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Regional Head/ Regional Operations Manager, MCB Regional Office, D.G. Khan.

Date: November 6th, 2013.

Explanation for UN Authorized Absence

Dear Sir, Please refer to your letter no. RODGK/GEN/107 in which I was advised to report immediately on my duty, I am unable to report on immediate basis as My Mother is a patient of a psychiatric disease called Schizophrenia and nowadays she is suffering through a major Stroke of Schizophrenia and somebody has to stay and look after her all the time and there are some un avoidable reasons for which I am unable to join. All this happened so fast that I could not get a chance to apply for leave and report the cause of my absence. As my Father is also affected by Diabetes and my brother lives out of town for his job so I am the only one left to look after her, under these un avoidable circumstances it is not possible for me to join duty immediately so I hereby apply for the leave of one month starting from 19th October 2013 to 18th November, 2013. Kindly approve the application.

Regards, Muhammad Uzair. Employee # 37126.

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