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WaterTreatment(EENV4331) Homework #1 Aeration Dr.

Fahid Rabah

1.Calculatethesaturationconcentrationofthefollowinggazesinwateratairtemperature of200Candapressureof1atmifitsconcentrationinairis30ppm. Gaz H2S CO2 CH4 2. Cascade is to be used to remove H2S from ground water. The cascade has 4 steps each 0.40 m. The initial concentration of H2S in the ground water is 0.80 mg/L and its saturation concentration (CS ) in water under atmospheric pressure is close to 0 mg/L. Take kH2S = 30 %forhydrogensulfide. 3.WhatisthelengthoftheCascadeaeratorinquestion2ifitscapacityis25m3/hper1m lengthofthestep?Thetotalwaterflowtobetreatedis700m3/h. Whatisthetotalsurfaceareaofthecascadeifthewidthtoheightratioofthestepsis1:1? 4. A ground water containing 1.5 mg/L of CH4 is to be degasified using multiple tray aerator withthreesteps.Thegroundwaterflowrateis800L/min.ThekvalueforCH4is0.25andthe hydraulicloadingrateofthetraysis300L/(min.m2) 1. WhatistheCH4concentrationinthetreatedeffluent? 2. Whatisthesizeofthetraysifthelengthtowidthratiois2:1? WhatistheefficiencyofH2Sremovalafterthe4steps? WhatistheeffluentH2Sconcentration? Concentrationinair(Cg) 20ppm 370ppm 2ppb

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