assassins

Another heavy. If you sincerely follow the history of the Jesuits and the Vatican council over the ages, it will reveal some disturbing information regarding the Jesuits, and those who've hid behind this phoney benevolence shield for centuries. While many have chosen this Jesuit aspect to be their "horse to ride", it's clearly but another spear of the invasion of our planet's control system. See Eric Jon Phelps' site for a full dose if you like: My advice: don't get hung up on it--see it as another aspect and part of a multi-pronged attack on humanity by dark forces hiding behind accepted, reinforced religious fronts. Watch for similarities and common threads, such as hierarchical control, religious intimidation and condemnation. Research it for yourself and see if it dosen't inspire 'questions"....

#7. Intervention Theory

This is another hot subject that continues to gain traction. According to Erich von Daniken, Zacharia Sitchen, Lloyd Pye, Michael Tellinger and many other researchers and authors, we are a derivative race, seeded by aliens. At first blush this may sound weird. After all, the Bible gives a whole different fable. Yes, fable. Read it again. it's obviously an allegory, although peppered with hidden truths, symbolism and astro-theology. Yet we're told to hold it as this day and age? Yeah, like all of 'em.

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Ancient Aliens on the History Channel has been amazing. Lately they're not just covering intervention by aliens, but hollow earth, UFOs from the old west era, details on the genetic engineering of humans, questions about the origins of the moon and much more. The Truth is getting out, and it's having an amazing effect, no matter who and why it's getting out, I might add. [Aside: I know part of the supposed agenda is to prepare us for a "coming alien invasion" with ancient discoveries of alien presence and the like, but let's just play along, shall we? These tools think we're morons...let's surprise them!] #8. The Religion Scam The Zeitgeist videos had a lot to do with this wake up. Of course they're based on the years of research of Jordan Maxwell they give no credit to, and then lead us into a techno-future I don't much care for. But they do a great job of summarizing the assumptive and false precepts of the various oppressive world religions and the fabricated world money system which is very enticing and liberating from false precepts. Religions have tremendous sway over the world populace. It's a sad state of affairs. But the wake up is clearly in effect and slowly dissolving the borders, prejudices and hardened mind sets that have been laid by the world social engineers for centuries to keep us disempowered and in darkness. The beauty of a religious wake up, a wake up from the religious paradigm is the zeal with which an awakened soul responds! Beware controllers. One man with the Truth is the force of millions! This of course is not to be confused with true spirituality. This can take many helpful forms and disciplines. n.html?currentSplittedPage=1

#9. The Mental Conditioning Machine

First, simple conditioning.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

We know the media are programming us with propaganda continually. Much of this is predictive programming, so that when an expected future arrives, the populace shares a resigned sigh of relief, even if it's bad news. This is creepy to the core. This includes a completely automated future if they have their way. While they try to make all this technocrap look cool, it's not. It's just plain cold and dehumanizing. All of us are also bombarded with images of a future apocalypse, disasters, the social collapse and the transhuman future of Man. Even the daily news, including alternative sites, warn of the same and can smother our consciousness in pain and resignation. So what? So you'll accept it more readily. It will "make sense". You won't be alone. It will be "part of the program". This goes for all the crass materialism and shallow behaviour pumped into everyone's skull. Why? It's conditioning. You won't reject it, fight it, renounce it, see it as anathema and contrary to your beliefs. You'll OWN it! Worse yet is outright mind control.

#10. Now...Outright Mind Control

Google Fritz Springmeyer and other mind control research sites before they are shut down and save the information. You'll need to look at this information several times, and the sites that courageously expound upon it. It's heart-rending and horrific, but I personally believe it to be a reality. Sick "scientists" have been producing mind-controlled subjects that are now wandering our planet in substantial numbers, many of them in plain sight just waiting to be triggered to be used for abuse, as sex slaves, rituals, assassins and otherwise.

#11. They're Afraid of Us!

I love this. This is empowering to the hilt. What many don't understand is that we have them on the run. For all their seeming power and military and scientific might, the shift is happening and they don't know what to do about it. They're a lesser model. Advanced in some technological ways, but WAY behind us spiritually, where the real power is.

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Chicken Shits Use Guns

Zbignew Brzezinski recently said the following, in a CFR moment of truth where he's trying to instruct his disciples of 'the plan' (which we're not supposed to notice..)..the "problem of the global awakening" and how "it's easier to kill a million people than to rule them"! I know, hard to believe. But it's true. Freaks run free here and now. Sick.

The Truth Goes Marching On!

These elements of Truth have come to light thanks to the enduring efforts of researchers and writers and written, audio and internet posters. Their efforts are not just in vain, but changing the world! Join us and respond to Truth. The empowerment you will experience is beyond comprehension as the wake up continues to transpire like the true dawn of a new day. I hope this has been empowering. Be encouraged, be blessed, and be active! Much love, Zen Be sure to see the powerful companion piece to this salute at End of Article Getting back from any of the religious aspects for now lets go into to the Control Grid. Thomas Shrridan looks into this from the prospective of the NWO control grid and how it all fits together even with the mentality of those (who are aware of what is going on and why who are very few by design.) (NWO Psychopathic Control Grid - Thomas Sheridan, red Ice) For a further look into this topic there is a great prospective this link is also worth investing the time to learn an alternate prospective. There is much additional information provided here with the addition of law and how it is all linked into the Construct and how they have set it all up to work together in unison.

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Next Mary Croft has studied this and explains in detail on the topic. We are both conditioned and tricked into all of these aspects of our perceptions on reality so are easily led into the traps they are laying out for us all to fall into by design. Although we are looking at a countries system but they are all based on the same models around the world in general. (NWO Deceptions Debt Slaves and Natural Law - Red Ice Mary Croft 1/11) Mary Croft takes us into a world of understanding some of the real issues built into this world and just how it fits with an in depth understanding as to how all of this came into play. Shell shocked I am sure but as previously there is much more yet. While we are on the subject of the conspiracy that we have been played right into lets look at the following article.

Article mentioned.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 A 21-Truth Salute to Activists and the Alternative Media: The Journey From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Strength to Love

Activist Post
with contributions from Zen Gardner Our media is mired in cynicism, regardless of the label of mainstream or alternative. Sadly, it is what seems to drive the news. People flock to the latest disaster, scenario of hopelessness, or individual story that proves things can get so much worse for us . . . personally. The media preys on our instinct of self-preservation, rather than promote this instinct as an example of what drives us toward self-empowerment. We'd like to present an overview of issues demonstrating that all is not lost. In fact, it is just the opposite. The powers-that-be have admitted that they are scrambling for purchase amid humanity's global awakening. This new knowledge has led to an increasing number of people being exposed to alternative information that questions the official version of events, and the underlying secret mechanisms of control.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

This worldwide wake-up call has led to a great many conspiracy theories becoming conspiracy facts. The only thing left for these agents of darkness to do now is spin the information that has been uncovered. Let's continue to keep in mind that if their overall intentions are as benevolent as they suggest, then why did it require investigation and research to dig them up as though the planet was one big crime scene? So, instead of self-defeatism and relinquishing our power voluntarily through apathy and cynicism, let's revel in our 21 key victories of truth over lies. There are many more omitted, and many more to come: Secret Societies: Once-secret societies denied by the mainstream media have had to be addressed due to courageous research and information sharing by alternative media. As a result, Skull and Bones made a 60 Minutes appearance, Bilderberg Group was finally covered by Time, and Bohemian Grove was the recent focus of a large outpouring of activist calls to major media. These secret societies were formally clandestine meeting grounds for world controllers to decide the fate of nations; now the light of awareness has been pointed in their direction and they are running for cover. The desire for secrecy forms the foundation for the overall campaign of deceit against the people of the world. Only by knowing who the controllers are can we continue to expose their divideand-conquer strategies. False Left-Right Political Paradigm: The fact that Democrats and Republicans are two heads on the body of the same vulture is now widely accepted across American society. Even those who choose to vote for one or the other have lost the illusion that it is a vote for anything other than the lesser of two evils. The whole political system is under intense criticism as it continues to operate without regard to the will of the American people. Even the current debt ceiling "crisis" theatre is not fooling anyone, as both parties are being excoriated for their failure to entertain real solutions. Congress' approval is at an all-time low, with just 6% of those polled rating their job as "good" or "excellent." Although Ron Paul is running as a Republican, his platform is based on exposing the inconsistencies of both parties, and his poll numbers are raising rapidly as a result. World Government (NWO): This was the granddaddy of all

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conspiracies shouted about for decades. Now, reference to a "new world order" can be found routinely across mainstream media, while globalists themselves write books called The New World Order. Just about all of their methods have been exposed by independent researchers who have looked into documents and books by the globalists that admit to plans involving staged revolutions, co-opting activists and youth movements, as well as a wide variety of political destablization programs. However, the implementation of this part of the agenda is being counterbalanced by a real revolution of understanding. The regionalization of economies such as the Eurozone, along with various free trade agreements were more than a subtle hint toward globalist intentions. They have managed to install a few of their puppets in destabilized countries, but the call for a return to sovereignty has begun to get louder as people awaken to life under such a regime. Global Private Banking Cartel: In the back pocket of the globalists is a de facto one world government based on a one world currency. But even here independent researchers such as G. Edward Griffin have long been discussing an engineered collapse of the world economy by private banking interests in order to gain even more control. Ron Paul Was another who accepted the "conspiracy theorist" label by suggesting that the Federal Reserve was not federal at all? As a result of these pioneers, the Fed recently admitted openly that its 12 banks are private. In fact, the Fed Reserve is one of the primary players in the push for global governance and currency. The entire scenario is being stagemanaged by a banking cartel that will only ramp up its looting under a global structure, just as they have done to each sovereign nation they have put under IMF and World Bank receivership. The results of such control are becoming obvious and the globe has been alerted to their schemes. Encouragingly, Britain is showing signs of throwing out corrupt bankers and their media apologists. Man-made Global Warming: Since the time that hacktivsts revealed what has come to be known as Climategate, it has become increasingly obvious that the science behind man-made global warming has been distorted. This attempted cover-up casts further doubt about the validity of the climate crusade and the proposed solutions to man-made global warming of the banking and globalist interests that have provably created other pyramid schemes to loot taxpayers. The proposed global carbon

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taxes associated will serve to enrich the very few who have already demonstrated little care about real environmental destruction such as GMOs and industrial pollution. The way that man-made global warming is being used is to "unite" the world against a common threat in order to justify global solutions. Agenda 21: A big part of the globalist agenda is the all-encompassing management of resources under the direction of the United Nations. The fascist model proposed by Agenda 21 under the guise of saving the environment has now been shot through from all angles. Each country is quite obviously taking a coordinated action of land grabbing, land use restrictions, and the bureaucratic regulation over all human activity. As the mainstream media is beginning to announce smart meters, U.N. green helmet peacekeepers and tattletale energy squads, people are waking up to the real meaning of environmentalism under Agenda 21, as independent researchers have been exposing in the alternative media. Big Brother: Once relegated to fiction, it has now been openly announced that all of the gadgets and technological conveniences that have been peddled to consumers are indeed for tracking your every move through a variety of built-in backdoor mechanisms. This electronic prison includes cell phones, the smart grid, computer applications, and the Internet itself. All data is collected, stored and filtered through by intelligence agencies within the electronic and virtual spectrum. Meanwhile, out in the real world, the presence of Big Brother has become undeniable, as surveillance cameras scan the streets of just about every modern country on the planet. The War on Terror has been the major justification for all of this. In America, the TSA, VIPR teams, and citizen spies represent the Orwellian Homeland Security Big Brother Grid of intimidation, surveillance, and brutality that "fringe" alternative media knew was coming due to the predictive programming in media by books such as Orwell's 1984. Black ops (even black helicopters): by economic Non-Western nations have known for a long time the tactics employed (and real) hit men. This has included state sponsored assassinations, clandestine operations to overthrow democratically elected governments, sheltering of war criminals, and more. With the arrival of the War on Terror, this apparatus of killing, torture, and deception has come out into the open in the apparent hope that it will be embraced as a necessary evil.

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When Leon Panetta recently announced that black ops would be a major part of foreign policy, he was announcing that no man, woman, or child is truly safe on any part of the globe. Perhaps it always has been this way, but the steady uncovering of the network of intelligence agencies and mercenary crimes could be leading to their forced openness. We generally owe this revealing to the most courageous of all activists: whistle-blowers; and, naturally, the governments have waged war on them. These are the people who confront the system from the inside at the greatest of personal risk. Through their articles, books, and speaking engagements they have helped to break through the naive mind-set that has been engineered through a steady dose of government propaganda. We'd better wake up quickly, because the black ops program and its mercenaries are apparently heading into cyberspace. War crimes: The establishment media of any country is loath to admit to war crimes. It is generally on-the-ground activists and independent journalists that have been most instrumental in revealing the atrocities which have occurred, and continue to occur in places such as Africa, Latin America, Gaza, and the six countries where the U.S. is currently engaged in widespread military activity. Drone attacks on civilians and depleted uranium that harms generations have been well documented and are leading people to question just how humanitarian these missions of democracy really are. As a consequence of these war crimes being revealed, protests have increased as the myth of imperialist democracy is beginning to shatter even within the nations responsible for such actions. We are now beginning to see the veil of false democracy lift, and the tyranny that lies beneath is showing its true face. 9/11 Truth: The mainstream media has been forced to tip-toe into the truth arena by at least acknowledging that Building 7 did exist and that its collapse makes no sense within the official version of events. The 10th anniversary this September will bring more people to this information as massive demonstrations are being planned, as well as new international hearings to be held in Toronto. Millions have now awoken to the concept of false flag terrorism. False Flag Terror: The War on Terror that began with a 9/11 false flag

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event has been the victim of blowback. The level of cover-up on 9/11, and the extraordinary amount of research that has gone into demolishing the official version, has woken up nearly the entire globe to the concept of government-run false flag terror. Sadly, U.S. history is replete with many other examples of lies that have led to war. Governments the world over have staged false flag events throughout history as a pretext to grab more power -- it is the historical rule, rather than the exception. The world is now awake enough to correctly presume that major terrorist events will be the work of intelligence agencies and government sponsorship, rather than lone nuts and loosely organized groups of "extremists." Governments are responsible for over 200 million deaths in the 20th century -- perhaps approaching 400 million when combat-related deaths in various wars, civil wars, and rebellions are added to this number -- the greatest mass murderer in human history. The mainstream media was recently forced to confront a false flag setup program when the ATF was caught red-handed supplying guns to Mexican gangs which they knew would be used to kill Americans as part of the wider War on Drugs. Even though the operation has been admitted to, the event is already being used by the Obama administration to intimidate gun dealers to report on buyers, outside the rule of law. Martial law in the U.S.: This is another area that until now has been primarily reserved for far-right conspiracy groups that seek to justify their building of militias, according to the mainstream media. Now it is undeniable, as martial law has been rolled out in various cities across America, such as Quartzsite, AZ. It will probably never be announced as such, but it is recognizable as the suspension of habeas corpus and posse comitatus, foreign troops on US soil, restriction of free speech, imposed curfews, arrests and convictions of Constitutional activities, and the militarization of police. Middle-class America might have deluded itself to think that police brutality was something heard about only in drug and crime infested inner cities -- or Third World dictatorships -- but any search of YouTube police brutality irrevocably alters that notion. The ongoing debt crisis in the U.S. has also generated discussion about possible economic martial law being declared. We saw this threat being levelled by Henry Paulson at the onset of the 2008 economic crisis. Alternative media trend forecaster, Gerald Celente, is already on the case to expose this as just another means of financially terrorizing the populace to adopt bankster austerity and a draconian open police state in America.

