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Nadeem Khan S/o Nazeer Khan N.S Manzil Nehru nagar Behind Chitra Saw mill Chikmagalur 577101 Karnataka India

Email: nadeemk751 gmail.!om

Mob : +91 96325-35017

OB E!"#$E Intend to "uild a !areer with leading !or#orate o$ %i&te!h en'ironment with !ommitted ( dedi!ated #eo#le) whi!h will hel# me to e*#lore m+,el$ $ull+ and realize m+ #otential. -illing to work a, a ke+ #la+er in !hallenging ( !reati'e en'ironment. E%U!&"#ON&' (U&'#)#!&"#ONS

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&*ademi* +,o-e*. .Con,umer "eha'ior /oward, Kar"onn Mo"ile0 !OM+U"ER SK#''S Ba,i! o$ Com#uter,. Internet

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-illingne,, to learn through hard work. Sel$ Con$iden!e ;ood /eam -orker ;ood 3earner

+ERSON&' SK#'S: 4nthu,ia,ti!) 2!ti'e #arti!i#ation) 2"ilit+ to work to the "e,t o$ m+ knowledge and "elie$. /ake, initiati'e ( work, inde#endentl+ or a, #art i$ a grou#. E:+ER#EN!E: -orking a, a Manual 2!!ounting in ?%K @ruit, in Chikmagalur Cit+ ,in!e > month,. +ERSON&' %E"&#'S Name %a.e o2 Bi,.h )a.he,;5 name Se< Na.ionali.6 Ma,.ial 5.a.15 'an71a7e5 Kno=n +e,manen. &dd,e55 : : : : : : : : Nadeem Khan 17 / 06 / 1AA1 Nazeer Khan Male Indian :nmarried Kananda) 4ngli,h )%indi ( :rdu S/o Nazeer Khan N.S Manzil Nehru nagar Behind Chitra Saw mill Chikmagalur & 577101 %E!'&R&"#ON: I here "+ de!lare that all in$ormation $urni,hed a"o'e i, true to the "e,t o$ m+ knowledge and Belie$. ?ateB 81/0>/6018 1la!eB Chikmagalur >Nadeem Khan?

Nadeem Khan

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