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PART 2 The Scowrers Chapter 1 The Man It was the fourth of February in the year 1875 It ha!

been a se"ere winter# an! the snow $ay !eep in the %or%es of the &i$'erton Mountains The stea' p$ou%hs ha!# howe"er# (ept the rai$roa! open# an! the e"enin% train which connects the $on% $ine of coa$)'inin% an! iron)wor(in% sett$e'ents was s$ow$y %roanin% its way up the steep %ra!ients which $ea! fro' Sta%"i$$e on the p$ain to *er'issa# the centra$ township which $ies at the hea! of *er'issa *a$$ey Fro' this point the trac( sweeps !ownwar! to +artons Crossin%# ,e$'!a$e# an! the pure$y a%ricu$tura$ county of Merton It was a sin%$e)trac( rai$roa!- but at e"ery si!in% )) an! they were nu'erous )) $on% $ines of truc(s pi$e! with coa$ an! iron ore to$! of the hi!!en wea$th which ha! brou%ht a ru!e popu$ation an! a bust$in% $ife to this 'ost !eso$ate corner of the .nite! States of A'erica For !eso$ate it was/ 0itt$e cou$! the first pioneer who ha! tra"erse! it ha"e e"er i'a%ine! that the fairest prairies an! the 'ost $ush water pastures were "a$ue$ess co'pare! to this %$oo'y $an! of b$ac( cra% an! tan%$e! forest Abo"e the !ar( an! often scarce$y penetrab$e woo!s upon their f$an(s# the hi%h# bare crowns of the 'ountains# white snow# an! 1a%%e! roc( towere! upon each f$an(# $ea"in% a $on%# win!in%# tortuous "a$$ey in the centre .p this the $itt$e train was s$ow$y craw$in% The oi$ $a'ps ha! 1ust been $it in the $ea!in% passen%er car# a $on%# bare carria%e in which so'e twenty or thirty peop$e were seate! The %reater nu'ber of these were wor('en returnin% fro' their !ay2s toi$ in the $ower part of the "a$$ey At $east a !o3en# by their %ri'e! faces an! the safety $anterns which they carrie!# proc$ai'e! the'se$"es 'iners These sat s'o(in% in a %roup an! con"erse! in $ow "oices# %$ancin% occasiona$$y at two 'en on the opposite si!e of the car# whose unifor's an! ba!%es showe! the' to be po$ice'en Se"era$ wo'en of the $abourin% c$ass an! one or two tra"e$$ers who 'i%ht ha"e been s'a$$ $oca$ store(eepers 'a!e up the rest of the co'pany# with the e4ception of one youn% 'an in a corner by hi'se$f It is with this 'an that we are concerne! Ta(e a %oo! $oo( at hi'# for he is worth it ,e is a fresh)co'p$e4ione!# 'i!!$e)si3e! youn% 'an# not far one wou$! %uess# fro' his thirtieth year ,e has $ar%e# shrew!#

hu'orous %ray eyes which twin($e in5uirin%$y fro' ti'e to ti'e as he $oo(s roun! throu%h his spectac$es at the peop$e about hi' It is easy to see that he is of a sociab$e an! possib$y si'p$e !isposition# an4ious to be frien!$y to a$$ 'en Anyone cou$! pic( hi' at once as %re%arious in his habits an! co''unicati"e in his nature# with a 5uic( wit an! a rea!y s'i$e An! yet the 'an who stu!ie! hi' 'ore c$ose$y 'i%ht !iscern a certain fir'ness of 1aw an! %ri' ti%htness about the $ips which wou$! warn hi' that there were !epths beyon!# an! that this p$easant# brown)haire! youn% Irish'an 'i%ht concei"ab$y $ea"e his 'ar( for %oo! or e"i$ upon any society to which he was intro!uce! ,a"in% 'a!e one or two tentati"e re'ar(s to the nearest 'iner# an! recei"in% on$y short# %ruff rep$ies# the tra"e$$er re) si%ne! hi'se$f to uncon%enia$ si$ence# starin% 'oo!i$y out of the win!ow at the fa!in% $an!scape It was not a cheerin% prospect Throu%h the %rowin% %$oo' there pu$se! the re! %$ow of the furnaces on the si!es of the hi$$s &reat heaps of s$a% an! !u'ps of cin!ers $oo'e! up on each si!e# with the hi%h shafts of the co$$ieries towerin% abo"e the' ,u!!$e! %roups of 'ean# woo!en houses# the win!ows of which were be%innin% to out$ine the'se$"es in $i%ht# were scattere! here an! there a$on% the $ine# an! the fre5uent ha$tin% p$aces were crow!e! with their swarthy inhabitants The iron an! coa$ "a$$eys of the *er'issa !istrict were no resorts for the $eisure! or the cu$ture! 6"erywhere there were stern si%ns of the cru!est batt$e of $ife# the ru!e wor( to be !one# an! the ru!e# stron% wor(ers who !i! it The youn% tra"e$$er %a3e! out into this !is'a$ country with a face of 'in%$e! repu$sion an! interest# which showe! that the scene was new to hi' At inter"a$s he !rew fro' his poc(et a bu$(y $etter to which he referre!# an! on the 'ar%ins of which he scribb$e! so'e notes 7nce fro' the bac( of his waist he pro!uce! so'ethin% which one wou$! har!$y ha"e e4pecte! to fin! in the possession of so 'i$!)'annere! a 'an It was a na"y re"o$"er of the $ar%est si3e As he turne! it s$antwise to the $i%ht# the %$int upon the ri's of the copper she$$s within the !ru' showe! that it was fu$$y $oa!e! ,e 5uic($y restore! it to his secret poc(et# but not before it ha! been obser"e! by a wor(in% 'an who ha! seate! hi'se$f upon the a!1oinin% bench 8,u$$o# 'ate/8 sai! he 89ou see' hee$e! an! rea!y 8 The youn% 'an s'i$e! with an air of e'barrass'ent 89es#8 sai! he# 8we nee! the' so'eti'es in the p$ace I co'e fro' 8 8An! where 'ay that be:8 8I2' $ast fro' Chica%o 8 8A stran%er in these parts:8