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However, despite these plans to turn our protectors against us, the terrific work of activist groups such as Oath Keepers, continue to encourage police and military to choose the side of liberty, which foreshadows the true resistance against tyranny. FEMA camps: Large containment facilities have been videotaped and conclusively documented by activists as well as high-profile people such as former governor Jesse Ventura in his now infamous police state episode. (pulled from air) Previous denial has turned to spin in a classic pattern of admission and redirection. These huge facilities are now admitted to, as well as large-scale disaster preparation drills for social chaos due to natural disaster or economic collapse, but they are asserted to be part of the normal course of sound preparation policies. The FEMA response from disasters such as Katrina and the BP Gulf Oil Spill have shown that FEMA is better prepared for roundup, detainment, and martial law, then it is for anything that could be called help. For additional information about the planned role for FEMA, see the list of FEMA executive orders. Mind control: This takes many forms and works best through subliminal techniques such as predictive programming. However, mainstream media has been particularly open in discussing the mission of Big Pharma to literally control people's minds through drugs -- even suggesting that the anti-psychotic, Lithium, be added to the water supply to make people docile. Another example of direct mind control research comes from a DARPA admission that the military has announced that it is researching transcranial ultrasonic mind control in soldiers' helmets. We're definitely not in Kansas anymore and, yet, the concept of drugging and military mind control have been discussed in the alternative media for decades. Weather Modification: Globalists have overplayed climate change by admitting to atmospheric geo-engineering (aka Chemtrails) and weather modification programs. The alternative media has been instrumental in warning the public about overlooked documents such as a white paper submitted to the Air Force in 1996 titled, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (PDF). Elite think-tanks have openly published their gatherings about the structure of governing such an initiative. The great work of so many researchers who took the label of tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists has lately been brought into the

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mainstream by the film What in the World are They Spraying? which presents the mounting evidence that these previously secret weather modification programs are indeed something to be very concerned about. GMO Dangers: The full spectrum dangers of GM food continues to be exposed by researchers, activists, and honest science. Additionally, the horrendous deceptions and abuses conducted by the corporations like Monsanto have been thoroughly documented, leading to a mass awakening to the games and cover-ups being played in this arena. GM crops and pesticides are also being revealed as something straight out of a science fiction nightmare with the arrival of super weeds. The tampering with our food supply is one of the most irresponsible and unforgivable betrayals by science. The good news is that there is a global wave of consumer activism that has resulted in many recent victories toward at least providing accurate labelling of products. Meanwhile, in many countries, outright sabotage of GM crops has been the result of the on-going environmental pollution and destruction of family farms and businesses. Fluoride Dangers: Amazing research and activism has been conducted by Dr. Paul Connett in making a sound case against Fluoride. It is now becoming widely known that sodium fluoride was used by the Nazis to sterilize inmates and make them docile; it has no place being in the water supply. Furthermore, increasing evidence points to the fact that this was done knowingly, putting many millions of people at risk of adverse health effects. This movement against fluoride has led to a spreading crusade against water fluoridation in communities across the world, resulting in the successful removal in many cases. A recent study revealed that fluoride can damage the brain and should be avoided by children. The danger to children has increased the opposition to this toxin and is one of the imminent victories for health freedom. Vaccine Dangers: Despite the worldwide campaign for compulsory vaccination (sometimes at gunpoint or delivered by GM Mosquitoes) conducted by partners of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the dangers of vaccines have hit the mainstream. This is another area that was once relegated only to religious opposition, or those thought to be the member of a cult to deny the efficacy of vaccines. The swine flu vaccine links to Guillain-Barre Syndrome, as well as the Gardasil debacle have entered the mainstream, forcing them to address

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the on-going cover-up by vaccine makers. The majority of people are now being exposed to the propaganda and faulty science behind the cocktail of vaccines delivered to children. Vaccine deaths of military personnel in the Gulf War are now common knowledge after being exposed by alternative media, calling into question continued military vaccination programs even as the corporate media has been forced to address mounting evidence. Health vs. Wealth: As the world awakens to the multitude of food and water toxins, there is also a simultaneous awakening to the realization that the above major examples were not mistakes -- lives were put at risk purely for profit, at best. It is now out in the open that the regulatory agencies themselves are in the back pockets of corporations and have zero concern for public health. Fluoride dangers, vaccine dangers, GMO's and the dangers of Big Pharma -- not to mention the dangers of electromagnetic and industrial pollution -- have been hidden from the public for decades. The independent media, as well as informed activists, have made incredible strides that have cost this system countless billions of dollars. In addition to exposing their money-making schemes, there is a push toward exposing the vast death they have collectively caused as part of an unthinkable greater agenda: eugenics. Eugenics: The plan for de-population has until recently been the ultimate unbelievable conspiracy for the average person to grasp. However, it is now being openly discussed under the guise of overpopulation, climate change, and "death panel" healthcare rationing. The back story to this has been covered by the alternative media courageous enough to read the white papers and the books of the globalists themselves. It is clear that their endgame is a world with a trans humanist agenda that includes a severe reduction of the global population. All of this death, destruction and genetic tampering is now being prepared to merge with the surveillance-military-industrial complex into one big global prison camp. Humanity has awakened to this and is now prepared to face the full magnitude of its condition. Clones, human/animal hybrids, and genetic engineering: A casual announcement in The Daily Mail confirms what has been investigated by "kooky conspiracy theorists" who have warned of a Planet of Dr. Moreau scenario where mad science conducts experiments on creatures great and small. This announcement merely scratches the surface as this video

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demonstrates. Scientific elite is now coming out in the open to announce their endgame. This cracking and misuse of our genetic code is guaranteed to lead to many aberrations. They even have admitted to the crazy conspiracy theory of Super Soldiers (PDF) through military DNA collection. This attempt to identify "the perfect soldier" is a hallmark of a modern Hitlerian initiative brought to us by scientists at the JASON group, which has been featured in conspiracy-based novels. Activists are well aware of this part of the endgame and have exposed the secret DNA collection that already has been sold to the medical community, as well as current DNA collection ruses as proposed by DHS at airports, the unconstituently checkpoint system, and for anyone arrested. Independent media continues to expose these warped initiatives. We are clearly at a major crossroads between the awakening of humanity and those who desire to limit its freedom of choice and expression. A large part of our current predicament is rooted in intellectual apathy and self-censorship. We must have the courage to ask controversial questions and explore some of the other conspiracy theories of today that could become the conspiracy facts of tomorrow. For a courageous look at the edges of exposure and revealing, please read the companion article 11 Occult Truths Now in the Open penned by Zen Gardner at Before It's News. End of Article So now lets take a short look into the chain of command from the top to the great unwashed or so called sheeple whom are dictated to by the true puppet masters at the top of the pyramid passing their orders down the line. (Alex Jones: The real Pyramid of Power) Alex stops short (as usual) of getting to the true top of the control grid. (US Government: There are 38 levels above top secret! UFO) Bet you never though this was the case until you saw this but guess what, theres more on this later. In this book we will not get to the very top directly but I ask you how many degrees are there in a full circle? 360! I rest my case for now. Why else would they call these levels degrees? As always there is much more to this but this is a good start to

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understanding the problems we are facing here from the grass roots up. Here is an example most of us will not be in a position to follow but it sets an example whereby we need to reflect on if we are to be honest with ourselves. (Ungrip - Full Legnth) Its a construct pure and simple. The worst bit is we are responsible for our own potential enslavement at the moment. (Chain of Obedience) Im talking to you police, judges, and authority of any kind. If you think you are a good person I suggest you start acting like one very quickly before we all fall. Act in your capacity and stand up for the future of your children and ours not the blackmailing secret societies you are also part of . Please let us turn this monster around now and without faltering. Give up your egos and join the common family of man whom you were born into. We know about the blackmail and what some of you have done but also why. If you come forward it will be taken into consideration when the masses also understand what you have been involved in (which is going to be very quickly.) Make your peace before you meet both the masses or your maker! (Tony Kilvert (Part 1) 1 of 3.mp4) & (Way Home or Face the Fire) Ask yourself what those souls who went before you would think of you deep down in your soul and be very aware that we are all one. No matter how much you will fight this it will tear you apart the harder you fight as it is forever imprinted in your consciousness what ever your deeds. If it is your consciousnesss it is in that of ALL of us. There is NO escaping it as we are all one. You Illuminate, Freemason, Vatican, C of E, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or whatever your preference, I call to you to see us all as one collective family. This is all I can ask. If you still are not convinced take a look at your great Anton Lavays dying experience where he saw what was to befall him upon his death. (Anton lavey-beg's for Gods mercy on his death bed-turns woman Christian) He was a TOP Satanist. After detailing all of the above lets hope we can trust the following information is really true. I cannot confirm this but Lets hope this pans out nicely. (Oct 14, 2010 UN News Conference - Dr. Mazian Othman) Alfred Webbre may have more on this one so lets take a look at his information as follows. I have looked at a lot of his work in the past and found a lot of good things here. (Andromidan Council: The Facts about Life as a Fourth Dimensional Human) Sounds interesting but in this

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interview there are some inconsistencies such as the use of nuclear attacks being used to start the wars. We have been lied to about nuclear energy as well in all its forms (I will go into this later on as well.) I am fully aware of the possibilities of this but all out I.C.B.M. strikes cannot happen due to the fact we are living in a harmonic universe as detailed by Bruce Cathays work (linked to in this book in parts later.) Here is the interview I am referring to and the comments in question above. (Andromidan Council: Removing Draco reptilian undersea bases from the Middle East and China) Lets just hope we wake up to all of this before NWO get their plans for the grid to completion. There are other people who discuss these topics such as Alex Collier so check him out when you have time.


Overview with conclusion

The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

So at the very least we see there is in fact a whole series of things in place today which are being used to enslave all of us into a police state. Furthermore there are corrupt secret societies that have or-castrated the police, judges, courts and many other systems that are in place today. Not only do they obviously exist but they are closing in on all of us to combine into a complete prison system in full view of us all to see now. The next question you should be asking is how deep dose this rabbit hole go and what can I do myself to put an end to this monster. Well the first things to get done is understand who you really are! You are a divine creation of GOD. I have demonstrated to a point whats going on and what we can do about it as well as provided the information and awareness to you so now its up to you with what you do with it. I want to make sure I have got the point across here DOING NOTHING IS NO LONGER an OPTION! We can and must ACT together!! Alternatively we will all be enslaved permanently! Stop supporting the problem and take a step away from the Pyramid and it will begin to fall as it must. Once this has happened and people become aware of the nature of the beast! (How To Make a Judge Run Out Of The Court Room)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

10. Suggested Additional Resources:

The Nature of the Police State All Around You.

Ecclesiastical LAW and who you really are!

UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST The Great Deceptions - Veronica Chapman pt. 1 freeman on the land uk Intro to your Human Rights 1/20

Corruption by crooked Judges the Courts and the Police

RFID micro chipping the worlds population

Eugenics - Depopulation dded#! END of LIBERTY MUST SEE DOCUMENTARIES How the World is controlled olled

Deep Underground Bases (DUMBS)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family THE PHOENIX PROGRAM 1967

Zeitgeist the greatest story ever told Zeitgeist Addendum II The Fall of the Republic 911 Terrorist Attack

Under Occupation: Toronto G20 Operation - FULL MOVIE 7/7 Bombings: Freedom to Fascism ded#! - HUMAN RESOURCES FEATURE FILM

Friends of Israel - 911 d SMILE make it better - BRUCE LIPTON the power of consciousness ded#! LIFE IS WORTH LIVING LOOK AT YOURSELF AGAIN AFTER WATCHING THIS 11. Subject of Chapter: Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct. It is not until you take a look at the world around you and quite what is occurring on an incredible scale you begin to see both the control systems and how all of the seemingly un-connected things actually are all

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

gears in the same engine. If we take a look initially at our own System of governance for example we at least have a starting point. If I were to ask a simple question like who are in charge of the United Kingdom for example most British people would say the Queen. On the face of it, it would appear so together with her parliament and courts but is this case for sure? How dose the law and order court system fit in this and what are the links here? On the same note if I ask who is in charge of all of the different aspects of running the worlds countries and industries alike? How dose it all fit and who is in charge of making it tick so to speak? Are there indeed a public face and a private face to this? All of this we will look into as we go deeper into reality and how it all works in this particular moment in (Cough) time.

12. Official Line of Subject.

Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct.

So officially the Queen runs the empire of what was once the British Empire let us say. In addition to this she also has powers, interests in other countries and in many different aspects of industries, land holdings, political government influence as well as public and private businesses in many diverse areas and aspects. I would hope this very basic and fair assumption to make in simpleton terms so to speak. So the queen passes out her commandments to the parliament and they get debated and this is how it works then? Obviously, there are other countries like China, for one example that is not controlled by her. It would be fair to assume this so what is the story there? On the face of it I would say as a layman, the Chinese government under the proviso of their systems. Based on this model we would assume under the leadership of the premier then? How about the European Union itself? What is the purpose of the EU and where dose the power lie here and to what extent. I guess this is run by Brussels for example? Whos at the head of this group then and whats the deal? So lets take a little very brief trip into this and see what comes out then

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while at the same time bearing in mind as we go, what we have learned so far which is very important to build the picture up a piece at a time. 13. Research Overview on Subject. Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct.

I suppose we should start with our first subject old Queenie. This will be fun. Till she gets me for this little expos lol. (Cough again) So how did she get where she is and whats the deal here? One of the best explanations I can remember coming across was when I took a look into the royals and their interconnected organisations were the following documentary. The ring of power was one of the best explanations I can remember but this was a long time ago. I also recall there are problems with some of the links on this series so will try and find you the best source. Again, please check all of the other parts if you can. (1. The Ring of Power - Present Past [part 1 of 29]) You will find this series fascinating and it covers so many topics but this is what we need to do, connect the dots. There are many parts to this but it is vital to get the information. The Illuminate have a series of high up people in their ranks so lets go and see whos at the top end of it and why as it turns out the Queen is the patron of the Illuminati! (Illuminati Volume 1 Part 1) & Illuminati Satans New World Order Part 19) & (Illuminati : Satans New World Order Part 1) WE ARE IN TROUBLE! The Solution is awareness and consciousness ONLY. (Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance Pt 2) (The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy) Starts to break down the situation with the latest information on the situation discussed in the last link. (Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal) Bush Blair have now been convicted of war crimes so who is going to do their duty and detain these guys? Question is will we now act on this conviction or just merrily carry on like nothing has happened? Well lets see if the police are going to do their jog or will they side with the Elites? ( The case of top cop Tony Farrel who exposed 7/7 as the lie it so blatantly is as was 9/11. A good find on the court system and how it is both flawed and corrupted and why. (

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Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System
May 20, 2011 "If everyone began using this defence tomorrow, in all of the Commonwealth courts and in the United States, the entire legal system could be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks if not days." By Debra Siddons ( For those of you who have been following the John Anthony Hill (JAH) Case, it is great to be able to share that he was acquitted, on the12th of May 2011, of the ridiculous and politically-motivated charge of attempting to "pervert the course of justice". For those of you less familiar with this landmark case, John Anthony Hill is the Producer of the documentary film "7/7 Ripple Effect". For more details about this extraordinary case and the trial itself, please visit the following links: There are two very important precedents that were established with this case that need to be studied in detail. There was a preliminary argument presented to the court to challenge both the jurisdiction and the sovereignty of Elizabeth Battenberg/Mountbatten, which was based on two distinct points. The first point being she was knowingly, and with malice aforethought, coronated on a fake stone in 1953 and thus has never been lawfully crowned. There are those who may wish to argue that this point is irrelevant, as Judge Jeffrey Vincent Pegden did at the trial, wrongly thinking the Coronation is just a ceremony because she has been pretending to be the monarch for over 58 years. In actual fact the Coronation is a binding oath and a contract, requiring the monarch's signature which brings us to the second point.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

