Interview Questions

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Greek Leadership Interview Questions

Warm up questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name, position, organization What made you interested in Greek life? What interested you about taking your current leadership position? What are some of the challenges you face in your leaership role.

Interview questions 1. Have you noticed any changes in your class attendance or academic performance since you took this position (positive or negative)? 2. How has this position affected your social life? 3. When you're at your chapter's planned events, do you feel like you are working or socializing? a. How have your relationships with your non-Greek friends been affected by your leadership position? 4. How has this position affected your stress level? 5. Do you ever feel "burnt-out" because of your position? What does this look like for you? 6. Describe methods of coping with feelings of stress, anxiety or burn out? 7. How has this position affected your physical wellness (i.e. exercise, sleep, eating habits, overall health? 8. What is your chapter's attitude toward sexual health? 9. What is your chapter's attitude toward alcohol consumption? a. Does this perspective ever put you in a difficult position as a leader?

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