89es 8 89ou 'ay fin! you nee! it here#8 sai! the wor('an 8Ah/ is that so:8 The youn% 'an see'e! intereste! 8,a"e you hear! nothin% of !oin%s hereabouts:8 8;othin% out of the way 8 8<hy# I thou%ht the country was fu$$ of it 9ou2$$ hear 5uic( enou%h <hat 'a!e you co'e here:8 8I hear! there was a$ways wor( for a wi$$in% 'an 8 8Are you a 'e'ber of the union:8 8Sure 8 8Then you2$$ %et your 1ob# I %uess ,a"e you any frien!s:8 8;ot yet- but I ha"e the 'eans of 'a(in% the' 8 8,ow2s that# then:8 8I a' one of the 6'inent 7r!er of Free'en There2s no town without a $o!%e# an! where there is a $o!%e I2$$ fin! 'y frien!s 8 The re'ar( ha! a sin%u$ar effect upon his co'panion ,e %$ance! roun! suspicious$y at the others in the car The 'iners were sti$$ whisperin% a'on% the'se$"es The two po$ice officers were !o3in% ,e ca'e across# seate! hi'se$f c$ose to the youn% tra"e$$er# an! he$! out his han! 8Put it there#8 he sai! A han!)%rip passe! between the two 8I see you spea( the truth#8 sai! the wor('an 8+ut it2s we$$ to 'a(e certain 8 ,e raise! his ri%ht han! to his ri%ht eyebrow The tra"e$$er at once raise! his $eft han! to his $eft eyebrow 8=ar( ni%hts are unp$easant#8 sai! the wor('an 89es# for stran%ers to tra"e$#8 the other answere! 8That2s %oo! enou%h I2' +rother Scan$an# 0o!%e >?1# *er'issa *a$$ey &$a! to see you in these parts 8 8Than( you I2' +rother @ohn McMur!o# 0o!%e 2A# Chica%o +o!y'aster @ , Scott +ut I a' in $uc( to 'eet a brother so ear$y 8 8<e$$# there are p$enty of us about 9ou won2t fin! the or!er 'ore f$ourishin% anywhere in the States than ri%ht here in *er'issa *a$$ey +ut we cou$! !o with so'e $a!s $i(e you I can2t un!erstan! a spry 'an of the union fin!in% no wor( to !o in Chica%o 8 8I foun! p$enty of wor( to !o#8 sai! McMur!o 8Then why !i! you $ea"e:8 McMur!o no!!e! towar!s the po$ice'en an! s'i$e! 8I %uess those chaps wou$! be %$a! to (now#8 he sai! Scan$an %roane! sy'pathetica$$y 8In troub$e:8 he as(e! in a whisper 8=eep 8 8A penitentiary 1ob:8 8An! the rest 8

8;ot a (i$$in%/8 8It2s ear$y !ays to ta$( of such thin%s#8 sai! McMur!o with the air of a 'an who ha! been surprise! into sayin% 'ore than he inten!e! 8I2"e 'y own %oo! reasons for $ea"in% Chica%o# an! $et that be enou%h for you <ho are you that you shou$! ta(e it on yourse$f to as( such thin%s:8 ,is %ray eyes %$ea'e! with su!!en an! !an%erous an%er fro' behin! his %$asses 8A$$ ri%ht# 'ate# no offense 'eant The boys wi$$ thin( none the worse of you# whate"er you 'ay ha"e !one <here are you boun! for now:8 8*er'issa 8 8That2s the thir! ha$t !own the $ine <here are you stayin%:8 McMur!o too( out an en"e$ope an! he$! it c$ose to the 'ur(y oi$ $a'p 8,ere is the a!!ress )) @acob Shafter# Sheri!an Street It2s a boar!in% house that was reco''en!e! by a 'an I (new in Chica%o 8 8<e$$# I !on2t (now it- but *er'issa is out of 'y beat I $i"e at ,obson2s Patch# an! that2s here where we are !rawin% up +ut# say# there2s one bit of a!"ice I2$$ %i"e you before we partB If you2re in troub$e in *er'issa# %o strai%ht to the .nion ,ouse an! see +oss Mc&inty ,e is the +o!y'aster of *er'issa 0o!%e# an! nothin% can happen in these parts un$ess +$ac( @ac( Mc&inty wants it So $on%# 'ate/ Maybe we2$$ 'eet in $o!%e one of these e"enin%s +ut 'in! 'y wor!sB If you are in troub$e# %o to +oss Mc&inty 8 Scan$an !escen!e!# an! McMur!o was $eft once a%ain to his thou%hts ;i%ht ha! now fa$$en# an! the f$a'es of the fre5uent furnaces were roarin% an! $eapin% in the !ar(ness A%ainst their $uri! bac(%roun! !ar( fi%ures were ben!in% an! strainin%# twistin% an! turnin%# with the 'otion of winch or of win!$ass# to the rhyth' of an eterna$ c$an( an! roar 8I %uess he$$ 'ust $oo( so'ethin% $i(e that#8 sai! a "oice McMur!o turne! an! saw that one of the po$ice'en ha! shifte! in his seat an! was starin% out into the fiery waste 8For that 'atter#8 sai! the other po$ice'an# 8I a$$ow that he$$ 'ust be so'ethin% $i(e that If there are worse !e"i$s !own yon!er than so'e we cou$! na'e# it2s 'ore than I2! e4pect I %uess you are new to this part# youn% 'an:8 8<e$$# what if I a':8 McMur!o answere! in a sur$y "oice 8@ust this# 'ister# that I shou$! a!"ise you to be carefu$ in choosin% your frien!s I !on2t thin( I2! be%in with Mi(e Scan$an or his %an% if I were you 8 8<hat the he$$ is it to you who are 'y frien!s:8 roare! McMur!o in a "oice which brou%ht e"ery hea! in the carria%e roun! to witness the a$tercation 8=i! I as( you for your a!"ice# or !i! you thin( 'e such a suc(er that I cou$!n2t 'o"e without

it: 9ou spea( when you are spo(en to# an! by the 0or! you2! ha"e to wait a $on% ti'e if it was 'e/8 ,e thrust out his face an! %rinne! at the patro$'en $i(e a snar$in% !o% The two po$ice'en# hea"y# %oo!)nature! 'en# were ta(en abac( by the e4traor!inary "ehe'ence with which their frien!$y a!"ances ha! been re1ecte! 8;o offense# stran%er#8 sai! one 8It was a warnin% for your own %oo!# seein% that you are# by your own showin%# new to the p$ace 8 8I2' new to the p$ace- but I2' not new to you an! your (in!/8 crie! McMur!o in co$! fury 8I %uess you2re the sa'e in a$$ p$aces# sho"in% your a!"ice in when nobo!y as(s for it 8 8Maybe we2$$ see 'ore of you before "ery $on%#8 sai! one of the patro$'en with a %rin 89ou2re a rea$ han!)pic(e! one# if I a' a 1u!%e 8 8I was thin(in% the sa'e#8 re'ar(e! the other 8I %uess we 'ay 'eet a%ain 8 8I2' not afrai! of you# an! !on2t you thin( it/8 crie! McMur!o 8My na'e2s @ac( McMur!o )) see: If you want 'e# you2$$ fin! 'e at @acob Shafter2s on Sheri!an Street# *er'issa- so I2' not hi!in% fro' you# a' $: =ay or ni%ht I !are to $oo( the $i(e of you in the face )) !on2t 'a(e any 'ista(e about that/8 There was a 'ur'ur of sy'pathy an! a!'iration fro' the 'iners at the !aunt$ess !e'eanour of the newco'er# whi$e the two po$ice'en shru%%e! their shou$!ers an! renewe! a con"ersation between the'se$"es A few 'inutes $ater the train ran into the i$$)$it station# an! there was a %enera$ c$earin%- for *er'issa was by far the $ar%est town on the $ine McMur!o pic(e! up his $eather %ripsac( an! was about to start off into the !ar(ness# when one of the 'iners accoste! hi' 8+y &ar# 'ate/ you (now how to spea( to the cops#8 he sai! in a "oice of awe 8It was %ran! to hear you 0et 'e carry your %rip an! show you the roa! I2' passin% Shafter2s on the way to 'y own shac( 8 There was a chorus of frien!$y 8&oo!)ni%hts8 fro' the other 'iners as they passe! fro' the p$atfor' +efore e"er he ha! set foot in it# McMur!o the turbu$ent ha! beco'e a character in *er'issa The country ha! been a p$ace of terror- but the town was in its way e"en 'ore !epressin% =own that $on% "a$$ey there was at $east a certain %$oo'y %ran!eur in the hu%e fires an! the c$ou!s of !riftin% s'o(e# whi$e the stren%th an! in!ustry of 'an foun! fittin% 'onu'ents in the hi$$s which he ha! spi$$e! by the si!e of his 'onstrous e4ca"ations +ut the town showe! a !ea! $e"e$ of 'ean u%$iness an! s5ua$or The broa! street was churne! up by