At that Coronation ceremony, Elizabeth signed a binding contract, before God and the British people, that she would do her utmost to maintain The Laws of God. This she solemnly swore to do, with her hand placed on the Sovereign's Bible, before kissing The Bible and signing the contract. Please note well that in The Law of God, found in the first five books of The Bible, man-made legislation is strictly prohibited. The very first time that she gave "royal assent" to any piece of man-made legislation, she broke her solemn oath with God and with the British people and she ceased to be the monarch with immediate effect. To date, she has broken her oath thousands and thousands of times, which is a water-proof, iron-clad, undeniable FACT. She is therefore without question not the monarch, but instead is a criminal guilty of high treason among her other numerous crimes. All of the courts in the U.K. are referred to as HM courts or "her majesty's" courts, which means every judge draws their authority from her. All cases brought by the state are "Regina vs. Xxxxxxx", which means they are all brought in the name of the queen. So if she isn't really the monarch, then she dosen't have the authority or the jurisdiction to bring a case against anyone else. And neither do any of "her majesty's" courts or judges. Bearing in mind the legal maxim that no man can judge in his own cause, it should be crystal clear that no judge in the Commonwealth could lawfully rule on a challenge to the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the monarch. It is a question of their own authority, so they are obviously not impartial to the outcome. That is why the ONLY way the question of jurisdiction can lawfully and impartially be decided is by a jury. And that is exactly why John Anthony Hill requested a jury trial to decide his challenge to the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Elizabeth. No judge under any circumstances can deny someone their right to request a jury trial. No judge can lawfully rule in their own cause. That dosen't mean they won't try, it only means that when they do, they are committing a criminal act (just as Judge Jeffrey Vincent Pegden did at John Anthony Hill's trial) and that their decision is immediate grounds for an appeal and for a citizen's arrest. The fact that the court and its

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corrupt judge tried to ignore this particular point is proof that they are well aware they have no lawful authority. That is one of the reasons why this is a landmark case. If everyone began using this defence tomorrow, in all of the Commonwealth courts and in the United States, the entire legal system could be brought to its knees in a matter of weeks if not days. The signed by E2 coronation oath (Exhibit 1) and the Bible she swore on at that Coronation (Exhibit 2) clearly orders judges and lawyers to obey the Laws of God. These two factual pieces of evidence ought to be presented at the start, as defence in every single victimless case, or those in progress, where you have been wrongfully charged, and to proceed forth Lawfully. To make this perfectly clear, the way is available with the two pieces of evidence to shift the cases to begin to use only God's Laws which demands a trial by jury, to proceed forth maintaining only God's Laws with judges roles clearly defined. Whilst E2 is committing treason, explained in full detail in the Lawful Argument, the signed oath orders obedience to all subjects to maintain only the Laws of God. Judges/lawyers have taken an oath (B.A.R.), thus ordered to comply to Exhibit 1, and Exhibit 2 (Bible), and it is as simple as that. People lacked awareness of that which was in place, and there for people to use, but didn't know. We know now. For those of you in the United States who may be thinking "hey, we aren't a Commonwealth country, why would this affect us?" all you really need to know is that these three little letters: - B.A.R., stand for the British Accreditation Registry. It dosen't matter whether it is the Australian BAR or the Canadian BAR or the American BAR association; they ALL report to the British monarch, who is the head of the BAR. So thanks to John Anthony Hill and this amazing precedent, we now all know a peaceful way to bring the system down. If enough people ACT and use this simple, bullet-proof defence, we can put an end to this insanity and injustice. All that is required now is for YOU to spread the

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word to as many as possible so that this peaceful rebellion can begin immediately. Or you can watch the last remnants of your freedoms swept away as the Global Elite plunge the entire world into bankruptcy and WW3 to usher in their "New World Order". For additional details about this bulletproof defence, please visit: (Defence Documents are Detailed in this Book below this article.) Lawful Opposition to Courts System By now some of you may be beginning to see the Light at the end of this very dark tunnel and are so enthusiastic about putting this simple plan into motion that you may have forgotten there was a second precedent set during this landmark case. While the official reason for this trial was to address this trumped-up and frivolous charge of attempting to "pervert the course of justice", the real reason for this trial was so the authorities could punish John Anthony Hill for making the "7/7 Ripple Effect" which, in less than an hour and using strictly mainstream media reports, completely dismantles the official government conspiracy theory. The film is so credible that even the prosecution at the trial, after showing it in its entirety to the jurors, admitted that the film was made in such a way that it "changes the minds of people who see it." That's how powerful the truth really is. This was the first time this information was shown at an official proceeding and the results were impressive. At least 83% of the jurors felt the film accurately depicted what happened in London on July 7th, 2005 and that John Anthony Hill did the right thing. For those unfamiliar with the case, JAH forwarded copies of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" to the Kingston Crown court in 2008 in the hope of correcting misleading statements made by the judge and the QC at the outset of the first trial of the supposed "7/7 helpers" (who were also found not guilty). John Anthony Hill was also able to enter into the official record his testimony about what happened on September 11th, 2001 in the United States and that both 9/11 and 7/7 were false flag attacks. He went on to

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show the jurors the now infamous BBC report of the collapse of the Salomon Brothers building (WTC7) by Jane Standley on 9/11/2001. She reported the collapse 25 minutes before it actually occurred, and with the building clearly visible and still standing in the window behind Jane Standley's left shoulder, leaving no doubt that the BBC had foreknowledge of the event. As a result of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" being shown to the jurors by the prosecution and John Anthony Hill's testimony about 9/11, the truth that those two events were false flag attacks and that the mainstream media is nothing more than a government propaganda machine is now officially on record. And the "Not Guilty" verdict by the jury is a ringing endorsement of that official record. This case brings with it a New Hope and the opportunity for a new beginning, where liberty, justice, and peace aren't just nice sounding words, but a reality. This could be heaven on earth instead of the hell we have let it become by allowing all of this evil to grow up around us. Just as John Anthony Hill has shown us by example, all it takes is a dauntless faith that good will always triumph over evil and the courage to take action to do the right thing, regardless of the personal cost. "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke The legal Defence Documents referred to: REGINA/THE QUEEN V YOU


1. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenbergs Fraudulent Coronation. The person who purports to be the queen has never, in fact, rightfully or

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lawfully been crowned as the Sovereign. This knowledge stems from the fact that the Coronation Stone / The Stone of Destiny / Bethel / Jacobs Pillar that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg was crowned upon is a fake. The real Coronation Stone; made from Bethel porphyry, weighing more than 4cwt. (458lbs.) according to the BBC telex in the film The Coronation Stone, (Covenant Recordings), and Ian R. Hamilton Q.C. in three of his books: No Stone Unturned (pages 36, 44), A Touch of Treason (page 50) and The Taking of The Stone of Destiny (pages 27, 35); was removed from Westminster Abbey at 04:00 hours on the 25th of December in 1950, by his group of four Scottish Nationalist students, which included and was led by Ian Robertson Hamilton himself. The other three were Alan Stuart, Gavin Vernon and Kay Matheson, as stated in his books. Further details at: The real Coronation Stone (National Treasure No. 1), was taken to Scotland where, in Glasgow, it was handed over to Bertie Gray to repair it, and was later hidden by industrialist and philanthropist John Rollo in his factory, under his office-floor, according to Ian R. Hamiltons books No Stone Unturned and The Taking of The Stone of Destiny, and the factory-manager. A fake stone copy had previously been made in 1920 by stone-mason, Bertie Gray, for a prior plan to repatriate the Coronation Stone, and it was made of Scottish sandstone from a quarry near Scone in Perthshire, weighing 3cwt. (336lbs.). The conspirators had used it to practice with, before going to London to Westminster Abbey to remove the real Coronation Stone from the abbey. It was that fake stone copy which was placed on the High Altar Stone at Arbroath Abbey, at Midday on the 11th April of 1951, wrapped in a Scottish Saltyre (St. Andrews Flag Dark blue with white diagonal cross on it) and found by the authorities, then transported to England, where it was used for the queens coronation, according to Bertie Grays children in a Daily Record Newspaper article. The stone upon which Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg was crowned weighs exactly 3cwt (336lbs.) as attested to by Historic Scotland in their official booklet titled The Stone of Destiny, Symbol of Nationhood, obtainable from Edinburgh Castle, published by Historic Scotland, (ISBN 1 900168 44 8), who have had the stone that she was

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crowned on in their care, in Edinburgh Castle, since it was returned to Scotland by John Majors Conservative government in 1996. As previously stated, the genuine Coronation Stone weighs more than 4 cwt. (458lbs.), but the one that Elizabeth A. M. Battenberg was crowned on, that has been on display in Edinburgh Castle since 1996, weighs 336lbs, not 458lbs., and thus cannot be the genuine Coronation Stone. Therefore, never having been Lawfully crowned, she has NO authority to put the defendant on trial and the judge has NO authority to try him, because the judges authority comes from her. Further, and without prejudice to the above... 2. Some of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenbergs other Crimes. Sample Crimes/Points of Law:Mrs. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg/Mountbatten; un-Lawfully residing in Buckingham Palace, London; also known by the criminal aliases Windsor and QE2, was knowingly and wilfully, with maliceaforethought, fraudulently crowned on a fake Coronation Stone / Lia Fail / Stone of Destiny / Bethel / Jacobs Pillar on June 2nd in 1953, and has been fraudulently masquerading as the rightful British Sovereign/Crown for the last 58 years, which the Defendant can prove beyond doubt. It is Mrs. Elizabeth A. M. Battenberg who should be arrested and charged; for her innumerable acts of high-treason against God and Christ, Whose church she falsely claims to head and in defiance of Whom she had herself fraudulently crowned, and Whom she has continued to rule in defiance of, and in opposition to, ever since; not the Defendant. Allowing people to legislate in defiance of Gods Law (Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32) that she swore and affirmed, in writing, to maintain to the utmost of her power (Exhibit 1), and, in many cases, actually reversing what The Law states into being the very opposite of it. She has fraudulently imprisoned and punished people for enforcing The Law themselves as God commands them to do, and thus un-Lawfully prevented or deterred others from doing so. She has given Royal-Assent to 3,401 Acts of Parliament (as of 24/03/2011) and thus broken The Law

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against legislating 3,401 times. The very first time she ga ve RoyalAssent to ANY Act of Parliament, or any other piece of legislation, or allowed Parliament or anyone to legislate, she broke her Coronation Oath and was thus no longer the monarch, with immediate effect, even if she had been lawfully crowned in the first-place, which she most definitely was not. Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God which I COMMAND you. 11:1 Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and His Statutes, and His Judgments, and His Commandments, always. 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes. 12:32 What thing so ever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it. A Bill MUST have Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). Allowing the forming of political parties and demon-crazy (democracy) to divide, weaken, conquer and ruin the people (Deuteronomy 5:32, 17:20; Matthew 12:25). Deuteronomy 5:32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the Lord your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. 17:20 That his (the Sovereigns) heart be NOT lifted up ABOVE his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the Commandment, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: Removal of the death-penalty that is prescribed as the deterrent for capital crimes in The Law that she swore to maintain to the utmost of her power; e.g. Sodomy (Deuteronomy 23:17; Leviticus 20:13); Pedophilia; Rape; Murder; Adultery; etc., thus encouraging these crimes, that are now legion.

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Deuteronomy 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Leviticus 20:13 If a man lie also with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Etc., etc., etc. Actually encouraging and promoting sodomy, by legalizing it, then further enacting un-Lawful anti-discrimination legislation, promoting it in schools, and giving knighthoods to high-profile sodomites in the music, film and fashion industries, instead of having them Lawfully executed as a deterrent to others. Music - Elton John Film - Ian McKellen of Stonewall; John Gielgud Fashion Norman Hartnell knighted 1977 and Hardy Amies knighted 1989. Enriching herself in defiance of Gods Law that she swore to uphold, at the expense of her subjects, driving them into debt-slavery (Egypt), poverty and homelessness (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). Including the collecting of graven-images and expensive jewellery (her famous art and Faberg collections, etc.) Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, WHOM THE LORD THY GOD SHALL CHOOSE (see Psalm 2): [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother. 17:16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt (slavery under man-made laws), to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way. 17:17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.

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17:18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this Law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites: 17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes, to DO them: 17:20 That his heart be NOT lifted up ABOVE his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the Commandment, to the right hand, or to the left Legalising, facilitating and engaging in usury/interest, that has caused the ruin, bankruptcy and debt-slavery of the entire nation. Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury/interest to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: Ignoring the Year of Release, where all debts are forgiven/cancelled every seven years, and the Year of Jubilee every fifty years, where all property is redistributed back to its owner and the wealth shared out, so that there will be no poor amongst the people. Deuteronomy 15:1 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. 15:2 And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the Lord's release. 15:4 Save when (to the end that) there be no poor among you; Leviticus 25:10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a Jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. Elizabeth A. M. Battenberg has also broken Gods Law by allowing the EU, which is not the British peoples racial brother, but is a stranger, to rule over you / us, in contravention of Deuteronomy 17:15. Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and

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shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that [are] about me; 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom the Lord thy God shall choose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest NOT set a stranger over thee, which [is] not thy brother. Deuteronomy 7:2 And when the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, [and] utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor show mercy unto them: 7:3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. 7:4 For they will turn away thy son from following Me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly. 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. 7:6 For thou [art] an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that [are] upon the face of the earth. 7:7 The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye [were] the fewest of all people: 7:8 But because the Lord loved you, and because He would keep the Oath which He had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He [is] God, the faithful God, which keepeth Covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His Commandments to a thousand generations; 7:10 And repayeth them that hate (or disobey) Him to their face, to destroy them: He will not be slack to him that hateth (or disobeyeth) Him, He will repay him to his face. 7:11 Thou shalt therefore KEEP the Commandments, and the Statutes, and the Judgments, which I command thee this day, to DO them. 7:12 Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these Judgments, and keep, and do them, that the Lord thy God shall keep unto thee The Covenant and the mercy which He sware unto thy fathers:

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7:13 And He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: He will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which He sware unto thy fathers to give thee. 7:14 Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle. 7:15 And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but will lay them upon all [them] that hate thee. 7:16 And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that [will be] a snare unto thee. 7:17 If thou shalt say in thine heart, These nations [are] more than I; how can I dispossess them? 7:18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them: [but] shalt well remember what the Lord thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt (and pharaoh ruled the whole known world at that time); 7:19 The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the Lord thy God brought thee out: so shall the Lord thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. 7:20 Moreover the Lord thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed. 7:21 Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the Lord thy God [is] among you, a mighty God and terrible. 7:22 And the Lord thy God will put out those nations before thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee. 7:23 But the Lord thy God shall deliver them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until they be destroyed. 7:24 And He shall deliver their kings into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them. 7:25 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold [that is] on them, nor take [it] unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it [is] an abomination to the Lord thy God. 7:26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] a cursed thing.

