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Compensated Subtalar Varus: increased loading and shearing (lesion formation) at the 2nd metatarsal head and sometimes

diffusely across the 3rd and 4th. This is due to excessi e calcaneal e ersion (if a ailable) to get calcaneal condyles on the ground! "hich leads to excessi e pronation in the midfoot in late stance and load on the abo e structures instead of a stable #st ray. Compensated $orefoot Varus: Subtalar %oint e erts&pronates (more than its neutral position) to allo" the met heads to reach the floor. 'idfott is therefore hypermobile inot pronation and stays that "ay through late stance and pres"ing causing the body mass to mo e medially. Since the #st ray is unstable (due to pronation) the stress is placed on the 2nd and sometimes 3rd met heads. (nother callus may form along the medial aspect of the Hallux due to ()* of the foot. +ncompensated $orefoot Varus: Subtalar %oint is unable to compensate for forefoot and therefore does not e ert enough and the medial column is not stabili,ed on the ground. $orces are on the lateral forefoot until heel lift! "here it rotates on the 5th met head into ()* or -. of the leg. /ossible to ha e callus along medial 0ammux as "ell. Compensated $orefoot Varus "ith .igid /lantarflexed $irst .ay: 1reater and earlier load to the medial column and 1st met head. Calcaneus can2t e ert so the 5th met head is loaded during terminal stance and pre3s"ing as "ell. These are the most common patterns you might see. There are a fe" others as "ell! but here are %ust a fe" to help you.

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