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MECH 450 Introduction to Pulping and Papermaking 1.

. Consistency (C) is defined as the ratio of mass of fibre divided by mass of fibre plus water. Sometimes, the mass ratio of fibre to water (R) is used in place of consistency. a) Derive an expression for the error (E) incurred when R is incorrectly used to depict C. b) In what consistency range is the error in using R for C less than 3%? 2. A TMP refiner is operating at production rate of 300 bdt/d and takes up 20 MW of power. What is the specific energy? 3. A CTMP mill is producing 200 oven-dry metric tonnes per day using a single refining stage. The refiner is a single-disc model operating at 1800 rpm. To increase production, the mill is planning to install plates with an outer diameter of 1.574 m in place of the existing 1.524 m diameter plates. Both of these plates have the same inner diameter of 1.114 m. By increasing the motor load in proportion to the increased refining zone area of the new plates, the mill intends to boost production while maintaining the current specific energy target of 7 GJ/ton. The refiner has enough installed power to handle this change. The inlet consistency will also remain the same at 20%. Answer the following questions, using the additional data provided below. a) Estimate what the production rate will be when the new plates are installed b) To maintain the refining intensity constant, a plate pattern with a different bar density must be selected. Given that the existing plates have a bar density (N) of 190 bars/m, what should this value be with the new plates? Reminder: Residence time:

Number of impacts:

r2 1 L ci E aEci L r ln ln 3 2 2 2 t [L(r2 r1 ) + ci Er1 ] r1 2 L

n = Nh

(r1 + r2 )

2 where is the rotational speed (rad/s), ci is the inlet consistency, L is the latent heat of steam, E is the specific energy, r1 is the inner radius of the refining zone, r2 is the outer radius, and N is the bar density. Use the following additional data for your calculations: r/t = 0.33 L = 2200 kJ/kg h = 1 (single-disc refiner) a = 4 (single-disc refiner)

4. Energy applied in mechanical pulping vapourizes water, and this lowers the consistency of pulp. For good pulp quality, an optimum consistency must be maintained. To achieve this, water must be added to the refiner. The objective of this assignment will be to determine the amount of water that must be added to the TMP refiner shown below to maintain a consistency of 32% in the refiner. This should be achieved in three steps: a) Determine the mass flow rate of steam, S, to heat chips from 16C to 134C. b) Determine the amount of water remaining in the liquid phase in pulp after it has passed through the refiner. c) Calculate the amount of water addition necessary to maintain the desired consistency of 32%.

F=250 tonne/day chips @ 50% BD P=3600 MJ/BDt

125 t/d bone dry (BW) fibre 125 t/d water

Data: Water Cp = 4.2 Fibre Cp = 2.1 Steam h = 565 hv = 2726

kJ/kg/C kJ/kg/C kJ/kg kJ/kg

5. Explain on the basis of crowding number why headbox consistencies of 1% or more are used on newsprint machines while consistencies of 0.3% or less are used for some kraft grades, e.g. sack kraft. 6. A pump is feeding 1% consistency hardwood kraft pulp to a large pressure screen from a tank. The feed to the screen must be 250 kPa and the flow is 5,000 litres per minute. The pipe is stainless steel, 0.3m in diameter and the 100 m long. Calculate the power required by the pump. The top of the tank is at atmospheric pressure.

2m Tank Screen pump 100 m

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