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8:1 All the Commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers. 8:2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, [and] to test thee, to know what [was] in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep His Commandments (Law), or not. God warned His people, YOU, the British-Israel people ( ), in the Revelation/Apocalypse to John, to come out of the Mother of Harlots, abominable (Rev. 17:5) Babylonian ( ) Market System:Revelation/Apocalypse 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT of her, MY people, that ye take not part in her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues (punishment). She has allowed Witchcraft and condoned it and Satanism - in her/the realm and in her/the armed forces. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Deuteronomy 18:9 When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 18:10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a WITCH, 18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a WIZARD, or a necromancer (medium). 18:12 For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. 18:13 Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God (Matt. 5:48). Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven IS perfect.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Deuteronomy 32:15 But the Beloved waxed fat, and rebelled: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered [with fatness]; then he forsook God [which] made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. 32:16 They provoked Him to jealousy with strange [gods], with abominations provoked they Him to anger. 32:17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new [gods that] came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. Revelation/Apocalypse 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my (adopted) son. 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and SORCERERS, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with Fire and brimstone: which is the second death. She has given an O.B.E. to Joanne "Jo" Rowling (J. K. Rowling), who promotes witchcraft, thus herself condoning the promotion of witchcraft, and the poisoning of the minds of the nation and its children. The other and major part of witchcraft/sorcery, that she has also allowed, and probably actually invested in, is the chemical and pharmaceutical industry that is slowly poisoning the nation through chemical-fertilizers, pesticides, chemtrails, vaccines, etc., and other pharmaceutical products/medicines/poisons (witches brews / potions) in order to maximize their profits, because they do not make any money from healthy people. That is why there are more sick people every year and a correspondingly higher NHS budget, rather than less sick people and a correspondingly shrinking NHS budget. The NHS, doctors and pharmacists are therefore obviously harming the population, not healing it. Note well that it states in Revelation/Apocalypse 21:8 ALL LIARS shall have their part in the lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone . . . and the word Parliament means Speaking Lies from the French words Parler which means to speak, and mentir which means to tell lies. Also the word Politics, poly meaning many; tics are blood-sucking parasites; thus politics means many blood-sucking parasites.

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Each and every single one of the above crimes carries the death-penalty, with public execution; under The Law that she swore to maintain to the utmost of her power; for not doing so, along with all those who likewise reject The Law of God Deuteronomy 17:8-13, 27:26; Malachi chapter 4. Deuteronomy 17:8 If there arise a matter too hard for thee in Judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy gates: then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the Lord thy God shall choose; 17:9 And thou shalt come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall show thee The Sentence of Judgment: 17:10 And thou shalt do according to The Sentence, which they of that place which the Lord shall choose shall show thee; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform thee: 17:11 According to The Sentence of The Law which they shall teach thee, and according to the Judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline to do The Sentence which they shall show thee, and turn not away from it to the right hand, nor to the left. 17:12 And the man that will do presumptuously, and will not hearken unto the priest that standeth to minister there before the Lord thy God, or unto the judge, even that man shall die: and thus thou shalt put away the evil from Israel. 17:13 And all the people shall hear, and fear, and do no more presumptuously (in thinking they are a law unto themselves). 27:26 Cursed be he (like Elizabeth) that confirmeth not all the words of this Law to DO them. Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill (in the Greek Original pleroo = to fully preach it). 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till ALL (the Prophecies) be fulfilled. 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least Commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called

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great in the Kingdom of heaven. 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes (lawyers) and Pharisees (politicians), ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of heaven. James 2:10 He who breaks the least of these Commandments and teaches others to do so is guilty of all. The renowned English jurist Sir William Blackstone famously stated, No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God. All of The Law references quoted are copied from the Sovereigns Bible (Exhibit 2) upon which Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenbergs Coronation Oath (Exhibit 1) was sworn (all emphasis mine), containing Gods Law that she swore to maintain to the utmost of her power. It is a special large print and specially bound edition of the king James Authorised Version (1611) of the Holy Bible, that she placed her right hand upon, swore the Coronation Oath upon and then kissed, before she signed the Coronation Oath (Exhibit 1). Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg is therefore not only massively in breach of contract, but also massively in breach of The Law, and thus is not only NOT the Lawful Sovereign, never has been, and thus has NO jurisdiction to prosecute me, but is also a criminal, guilty of capital crimes, that carry the death-penalty, according to The Law she swore to maintain to the utmost of her power. That Perfect Royal Law of Liberty was given by God to the British-Israel peoples to protect the BritishIsrael peoples from exploitation, oppression, poverty and harm, and which God has warned the British-Israel peoples to return to, with dire consequences for failure to do so. Her obscene wealth and that of her relatives, cronies and accomplices must be seized and shared out amongst the poor and homeless. Malachi 4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing). 4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

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4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the Lord of hosts. 4:4 Remember ye (and return to) The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments. 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the Lord: 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (see verse 1). The person who purports to be queen was, in fact, as proven above, never rightfully nor Lawfully the Sovereign/Crown. Therefore the Crown/Prosecution/Regina has NO authority to put the defendant on trial and the judge has NO authority to try him, because the judges authority comes from her. In addition, without prejudice to the above, based on Gods Law that she swore to maintain to the utmost of her power (Exhibit 1) the queen is in breach of contract. She has amongst other things accumulated a large amount of personal wealth and done many other things that are expressly forbidden, some of which are listed above, and so she has breached her contract with God and the British-Israel people. Therefore, even if, which is not admitted, the queen was genuinely crowned, the breach of contract disqualifies her from sitting and renders null and void proceedings instituted in her name. It is therefore of the utmost importance that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg and the Sovereigns Bible, that is kept in Lambeth Palace*, be present in court for my challenge to her jurisdiction and sovereignty to be heard, and for me to face my false-accuser, examine her and have her arrested. * Class-Mark Ref. No.: E185 1953 [**] _______________________ Date: _______________________ End of Article


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Ok well done getting to this point but now we have to go into some more detail of what is going on in this world if the above can be considered the truth. Lets look to Max Igans work. These will be a bit of a marathon but it will delve into much more of the detail we need to get before we get back to Queen. (The BIG Picture) There is a lot of Masonic linked info and we have to work through this to be prepared for where it leads. At this point you can work through the rest of his videos or come back to those later. You should be seeing how important each section I am showing you really is! This will continue as we go deeper and it will become more obvious to you as we go. In this interview he explains how for example the Queen and her minions tried to turn the Chinese people into Opium addicts in order to get a hold on the country and got rich off this action, to how all presidents, prime ministers and heads of states are picked and groomed many years before their insertion into these key positions. Clinton (for example) was installed in office at the white house. Same as the Bushes all the way through to Obama today. A real insight into how the future is manufactured in the way they want it to be and not through democracy. He covers many of the minions she employs are shaping t he outcome they want. The outcome I am referring to is the total implementation of the NWO agenda.

Lets now take a look at some of the agencies that work in so called service to her a little deeper. MI6 and the background, what they do and where it will eventually lead us all and why. This is a brilliant lecture by a former MI6 member (for 26 yrs) Dr John Coleman who conducted this talk regarding what the agency and other progressives are implementing all around us every day. He also goes into great detail on the Committee of 300 and their role both inside and out for the simple reason the committee are put into these positions and are directed from higher up the Illuminate, Masonic and Vatican secret societies and alike

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all the way up the food chain. (1 10 The Committee of 300 Conspirators" Hierarchy Dr John Coleman) & (British Corruption (MI6 London)) How about the USA side of the coin? Well their equivalent is the CIA is it not. Commonly known as (for those in the know even a little) Crooks in Action. Here a former member tells about some of the antics they are playing at behind the scenes and this information they even let out officially in public as you will hear (just a tiny snippet.) (Former CIA Official exposes lies about Iran Policy) MI6 Whistle blower spills the beans there. (UK media controlled by MI6?) & (MI6 - SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE - SIS - 1) So now we see there is a pretty big plan coming together here but lets look into how legitimate the queens rule actually is. The queen is at the head of this being invoked into becoming real and fully implemented as the Crown Ruler is she not? Well according to Mordibs research she is not legitimate and it has been proven in court! It also points out the whole court system (who get their power from the queen) is also flawed amongst many other aspects of what we think. (Queens Coronation Stone is a Fake) Additionally, while the (The Royal Family - Truth Behind The Lies?) royals are prancing about pretending to be important they have been found out by many people including Rick Clay (who was murdered for his research) (Rick Clay & 2012- RIP 2) and Rick also found out about what they were planning for 2012 Olympics. This is a link to 1 of 14 in a series that is a must for understanding what is going on with the plan and covers so much information leading to the planned ritual in 2012 at the Olympics. (1 of 14 The Religion of the New World Order and the 2012 Olympics) The Olympics are rituals where we are conned into competing aga inst each other in sports event when in reality we are giving our cheers and emotional energy to a ceremony where they collect this energy and use it against us all and the planet. There is much more to this whole area but its another magic spell, the same with musical concerts like Maddonas Isis Rituals live on stage with Britney Spears. They have been blatantly getting away with it and until we understand it they will continue to. (Exposing Satan's Games at the Gnostic Olympic Ritual) We keep giving our energy away and we will end up enslaved as they are designed to do.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Turn off the Tel-Lie-Vision and get real, please! As for the mascots they cant make it more obvious for you! Come on now surely you can see the Eye symbolism on these things? (2012 OLYMPICS LONDON, ILLUMINATI MASCOTS) This is a list of Important Documentaries. Illuminati The Illuminati & Shadows in motion Exposing the New World Order & Freemasonry Revealed: Secret History of the Freemasons & Esoteric Agenda & wake-up-call & The Hidden Agenda Merging America into World Government & Global Governance: The Quiet War Against American Independence Should give you the idea of it all! USA The New American Century Documentary & Flying the Flag & Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement & The Obama Deception & Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama EU The Real Face of the European Union Documentary & THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE! & End of Nations EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty & Weapons of Mass Deception ChinaThe Chinese Are Coming & 1421: The Year China Discovered America? & Secrets of the First Emperor: Tyrant and Visionary & China vs USA The Battle for Oil Please bear in mind there is no need for oil its Globalisation and a ruse on all sides for division and wars. Its all based on ensuring a lack of something or other and an agenda for control of the peoples conscious minds! This is the battle front not the needs for oil, its a joke. In order to examine the true effects of globalization, John Pilger turns the spotlight on Indonesia, a country described by the World Bank as a model pupil until its globalized economy collapsed in 1998. The film examines the use of sweatshop factories by famous brand names, and asks some penetrating questions. Who are the real beneficiaries of the globalized economy? (The New Rulers of the World Documentary) War is division and can only lead to more of the same old destruction whether or not one race or another is. It will come home to roost in the end. We will all taste it.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

This is the face of WAR. Unless we STOP this we will GET this here in the UK & USA! Do you really want to see this future for our children of the world? This is what T.P.T.B. WANT!!! This was one of the most interesting documentaries I came across as it suddenly put many things into prospective for me. (War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind 9/11 (Lecture)) I was shocked to learn from this one how the world really worked in addition to what I knew was going on. A description from the documentary is as follows {In this lecture by Michel Chossudovsky, he blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by Islamic terrorists. Through meticulous research, he has uncovered a militaryintelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration. According to Chossudovsky, the war on terrorism is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-ayear American intelligence apparatus. The war on terrorism is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the New World Order, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.} ~ The World Masonic Link ~ An Introduction to the World we Live in In order to effectively control the Globalisation program it will mean convincing the people to get behind the plan for collective rule. Either by a single or by a group of countries the model has to work in a similar fashion. The only way to establish a control grid over the people is to convince them to go ahead with what the rulers want them to go with. This has long been established by many means including (but not limited

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

to) wars, crises, religious doctrine, fear of loss or being attacked, famine, lack (or abundance of something for some and no t others,) loss of freedoms and oppression together with other things. Basically, they need your collective consent to enforce the next step of the plan into place. They dont want you saying no to them! (Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media (Part 1)) Once the people are in a state of oppression and need help, the solution will be given to them on certain conditions like taking the Microchip or Vaccine for just two examples. We will take a look into how this was done in the past. We will also cover this in more detail together with some of the other technologies to achieve this, later in the book. As we can see the people can be used to gather support for actions that the governing rulers wish to see come about and it really very simple. David Icke gave us the low down on this in his short interview called Problem Reaction Solution previously. He quite clearly points out how it is done. It really is not rocket science. With this in mind, we can now look deeper into some of the ways this has been used in history (with the evidence) to prove this has occurred many times over. So now we see it in action and provide the evidence that is being used on the people in order to enforce the result they wanted initially. So if this is the case which I now show to you then there must of course be a plan to do this in the first place as we have seen. The PTB have lulled the sleeping populations into a false sense of security and are about to pull the plug on us all. We will see changes way beyond belief that have never happened before in order to get us into a position where we are begging for help. They will then offer the solutions as I lay out here. Here is a short article on how the EU is destroying traditional family values (as it is their wish to) so that they can separate them then school your children for you and indoctrinate them from the earliest age. They will grow up to be the next round of mind controlled slaves to the Zionist Elites if they get away with it (as they have so far.) Article mentioned above next.


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Europe to destroy traditional family and sexual identity

10.10.2011 Traditional words 'father' and 'mother' will be replaced with official terms Parent 1 and Parent 2 in Britain. The terms will be used in official documents. The authorities decided to make such a "politically correct" move to accommodate same-sex couples. Experts are sure, though, that the matter is not about the requirements of certain social groups. The decision is another step towards the destruction of traditional families. The words 'father' and 'mother' will be removed from British passport applications before December 2011. This became an achievement of Stonewall group, which defends the rights of sex minorities. The US State Department tried to do the same before, but it was eventually decided not to remove the two words from US passport applications. The subject about novelties in the field of gender relations has been getting more and more popular recently. Not so long ago, Pravda.Ru wrote about the kindergarten in Sweden, which became world-famous after its administration decided to simply abolish the use of 'he' and 'she' pronouns. Last year, the European Parliament published the brochure, which recommended not to use the words 'Missus' and 'Miss', 'Mademoiselle', 'Seniora' and 'Seniorita'. From the point of view of the European parliament, the use of such words was discriminating against women because they directly indicated their sexual identity. One dose not have to be an expert to realize that such novelties in various countries are not just a coincidence. It is a trend, the goal of which is to change the public perception of the role of the sexes in the society. Pavel Parfentyev, the chairman of the inter-regional public organization "For Family Rights" also shares this point of view. "Indeed, this is a serious international trend. It started back in the seventies and the eighties as a powerful movement to defend the rights of sexual minorities. There were organizations that tried to defend even the rights of paedophiles, who, as they believed, also had the rights for their own sexual preferences.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

"The organizations publicly said that their goal was to destroy family. Afterwards, under the pressure of public opinion, many activists decided to refuse from the openly sexual bias in their activities. They proceeded towards the protection of human rights. This is how they approach children's rights today. They think that children must be protected from the despotism of their parents - from any forms of traditional upbringing, that is to say. In order to accomplish that, one has to destroy the traditional family first and to make the family become a form that enslaves and binds children," the expert said. In order to be more efficient, representatives of such movements began to cooperate with large international organizations such as the UN and the Council of Europe. This led to the creation of a small, albeit a very strong lobby for the protection of the rights of sexual minorities on the international level, Pavel Parfentyev believes. The lobby intends to distort the perception of traditional family in the modern society. As a result, European officials already try to avoid the use of the word 'family' in top-level international documents. Instead, they use "family in all of its forms" expression, which implies all forms of cohabitation. As a matter of fact, they deliberately erode and expand the notion of family. The family as we know it has virtually disappeared from the new term. "The lobby prefers to move in small steps. At first they say that one should not discriminate human beings on their gender rights and sexual orientation. It is hard to argue with this indeed. In Russia, there is no discrimination of real human rights on the base of sexual preferences. At the same time, they create special, previously unseen "rights" and preferences for homosexuals on the international level. As a result, they attach special importance to sexual orientation, which distinguishes a person and makes them stand higher than others," Pavel Parfentyev said. The words indicating the sexual identity of people gradually disappear from official speech and documents. If they abolish 'he', 'she', 'father' and 'mother' they will not be able to abolish the gender per se. However, it can be possible to undermine the traditional perception of gender. "A family is much more than a marital union of two people. It is a reproduction mechanism for the whole society. The movements for the protection of rights of sexual minorities are trying to undermine the traditional or natural family, as we call it. They want to take it beyond the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

scope of public values. More importantly, they want to separate the process of procreation and childcare from marriage and family. According to them, children and parents are two different things that must exist separately from each other. They cast doubts on the special role of parents in raising children," the expert added. Many people in Britain claimed that the above-mentioned novelties undermine family grounds in the country. Svetlana Smetanina End of Article