the traffic into a horrib$e rutte! paste of 'u!!y snow The si!ewa$(s were narrow an! une"en The nu'erous %as)$a'ps ser"e! on$y to show 'ore c$ear$y a $on% $ine of woo!en houses# each with its "eran!a facin% the street# un(e'pt an! !irty As they approache! the centre of the town the scene was bri%htene! by a row of we$$)$it stores# an! e"en 'ore by a c$uster of sa$oons an! %a'in% houses# in which the 'iners spent their har!)earne! but %enerous wa%es 8That2s the .nion ,ouse#8 sai! the %ui!e# pointin% to one sa$oon which rose a$'ost to the !i%nity of bein% a hote$ 8@ac( Mc&inty is the boss there 8 8<hat sort of a 'an is he:8 McMur!o as(e! 8<hat/ ha"e you ne"er hear! of the boss:8 8,ow cou$! I ha"e hear! of hi' when you (now that I a' a stran%er in these parts:8 8<e$$# I thou%ht his na'e was (nown c$ear across the country It2s been in the papers often enou%h 8 8<hat for:8 8<e$$#8 the 'iner $owere! his "oice )) 8o"er the affairs 8 8<hat affairs:8 8&oo! 0or!# 'ister/ you are 5ueer# if I 'ust say it without offense There2s on$y one set of affairs that you2$$ hear of in these parts# an! that2s the affairs of the Scowrers 8 8<hy# I see' to ha"e rea! of the Scowrers in Chica%o A %an% of 'ur!erers# are they not:8 8,ush# on your $ife/8 crie! the 'iner# stan!in% sti$$ in a$ar'# an! %a3in% in a'a3e'ent at his co'panion 8Man# you won2t $i"e $on% in these parts if you spea( in the open street $i(e that Many a 'an has ha! the $ife beaten out of hi' for $ess 8 8<e$$# I (now nothin% about the' It2s on$y what I ha"e rea! 8 8An! I2' not sayin% that you ha"e not rea! the truth 8 The 'an $oo(e! ner"ous$y roun! hi' as he spo(e# peerin% into the sha!ows as if he feare! to see so'e $ur(in% !an%er 8If (i$$in% is 'ur!er# then &o! (nows there is 'ur!er an! to spare +ut !on2t you !are to breathe the na'e of @ac( Mc&inty in connection with it# stran%er- for e"ery whisper %oes bac( to hi'# an! he is not one that is $i(e$y to $et it pass ;ow# that2s the house you2re after# that one stan!in% bac( fro' the street 9ou2$$ fin! o$! @acob Shafter that runs it as honest a 'an as $i"es in this township 8 8I than( you#8 sai! McMur!o# an! sha(in% han!s with his new ac5uaintance he p$o!!e!# %ripsac( in han!# up the path which $e! to the !we$$in% house# at the !oor of which he %a"e a resoun!in% (noc( It was opene! at once by so'eone "ery !ifferent fro' what he

ha! e4pecte! It was a wo'an# youn% an! sin%u$ar$y beautifu$ She was of the &er'an type# b$on!e an! fair)haire!# with the pi5uant contrast of a pair of beautifu$ !ar( eyes with which she sur"eye! the stran%er with surprise an! a p$easin% e'barrass'ent which brou%ht a wa"e of co$our o"er her pa$e face Fra'e! in the bri%ht $i%ht of the open !oorway# it see'e! to McMur!o that he ha! ne"er seen a 'ore beautifu$ picture- the 'ore attracti"e for its contrast with the sor!i! an! %$oo'y surroun!in%s A $o"e$y "io$et %rowin% upon one of those b$ac( s$a%)heaps of the 'ines wou$! not ha"e see'e! 'ore surprisin% So entrance! was he that he stoo! starin% without a wor!# an! it was she who bro(e the si$ence 8I thou%ht it was father#8 sai! she with a p$easin% $itt$e touch of a &er'an accent 8=i! you co'e to see hi': ,e is !own) town I e4pect hi' bac( e"ery 'inute 8 McMur!o continue! to %a3e at her in open a!'iration unti$ her eyes !roppe! in confusion before this 'asterfu$ "isitor 8;o# 'iss#8 he sai! at $ast# 8I2' in no hurry to see hi' +ut your house was reco''en!e! to 'e for boar! I thou%ht it 'i%ht suit 'e )) an! now I (now it wi$$ 8 89ou are 5uic( to 'a(e up your 'in!#8 sai! she with a s'i$e 8Anyone but a b$in! 'an cou$! !o as 'uch#8 the other answere! She $au%he! at the co'p$i'ent 8Co'e ri%ht in# sir#8 she sai! 8I2' Miss 6ttie Shafter# Mr Shafter2s !au%hter My 'other2s !ea!# an! I run the house 9ou can sit !own by the sto"e in the front roo' unti$ father co'es a$on% )) Ah# here he is/ So you can fi4 thin%s with hi' ri%ht away 8 A hea"y# e$!er$y 'an ca'e p$o!!in% up the path In a few wor!s McMur!o e4p$aine! his business A 'an of the na'e of Murphy ha! %i"en hi' the a!!ress in Chica%o ,e in turn ha! ha! it fro' so'eone e$se 7$! Shafter was 5uite rea!y The stran%er 'a!e no bones about ter's# a%ree! at once to e"ery con!ition# an! was apparent$y fair$y f$ush of 'oney For se"en !o$$ars a wee( pai! in a!"ance he was to ha"e boar! an! $o!%in% So it was that McMur!o# the se$f)confesse! fu%iti"e fro' 1ustice# too( up his abo!e un!er the roof of the Shafters# the first step which was to $ea! to so $on% an! !ar( a train of e"ents# en!in% in a far !istant $an! Chapter 2 The +o!y'aster McMur!o was a 'an who 'a!e his 'ar( 5uic($y <here"er he was the fo$( aroun! soon (new it <ithin a wee( he ha! beco'e

