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Resignation Letter Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Post Code Your Phone Number Your

Email (optional) Date Name Title Organi ation Address City, State, Post Code Dear !r"#!s" $ast Name% & 'ould li(e to in)orm you that & am resigning )rom my position as (position held) )or the (XYZ Company), e))e*ti+e (Leaving date)" Than( you )or the opportunities )or pro)essional and personal de+elopment that you ha+e pro+ided me during the last (number) years" & ha+e en,oyed 'or(ing )or the agen*y and appre*iate the support pro+ided to me during my time 'ith the *ompany" &) & *an be o) any help during this transition, 'ith training or hiring please let me (no' as & 'ould be happy to ma(e mysel) a+ailable" Sin*erely, Your Signature Your Typed Name

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