On the subject of the topic above there is really disturbing information coming out on what both the government of the UK and others are putting into place with this. There is an undercurrent we will get into later but there are incidents going way back on Government sponsored (of course in secret) child abuse and hidden Masonic ritual abuse. This is used to trap the participants into positions where they will not dare to bring this out into the open due to the fact those people that know have been filmed doing it. Its basic blackmail but it works. ( Brian Gerrish Edge media - Child Stealing by the State) Even the German Government is implementing this type of legislation and I wish it was not true as well but look at this government leaflet for young parents. (EU Making Paedophilia Legal Across Europe) This is all being ordered by (TPTB through) Brussels (Committee of 300) and implemented through the back door (so most people dont know about it) until its too late. We have to get wise to this quick if we want to prevent it being implemented even further than it is already. They are bringing law into force behind the scenes and engaging in it. I most certainly do not want to get caught up in discussing these issues too much as you may already be aware of some of these things yourselves and we have more pressing things to get across. (A Poisoned World - Pt 55 - The Next Dot: Florida Nuke) Lets look on the bright side as if we can wake enough people up it will be obvious and we will all know the game is up. False Flags are what they use and WE KNOW now. (the ultimate false flag operation pt1)

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Ok so where do we see this control system leading us? Again it is simple, Evil and it is a incredibly clever plan. (Part 1 The AFFECTS of DEPLETED URANIUM in IRAQ movie) We are firing Depleted Uranium shells all over the world and this is currently the message of a supposed democracy we are bringing these places in the world like Iraq. This may have been difficult to watch but we should look at all of this in the correct contexts if we are to see the whole thing. Earlier in 2011 we in the UK had a flare up of riots and I wanted to point out the same tactics have been used here to get these up and running (Problem Reaction Solution, again.) If you look at the following links what you will find is the same system again used and again it is by the perpetrators who wish to see more restrictions. Take a look at the following links and you will see for yourself the facts starting with the NWO. (The Complete Idiots Guide to the New World Order) UK riots were sparked by the following incidents. ( 16 Year Old Girl Beaten By Police Sparks London Riots Violence) This was the fall out from the ambush and deliberate killing of Mark Duggan (London Riots. (The BBC will never reply this. Send it out)) and (Police killing Manchester police brutality? Cops beat suspected rioter) these are just children enjoying riding their bikes for gods sake, this is how they are staring the riots. There was also an event where three young Asians were mowed down by a vehicle but I cannot say they were, masons driving it but I would not put it past them to have arranged this event previously (behind closed doors.) (Tariq Jahan's Plea for Calm Over Hit & Run Deaths) All of these events are building up with a pattern to set their plans into action with rioting. They want civil unrest as a way to pass laws to impose new ant freedom restrictions on the populations, again, problem reaction solution. Over and above this we see agent provocateurs operating at all of these gatherings trying to make them turn violent. (Police Agent Provocateurs - a short history.) This is real and it is happening so we need to understand it and deal with it. (International Premium 2011 Dec 20 Extract; Benjamin Fulford English Message) Ben is doing his best but (as are most on some things) he is wrong about the star of David on the Jewish flag its not satanic (its a two dimensional representation of the holy grail) its the opposite. This is how they (TPTB) use good symbols and corrupt them. This has been done with every positive

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

symbol you can mention an example is the pentagram. One way up symbolises the man, whole in nature, whereas (Lyons Club) symbolises the goat (Satanic use) satanic perversion of the natural state of (man) when it is the right way up. This is also happening in the states in the same manner and again there was no need to do this (San Fran man shot 5 times - "where the gun at") (TOTTENHAM RIOTS: PROTESTERS DEMAND JUSTICE FOR COP MURDER OF MARK DUGGAN) I cant prove it but as we see time and time again, people are initiated by MI5/6 (7/7 ripple effect) police (see above examples) who are part of the Masonic movement and globalist agenda (but most of them do not know) the reality of the truth! Most of them are not told the information (I present here) and are just following orders like robots who know they are in a BIG Club but are not informed how all off this fits together. The lower ranks unfortunately have NO idea as to how they will not just be enslaving themselves and their own families but all of us in the process. They themselves are not impervious to the microchip and its cancerous effects and very soon they will be some of the first to be chipped like the Mexican officials have been. (Mexican Officials & Police Get Microchips) Why are there never any prosecutions for these killers? Well its because they are in the Luciferian Club thinking its just a big group called the masons. They are only told when they get to the top 30 degrees or higher. Osho - No Society Wants You To Become Wise 14. Overview with Conclusion Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct.

Having looked at the aspects listed under our Official Line of the situation was not entirely all that accurate was it? This is a very accurate 2008 talk by a very brave man before he passed away (Humm.) He tells the assembled why we are in the current mess today as well as whos really behind it. We can see how it works now I hope. Spread this with all your might please. We are really going over the edge right now and laws are being passed by the day to oppress us.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

(FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE: History of the khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto]) The information will be NEEDED when the Internet is restricted and censored as is rapidly happening in the USA and UK now since the London riots, even more so. It will NOT stop there as I will show you they have pre-planned all of what they are rolling out in secret for a very good reason. They are trapping us all quite literally into a total control grid of truly epic proportions! You will see this for yourself.


Suggested Additional Research Resources.

Globalisation and Structures of the Worlds Construct.

The Law: ded The Anti-Terrorist Breaking Illusions and Limitations Chem trails (Chemical trails sprayed from aircraft NOT con trails) Aerosol Crimes documentary otation_id=annotation_965154&v=ryLxMsT4_0g

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family START here after the above -Overview of Khazar Empire, Illuminati & NWO GTtI#! FINANCIAL CRISIS-Just replace ICELAND with IRELAND (and GREECE etc) MIND Control st=PL1753CDCDDAE80DA2&lf=results_main&playnext=4 The New World Order (NWO) THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION THE ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY The Rothschild Bloodline ne.htm The power of the Rothschilds

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion? id_rothschi... The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America Scholars for 9/11 Truth

16. Subject of Chapter:

The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age.

As we have so far seen there are many things we are told that are NOT correct and there are many official branches of the sciences, physics, chemistry, history and the list goes on. We are told and indeed put in a state of fear of many things in life in order to keep us the masses under their control. We live in fear of all manner of things in this life for example wars, yet we are going into other areas of the world creating war on the innocents there but as it is not on our front yards where the bombs are going off we dont complain. Everything has to be reconsidered when you look into the subject of the truth even the planet (Earth is in fact growing) we actually live on are not the way you thought look! The planet is actually hollow and yes its a shock when you finally, Get IT! We will look into this more later on but as I asked before just trust me on this for now as it is another massive story of how badly we are lied to. We are told to be in fear of an all-out nuclear war are we not? We were told we needed nuclear power stations, and nuclear submarines for more wars that will help us or someone else get liberated. Its a racket people and its time to wake up including our armed forces on the ground. Our troops are being used as cannon fodder and there is no need what so ever. The symbols being used on the clothes, weapons, and other bombs, rockets and much more are symbolic. The politicians and nearly ALL institutions and learning centres are corrupt to the core with

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

their teachings whether they are aware of it or not (depending on their knowledge level) the simple truth is the same. Anyway, we are in very serious trouble here, we know in our minds, hearts blowing up women and children anywhere is wrong but we allow it to be done and listen to our so called elected saying its all good as we are helping the country. Sorry, Im not buying into the total Bull fact spreading depleted uranium all over someones country is in any way helping anyone let alone letting drones unload on innocent people no matter whos country it is in. Get another mug to buy it Im out period. While we are on the subject people of the world STOP FUNDING IT! Do you realise the queen owns most of the uranium and other nuclear mines! She is at the helm doing all of these things with her psychopathic morons telling you its for their benefit! Please god we all have to wake up rapidly. Much more on this later but for now we have to move on to this topic. By now you understand what has been happening all around us while we were asleep I hope.

17. Official Line of Subject.

The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age.

We are told the nature of our standard physics models is all based on Newtonian physics, are we not? What we are taught covers all aspects of our existence and the way we live our lives here as dose what we think we know to be true. The tools we are given to do our respective jobs and how we go about doing them are all taught to us from the collages of learning and universities alike. We can do this but not that look into this and not that. How we can even think this way but cant think about or do other things. This is how you do it and this is the way it has always been is the information we are given is conditioned into us as the facts period. Fall into line or fail is the message and the instructions of how we tell you to regurgitate the information into the exam papers we give you or you will fail. We are restricted to certain scientific testing and having funding (from official government grants and sources) cut in other areas if we dare to run experiments in anything outside the accepted fields this constructed acceptance of physics. Not to mention we have now discovered there are

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

many aspects to the world around us that we still are not aware of and is in fact being kept from us all deliberately. If there are inventions that can help mankind, Earth, cut pollution, help to heal, amazing possibilities are here for us to explore now, both in this and other worlds. We should all be aware of them and if we are not we should strive to find this out and have the freedom to use them in a positive way. There will of course be responsibility with these new abilities but we must not allow our minds and bodies to be bound in denial, slavery and fear any longer. This is not right and we know it! Its time for us all to break free.

18. Research Overview on Subject. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age. Ok well I dont need to go back to the previous chapter explaining that we already have more available energy than we could ever possibly use so where do we go from here? Well as in the title lets look into the side of reality that we are told dose not exist and or are actually told not to look into as I have detailed. Lets go and meet a very nice man called Bruce Cathay. This gent spent a very long time working on the area of harmonics. In his book The Harmonic Code he breaks very different ground. He goes as far as explaining the nature of the harmonics in our everyday world. As a demonstration of simple harmonics lets take a look at this very basic experiment anyone can do to understand the basics. (Sound and Salt) As you can see the salt moves into geometric patters in response to the harmonic sounds. Here is your news flash for this chapter or the first one at least! All you have been told about a nuclear holocaust is WRONG! It cannot happen as described (Global Thermonuclear War) if indeed we are living in this harmonic universe as he goes into great detail to explain to you. You see, what you were told was to keep you in fear again. They had to get you to hand over all your money so they could build the world into a prison for all of us and keep you asleep in the process but I will go into this later. Its back to the construct again. Fear this, Fear that and so it goes. Bruce has many more surprises for you on this topic if you do some research on what he has proved. If you are suggesting he is wrong then get on with proving it then. Best of luck as he has gone to the presidents and prime ministers, defence officials and from there been taken to the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

best of the best who are working (directly for and on behalf of the governments and the associated defence agencies) on multidimensional physics. He goes even further giving details (predicting) their next planned atomic tests, sites as well as the dates times locations to the second of the countrys nuclear testing programs and has been correct every time, bar none. Of course there is no other way he could have known any one of these things without being able to calculate and plot all of these factors into the future, as he was not privy to any of the information at anywhere near this level. The reason for this is in fact simple due to the fact he is right on and hes not alone to see it! All of the Governments know it already its part of the Con played on us all! ( armonic_Code__Part1_/) ( armonic_Code__Part2_/) ( armonic_Code__Part3_/) ( armonic_Code__Part4_/)

As you will learn, if you watch the videos and as I have clearly pointed out to you in this book your whole overview of Newtonian physics is not truly accurate so lets go to the second example (over and above the others I have listed already.) As I mentioned earlier in the book a second gent has also has proven the Harmonic nature of these physics models but in a much more compelling way! Enter shock 2!

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

(NEVER BEFORE RELEASED MARKO RODIN FOOTAGE 1 OF 20 Rodin Coil) Marco Rodin has for many years been studying and giving very detailed explanations as to the structure of harmonic Physics. Here he goes into the whole shebang. He will demonstrate free energy in a very different form but go into the numerology (which involves some geometry as they are all linked) of the aspects of how and why it works, what it can be used for and far more. Again, prove it all wrong then please do! Oh before you do, he knows and tells you the military have been using his design to produce a space ship drive design to power some ships we have up there with this system. Marco called it a Star Drive and this little beauty uses the physics that actually harnesses the unlimited power of Black Holes! As you will see in addition to this branch of physics cancelling out the Newtonian it also means our decimal code and numbering systems are all WRONG! Shock 3. All the details are here initially but feel free to dig deeper when you are ready. What can be done with this harmonic Physics is totally and utterly astounding! Which is why it has been Hidden from us again! That is us down here on Earth but the truth is they have had all of this all of the time they just lied to us all going back right through our history. Simple like the solution is, we wake up! Much more detail into this true harmonic physics is detailed here if you doubt at ALL please dive in and have fun! (Marko Rodin's Vortex-based mathematics part 1 of 44) Its a long lecture so enjoy. Ok there is a very special friend of Marcos I would like to introduce you to for several more roller coast rides. I may point to some of this guys work in several other areas as his branch of science is also ground breaking (if you have never heard of him yet you dont know what you are missing.) This little gem describes in his lecture how he put the nose of the whole physics and scientific community totally out of joint by explaining to them (live on their own stage at one of their biggest annual events) just quite how they had managed to get it (textbook Physics) so totally wrong! You beauty! Oh by the way he has since published and entered all of the necessary white papers and other official documents proving his formulae to the appropriate departments without a single rebuttal! Have

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

fun on that one to. Nassim Haramein explains in this lecture just how all of the pieces fit into a very tangled web of harmonic integration together. This will bring youre understanding to another level. Yet again, (if I have not done this so many times already lol. (Nassim Haramein 1/45 Lecture) Get comfortable this is also a long lecture. A 2009 Marco interview going into even further detail you may be interested to follow up with. (Pt.5 2009 Tesla Tech Extra Ordinary Conference w/ Marko Rodin & Jamie Buturff) Get comfortable again; this is also a long lecture. Ok, well in previous chapters we took a look into the nature of the British Monarchy and the Queen remembers. We looked into some of the hidden information on who she is and what she is really about. The origins of the rulers of the world (via the accessible parts of the ring of power among other information) and the mentality behind what they are trying to bring about and why. All of the information includes things like the illuminate, the control grid (Masons) and the NWO tools and means behind this abomination, which is utterly in opposition to the creator or Gods wishes. I am not of any religion yet I truly respect all souls on this journey with us, as we are all one. I go into my hard learned understanding of this later on in the book but will go much further in the following volumes to come. We also looked at time in part one about time (and I have alluded to all the way through this book to the factor of time and that it is in fact a very clever illusion) used to control us further. Let me give you a practical example of this to just touch on this point initially. There were tests done by (Never a Straight Answer or commonly known as NASA) in the past where you may indeed remember the fact they took two atomic clocks (the most accurate time keeping pieces) known (in plain sight) on the planet. They set the pieces to exactly the same time and kept one on the ground and took the other into orbit on the shuttle. Orbit is the key. Orbit is not very far away from the earths core in space terms from the planet. When they brought the two together again and compared the times of both of the clocks they found a profound difference between both of the clocks. So what dose this tells us, well firstly if you take one of these clocks away from earth, time slows down

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

a little. Its this simple. One of Einsteins theories was time is relative to the observer and in this case as the Earth being the observational point and comparison test bed, he was right about this. While he was an incredible genius on a number of works he was out on others (or they were never taken into consideration) and this is not my review of his work by the way so please dont think Im any smarter than he was as Im not. The only thing I can give myself credit for is to have searched and searched for the truth of quite what is going on and attempted to get to a point where it can be demonstrated to make some sense now. I am trying to focus on the facts that can be put forwarding order to get a handle on this eel of life on Earth. There are things I have to look into about his work (together with many others) and the association of the construct we reside in today because this is where we find ourselves. All of the information will not make complete sense of everything at the moment but by the time we get through this we will at very least be better informed. I really can only point to the facts (as laid out in the previous examples) that, what we thought as Newtonian physics and Einsteins views combined have been held up as the models and pushed upon the masses without relent. I have detailed above the harmonic models we are really experiencing as a true nature basis which in itself is still only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. One thing I would like to point out is that never in (the admitted) history has someone detailed any personal journey out into deep space together with the backed up official confirmation of the same guy coming back to describe what happened. I point this out due to the issue I am about to bring up. In the research I have done I have learned that time is more of an issue for those of us who are stuck here on the surface of the planet. The further away an individual gets away from the planet the slower time passes for them. In other words the further away you get the longer your life span will be, if I am getting the correct understanding of this time passes faster here and slower for an interstellar traveller away from Earth. The longer they are away the more time has passed when/ if they return to Earth. I will provide details as we go as best as I can. While we are discussing this I will give you one of the closest examples I can remember (PROJECT CAMLEOT : BOB DEAN - A CONVERSATION 2011) and it includes time travel in the bargain! Bob has been releasing

