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3rd Grade- Ms.

Lucas Week-At-A-Glance February 24,2014 Language Arts

Galileo Testing

'uesday Understanding Character Motivation and Actions

Novel Study: Treasure Island

Wednesday Understanding Character Motivation and Actions

Novel Study: Treasure Island

'$ursday Understanding Character Motivation and Actions

Novel Study: Treasure Island

Fr%day Understanding Character Motivation and Actions

Novel Study: Treasure Island

HW !o"#re$ens%on &acket

HW !o"#re$ens%on &acket

HW !o"#re$ens%on &acket

HW !o"#re$ens%on &acket.

HW !o"#re$ens%on &acket

Monday The Vikings The Vikings The Vikings The Vikings 'uesday The Vikings Wednesday '$ursday Fr%day

Monday Adding and Subtracting Money: Word Problems 'uesday Gal%leo 'est%ng Wednesday Adding and Subtracting Money Word Problems '$ursday Adding and Subtracting Money: Revie HW W( #. 30 Fr%day Add%ng and (ubtract%ng Money Assess"ent HW )one

HW: WB p. 15-18

HW: None

HW: WB p19-22

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