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College of Information, Computer and Communications Technology


03/21/2012 Mrs. NELIA V.F. NAVA ! Provincial Director, Department of Trade and Industry Cebu Provincial Office, Cebu City / M . MAN"EL C. LA# A$! Trade and Industry Development nalyst, Department of Trade and Industry Dear Mrs. Na%arro& T!is is to re"uest your #ood office to accommodate ARIAS, ROSE MARIE L, as trainee in your company$ %!e is a bonafide student of t!is &niversity ta'in# up Practicum, a re"uisite for t!e de#ree (ac!elor of %cience in Information Tec!nolo#y$ )or t!is pro#ram, t!e student *ill be reportin# to your office *it! t!e follo*in# sc!edule+ Monday ' Friday (&)) ' *&)) +M

%!e s!all be re"uired to abide by t!e rules and re#ulations of your company for t!e duration of t!e Practicum/O,T period$ It is understood t!at t!e company reserves t!e ri#!t to terminate t!e Practicum/O,T *or' in t!e event t!at t!e student is found unfit due to misconduct and/or related reasons$ )urt!ermore, !e/s!e s!all not be entitled to any benefit *!atsoever unless suc! benefit s!all be #iven by your company voluntarily$ In case your office decides to absorb !er in your or#ani-ation, t!e *!ole Practicum/O,T period *ill be automatically considered as completed after t!e student !as *or'ed for at least 2.0 !ours t!is %ummer 2012 / )irst %emester, %0 201212013$ T!an' you very muc! for t!e accommodation you are affordin# our students$ 2ery truly yours, 3oted by+ M/. 0E #E T A. #!L!-!/ C!airperson, C%/IT Department $ . . E.. VICT! Dean, CICCT $. .A#I/!N M . ,E!FF E- C. ."$I! dviser, IT Practicum/C% O,T

Accepted for +racticum1!,T 2or3 4y& 44444444444444444444444444444444444 5name/si#nature of company representative6

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