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Economy and it’s Ways

By: Nelijah Hankerson

Alexis Mitchell

Brittnee Myers
What effect the economy?
The way the U.S.A is effecting economy is by buying power
and the gas prices are rising very quickly..And many
countries that export goods to the U.S have to demand
4 them.
What are the three types of
 Command economy - Where the government owns most businesses. The
government decides what and how much will be produced. Russia and China used
to have planned economies.

 Mixed economy-This is a mixture between a market economy and a command

economy. Consumers decide some of what they want and the government
decides more. Most countries have a mixed economy (UK, Australia, Canada,
Japan etc).

 Market Economy - Where consumers decide which goods and services they want and businesses
provide these. Most businesses in a market economy are privately owned. The USA is an
example of a market economy.

Collage of the economy…
What is Economy?
An economy is the ways in which people use their
environment to meet their material needs. It is the
realized economic system of a country or other area. It
includes the production, exchange, distribution, and
consumption of goods and services of that area.

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