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Japan Diary Entry Project

You are a noble living in Heian-kyo during the 10th century. You are keeping a diary of your impressions of daily life. Use your Reading Notes to create a diary entry that describes one day in your life while visiting the emperors court. Your diary entry should: indicate the date be written in the first person. Use I, me, we, and us include information about at least six aspects of your life. These might be: a description of the capital city or your house the leaders of government your rank what is considered beautiful or fashionable what are considered bad manners games you enjoy art and literature of the day your attitude toward the poor include at least one tanka poem that expresses your feelings (Remember that a tanka poem has 31 syllables in five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 syllables each.) have at least three colorful pictures to illustrate key ideas Add creative touches to make your diary entry personal. It should be free of grammatical and spelling errors It should be approximately 500 to 700 words long OR 1-1/2 to 2 pages written OR 1 page typed (12 font, 1.5 spaced, 1 margins) 1. Complete a rough draft for review by two other students using the peer review rubric provided. 2. Type or write the final copy of your entry in ink and complete the Diary Entry Self Grading Rubric provided. 3. Turn in your completed review forms and your rough draft along with your final copy on the project due date. The Rough Draft of this project is due on Feb. 20th, 2014

The Final Copy of this project is due on Monday, Feb. 24th, 2014

Diary Entry Project Self Grading Rubric

Date indicated in 10th Century (900s): Written in 1st person (uses I, me, we, us):

Student Name:_________________ Class:_______ 0 1

Correct time period given

No date or wrong time period

Does not use 1st person through the entire entry

Uses first person through the whole entry

Includes 6 aspects of noble life form the Heian Reading, aspects must be both mentioned (1pt) and explained (1pt):

Tanka Poem that expresses your feelings: 1st line has 5 syllables: 2nd line has 7 syllables: 0 0 1 1 3rd line has 5 syllables: 4th line has 7 syllables: 0 0 1 1 5th line has 7 syllables: 0 Total for Poem: /5pts 1

Three colorful pictures to illustrate key ideas, pictures must be neat/colorful (1pt) and relevant to the diary entry (1pt):

Proper Grammar and Spelling: 1
Fewer than 10 mistakes

Fewer than 5 mistakes

No mistakes

Neatness: 0
Could not read anything

Could not read parts of entry

Legible but messy

Neat and legible

Word Count between 500 and 700 words: 0

less than 50 words/
page typed/ page written

51-449 words/
page typed/ page written

450-499 or 701-750 words/
page typed/ 1 page written

500 to 700 words/
1 page typed/ 1-2 pages written

Rough Draft Completed: 0 Not completed 1 Partially completed or late 2 Completed on time

Has two peer edits forms completed by different students: 0 has no peer edits Completes a self-edit form: 0 did not complete form 1 completed form 1 has one peer edit 2 has two peer edits

Add at least one creative touch to make your diary personal (special paper for instance): 0 Has no creative touch 1 Has a creative touch B= 32-35 C= 28-31 D= 24-27 F= 0-23


/40 points A= 36-40

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