infinite$y the 'ost i'portant person at Shafter2s There were ten or a !o3en boar!ers there- but they were honest fore'en or co''onp$ace c$er(s fro' the stores# of a "ery !ifferent ca$ibre fro' the youn% Irish'an 7f an e"enin% when they %athere! to%ether his 1o(e was a$ways the rea!iest# his con"ersation the bri%htest# an! his son% the best ,e was a born boon co'panion# with a 'a%netis' which !rew %oo! hu'our fro' a$$ aroun! hi' An! yet he showe! a%ain an! a%ain# as he ha! shown in the rai$way carria%e# a capacity for su!!en# fierce an%er# which co'pe$$e! the respect an! e"en the fear of those who 'et hi' For the $aw# too# an! a$$ who were connecte! with it# he e4hibite! a bitter conte'pt which !e$i%hte! so'e an! a$ar'e! others of his fe$$ow boar!ers Fro' the first he 'a!e it e"i!ent# by his open a!'iration# that the !au%hter of the house ha! won his heart fro' the instant that he ha! set eyes upon her beauty an! her %race ,e was no bac(war! suitor 7n the secon! !ay he to$! her that he $o"e! her# an! fro' then onwar! he repeate! the sa'e story with an abso$ute !isre%ar! of what she 'i%ht say to !iscoura%e hi' 8So'eone e$se:8 he wou$! cry 8<e$$# the worse $uc( for so'eone e$se/ 0et hi' $oo( out for hi'se$f/ A' I to $ose 'y $ife2s chance an! a$$ 'y heart2s !esire for so'eone e$se: 9ou can (eep on sayin% no# 6ttieB the !ay wi$$ co'e when you wi$$ say yes# an! I2' youn% enou%h to wait 8 ,e was a !an%erous suitor# with his %$ib Irish ton%ue# an! his pretty# coa4in% ways There was about hi' a$so that %$a'our of e4perience an! of 'ystery which attracts a wo'an2s interest# an! fina$$y her $o"e ,e cou$! ta$( of the sweet "a$$eys of County Mona%han fro' which he ca'e# of the $o"e$y# !istant is$an!# the $ow hi$$s an! %reen 'ea!ows of which see'e! the 'ore beautifu$ when i'a%ination "iewe! the' fro' this p$ace of %ri'e an! snow Then he was "erse! in the $ife of the cities of the ;orth# of =etroit# an! the $u'ber ca'ps of Michi%an# an! fina$$y of Chica%o# where he ha! wor(e! in a p$anin% 'i$$ An! afterwar!s ca'e the hint of ro'ance# the fee$in% that stran%e thin%s ha! happene! to hi' in that %reat city# so stran%e an! so inti'ate that they 'i%ht not be spo(en of ,e spo(e wistfu$$y of a su!!en $ea"in%# a brea(in% of o$! ties# a f$i%ht into a stran%e wor$!# en!in% in this !reary "a$$ey# an! 6ttie $istene!# her !ar( eyes %$ea'in% with pity an! with sy'pathy )) those two 5ua$ities which 'ay turn so rapi!$y an! so natura$$y to $o"e McMur!o ha! obtaine! a te'porary 1ob as boo((eeper- for he was a we$$)e!ucate! 'an This (ept hi' out 'ost of the !ay# an! he ha! not foun! occasion yet to report hi'se$f to the hea! of the

$o!%e of the 6'inent 7r!er of Free'en ,e was re'in!e! of his o'ission# howe"er# by a "isit one e"enin% fro' Mi(e Scan$an# the fe$$ow 'e'ber who' he ha! 'et in the train Scan$an# the s'a$$# sharp)face!# ner"ous# b$ac()eye! 'an# see'e! %$a! to see hi' once 'ore After a %$ass or two of whis(y he broache! the ob1ect of his "isit 8Say# McMur!o#8 sai! he# 8I re'e'bere! your a!!ress# so $ 'a!e bo$! to ca$$ I2' surprise! that you2"e not reporte! to the +o!y'aster <hy ha"en2t you seen +oss Mc&inty yet:8 8<e$$# I ha! to fin! a 1ob I ha"e been busy 8 89ou 'ust fin! ti'e for hi' if you ha"e none for anythin% e$se &oo! 0or!# 'an/ you2re a foo$ not to ha"e been !own to the .nion ,ouse an! re%istere! your na'e the first 'ornin% after you ca'e here/ If you run a%ainst hi' )) we$$# you 'ustn2t# that2s a$$/8 McMur!o showe! 'i$! surprise 8I2"e been a 'e'ber of the $o!%e for o"er two years# Scan$an# but I ne"er hear! that !uties were so pressin% as a$$ that 8 8Maybe not in Chica%o 8 8<e$$# it2s the sa'e society here 8 8Is it:8 Scan$an $oo(e! at hi' $on% an! fi4e!$y There was so'ethin% sinister in his eyes 8Isn2t it:8 89ou2$$ te$$ 'e that in a 'onth2s ti'e I hear you ha! a ta$( with the patro$'en after I $eft the train 8 8,ow !i! you (now that:8 87h# it %ot about )) thin%s !o %et about for %oo! an! for ba! in this !istrict 8 8<e$$# yes I to$! the houn!s what I thou%ht of the' 8 8+y the 0or!# you2$$ be a 'an after Mc&inty2s heart/8 8<hat# !oes he hate the po$ice too:8 Scan$an burst out $au%hin% 89ou %o an! see hi'# 'y $a!#8 sai! he as he too( his $ea"e 8It2s not the po$ice but you that he2$$ hate if you !on2t/ ;ow# ta(e a frien!2s a!"ice an! %o at once/8 It chance! that on the sa'e e"enin% McMur!o ha! another 'ore pressin% inter"iew which ur%e! hi' in the sa'e !irection It 'ay ha"e been that his attentions to 6ttie ha! been 'ore e"i!ent than before# or that they ha! %ra!ua$$y obtru!e! the') se$"es into the s$ow 'in! of his %oo! &er'an host- but# what) e"er the cause# the boar!in%)house (eeper bec(one! the youn% 'an into his pri"ate roo' an! starte! on the sub1ect without any circu'$ocution 8It see's to 'e# 'ister#8 sai! he# 8that you are %ettin2 set on 'y 6ttie Ain2t that so# or a' I wron%:8

89es# that is so#8 the youn% 'an answere! 8*e$$# I "ant to te$$ you ri%ht now that it ain2t no 'anner of use There2s so'eone s$ippe! in afore you 8 8She to$! 'e so 8 8*e$$# you can $ay that she to$! you truth +ut !i! she te$$ you who it "as:8 8;o# I as(e! her- but she wou$!n2t te$$ 8 8I !are say not# the $eet$e ba%%a%e/ Perhaps she !i! not "ish to fri%hten you a"ay 8 8Fri%hten/8 McMur!o was on fire in a 'o'ent 8Ah# yes# 'y frien!/ 9ou nee! not be asha'e! to be fri%htene! of hi' It is Te!!y +a$!win 8 8An! who the !e"i$ is he:8 8,e is a boss of Scowrers 8 8Scowrers/ I2"e hear! of the' before It2s Scowrers here an! Scowrers there# an! a$ways in a whisper/ <hat are you a$$ afrai! of: <ho are the Scowrers:8 The boar!in%)house (eeper instincti"e$y san( his "oice# as e"eryone !i! who ta$(e! about that terrib$e society 8The Scowrers#8 sai! he# 8are the 6'inent 7r!er of Free'en/8 The youn% 'an stare! 8<hy# I a' a 'e'ber of that or!er 'yse$f 8 89ou/ I "ou$! ne"er ha"e ha! you in 'y house if I ha! (nown it )) not if you "ere to pay 'e a hun!re! !o$$ar a "ee( 8 8<hat2s wron% with the or!er: It2s for charity an! %oo! fe$$owship The ru$es say so 8 8Maybe in so'e p$aces ;ot here/8 8<hat is it here:8 8It2s a 'ur!er society# that2s "at it is 8 McMur!o $au%he! incre!u$ous$y 8,ow can you pro"e that:8 he as(e! 8Pro"e it/ Are there not fifty 'ur!ers to pro"e it: *at about Mi$'an an! *an Shorst# an! the ;icho$son fa'i$y# an! o$! Mr ,ya'# an! $itt$e +i$$y @a'es# an! the others: Pro"e it/ Is there a 'an or a "o'an in this "a$$ey "at !oes not (now it:8 8See here/8 sai! McMur!o earnest$y 8I want you to ta(e bac( what you2"e sai!# or e$se 'a(e it %oo! 7ne or the other you 'ust !o before I 5uit this roo' Put yourse$f in 'y p$ace ,ere a' I# a stran%er in the town I be$on% to a society that I (now on$y as an innocent one 9ou2$$ fin! it throu%h the $en%th an! brea!th of the States# but a$ways as an innocent one ;ow when I a' countin% upon 1oinin% it here# you te$$ 'e that it is the sa'e as a 'ur!er society ca$$e! the Scowrers I %uess you owe 'e either an apo$o%y or e$se an e4p$anation# Mr Shafter 8 8I can but te$$ you "at the who$e "or$! (nows# 'ister The bosses of the one are the bosses of the other If you offen! the