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more and more information on the extra-terrestrial situation we have and the facts he is aware of personally. I have put together the information the best I could here in the shortest time to give an overview on our collective situation. I hope it will be received with the knowledge that I was trying to help us all as a family. This is one of the reasons I began with the technological aspects of the reality of space travel so we could begin to understand that it is directly related to time space. Most of the people who have truly experienced (and spoke out) on this phenomenon have been abducted, imprisoned or worse. Please be aware that not all of the information contained in clips to follow is correct (in every way) but I would have to explain each reason, on each issue, to explain how it all fits. In other words they (the people who I refer to as examples) dont all get other pieces of the bigger picture together either and yes I know this will not yet make sense to you yet as there is so much more to come. (How to Understand Time Travel) will do for now on this extensive topic but the book has enough links to get the point. You will probably be thinking I got side tracked here but this is not quite the case. As we are now about to discuss the atomic issue in much greater detail we will need additional information to fit it together. In order to connect the dots with the truth in mind we firstly need to understand the fact there was free energy in the first place meaning, why then have we been persuaded that we needed atomic energy? Bearing this in mind, and the fact we previously detailed the agenda of the Queen and her minions, the illuminate and co, and her owning most of the world uranium, plutonium mines amongst other assets and the fact she has plans for us all unless we understand and alter the outcome. Ok, now before I move on to this next topic I want to be totally clear on something. As I have detailed previously I am now giving you a SEVERE WARNING! I wish to make sure that if you wish to read further into this topic you must be PREPARED to have your entire paradigm SCRAPPED! With all information as I have detailed there are consequences and responsibilities involved. If you are a person who has had trouble with getting your head around this information I suggest you prepare yourself for a MASSIVE SHOCK. When I say Prepare Yourself I mean it. If you

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have had any serious trouble with understanding and or coping with this I suggest you stop here. I suggest you get someone who you feel may be stronger or more adept to handling such intense information to go into this chapter for you first and ask them if they can advise you on reading any further for now. I would hope you choose this person well also and get them to read the book up to this point before they examine the information further to this as it will not make any conceivable sense. They will be rocked as well. YOU HAVE NOW BEEN WARNED! This is where it gets scary. Upon searching out all of this information there are many facts that have come to light with all of this apart from the obvious fact we dont need any atomic power plants at all. Far above this it turns out atomic energy is the most dangerous form of energy production known to man. I began looking into this in unrest to figure out why we are building these things if they are (as I and others have shown you now) as lethal to human and all other life on the planet. This is where the journey led me to the information I now present to you and you are not going to like this one little bit but we need to know right now. Remember we looked into the queen and her ownership of the nuclear mines and this whole area? I have quite sufficiently demonstrated we can have free energy? Ok sorry to tell you this but this is why we have nuclear power plants and not what you are told about the nuclear industry. The Irradiation Plan of the NWO (See All Parts of all these links) (A Poisoned World - Pt8 - Depleted Uranium) (Irradiation -- Stossel In The Classroom) but (Food Irradiation) Not Forgetting (Irradiated food - Dr Rima tells us the dangers) and you shorld check out her other interviews (for the fuller picture.) In order to get a grip on this we need to look at the most recent Nuclear incident Fukushima and just what happened, how did it occur and then of course why. In the links provided you will find that one of Britains top expert on nuclear energy Professor Christopher Busby (among many others) has visited this plant on numerous occasions and been highly critical of the entire industry most of his life. He has warned again and again about the danger in using this form of energy. In this interview he discusses what he warned about and his criticism (highly regarded opinions) on the matter. He has been attempting to change the industry for years due to the short comings and the fact that these plants are accidents waiting to happen. ( Media Blackout as

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Fukushima Full Meltdown Accelerates) & (Part 2) & (Media Blackout as Fukushima Full Meltdown Accelerates) Here is a Document I found regarding the incident: What they are covering up at Fukushima Counterpunch March 22, 2011 Introduced by Douglas Lummis Okinawa Hirose Takashi has written a whole shelf full of books, mostly on the nuclear power industry and the military-industrial complex. Probably his best known book is Nuclear Power Plants for Tokyo in which he took the logic of the nuke promoters to its logical conclusion: if you are so sure that theyre safe, why not build them in the center of the city, instead of hundreds of miles away where you lose half the electricity in the wires? He did the TV interview that is partly translated below somewhat against his present impulses. I talked to him on the telephone today (March 22 , 2011) and he told me that while it made sense to oppose nuclear power back then, now that the disaster has begun he would just as soon remain silent, but the lies they are telling on the radio and TV are so gross that he cannot remain silent. I have translated only about the first third of the interview (you can see the whole thing in Japanese on you-tube), the part that pertains particularly to what is happening at the Fukushima plants. In the latter part he talked about how dangerous radiation is in general, and also about the continuing danger of earthquakes. After reading his account, you will wonder, why do they keep on sprinkling water on the reactors, rather than accept the sarcophagus solution [ie., entombing the reactors in concrete. Editors.] I think there are a couple of answers. One, those reactors were expensive, and they just cant bear the idea of that huge a financial loss. But more importantly, accepting the sarcophagus solution means admitting that they were wrong, and that they couldnt fix the things. On the one hand thats too much guilt for a human being to bear. On the other, it means the defeat of the nuclear energy idea, an idea they hold to with almost

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religious devotion. And it means not just the loss of those six (or ten) reactors, it means shutting down all the others as well, a financial catastrophe. If they can only get them cooled down and running again they can say, See, nuclear power isnt so dangerous after all. Fukushima is a drama with the whole world watching, that can end in the defeat or (in their frail, I think groundless, hope) victory for the nuclear industry. Hiroses account can help us to understand what the drama is about. Douglas Lummis Hirose Takashi: The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident and the State of the Media Broadcast by Asahi NewStar, 17 March, 20:00 Interviewers: Yo and Maeda Mari Yo: Today many people saw water being sprayed on the reactors from the air and from the ground, but is this effective? Hirose: . . . If you want to cool a reactor down with water, you have to circulate the water inside and carry the heat away, otherwise it has no meaning. So the only solution is to reconnect the electricity. Otherwise its like pouring water on lava. Yo: Reconnect the electricity thats to restart the cooling system? Hirose: Yes. The accident was caused by the fact that the tsunami flooded the emergency generators and carried away their fuel tanks. If that isnt fixed, theres no way to recover from this accident. Yo: Tepco [Tokyo Electric Power Company, owner/operator of the nuclear plants] says they expect to bring in a high voltage line this evening. Hirose: Yes, theres a little bit of hope there. But whats worrisome is that a nuclear reactor is not like what the schematic pictures show (shows a graphic picture of a reactor, like those used on TV). This is just a cartoon. Heres what it looks like underneath a reactor container (shows a photograph). This is the butt end of the reactor. Take a look. Its a forest of switch levers and wires and pipes. On television these pseudo122

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scholars come on and give us simple explanations, but they know nothing, those college professors. Only the engineers know. This is where water has been poured in. This maze of pipes is enough to make you dizzy. Its structure is too wildly complex for us to understand. For a week now they have been pouring water through there. And its salt water, right? You pour salt water on a hot kiln and what do you think happens? You get salt. The salt will get into all these valves and cause them to freeze. They wont move. This will be happening everywhere. So I cant believe that its just a simple matter of you reconnecting the electricity and the water will begin to circulate. I think any engineer with a little imagination can understand this. You take a system as unbelievably complex as this and then actually dump water on it from a helicopter maybe they have some idea of how this could work, but I cant understand it. Yo: It will take 1300 tons of water to fill the pools that contain the spent fuel rods in reactors 3 and 4. This morning 30 tons. Then the Self Defense Forces are to hose in another 30 tons from five trucks. Thats nowhere near enough; they have to keep it up. Is this squirting of water from hoses going to change the situation? Hirose: In principle, it cant. Because even when a reactor is in good shape, it requires constant control to keep the temperature down to where it is barely safe. Now its a complete mess inside, and when I think of the 50 remaining operators, it brings tears to my eyes. I assume they have been exposed to very large amounts of radiation, and that they have accepted that they face death by staying there. And how long can they last? I mean, physically. Thats what the situation has come to now. When I see these accounts on television, I want t o tell them, If thats what you say, then go there and do it yourself! Really, they talk this nonsense, trying to reassure everyone, trying to avoid panic. What we need now is a proper panic. Because the situation has come to the point where the danger is real. If I were Prime Minister Kan, I would order them to do what the Soviet Union did when the Chernobyl reactor blew up, the sarcophagus solution, bury the whole thing under cement, put every cement company in Japan to work, and dump cement over it from the sky. Because you have to assume the worst case. Why? Because in Fukushima there is the Daiichi Plant with six reactors and the Daini Plant with four for a total of ten reactors. If even one of them develops the

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worst case, then the workers there must either evacuate the site or stay on and collapse. So if, for example, one of the reactors at Daiichi goes down, the other five are only a matter of time. We cant know in what order they will go, but certainly all of them will go. And if that happens, Daini isnt so far away, so probably the reactors there will also go down. Because I assume that workers will not be able to stay there. Im speaking of the worst case, but the probability is not low. This is the danger that the world is watching. Only in Japan is it being hidden. As you know, of the six reactors at Daiichi, four are in a crisis state. So even if at one everything goes well and water circulation is restored, the other three could still go down. Four are in crisis, and for all four to be 100 per cent repaired, I hate to say it, but I am pessimistic. If so, then to save the people, we have to think about some way to reduce the radiation leakage to the lowest level possible. Not by spraying water from hoses, like sprinkling water on a desert. We have to think of all six going down, and the possibility of that happening is not low. Everyone knows how long it takes a typhoon to pass over Japan; it generally takes about a week. That is, with a wind speed of two meters per second, it could take about five days for all of Japan to be covered with radiation. Were not talking about distances of 20 kilometers or 30 kilometers or 100 kilometers. It means of course Tokyo, Osaka. Thats how fast a radioactive cloud could spread. Of course it would depend on the weather; we cant know in advance how the radiation would be distributed. It would be nice if the wind would blow toward the sea, but it dosent always do that. Two days ago, on the 15th, it was blowing toward Tokyo. Thats how it is. . . . Yo: Every day the local government is measuring the radioactivity. All the television stations are saying that while radiation is rising, it is still not high enough to be a danger to health. They compare it to a stomach x-ray, or if it goes up, to a CT scan. What is the truth of the matter? Hirose: For example, yesterday. Around Fukushima Daiichi Station they measured 400 millisieverts thats per hour. With this measurement (Chief Cabinet Secretary) Edano admitted for the first time that there was a danger to health, but he didnt explain what this means. All of the information media are at fault here I think. They are saying stupid things like, why, we are exposed to radiation all the time in our daily life, we get radiation from outer space. But thats one millisievert per year. A year has 365 days, a day has 24 hours; multiply 365 by 24, you get 8760. Multiply the 400 millisieverts by that, you get 3,500,000 the normal

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dose. You call that safe? And what media have reported this? None. They compare it to a CT scan, which is over in an instant; that has nothing to do with it. The reason radioactivity can be measured is that radioactive material is escaping. What is dangerous is when that material enters your body and irradiates it from inside. These industrymouthpiece scholars come on TV and what do they say? They say as you move away the radiation is reduced in inverse ratio to the square of the distance. I want to say the reverse. Internal irradiation happens when radioactive material is ingested into the body. What happens? Say there is a nuclear particle one meter away from you. You breathe it in, it sticks inside your body; the distance between you and it is now at the micron level. One meter is 1000 millimeters, one micron is one thousandth of a millimeter. Thats a thousand times a thousand squared. Thats the real meaning of inverse ratio of the square of the distance. Radiation exposure is increased by a factor of a trillion. Inhaling even the tiniest particle, thats the danger. Yo: So making comparisons with X-rays and CT scans has no meaning. Because you can breathe in radioactive material. Hirose: Thats right. When it enters your body, theres no telling where it will go. The biggest danger is women, especially pregnant women, and little children. Now theyre talking about iodine and caesium, but thats only part of it, theyre not using the proper detection instruments. What they call monitoring means only measuring the amount of radiation in the air. Their instruments dont eat. What they measure has no connection with the amount of radioactive material. . . . Yo: So damage from radioactive rays and damage from radioactive material are not the same. Hirose: If you ask, are any radioactive rays from the Fukushima Nuclear Station here in this studio, the answer will be no. But radioactive particles are carried here by the air. When the core begins to melt down, elements inside like iodine turn to gas. It rises to the top, so if there is any crevice it escapes outside. Yo: Is there any way to detect this? Hirose: I was told by a newspaper reporter that now Tepco is not in

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shape even to do regular monitoring. They just take an occasional measurement, and that becomes the basis of Edanos statements. You have to take constant measurements, but they are not able to do that. And you need to investigate just what is escaping, and how much. That requires very sophisticated measuring instruments. You cant do it just by keeping a monitoring post. Its no good just to measure the level of radiation in the air. Whiz in by car, take a measurement, its high, its low thats not the point. We need to know what kind of radioactive materials are escaping, and where they are going they dont have a system in place for doing that now. Douglas Lummis is a political scientist living in Okinawa and the author of Radical Democracy. Lummis can be reached at End of Article

If you were paying attention to the details you will hear the damming facts he raised about not just the design of the plant but the whole industry. Regarding the design alone he points out the fact the plant has been built on an area of fault lines in the first place, secondly who had the bright idea of putting right at the front of the sea line so a tsunami could hit it in the first place? All of these conditions are (if you do some of the research yourself) so absurd it really, really beggars belief! Moreover, there is still much more to this than meets any discerning eye when you take into consideration the fact that all of the spent FUEL was stored in the cooling pools (and this is just so bloody stupid) directly above the reactor! This is some 45 years worth of life destroying totally harmful unbelievably dangerous material that if it ever got into the atmosphere it would be able to contaminate the entire planet for hundreds of thousands of years! Please god, tell me this is beginning to make you think! If they know there can be coronal mass ejections or solar flares and other things like earthquakes, why would they build these things? Especially if we DONT NEED NUCLEAR POWER! So what the Hell is going on people? Hell is the appropriate word.


