Hoops For Heart Webquest 7 Grade (20 PTS.) : Name

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Hoops For Heart Webquest 7th Grade (20 pts.


Directions: Go to www.sp.glenview34.org/ and click on “Hoops for Heart”. Browse

the provided websites for the answer to the questions. Write the answers in the
space provided below the question.

1. What is the mission of the American Heart Association? (1 pt)


2. The Food Pyramid has changed! Take a look at it. Name the parts
of the food guide pyramid and how many servings per day your age group
and gender are recommended to have? (6 pts)

Parts of Pyramid (.5 each) Servings Per Day (.5 each)

3. Name three ways exercise can benefit your mind? (3 pts)





4. Name one of the worst breakfast foods and one of the best
breakfast foods listed on the following website? (2 pts)

Best:_______________________ Worst:_________________________
5. Just like fats, there is a good type of cholesterol and a bad type of
cholesterol. Answer the following questions about cholesterol
from this website:
(6 points)

a. What is cholesterol? (1 point)

b. What is good cholesterol called and what is bad cholesterol called?

Why? (4 point)

Good =

Bad =

c. What is the acceptable level of TOTAL cholesterol in children ages 2 –

19 years? (1 point)

6. What are two tips to make fast food healthier for you and your
family members? (2 points)



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