one# it is the other "at "i$$ stri(e you <e ha"e pro"e! it too often 8 8That2s 1ust %ossip )) I want proof/8 sai! McMur!o 8If you $i"e here $on% you "i$$ %et your proof +ut I for%et that you are yourse$f one of the' 9ou "i$$ soon be as ba! as the rest +ut you "i$$ fin! other $o!%in%s# 'ister I cannot ha"e you here Is it not ba! enou%h that one of these peop$e co'e courtin% 'y 6ttie# an! that I !are not turn hi' !own# but that I shou$! ha"e another for 'y boar!er: 9es# in!ee!# you sha$$ not s$eep here after to)ni%ht/8 McMur!o foun! hi'se$f un!er sentence of banish'ent both fro' his co'fortab$e 5uarters an! fro' the %ir$ who' he $o"e! ,e foun! her a$one in the sittin%)roo' that sa'e e"enin%# an! he poure! his troub$es into her ear 8Sure# your father is after %i"in% 'e notice#8 he sai! 8It2s $itt$e I wou$! care if it was 1ust 'y roo'# but in!ee!# 6ttie# thou%h it2s on$y a wee( that I2"e (nown you# you are the "ery breath of $ife to 'e# an! I can2t $i"e without you/8 87h# hush# Mr McMur!o# !on2t spea( so/8 sai! the %ir$ 8I ha"e to$! you# ha"e I not# that you are too $ate: There is another# an! if I ha"e not pro'ise! to 'arry hi' at once# at $east I can pro'ise no one e$se 8 8Suppose I ha! been first# 6ttie# wou$! I ha"e ha! a chance:8 The %ir$ san( her face into her han!s 8I wish to hea"en that you ha! been first/8 she sobbe! McMur!o was !own on his (nees before her in an instant 8For &o!2s sa(e# 6ttie# $et it stan! at that/8 he crie! 8<i$$ you ruin your $ife an! 'y own for the sa(e of this pro'ise: Fo$$ow your heart# acush$a/ 2Tis a safer %ui!e than any pro'ise before you (new what it was that you were sayin% 8 ,e ha! sei3e! 6ttie2s white han! between his own stron% brown ones 8Say that you wi$$ be 'ine# an! we wi$$ face it out to%ether/8 8;ot here:8 89es# here 8 8;o# no# @ac(/8 ,is ar's were roun! her now 8It cou$! not be here Cou$! you ta(e 'e away:8 A stru%%$e passe! for a 'o'ent o"er McMur!o2s face- but it en!e! by settin% $i(e %ranite 8;o# here#8 he sai! 8I2$$ ho$! you a%ainst the wor$!# 6ttie# ri%ht here where we are/8 8<hy shou$! we not $ea"e to%ether:8 8;o# 6ttie# I can2t $ea"e here 8 8+ut why:8 8I2! ne"er ho$! 'y hea! up a%ain if I fe$t that I ha! been !ri"en out +esi!es# what is there to be afrai! of: Are we not free fo$(s in a free country: If you $o"e 'e# an! I you# who wi$$

!are to co'e between:8 89ou !on2t (now# @ac( 9ou2"e been here too short a ti'e 9ou !on2t (now this +a$!win 9ou !on2t (now Mc&inty an! his Scowrers 8 8;o# I !on2t (now the'# an! I !on2t fear the'# an! I !on2t be$ie"e in the'/8 sai! McMur!o 8I2"e $i"e! a'on% rou%h 'en# 'y !ar$in%# an! instea! of fearin% the' it has a$ways en!e! that they ha"e feare! 'e )) a$ways# 6ttie It2s 'a! on the face of it/ If these 'en# as your father says# ha"e !one cri'e after cri'e in the "a$$ey# an! if e"eryone (nows the' by na'e# how co'es it that none are brou%ht to 1ustice: 9ou answer 'e that# 6ttie/8 8+ecause no witness !ares to appear a%ainst the' ,e wou$! not $i"e a 'onth if he !i! A$so because they ha"e a$ways their own 'en to swear that the accuse! one was far fro' the scene of the cri'e +ut sure$y# @ac(# you 'ust ha"e rea! a$$ this I ha! un!erstoo! that e"ery paper in the .nite! States was writin% about it 8 8<e$$# I ha"e rea! so'ethin%# it is true- but I ha! thou%ht it was a story Maybe these 'en ha"e so'e reason in what they !o Maybe they are wron%e! an! ha"e no other way to he$p the'se$"es 8 87h# @ac(# !on2t $et 'e hear you spea( so/ That is how he spea(s )) the other one/8 8+a$!win )) he spea(s $i(e that# !oes he:8 8An! that is why I $oathe hi' so 7h# @ac(# now I can te$$ you the truth I $oathe hi' with a$$ 'y heart- but I fear hi' a$so I fear hi' for 'yse$f- but abo"e a$$ I fear hi' for father I (now that so'e %reat sorrow wou$! co'e upon us if I !are! to say what I rea$$y fe$t That is why I ha"e put hi' off with ha$f) pro'ises It was in rea$ truth our on$y hope +ut if you wou$! f$y with 'e# @ac(# we cou$! ta(e father with us an! $i"e fore"er far fro' the power of these wic(e! 'en 8 A%ain there was the stru%%$e upon McMur!o2s face# an! a%ain it set $i(e %ranite 8;o har' sha$$ co'e to you# 6ttie )) nor to your father either As to wic(e! 'en# I e4pect you 'ay fin! that I a' as ba! as the worst of the' before we2re throu%h 8 8;o# no# @ac(/ I wou$! trust you anywhere 8 McMur!o $au%he! bitter$y 8&oo! 0or!/ how $itt$e you (now of 'e/ 9our innocent sou$# 'y !ar$in%# cou$! not e"en %uess what is passin% in 'ine +ut# hu$$o# who2s the "isitor:8 The !oor ha! opene! su!!en$y# an! a youn% fe$$ow ca'e swa%%erin% in with the air of one who is the 'aster ,e was a han!so'e# !ashin% youn% 'an of about the sa'e a%e an! bui$! as McMur!o hi'se$f .n!er his broa!)bri''e! b$ac( fe$t hat# which he ha! not troub$e! to re'o"e# a han!so'e face with