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Effects of the sun on nuclear plants! Article: Solar Flare could unleash nuclear halacaust across the planet, forcing hundreds of nuclear powerplants into total meltdown Nuclear power plants into total meltdowns! (NaturalNews) Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human civilization is far more mundane, and it's right in front of our noses. If Fukushima has taught us anything, it's that just one runaway meltdown of fissionable nuclear material can have wide-ranging and potentially devastating consequences for life on Earth. To date, Fukushima has already released 168 times the total radiation released from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb detonated in 1945, and the Fukushima catastrophe is now undeniably the worst nuclear disaster in the history of human civilization. But what if human civilization faced a far greater threat than a single tsunami destroying a nuclear power facility? What if a global tidal wave could destroy the power generating capacities of all the world's power plants, all at once? Such a scenario is not merely possible, but factually inevitable. And the global tidal wave threatening all the nuclear power plants of the world isn't made of water but solar emissions. The sun, you see, is acting up again. NASA recently warned that solar activity is surging, with a peak expected to happen in 2013 that could generate enormous radiation levels that sweep across planet Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has even issued an urgent warning about solar flares due to strike in 2012 and 2013. IB times wrote, "With solar activity expected to peak around 2013, the Sun is entering a particularly active time and big flares like the recent one will likely be common during the next few years. ...A major flare in the mid-19th century blocked the nascent telegraph system, and some scientists believe that another such event is now overdue." (


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The story goes on to explain: "Several federal government studies suggest that this extreme solar activity and emissions may result in complete blackouts for years in some areas of the nation. Moreover, there may also be disruption of power supply for years, or even decades, as geomagnetic currents attracted by the storm could debilitate the transformers." Why dose all this matter? To understand that, you have to understand how nuclear power plants function. Or, put another way, how is nuclear material prevented from "going nuclear" every single day across our planet? Every nuclear power plant operates in a near-meltdown state. All nuclear power plants are operated in a near-meltdown status. They operate at very high heat, relying on nuclear fission to boil water that produces steam to drive the turbines that generate electricity. Critically, the nuclear fuel is prevented from melting down through the steady circulation of coolants which are pushed through the cooling system using very high powered electric pumps. If you stop the electric pumps, the coolant stops flowing and the fuel rods go critical (and then melt down). This is what happened in Fukushima, where the melted fuel rods dropped through the concrete floor of the containment vessels, unleashing enormous quantities of ionizing radiation into the surrounding environment. The full extent of the Fukushima contamination is not even known yet, as the facility is still emitting radiation. It's crucial to understand that nuclear coolant pumps are usually driven by power from the electrical grid. They are not normally driven by power generated locally from the nuclear power plant itself. Instead, they're connected to the grid. In other words, even though nuclear power plants are generating megawatts of electricity for the grid, they are also dependant on the grid to run their own coolant pumps. If the grid goes down, the coolant pumps go down, too, which is why they are quickly switched to emergency backup power -- either generators or batteries. As we learned with Fukushima, the on-site batteries can only drive the

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coolant pumps for around eight hours. After that, the nuclear facility is dependent on diesel generators (or sometimes propane) to run the pumps that circulate the coolant which prevents the whole site from going Chernobyl. And yet, critically, this depends on something rather obvious: The delivery of diesel fuel to the site. If diesel cannot be delivered, the generators can't be fired up and the coolant can't be circulated. When you grasp the importance of this supply line dependency, you will instantly understand why a single solar flare could unleash a nuclear holocaust across the planet. When the generators fail and the coolant pumps stop pumping, nuclear fuel rods begin to melt through their containment rods, unleashing ungodly amounts of life-destroying radiation directly into the atmosphere. This is precisely why Japanese engineers worked so hard to reconnect the local power grid to the Fukushima facility after the tidal wave -- they needed to bring power back to the generators to run the pumps that circulate the coolant. This effort failed, of course, which is why Fukushima became such a nuclear disaster and released countless becquerels of radiation into the environment (with no end in sight). And yet, despite the destruction we've already seen with Fukushima, U.S. nuclear power plants are nowhere near being prepared to handle sustained power grid failures. As IBtimes reports: "Last month, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said U.S. plants affected by a blackout should be able to cope without electricity for at least eight hours and should have procedures to keep the reactor and spent-fuel pool cool for 72 hours. Nuclear plants depend on standby batteries and backup diesel generators. Most standby power systems would continue to function after a severe solar storm, but supplying the standby power systems with adequate fuel, when the main power grids are offline for years, could become a very critical problem. If the spent fuel rod pools at the country's 104 nuclear power plants lose their connection to the power grid, the current regulations aren't sufficient to guarantee those pools won't boil over -- exposing the hot, zirconiumclad rods and sparking fires that would release deadly radiation." ( Now, what dose all this have to do with solar flares?

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How the end of modern civilization will most likely occur. As any sufficiently informed scientist will readily admit, solar flares have the potential to blow out the transformers throughout the national power grid. That's because solar flares induce geomagnetic currents (powerful electromagnetic impulses) which overload the transformers and cause them to explode. You've probably witnessed this yourself during a lightning storm when lightning unleashes a powerful electromagnetic pulse that causes a local transformer to explode. Solar flares do the same thing on a much larger scale. A global scale, in fact. The upshot of this situation is that suddenly and without warning, the power grid infrastructure across nearly the entire planet could be destroyed. As a bonus, nearly all satellites will be fried, too, leaving GPS inoperable and causing millions of clueless drivers to become forever lost in their own neighbourhoods because they never paid attention to the streets and always relied on a GPS voice to tell them, "In fifty feet, turn right." Communications satellites will be obliterated, too. This, of course, will halt nearly all news propaganda distribution across the planet, causing tens of thousands of people to instantly die out of the sheer fear of suddenly having to think for themselves. As another bonus, nearly all mobile phone service will be disrupted, too, meaning all the teenage text junkies of the world will, for the first time in their lives, be forced to lay down their iPhones and interact with real people in the real world. But the real kicker in all this is that the power grid will be destroyed nearly everywhere. What happens when there's no electricity? Imagine a world without electricity. Even for just a week. Imagine New York City with no electricity, or Los Angeles, or Sao Paulo. Within 72 hours, most cities around the world will devolve into total chaos, complete with looting, violent crime, and runaway fires. But that's not even the bad news. Even if all the major cities of the world burned to the ground for some other reason, humanity could still recover

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because it has the farmlands: the soils, the seeds, and the potential to recover, right? And yet the real crisis here stems from the realization that once there is no power grid, all the nuclear power plants of the world suddenly go into "emergency mode" and are forced to rely on their on-site emergency power backups to circulate coolants and prevent nuclear meltdowns from occurring. And yet, as we've already established, these facilities typically have only a few hours of battery power available, followed by perhaps a few days worth of diesel fuel to run their generators (or propane, in some cases). Did I also mention that half the people who work at nuclear power facilities have no idea what they're doing in the first place? Most of the veterans who really know the facilities inside and out have been forced into retirement due to reaching their lifetime limits of on-the-job radiation exposure, so most of the workers at nuclear facilities right now are newbies who really have no clue what they're doing. There are 440 nuclear power plants operating across 30 countries around the world today. There are an additional 250 so-called "research reactors" in existence, making a total of roughly 700 nuclear reactors to be dealt with ( Now imagine the scenario: You've got a massive solar flare that knocks out the world power grid and destroys the majority of the power grid transformers, thrusting the world into darkness. Cities collapse into chaos and rioting, martial law is quickly declared (but it hardly matters), and every nation in the world is on full emergency. But that dosen't solve the really big problem, which is that you've got 700 nuclear reactors that can't feed power into the grid (because all the transformers are blown up) and yet simultaneously have to be fed a steady stream of emergency fuels to run the generators the keep the coolant pumps functioning. How long dose the coolant need to circulate in these facilities to cool the nuclear fuel? Months. This is also the lesson of Fukushima: You can't cool nuclear fuel in mere hours or days. It takes months to bring these nuclear facilities to a state of cold shutdown. And that means in order to avoid a multitude of Fukushima-style meltdowns from occurring around the world, you need to truck diesel fuel, generator parts and nuclear

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plant workers to every nuclear facility on the planet, ON TIME, every time, without fail, for months on end. Now remember, this must be done in the middle of the total chaos breakdown of modern civilization, where there is no power, where law enforcement and emergency services are totally overrun, where people are starving because food deliveries have been disrupted, and when looting and violent crime runs rampant in the streets of every major city in the world. Somehow, despite all this, you have to run these diesel fuel caravans to the nuclear power plants and keep the pumps running. Except there's a problem in all this, even if you assume you can somehow work a logistical miracle and actually deliver the diesel fuel to the backup generators on time (which you probably can't). The problem is this: Where do you get diesel fuel? Why refineries will be shut down, too. From petroleum refineries. Most people don't realize it, but petroleum refineries run on electricity. Without the power grid, the refineries don't produce a drop of diesel. With no diesel, there are no generators keeping the coolant running in the nuclear power facilities. But wait, you say: Maybe we could just acquire diesel from all the gas stations in the world. Pump it out of the ground, load it into trucks and use that to power the generators, right? Except there are other problems here: How do you pump all that fuel without electricity? How do you acquire all the tires and spare parts needed to keep trucks running if there's no electricity to keep the supply businesses running? How do you maintain a truck delivery infrastructure when the electrical infrastructure is totally wiped out? Some countries might be able to pull it off with some degree of success. With military escorts and the total government control over all fuel supplies, a few nations will be able to keep a few nuclear power facilities from melting down. But here's the real issue: There are 700 nuclear power facilities in the world, remember? Let's suppose that in the aftermath of a massive solar

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flare, the nations of the world are somehow able to control half of those facilities and nurse them into cold shutdown status. That still leaves roughly 350 nuclear facilities at risk. Now let's suppose half of those are somehow luckily offline and not even functioning when the solar flare hits, so they need no special attention. This is a very optimistic assumption, but that still leaves 175 nuclear power plants where all attempts fail. Let's be outrageously optimistic and suppose that a third of those somehow don't go into a total meltdown by some miracle of God, or some bizarre twist in the laws of physics. So we're still left with 115 nuclear power plants that "go Chernobyl." Fukushima was one power plant. Imagine the devastation of 100+ nuclear power plants, all going into meltdown all at once across the planet. It's not the loss of electricity that's the real problem; it's the global tidal wave of invisible radiation that blankets the planet, permeates the topsoil, irradiates everything that breathes and delivers the final crushing blow to human civilization as we know it today. Because if you have 100 simultaneous global nuclear meltdowns, the tidal wave of radiation will make farming nearly impossible for years. That means no food production for several years in a row. And that, in turn, means a near-total collapse of the human population on our planet. How many people can survive an entire year with no food from the farms? Not one in a hundred people. Even beyond that, how many people can essentially live underground and be safe enough from the radiation that they can have viable children and repopulate the planet? It's a very, very small fraction of the total population. Solar flares far more likely to hit nuclear power plants than tidal waves or earthquakes. What's the chance of all this actually happening? A report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory said that "...over the standard 40-year license term of nuclear power plants, solar flare activity enables a 33 per cent chance of long-term power loss, a risk that significantly outweighs that of major earthquakes and tsunamis."

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The world's reliance on nuclear power, you see, has doomed us to destroy our own civilization. Of course, this is all preventable if we would only dismantle and shut down ALL nuclear power plants on the planet. But what are the chances of that happening? Zero, of course. There are too many commercial and political interests invested in nuclear power. So the power plants will stay, and we will therefore be vulnerable to a solar flare which could strike us at any time and unleash a global nuclear holocaust. Planet Earth has been struck by solar flares before, of course, but all the big hits in recorded human history took place long before the age of modern electronics, so the impacts were minimal. Today, society cannot function without electronics. Nor can nuclear facility coolant pumps. Once you realize that, you begin to understand the true danger in which humanity has placed itself by relying on nuclear power. By relying on nuclear power, we are risking everything. And we're doing it blindly, with no real acknowledgement of the dangers of running 700+ nuclear facilities in a constant state of "near meltdown" while foolishly relying on the steady flow of electricity to keep the fuel rods cool. If Fukushima, all by itself, could unleash a tidal wave of deadly radiation all by itself, imagine a world where hundreds of nuclear facilities go into a total meltdown simultaneously. A repeat of the 1859 solar storm -- called the Carrington Event -- would "devastate the modern world," admits a National Geographic article: What can you do about any of this? Build yourself an underground bunker and prepare to live in it for an extended period of time. (Just a few feet of soil protect you from most radiation.) The good news is that if you survive it all and one day return to the surface to plant your nonhybrid seeds and begin rebuilding human society, real estate will be really, really cheap. Especially in the radiation zones. Take this seriously! Read more from NASA!

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family From NASA: "Just before dawn the next day, skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple auroras so brilliant that newspapers could be read as easily as in daylight. Indeed, stunning auroras pulsated even at near tropical latitudes over Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica, El Salvador, and Hawaii. Even more disconcerting, telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when telegraphers disconnected the batteries powering the lines, aurora-induced electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted..." " electronic technologies have become more sophisticated and more embedded into everyday life, they have also become more vulnerable to solar activity. On Earth, power lines and long-distance telephone cables might be affected by auroral currents, as happened in 1989. Radar, cell phone communications, and GPS receivers could be disrupted by solar radio noise. Experts who have studied the question say there is little to be done to protect satellites from a Carrington-class flare. In fact, a recent paper estimates potential damage to the 900-plus satellites currently in orbit could cost between $30 billion and $70 billion." End of Article

I wish I could stop here now and pretend it is all a nightmare (and going to go away) and that it isnt real anymore to but I cannot as it is real. Unfortunately it gets worse from here. After further amounts of research I found out without doing too much work there are sets of standard models of these kinds of plant. I began to look into the utterly mad aspect that the whole series of atomic energy plants may have some similar aspects (regarding the design of them) and I found they have. Most of these plants have the similarly designed cooling pools on top of them and indeed are prone to the same catastrophic possibility it could

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

well meltdown in a similar manner. It turns out without anything more than running out of electricity to power the cooling pools the pools WILL automatically go into meltdown due to the spent fuel heating up, boiling off the water and melting down into the reactor. All of the safety precautions will not prevent each and every one of these similarly going into meltdown. One of the so-called safety procedures is the diesel power stations own generators, which can provide the power to keep the pool cool if there is a cut in electricity. There is a little problem with this though as once these run out of diesel they will stop producing the power to cool these pools. Laying it out on the line then this means if for any reason this occurs these plants will all follow suit and go into melt down automatically! They are literally Time Bombs! All that is needed is a disruption in standard operating procedure be it electricity, fuel supply disruption, earthquake, war in the country to disrupt operations, asteroid impact or solar flare, you name it even if a country goes bankrupt and cant afford or deliver the fuel needed. Once any of the above occurs it will light the fuse of this live sitting time bombs, which practically cannot be stopped! We have been operating from nuclear for all of these years and not been even remotely aware of the fact we have been storing this spent fuel on TOP of these monstrosities (that were never needed in the first place) for a coming release into the atmosphere at some point in the future. As it turns out there is much more. What happened at Fukushima can happen to most if not all of these units ON THE PLANET! Many of the design faults (of total idiocy) we saw in this incident are built into most of the others and if this were not real and easily verifiable I to, could not possibly believe the fact they have built the majority of atomic power plants on other similar FAULT LINES! Yes you heard me correctly. On the New Madrid fault line in the USA there are some 18 of these plants. Check out the information for yourself please. On a final note Fukushima was set up from inside by MOSSAD and there were many other aspects to this including the tsunami was deliberately done with HAARP and there was a computer bug deliberately planted in the plant by a mossad security team (STUXNET) to ensure the plant would go into melt down. (Red Ice Radio - 16.6.2011 - Depopulation Disasters, Fukushima, E. Coli & Stuxnet) They are poisoning our atmosphere so we cannot grow our own food and have to accept the chip when they tell

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

us to get for, food, shelter or anything else! They want TOTAL control over all of us before we all wake up to the truth and just who we are and what we can really do. HAARP evidence and facts (World Weather Manipulation Through HAARP) courtesy of Dutch Sense including patents and photographic effects evidence. Guess who owns the vast majority of the Canadian and many other Plutonium and Uranium mines? (The Bloodline Of The Illuminati Who's Who And How part 11A) The Queen! Guess who decided Britain should go Nuclear? The Queen! Get it already. Its part of the PLAN for the implementation of the New World Order! Once you begin to examine the information you will see there is even more to this than laid out here. We will get more into this as we go into the following chapters but you should have been getting the picture by now but if not please take a look at this information here. We will have covered NWO Agenda 21 earlier in the book. (NWO Depopulation Plans Exposed Agenda 21 Club of Rome EnvironMentalism) (Arnie Gunderson: Nuclear Industry Whistleblower Talks About Nuclear Facilities) (Breaking News Ft Calhoun Nuclear plant nebraska) (Explosives Used On Levee Near Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant To Cause Intentional Breech) (Japan Nuclear Reactor is a BOMB!!!!! w/ Dr. Michio Kaku) (Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Problem Explained (CNN)) There is much more additional data on this situation but I will finish this section up, as there are around 104 more of these plants all over the USA alone but to get the information see the link. (Strange Blue Light in Japan During Earth Quake on 04/07/11) I will link the information in to this at a later point in the book but think UFO. So if you are a sane person you have to ask why this is the current situation really happening? What could the reason for all of this possibly be? Can you work it out yet? Well lets look. When there is a so called natural or other (disaster) event where many numbers are going to be killed. There are other (beings that have the

