Understanding Interdisciplinary Studies

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Daniela Medina IDS3933

Understanding Disciplines
Complex Problem
Gender equality is a complex problem that affects individuals of all genders, ages, and cultures throughout the United States. The evidence of gender inequality is very obvious when we look at the Photoshopped version of unnatural, unhealthy, [and] unattainable beauty standards that the media has set for us. It is most prevalent in the form of visual advertisement and the expectation of how a specific gender should look and behave. It is only through the support of the CEOs in corporations that we would be able to shatter these standards. After all, this small group of individuals controls what we see in a day-to-day basis. They have the power to shed light on gender inequality issues or keep supporting these viewpoints.

Basic Information
Article Title: Shampoo the Stereotype Authors Name: Lindsey Orlofsky Name of Publication: The Huffington Post: Women Publication Date: December 18, 2013 Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lindsey-orlofsky/shampoo-thestereotype_b_4461059.html Discipline list to understand, classify, investigate, and solve o Communications [Major] Advertising Mass Communication Public Relations Marketing o Gender Studies Womens Studies Mens Studies LGBT Studies o Social Sciences Sociology Psychology Cultural Anthropology [Minor] Socioeconomics o Humanities History Visual Arts [Major] Linguistics Ethics Philosophy o Statistics

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