fierce# !o'ineerin% eyes an! a cur"e! haw()bi$$ of a nose $oo(e! sa"a%e$y at the pair who sat by the sto"e 6ttie ha! 1u'pe! to her feet fu$$ of confusion an! a$ar' 8I2' %$a! to see you# Mr +a$!win#8 sai! she 89ou2re ear$ier than I ha! thou%ht Co'e an! sit !own 8 +a$!win stoo! with his han!s on his hips $oo(in% at McMur!o 8<ho is this:8 he as(e! curt$y 8It2s a frien! of 'ine# Mr +a$!win# a new boar!er here Mr McMur!o# 'ay I intro!uce you to Mr +a$!win:22 The youn% 'en no!!e! in sur$y fashion to each other 8Maybe Miss 6ttie has to$! you how it is with us:8 sai! +a$!win 8I !i!n2t un!erstan! that there was any re$ation between you 8 8=i!n2t you: <e$$# you can un!erstan! it now 9ou can ta(e it fro' 'e that this youn% $a!y is 'ine# an! you2$$ fin! it a "ery fine e"enin% for a wa$( 8 8Than( you# I a' in no hu'our for a wa$( 8 8Aren2t you:8 The 'an2s sa"a%e eyes were b$a3in% with an%er 8Maybe you are in a hu'our for a fi%ht# Mr +oar!er/8 8That I a'/8 crie! McMur!o# sprin%in% to his feet 89ou ne"er sai! a 'ore we$co'e wor! 8 8For &o!2s sa(e# @ac(/ 7h# for &o!2s sa(e/8 crie! poor !istracte! 6ttie 87h# @ac(# @ac(# he wi$$ hurt you/8 87h# it2s @ac(# is it:8 sai! +a$!win with an oath 89ou2"e co'e to that a$rea!y# ha"e you:8 87h# Te!# be reasonab$e )) be (in!/ For 'y sa(e# Te!# if e"er you $o"e! 'e# be bi%)hearte! an! for%i"in%/8 8I thin(# 6ttie# that if you were to $ea"e us a$one we cou$! %et this thin% sett$e!#8 sai! McMur!o 5uiet$y 87r 'aybe# Mr +a$!win# you wi$$ ta(e a turn !own the street with 'e It2s a fine e"enin%# an! there2s so'e open %roun! beyon! the ne4t b$oc( 8 8I2$$ %et e"en with you without nee!in% to !irty 'y han!s#8 sai! his ene'y 89ou2$$ wish you ha! ne"er set foot in this house before I a' throu%h with you/8 8;o ti'e $i(e the present#8 crie! McMur!o 8I2$$ choose 'y own ti'e# 'ister 9ou can $ea"e the ti'e to 'e See here/8 ,e su!!en$y ro$$e! up his s$ee"e an! showe! upon his forear' a pecu$iar si%n which appeare! to ha"e been bran!e! there It was a circ$e with a trian%$e within it 8=2you (now what that 'eans:8 8I neither (now nor care/8 8<e$$# you wi$$ (now# I2$$ pro'ise you that 9ou won2t be 'uch o$!er# either Perhaps Miss 6ttie can te$$ you so'ethin% about it As to you# 6ttie# you2$$ co'e bac( to 'e on your (nees )) !2ye hear# %ir$: )) on your (nees )) an! then I2$$ te$$ you

what your punish'ent 'ay be 9ou2"e sowe! )) an! by the 0or!# I2$$ see that you reap/8 ,e %$ance! at the' both in fury Then he turne! upon his hee$# an! an instant $ater the outer !oor ha! ban%e! behin! hi' For a few 'o'ents McMur!o an! the %ir$ stoo! in si$ence Then she threw her ar's aroun! hi' 87h# @ac(# how bra"e you were/ +ut it is no use# you 'ust f$y/ To)ni%ht )) @ac( )) to)ni%ht/ It2s your on$y hope ,e wi$$ ha"e your $ife I rea! it in his horrib$e eyes <hat chance ha"e you a%ainst a !o3en of the'# with +oss Mc&inty an! a$$ the power of the $o!%e behin! the':8 McMur!o !isen%a%e! her han!s# (isse! her# an! %ent$y pushe! her bac( into a chair 8There# acush$a# there/ =on2t be !isturbe! or fear for 'e I2' a Free'an 'yse$f I2' after te$$in% your father about it Maybe I a' no better than the others- so !on2t 'a(e a saint of 'e Perhaps you hate 'e too# now that I2"e to$! you as 'uch:8 8,ate you# @ac(: <hi$e $ife $asts I cou$! ne"er !o that/ I2"e hear! that there is no har' in bein% a Free'an anywhere but here- so why shou$! I thin( the worse of you for that: +ut if you are a Free'an# @ac(# why shou$! you not %o !own an! 'a(e a frien! of +oss Mc&inty: 7h# hurry# @ac(# hurry/ &et your wor! in first# or the houn!s wi$$ be on your trai$ 8 8I was thin(in% the sa'e thin%#8 sai! McMur!o 8I2$$ %o ri%ht now an! fi4 it 9ou can te$$ your father that I2$$ s$eep here to)ni%ht an! fin! so'e other 5uarters in the 'ornin% 8 The bar of Mc&inty2s sa$oon was crow!e! as usua$# for it was the fa"ourite $oafin% p$ace of a$$ the rou%her e$e'ents of the town The 'an was popu$ar- for he ha! a rou%h# 1o"ia$ !isposition which for'e! a 'as(# co"erin% a %reat !ea$ which $ay behin! it +ut apart fro' this popu$arity# the fear in which he was he$! throu%hout the township# an! in!ee! !own the who$e thirty 'i$es of the "a$$ey an! past the 'ountains on each si!e of it# was enou%h in itse$f to fi$$ his bar- for none cou$! affor! to ne%$ect his %oo! wi$$ +esi!es those secret powers which it was uni"ersa$$y be$ie"e! that he e4ercise! in so piti$ess a fashion# he was a hi%h pub$ic officia$# a 'unicipa$ counci$$or# an! a co''issioner of roa!s# e$ecte! to the office throu%h the "otes of the ruffians who in turn e4pecte! to recei"e fa"ours at his han!s Assess'ents an! ta4es were enor'ous- the pub$ic wor(s were notorious$y ne%$ecte!# the accounts were s$urre! o"er by bribe! au!itors# an! the !ecent citi3en was terrori3e! into payin% pub$ic b$ac('ai$# an! ho$!in% his ton%ue $est so'e worse thin% befa$$ hi' Thus it was that# year by year# +oss Mc&inty2s !ia'on! pins beca'e 'ore obtrusi"e# his %o$! chains 'ore wei%hty across a

