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EST lakehl be Mole) = m Electronic Devices ® and Circuits Et & alae b= ie} P) = qa Le] ® AF re 0 ) = B - S co aae Clea MeGRAW-HILL ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING SERIES Frederick Emmons Terman, Consulting Editor W. W. Harman and J. G. Truxal, Associate Consulting Edie. s Abrandt and Seven! Sevomechasiom Proctice ‘Angelo Electronic Create ‘Aseline Trensform Method ia Unesr System Ansys ‘Atwoer Introduction Yo Microwave Theory alley ond Gaul -Alternating-cirrest Machinery erona = Acorn Bracewell: The Fourier Tranftorm ond tts Applications {rear ond Jovi Anolyi of Bete Crue {Brown Anolis of Linear Time-nverion Sytem {runt and Sevndert «Analyst of Feedback Control Systems Coge Theory ond Applicction of Industral Electrons Cover: Synthesis of Unear Communication Networks Chen The Anclyi of Unear Systems ‘Chen -Uneor Network Design end Syothesis Chitin «Analy ond Design of Eactronic Circa Chiron ond Zemonion Electronics Clement ond Johnson «Eeteal Engineering Scence ‘Cole ond Coker near Vacoum-tube and Trantor Clr, ‘Cacia Harmonics, Sidebonds, ond Transients In Communication Engineering ‘Cennngham : troduction to Nonlinesr Anaya ‘D’Arro nd Hous Feedbock Control System Analysis ond Synthesis {Eaximon«Fundomertols of Vacuum Tuber igord- Control Systems Theory Eraaigh Adaptive Control ond Optinizotion Tecniqves Franti Foundation of otormation Theory Ftzgero, Mgginbothon, ond Grobel Basie lcrica Engineering Ftagerad end Kingsley“ lectie Machinery Fron Bacrcal Meorureen! Ancysls Friedlond, Wing, ond Ash Princpes of Ungar Networks Ghalich ond Hammond - lcromechoncc! Systems Ghoul Princes ond Design of Unger Active Cirults Ghose - Mlromave Circ Theory and Anlyss Greiner «Semiconductor Devices and Appilections Hommond“Eecreal Engineering ‘Hancock An Introdycton to the Principles of Communication Theory Hoppe! ond Henetberth « Eglnering Electronics Herman Fundamentals of Electronic tion Hormon Principles of the Sotitical Theory of Communication ‘Hormon ond ile ecrcal ond Mechanical Networks Herrington“ trodvton to Blecromognetic Engineering Horington»Tine-harmenie Electromagnetic lds ‘Hoyas «Nowineor Oxcilotions in Phil Systems ‘Hoyt: Engineering Bectromognetcs ‘Hoyt ond Kenmerly «Engineering Creu Analysis il -Bectronis in Enginesring, Jovi ond Brenner Analy, Transmison, ond Fiteriog of Sona Jovi cd Brown Feld Anais ond Bacromognetic., Johnson renanvsionUnes ond Networks Koenig nd Blackwell: Blectromechanial System Theory Koesig,Toked, ond Kesevan»Anclyss of Dicrete Physiol Systems Kees babernes Krow -Becromagntice Kuh ond Pedorton»Prinpls of Circuit Sythais Kyo - Uneae Networks ond Sytem Ledley «Digital Computer and Conrl Engineering LePoge + Anclyss of Alternting-crret Cir LoPoge : Complex Veriables and the Laplace Tronsorm fr Engnesing LaFoge ond Seely - Gener Network Anclyis Levi and Ponzer Blecromachancal Power Conversion Ley, lee, ond Rehberg Linear Clit Anclysi Lin ond Gibbons Transistors ond Active Creat LUttover Pula Becton lynch and Traxl Introdvtery System Analysis Lynch ond Traxel Principles of Bacronicnstromention ‘ynch and Troxel: Signals ond Systems in Elecricol Engineering ‘MeCteaay = ntroduction tothe Theory of Switching Circle Monsng “Becta! Gres “Maia Principles of Eectromechoical-energy Conversion ‘Milman: Vecuum-tube ond Semiconductor Electonics ‘Milaon ond Holkioe- Electric Devices ond Crete “Millgon ond Seay» Bectronies ‘Milwon ond Toub Puve ond Dig Ciresits ‘Milgon ond Taub Pls, Digital, and Switching Wavelorms ‘Mishkin ond Broun «Adaptive Control Systems Moor Traveling-wave Engineering Nanoval: An Introduction to Semiconductor Electronics Pati -Becronle Switching, Thing, ond Fave Cirts Patt ond MeWherler = lectonie Ampiter Create Palfer + Concepts of ProbebiltyThoory ifr“ Unear Systems Anelyls ‘taza bn rrodvtion to Information Theory ‘Rezo ond Sely Modern Network Anolis. gre ntroduction to Eat Fields aston ond Bordogna «Electric Networks Functions, Fier, Anolyts frder Engineering Electronics Sctwort Information Tranami:ion, Modltion, ond Neue “Schwarz ond Fridlond Ungar Systems ‘Seely acromechonical Energy Conversion Sealy Mecrtntabe Grose ‘Seely Bectronie Engineering ‘Sealy nroduetion o Electromognaic Feds Seely Radio Bectronie Seite! end Steg = Conrt Systems Engineering Spangenberg»Fundomentals of Electron Devices Spongerberg- Vacuum Tubes Seventon «laments of Power System Anolis Slowort-Fundementls of Signol Theory Terman“ lecrnic ond Ro Enghearing ‘Temon ond Patt Bactronle Meoserements Thaler Elmont of Servomechoniem Theory Thaler ond Brown Analysis end Design of Feedback Contrl Sytem Thaler ond Povte- Anyi and Design of Nolnear Feedbok Control Systeme Teer Abrating-cren! ond Yoni! Chet Actas Wilms ond Young »Elecricl Engineering Problems ELECTRONIC DEVICES — AND CIRCUITS Professor of Electrical Engineering Columbia University Christos C. Halkias, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Columbia University INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITION ‘McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY New York St. Louis San Francisco Dusseldorf london Mexico Panama Sydney Toronto KOGAKUSHA COMPANY, ITD.

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