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

karmic right) to use us as we use the cattle. Its our Kama coming back to us for farming here on Earth. Its all been designed this way! All of our current systems were seeded similar to our cultures, religions, understandings and the way we live out our lives down here, even our life span is controlled by the day to day things we use, eat, drink, learn and there is still, so much more to all of the construct we are a part of. In order to change and affect this system we have to start to become more aware of it firstly! Think of V -They Live for just two examples. Ever really wondered where the Maya, Incas, Aztecs, Sumerians really went? My point being TPTB have always had this edge over humanity and we failed to See it before to some degree. The Masonic secrets are actually built into the architecture both inside and out all over the world and they have held this knowledge away from all of us all of our lives here on earth in order to keep us prisoners here for good. (Nibiru Palace Part 1 - SATAN UFO 666) They knew all along! We have gone into some details before on False Flag Attacks but you can bet your behind on the fact it is the governments are all in a collaboration with aligning sinister forces out there and they want us trapped, controlled, in fear. We are left here dying like flies in the radiation and chemical soup down here and that they have gone out of their way to ensure this happens. There is a way out and we will get to this later but it requires Consciousness to do it. We all need to get real and get with the program rapidly if we are going to stop this taking us all by the throat. I have to warn you that all of the religious arms all have instructions to pass on information to the upper echelons of the power grid if they come across, information. Like in the matrix they have been prepped to pass across information to their handlers or supervisors for want of a better term. Eg. (*Warning* The Real Matrix.) the clergy and all religious organisations have been indoctrinated into their aspect fully over many thousands of years. We all have to study some of the aspects of Santos Bonacci and Astrotheoligy to see it for what it really is, a ruse and a trick! Lets not forget (The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds) for a general insight into the education systems indoctrination program. They will not believe you or understand you but do as they are preprogrammed to do which is tell those higher than them the information you give to the lower ranks. Again, it is the structure of the whole thing.

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Right in front of your eyes but the beauty of it is you could never believe it as it is far too far-reaching and elaborate for your mind to accept. non the less, it is true and very, very dangerous and very REAL. (David Icke Exposs The Matrix) (URGENT: Japan now admits Fukushima at 154 trillion Bq's/Day and West Coast Radiation forecast Part 1) We are being set up like kippers, all of us! They are lying to all of us about all of these issues so please again, get wise quick! 19. Overview with Conclusion. The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age.

As we have shown, we have abundant technologies and much more advanced stuff in the wrong hands and hidden from the majority of the people (via ignorance or conditioning its still not main stream) at the moment free energy being only one of them. These plants as pointed out are lethal to life on this planet and we have seen the effects of depleted uranium on the Iraqi people in the form of birth defects, cancer related deaths, polluted lands and water supplies and these is still so much more to detail. (Fukushima Nuclear Reactors Design Flaw & Other plants at Risk) In conclusion to this chapter we have seen for ourselves the reality of what is going on in these vital areas of knowledge. Once an individual has access to this information and can see for him/herself the importance of doing nothing about it we can then understand the consequences for all of us on the planet as, in-action (doing nothing) is in fact being complicit in the resulting outcome. If I saw a person was about to step on a landmine (but did nothing) and even the most idiotic moron on the planet can see the outcome. I would have been complicit in the man getting blown up as I did nothing. If I have to go to my grave for this information all I can say, I tried for all our sakes. I rest my case as when we understand the issues then we each have a responsibility to do something about it before it is too late unless Im missing something here. Watch this please (Japan Nuclear Cover Up - Millions May Die) it explains how they are irradiating the planet and we will not be able to grow food or live long enough on the surface due to the fall out levels. We MUST ALL ACT in ANY way you can think of! Print off some

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

stickers and put in bus stops, pubs, towns, cars, notice boards, public toilets, anything, drop flyers, talk to every one you can about this book or any of these issues. Please Do Something to help! Put Links UP on your brilliant VIDEOS, anything. There is no need for nuclear energy just the opposite as I have shown here. Hell, we could even use hydrothermal vents to power the world if there were really nothing else which is totally NOT the case. (FREE Energy Discovered! No more Nuclear Power) No need but there is a reason why and it not good for US. We covered a whole lot of information and connecting of the dots. I hope you can grasp the importance of this, as we are all on this planet together on this one. The only way to prevent this overall situation from happening is to shut all of these plants down as safely and as soon as possible! This is going to be a mammoth task to complete but I think it is possible to do. Above this we have to get this information out to as many conscious human beings as possible. We have to deal with this situation as ultimately if we dont it WILL deal with US useless eaters as the elite commonly refer to the human race as. All of the information you can see fits together into the bigger picture and if you understand the multitude of aspects involved you have little choice but to wake up and others around you fast. In this clip Bill Cooper explains their mentality. (Bill Cooper - Zionism) They are looking at us as the fools as we have been because t hey know we can stop this if we stand up and be counted on all of these issues to demand change. It is as much our fault as we let them do it to the earth (fell asleep at the wheel so to speak) they are getting away with our murders as well as we are letting them get away with the Earths murder by default. (Bill Hicks - It's Just A Ride) (Food: There's Lots Of It) We will have to live in the mess we allowed and helped them to create for us because we are stupid enough not to take note here. In an utterly bazaar way they are right and we were wrong as they are proving to us we are stupid enough not to see it coming and DO something about it. Sorry, but we are allowing it to become real they just tricked us into allowing it to happen by our ignorance of the issues and turning a blind eye to these important matters. Thinking that GOD will deal with it is the problem! WE need to get off our buts and take part in changing things

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

so it stops happening. I have said before it is only happening because we are complicit in it by our acquiescence! In this following clip is very close to the truth while missing out other points (like MOST are.) Anyway here is the link as it shows how the illuminate and other groups view the whole situation of the populous or the masses. We will see here (What is the Illuminati Waiting For) they do elevate nature in a similar manner but it is about the consciousness of the masses as pointed out because if we wake up and put an end to allowing this to happen to us we will change the outcome to a better one. We are not overpopulated and never were as it is in the way we manage the planet and not, the fact it cannot sustain more people, period! This is why we have all the illnesses, diseases, famine, droughts, poverty, war, fear and sadness in this world as we chose to ignore the problem and hope it will disappear but the longer we do this the worse it will get. We need to band together with all the other splinter groups of conscious people clubs and other, stand together as one human race and stop the powers that be so to speak in their tracks. (Freemasonry Exposed Luciferian Secret Society 1 of 4) If you dont get the fact this is true you had better see these other good examples showing you its real. ( If we want to stop them from getting away with running the planet into the ground we can sort it out using the technology they are hiding from us and preventing our use of these. To do this we need to know all this information so we can understand what has happened and therefore just what we have to do to correct it. (Silenced Scientists Speak Out on Gulf of Mexico) Top expert testimony about the Gulf spill and correxit (listen to the words) - <CORREXIT / CORRECTS IT!> they are taking the P*** out of us, if you believe pouring this chemical soup into the Gulf will help or correct it or anything else! They are pouring this stuff into the gulf deliberately to poison it, and thus us in turn, it will only make matters FAR worse! They have engineered all of this to happen and it not just me saying this its the Truth! (Dr. Susan Shaw-The Gulf Has Been Poisoned By Correxit Needlessly 1 of 2. MP4) For a summary of what they have done in the Gulf: The estimated super high pressure release of oil from under the earth's crust is between 80,000 to 100,000

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

barrels per day currently. The flow of oil and toxic gases is bringing up with it rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow is being rapidly worn away making the flow much worse by the day. If they wanted to help clean it up they would not use this but oil eating natural bacteria! This would be the natural solution not chemical filth. For those that can handle some more of the truth about the facts behind Nuclear releases into the atmosphere. These things are NOT happening by any mistakes! The year before the incident a film called Knowing was released detailing the exact same disaster occurring (for an example.) There is also evidence the platform was also hit with an energy weapon as was 9/11! ("Knowing" Movie and the oil Rig Explosion in the Gult of Mexico 2010.avi) They know what they are doing and have planned it all out before hand a long time ago. I understand this is a massive claim but when you spend enough time putting all this together it all fits. These things I have shown you are only a few examples but when you join all of the other pieces together you have to eventually come to the same conclusion no matter how hard it is to believe it. ("Knowing" the movie: and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010) Its all been done by design and it is not over yet. All the world is but a stage! Shakespeare. NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOTHING IS NO LONGER AN OPTION? V FOR VICTORY--YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE! [You control our world. You've poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food we eat. We fight in your wars, die for your causes, and sacrifice our freedoms to protect you. You've liquidated our savings, destroyed our middle class, and used our tax dollars to bailout your unending greed. We are slaves to your corporations, zombies to your airwaves, servants to your decadence. You've stolen our elections, assassinated our leaders, and abolished our basic rights as human beings. You own our property, shipped away our jobs, and shredded our unions. You've profited off of disaster, destabilized our currencies, and raised our cost of living. You've

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

monopolized our freedom, stripped away our education, and have almost extinguished our flame. We are hit... we are bleeding... but we ain't got time to bleed. We will bring the giants to their knees and you will witness our revolution! Scott Noble] Thomas Jefferson Should the public Discover the true health costs of nuclear pollution, a cry would rise from all parts of the world and people would refuse to cooperate passively with their own death. LET ALONE, IF IT HAD ALL BEEN DONE, DELIBERATLY! Me! Jan 2012 (ALIEN CONTACT BY USA GOVERNMENT 2011 part 1) The original was removed so here is another that can be viewed. bedded 20. Suggested Additional Research Resources: The Nature Of Harmonics and Understanding the Atomic Age.

Nuclear Secrecy and Ecology 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction to Managing Technological Dangers 10:14 - Chapter 2. Expert Deployment to Bikini Island 23:48 - Chapter 3. Developing a Narrative Advantage: Public Education 33:03 - Chapter 4. Returning to Bikini Island: Conflicting Interpretations 40:56 - Chapter 5. Remedies for Those Exposed Orwellian Ubiquitous Computing May Build Ultimate Surveillance Society Scholars for 9/11 Truth Why Doubt 9/11? by James H. Fetzer

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

=1... Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice "FUKUSHIMA = 2,000 Atomic Bombs Killer Contamination Spreads Worldwide" "Two different stories told on safety of local radioactivity " 8433&... "Fukushima Radiation Fallout potential forecast map" Exoploitics and Extra-terrestrials Disclosure Dialogue - 1/8 DAVID ICKE - THE END GAME! (Extended)


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures |Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition | The CIA Mind-Body Connection | Ozone | Bioelectrification | Story on Drugs | Vaccine Dangers | Cancer | Newsletter | New World Order | NWO News | Pam Schuffert James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor James Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | The Relfes | Free Energy || Montalk Dr. Robert Bitzer | T. Lobsang Rampa | Ruth Drown | ZS Livingstone | David Brandt | Red Elk | Phil Ledoux | Gary Wade | BBB | The Draft | Veterans Awaken Tone Gen | Depleted Uranium | Discussion | Dowsing | Police & Tasers | Rev. Sun Myung Moon | British Israel | The End Times | Amy Goodman Gatekeeper 'Peak Oil' | Amitakh Stanford | Military Draft | Rosie's Predictions | Project Blue Beam | Otto Skorzeny | Insights on Aliens | Cell Towers | Cell Phone Dangers CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout |

Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow Bush Family & Nazis | Holistic Dentists | Metal Free Dentistry | Water Supply Sabotage | Dr. Hulda Clark Books | Planet X Sequel | 'Undocumented Immigrants' War on Terror | Tavistock | U.S. Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! | Guiding Principles | Global Warming | Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold Common Law | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear | Prevent Alien/Demonic Attacks | Rethinking Noam Chomsky | Rockefeller File | War is a Racket Letters | Codex Alimentarius | Zeitgeist Refuted | Airport Authoritarianism | Daily Blog | Global Warming | Allies Contact Sheet | Hydrogen Peroxide | Protocols of Sion | Radio Interviews | The Strawman Explained | Swine Flu Hoax/Vaccine | Gary Null on Vaccine Dangers | Don Nicoloff | "Everything is OK" | Daily Blog | Products | Orgone Generators | The Succor Punch | The Mini Silver Terminator | Home | Links The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures | Dr. John Coleman |


Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

AMAZING VIDEOS AND KNOWLEDGE SITES TO WAKE PEOPLE UP! dded#at=3068 Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it: Woodrow Wilson In religion and politics peoples beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing - Mark Twain "It's not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true." --Henry Kissinger -- President Abraham Lincoln. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

themselves against tyranny in government." Meditate and let thine eye be single, and thy whole body shall be full of light. Holy Bible Matt 6:22 Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. John F Kennedy When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. Hindu Bhagavad Gita The true seeker of knowledge naturally strives for truth, and is not content with common opinion, but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion until he grasps the essential nature of things... ~ PLATO "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act!" George Orwell "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. "[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions." ~ Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994 "My greatest weapon is my utter un-believability" Adolf Hitler "How fortunate for leaders that the masses do not think." Adolf Hitler "Unless we put medical freedom in the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship. The constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

freedom as well as religious freedom." Benjamin Rush M.D signer of the Declaration of Independence. I and the public know What all school children learn, Those to whom evil is done, Do evil in return, W H Auden "It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison, and yet not free - to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and act as the representatives of the national state, or of some private interest within the nation, wants him to think, feel and act. "The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation dose not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective." Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 1958 "Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic." - Arthur C. Clark We are all in danger. A police state control grid is being established in the United States. Now is the time for all lovers of liberty to stand together and speak out against the growing tyranny destroying our Republic. We WILL be victorious against the New World Order. "Three things cannot hide for long: the sun, the moon and the Truth" Siddartha The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. Albert Einstein The Girl who silenced the World for 5 minutes and what have we done? Nothing! Guillotines in the USA for Christians Clear Enough? SCIENCE of SURVEILLANCE dangerous stuff ? Use quotes to change awareness show that intelligent, well-known people have tried to warn us in the past. Quotes are good when put at the bottom of an e-mail or used in talks, discussions, documents and the like! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? NOTHING IS NO LONGER AN OPTION? ALL LIFE SHOULD BE FUN CELEBRATION IS THE KEY OSHO Rajneesh Spiritual Terrorist plpp FUN hP3v_RfGt62SA&feature=mh_lolz None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - (1749-1832) Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it George Santiana

Contents Sole Right of copy gods divine law Volume: Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness Volume I - Part (2) by Tony of the Kilvert family

You must never forget the warning recorded for posterity by Martin Niemoeller, the Lutheran minister who lived in Hitler's Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. His words echo down to us over succeeding decades: "In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." One dose not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship..." 1984 - George Orwell. The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe. God Bless you all! - Bless yourselves. Tony Please help us get this book out to the world. This may be the only place all this information is gathered in one arena so you can learn quickly. Please download videos and articles and save to cd as the internet may be the next target and we have to have a way to get this info to everyone. Please share the web site and have all your friends load the book and study. To mail donations send to Health and Wealth Mission: Mailing address: Tony c/o Health and Wealth Mission, 1440 State Hwy 248, Suite Q-418, Branson near [65616], usA You may also donate on the website electronically on the Products page of

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