'ore %or%eous "est# an! his sa$oon stretche! farther an! farther# unti$ it threatene! to absorb one who$e si!e of the Mar(et S5uare McMur!o pushe! open the swin%in% !oor of the sa$oon an! 'a!e his way a'i! the crow! of 'en within# throu%h an at'osphere b$urre! with tobacco s'o(e an! hea"y with the s'e$$ of spirits The p$ace was bri$$iant$y $i%hte!# an! the hu%e# hea"i$y %i$t 'irrors upon e"ery wa$$ ref$ecte! an! 'u$tip$ie! the %arish i$$u'ination There were se"era$ barten!ers in their shirt s$ee"es# har! at wor( 'i4in% !rin(s for the $oun%ers who frin%e! the broa!# brass)tri''e! counter At the far en!# with his bo!y restin% upon the bar an! a ci%ar stuc( at an acute an%$e fro' the corner of his 'outh# stoo! a ta$$# stron%# hea"i$y bui$t 'an who cou$! be none other than the fa'ous Mc&inty hi'se$f ,e was a b$ac()'ane! %iant# bear!e! to the chee()bones# an! with a shoc( of ra"en hair which fe$$ to his co$$ar ,is co'p$e4ion was as swarthy as that of an Ita$ian# an! his eyes were of a stran%e !ea! b$ac(# which# co'bine! with a s$i%ht s5uint# %a"e the' a particu$ar$y sinister appearance A$$ e$se in the 'an )) his nob$e proportions# his fine features# an! his fran( bearin% )) fitte! in with that 1o"ia$# 'an)to)'an 'anner which he affecte! ,ere one wou$! say# is a b$uff# honest fe$$ow# whose heart wou$! be soun! howe"er ru!e his outspo(en wor!s 'i%ht see' It was on$y when those !ea!# !ar( eyes# !eep an! re'orse$ess# were turne! upon a 'an that he shran( within hi'se$f# fee$in% that he was face to face with an infinite possibi$ity of $atent e"i$# with a stren%th an! coura%e an! cunnin% behin! it which 'a!e it a thousan! ti'es 'ore !ea!$y ,a"in% ha! a %oo! $oo( at his 'an# McMur!o e$bowe! his way forwar! with his usua$ care$ess au!acity# an! pushe! hi') se$f throu%h the $itt$e %roup of courtiers who were fawnin% upon the powerfu$ boss# $au%hin% uproarious$y at the s'a$$est of his 1o(es The youn% stran%er2s bo$! %ray eyes $oo(e! bac( fear) $ess$y throu%h their %$asses at the !ea!$y b$ac( ones which turne! sharp$y upon hi' 8<e$$# youn% 'an# I can2t ca$$ your face to 'in! 8 8I2' new here# Mr Mc&inty 8 89ou are not so new that you can2t %i"e a %ent$e'an his proper tit$e 8 8,e2s Counci$$or Mc&inty# youn% 'an#8 sai! a "oice fro' the %roup 8I2' sorry# Counci$$or I2' stran%e to the ways of the p$ace +ut I was a!"ise! to see you 8 8<e$$# you see 'e This is a$$ there is <hat !2you thin( of 'e:8 8<e$$# it2s ear$y !ays If your heart is as bi% as your bo!y# an!

your sou$ as fine as your face# then I2! as( for nothin% better#8 sai! McMur!o 8+y &ar/ you2"e %ot an Irish ton%ue in your hea! anyhow#8 crie! the sa$oon)(eeper# not 5uite certain whether to hu'our this au!acious "isitor or to stan! upon his !i%nity 8So you are %oo! enou%h to pass 'y appearance:8 8Sure#8 sai! McMur!o 8An! you were to$! to see 'e:8 8I was 8 8An! who to$! you:8 8+rother Scan$an of 0o!%e >?1# *er'issa I !rin( your hea$th Counci$$or# an! to our better ac5uaintance 8 ,e raise! a %$ass with which he ha! been ser"e! to his $ips an! e$e"ate! his $itt$e fin%er as he !ran( it Mc&inty# who ha! been watchin% hi' narrow$y# raise! his thic( b$ac( eyebrows 87h# it2s $i(e that# is it:8 sai! he 8I2$$ ha"e to $oo( a bit c$oser into this# Mister ))8 8McMur!o 8 8A bit c$oser# Mr McMur!o- for we !on2t ta(e fo$( on trust in these parts# nor be$ie"e a$$ we2re to$! neither Co'e in here for a 'o'ent# behin! the bar 8 There was a s'a$$ roo' there# $ine! with barre$s Mc&inty carefu$$y c$ose! the !oor# an! then seate! hi'se$f on one of the'# bitin% thou%htfu$$y on his ci%ar an! sur"eyin% his co'panion with those !is5uietin% eyes For a coup$e of 'inutes he sat in co'p$ete si$ence McMur!o bore the inspection cheerfu$$y# one han! in his coat poc(et# the other twistin% his brown 'oustache Su!!en$y Mc&inty stoope! an! pro!uce! a wic(e!)$oo(in% re"o$"er 8See here# 'y 1o(er#8 sai! he# 8if I thou%ht you were p$ayin% any %a'e on us# it wou$! be short wor( for you 8 8This is a stran%e we$co'e#8 McMur!o answere! with so'e !i%nity# 8for the +o!y'aster of a $o!%e of Free'en to %i"e to a stran%er brother 8 8Ay# but it2s 1ust that sa'e that you ha"e to pro"e#8 sai! Mc&inty# 8an! &o! he$p you if you fai$/ <here were you 'a!e:8 80o!%e 2A# Chica%o 8 8<hen:8 8@une 2?# 1872 8 8<hat +o!y'aster:8 8@a'es , Scott 8 8<ho is your !istrict ru$er:8 8+artho$o'ew <i$son 8 8,u'/ 9ou see' %$ib enou%h in your tests <hat are you !oin% here:8

8<or(in%# the sa'e as you )) but a poorer 1ob 8 89ou ha"e your bac( answer 5uic( enou%h 8 89es# I was a$ways 5uic( of speech 8 8Are you 5uic( of action:8 8I ha"e ha! that na'e a'on% those that (new 'e best 8 8<e$$# we 'ay try you sooner than you thin( ,a"e you hear! anythin% of the $o!%e in these parts:8 8I2"e hear! that it ta(es a 'an to be a brother 8 8True for you# Mr McMur!o <hy !i! you $ea"e Chica%o:8 8I2' !a'ne! if I te$$ you that/8 Mc&inty opene! his eyes ,e was not use! to bein% answere! in such fashion# an! it a'use! hi' 8<hy won2t you te$$ 'e:8 8+ecause no brother 'ay te$$ another a $ie 8 8Then the truth is too ba! to te$$:8 89ou can put it that way if you $i(e 8 8See here# 'ister# you can2t e4pect 'e# as +o!y'aster# to pass into the $o!%e a 'an for whose past he can2t answer 8 McMur!o $oo(e! pu33$e! Then he too( a worn newspaper cuttin% fro' an inner poc(et 89ou wou$!n2t s5uea$ on a fe$$ow:8 sai! he 8I2$$ wipe 'y han! across your face if you say such wor!s to 'e/8 crie! Mc&inty hot$y 89ou are ri%ht# Counci$$or#8 sai! McMur!o 'ee($y 8I shou$! apo$o%i3e I spo(e without thou%ht <e$$# I (now that I a' safe in your han!s 0oo( at that c$ippin% 8 Mc&inty %$ance! his eyes o"er the account of the shootin% of one @onas Pinto# in the 0a(e Sa$oon# Mar(et Street# Chica%o# in the ;ew 9ear wee( of 187? 89our wor(:8 he as(e!# as he han!e! bac( the paper McMur!o no!!e! 8<hy !i! you shoot hi':8 8I was he$pin% .nc$e Sa' to 'a(e !o$$ars Maybe 'ine were not as %oo! %o$! as his but they $oo(e! as we$$ an! were cheaper to 'a(e This 'an Pinto he$pe! 'e to sho"e the 5ueer ))8 8To !o what:8 8<e$$# it 'eans to pass the !o$$ars out into circu$ation Then he sai! he wou$! sp$it Maybe he !i! sp$it I !i!n2t wait to see I 1ust (i$$e! hi' an! $i%hte! out for the coa$ country 8 8<hy the coa$ country:8 8 2Cause I2! rea! in the papers that they weren2t too particu$ar in those parts 8 Mc&inty $au%he! 89ou were first a coiner an! then a 'ur!erer# an! you ca'e to these parts because you thou%ht you2! be we$co'e 8 8That2s about the si3e of it#8 McMur!o answere! 8<e$$# I %uess you2$$ %o far Say# can you 'a(e those !o$$ars

yet:8 McMur!o too( ha$f a !o3en fro' his poc(et 8Those ne"er passe! the Phi$a!e$phia 'int#8 sai! he 89ou !on2t say/8 Mc&inty he$! the' to the $i%ht in his enor'ous han!# which was hairy as a %ori$$a2s 8I can see no !ifference &ar/ you2$$ be a 'i%hty usefu$ brother# I2' thin(in%/ <e can !o with a ba! 'an or two a'on% us# Frien! McMur!oB for there are ti'es when we ha"e to ta(e our own part <e2! soon be a%ainst the wa$$ if we !i!n2t sho"e bac( at those that were pushin% us 8 8<e$$# I %uess I2$$ !o 'y share of sho"in% with the rest of the boys 8 89ou see' to ha"e a %oo! ner"e 9ou !i!n2t s5uir' when I sho"e! this %un at you 8 8It was not 'e that was in !an%er 8 8<ho then:8 8It was you# Counci$$or 8 McMur!o !rew a coc(e! pisto$ fro' the si!e poc(et of his pea1ac(et 8I was co"erin% you a$$ the ti'e I %uess 'y shot wou$! ha"e been as 5uic( as yours 8 8+y &ar/8 Mc&inty f$ushe! an an%ry re! an! then burst into a roar of $au%hter 8Say# we2"e ha! no such ho$y terror co'e to han! this 'any a year I rec(on the $o!%e wi$$ $earn to be prou! of you <e$$# what the he$$ !o you want: An! can2t I spea( a$one with a %ent$e'an for fi"e 'inutes but you 'ust butt in on us:8 The barten!er stoo! abashe! 8I2' sorry# Counci$$or# but it2s Te! +a$!win ,e says he 'ust see you this "ery 'inute 8 The 'essa%e was unnecessary- for the set crue$ face of the 'an hi'se$f was $oo(in% o"er the ser"ant2s shou$!er ,e pushe! the barten!er out an! c$ose! the !oor on hi' 8So#8 sai! he with a furious %$ance at McMur!o# 8you %ot here first# !i! you: I2"e a wor! to say to you# Counci$$or# about this 'an 8 8Then say it here an! now before 'y face#8 crie! McMur!o 8I2$$ say it at 'y own ti'e# in 'y own way 8 8Tut/ Tut/8 sai! Mc&inty# %ettin% off his barre$ 8This wi$$ ne"er !o <e ha"e a new brother here# +a$!win# an! it2s not for us to %reet hi' in such fashion ,o$! out your han!# 'an# an! 'a(e it up/8 8;e"er/8 crie! +a$!win in a fury 8I2"e offere! to fi%ht hi' if he thin(s I ha"e wron%e! hi'#8 sai! McMur!o 8I2$$ fi%ht hi' with fists# or# if that won2t satisfy hi'# I2$$ fi%ht hi' any other way he chooses ;ow# I2$$ $ea"e it to you# Counci$$or# to 1u!%e between us as a +o!y'aster shou$! 8 8<hat is it# then:8 8A youn% $a!y She2s free to choose for herse$f 8

8Is she:8 crie! +a$!win 8As between two brothers of the $o!%e I shou$! say that she was#8 sai! the +oss 87h# that2s your ru$in%# is it:8 89es# it is# Te! +a$!win#8 sai! Mc&inty# with a wic(e! stare 8Is it you that wou$! !ispute it:8 89ou wou$! throw o"er one that has stoo! by you this fi"e years in fa"our of a 'an that you ne"er saw before in your $ife: 9ou2re not +o!y'aster for $ife# @ac( Mc&inty# an! by &o!/ when ne4t it co'es to a "ote ))8 The Counci$$or spran% at hi' $i(e a ti%er ,is han! c$ose! roun! the other2s nec(# an! he hur$e! hi' bac( across one of the barre$s In his 'a! fury he wou$! ha"e s5uee3e! the $ife out of hi' if McMur!o ha! not interfere! 86asy# Counci$$or/ For hea"en2s sa(e# %o easy/8 he crie!# as he !ra%%e! hi' bac( Mc&inty re$ease! his ho$!# an! +a$!win# cowe! an! sha(en %aspin% for breath# an! shi"erin% in e"ery $i'b# as one who has $oo(e! o"er the "ery e!%e of !eath# sat up on the barre$ o"er which he ha! been hur$e! 89ou2"e been as(in% for it this 'any a !ay# Te! +a$!win )) now you2"e %ot it/8 crie! Mc&inty# his hu%e chest risin% an! fa$$in% 8Maybe you thin( if I was "ote! !own fro' +o!y'aster you wou$! fin! yourse$f in 'y shoes It2s for the $o!%e to say that +ut so $on% as I a' the chief I2$$ ha"e no 'an $ift his "oice a%a$nst 'e or 'y ru$in%s 8 8I ha"e nothin% a%ainst you#8 'u'b$e! +a$!win# fee$in% his throat 8<e$$# then#8 crie! the other# re$apsin% in a 'o'ent into a b$uff 1o"ia$ity# 8we are a$$ %oo! frien!s a%ain an! there2s an en! of the 'atter 8 ,e too( a bott$e of cha'pa%ne !own fro' the she$f an! twiste! out the cor( 8See now#8 he continue!# as he fi$$e! three hi%h %$asses 80et us !rin( the 5uarre$$in% toast of the $o!%e After that# as you (now# there can be no ba! b$oo! between us ;ow# then the $eft han! on the app$e of 'y throat I say to you# Te! +a$!win# what is the offense# sir:8 8The c$ou!s are hea"y#8 answere! +a$!win 8+ut they wi$$ fore"er bri%hten 8 8An! this I swear/8 The 'en !ran( their %$asses# an! the sa'e cere'ony was perfor'e! between +a$!win an! McMur!o 8There/8 crie! Mc&inty# rubbin% his han!s 8That2s the en! of the b$ac( b$oo! 9ou co'e un!er $o!%e !iscip$ine if it %oes further# an! that2s a hea"y han! in these parts# as +rother

+a$!win (nows )) an! as you wi$$ !a'n soon fin! out# +rother McMur!o# if you as( for troub$e/8 8Faith# I2! be s$ow to !o that#8 sai! McMur!o ,e he$! out his han! to +a$!win 8I2' 5uic( to 5uarre$ an! 5uic( to for%i"e It2s 'y hot Irish b$oo!# they te$$ 'e +ut it2s o"er for 'e# an! I bear no %ru!%e 8 +a$!win ha! to ta(e the proffere! han!# for the ba$efu$ eye of the terrib$e +oss was upon hi' +ut his su$$en face showe! how $itt$e the wor!s of the other ha! 'o"e! hi' Mc&inty c$appe! the' both on the shou$!ers 8Tut/ These %ir$s/ These %ir$s/8 he crie! 8To thin( that the sa'e petticoats shou$! co'e between two of 'y boys/ It2s the !e"i$2s own $uc(/ <e$$# it2s the co$$een insi!e of the' that 'ust sett$e the 5uestion for it2s outsi!e the 1uris!iction of a +o!y'aster )) an! the 0or! be praise! for that/ <e ha"e enou%h on us# without the wo'en as we$$ 9ou2$$ ha"e to be affi$iate! to 0o!%e >?1# +rother McMur!o <e ha"e our own ways an! 'etho!s# !ifferent fro' Chica%o Satur!ay ni%ht is our 'eetin%# an! if you co'e then# we2$$ 'a(e you free fore"er of the *er'issa *a$$ey 8

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